Saturday, January 16, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

Fr. Pius Sammut OCD, the ArchNeoCatechist for Guam, expresses his opinion about blogs critical of the Neocatechumenal Way and more...Read more (and listen to the recording...)


  1. Replies
    1. Good thing Pius is an ordained presbyter and PRESUMABLY celibate. Hopefully that has saved 7,000+ women from being molested or worse by him. Can you imagine any woman WANTING to have sex with him? Sort of like having sex with Hitler. Nauseating thought.

  2. the filth of the ncw really does go from top to bottom.

    but pius is sort of right when he says these blogs are "poison." because this blog, chuck's blog, and other blogs show us the truth. and the truth is poison to lies and false teaching.

  3. It's simply more of the kind of public mental masturbation we find from the kiko leadership. Putrid's little porno expose is the equivalent of a father telling his children how many other women he desired besides their mother.

    1. They will say that every man is a sinner, so who are you to judge him? And so on...

  4. Neos are like bad sales people. They make things interesting and leave out the bad reviews. But the more they speak, the the truth comes out and the defects bite them in the

  5. Just pure garbage from a formator. No wonder the presbyters act out their fantasies with this obsession on sex. I mean, what is the point? And the seminarians laugh at this? If they have any decency and common sense, they would stop him from embarrassing himself snd from such imprudent admissions. The ncw looks up to a leadership that is so flawed, and so inept in doing their job. Of course it is just about numbers, but I am sure there are a few well-meaninged young men who are authentically called to priesthood. So sad that our few local vocations are subsumed into this mix. Archbishop Apuron will have to answer for this grave injustice when he departs this life and faces his Judge and Creator.

    1. Undoubtedly there were seminarians among the brothers in the audience, but the audience was primarily the responsibles and co-responsibles of the regions Neocatechumenal communities. But you are right, Sammut has had a huge influence on the RMS seminarians since the beginning, so it's not difficult to understand why those seminarians brag about their sexual conquests at Holy Mass during their Neo recruiting drives.

  6. Disgusting old fool. Big fail as a Carmelite Friar. Then there are the fools listening to him and laughing. And the Carmelite fools in Malta who defended his "ministry".

  7. "Who's counting?" So goes the cliche'. Apparently this old disgusting fool called Pius who passes himself off as a "responsible." Not! That there is the cruel joke. How he has ensnared and made captive the entire Catholics of Guam through the careless decisions of a spineless archbishop.

    1. The Arch FOOL. APURON. Also disgusting.

  8. Hello Anon at 10.57, you are right, except for the Carmelite in Malta.
    It actually was the Carmelite in Malta, when he was the regional, who denounced and finally led to his expulsion. It was quite a scandal.
    Of course since it also touched the Archdiocese, NCW and Archbishop conspired to extradite him to Toronto. His sulfurous reputation followed him there, this is why he ended up on our shores, where he has continued his disgusting practices and policies.
    The international leadership of the Discalded Carmelites are the ones who defended his "ministry", in order not to have to take him back.
    The Carmelite of Malta are very glad he is gone...
    The Putrid is a lot like Attila, where ever he sets foot, the grass stop growing.

    1. Clarification welcome Frenchie.

    2. When I was "walking", Putrid always spoke about his days as Provincial in Malta. Needless to say, nothing incriminating ever crossed his lips. That would be worth revealing if anyone knows. Mine was quite a short WALK. IN ONE DOOR AND OUT THE OTHER.

    3. I've been reading this blog religiously for 2 years and no one has yet explained just what terrible things Pius did in Malta that got him booted out by the Carmelites. Just hints are given. Please tell us just what he did.

    4. Yes Anon at 2.25, several of us know, but our standard of proof is high.
      The story has been confirmed by third party, but main actor(s) (just like in the case of sexual abuse on this island) do not wish to pursue.
      The families on the other hand were willing (and able) to take justice in their own hands.
      This was one of the main reason for the extraction, beside the huge scandal for both the Carmelite and the Archdiocese of Malta (the highest concentration of Catholics in the world)
      Also NCW would have lost a lot if their practices were revealed, on what is still their strongest region in the world.

    5. Dear Agnes,
      Pius was not booted out of the Carmelite, he was extracted from his responsibilities of Provincial of that order on Malta, and relocated as an itinerant priest in Toronto.
      To this day he is still a Carmelite.
      This is why Chuck a while ago sent a petition to the General of his order to recall him to this order. (see archives)

      The reasons for details, not being explained totally, is that if we were to come out with the allegations without the main participant(s) willing to testify, we could be held for slander. Plus the standards of this blog are that all information must be confirmed by directly involved persons, willing to use time and place, publicly.
      As explained in my above post.
      This is a similar situation with our Archbishop "rumors" about his past deeds at the minor seminary. Unless someone is able and willing to come forward, they can only remain rumors.
      This is exactly what these two cowards are counting on: that either people tire of the issue and disappear, or that they will cowed into silence. To this day, they have been proven right.
      The situation being at this time, that even higher up in the hierarchy of the Church are aware, and most likely have better documentation that we might have; but they are traditionally always trying to solve thing "discreetly".
      None the less, do you know of many provincials of an order that are deposed to become itinerant priest?
      ( a vagabond of sort)
      I shall let you decide of your own conclusions.

    6. Thank you, Frenchie, for your explanation. Tim has said there is one alleged victim who is willing to go to court regarding the archbishop. We have to hope the alleged victim will follow through. It would take a lot of courage.

    7. That is correct Agnes, It takes a huge amount of courage for a victim of any abuse to come up and testify, to confront.
      Most of the time, it is an almost impossible task for the person alone.
      It takes a network of family, friends and most of all the community at large.
      A simple expression of encouragement, a simple "we love you, we support you" a heartfelt testimony of our appreciation, goes a long way.
      When you are on the receiving end of abuse, or simply a campaign of lies, like Msg James or Fr Paul were a while back,(and apparently once again), the emotional toll is great.
      I can testify, personally, that a simple show of appreciation from the community can go a long way to sooth the wounds.
      About a year ago, during a visit on island to give personal support to my long time friend Fr Paul, we went out for dinner locally. While there, several families, stopped by and took the time to give their thanks and support to Fr Paul.
      In goes without saying, that these testimonies, were very moving and heartfelt. I can tell you, that to Fr Paul, this was so important and empowering.
      I know the man is strong and determined, I know the priest is dedicated, steadfast and passionate, but that day I understood clearly what St Therese of Lisieux taught us...that daily acts of kindness have a huge impact on the people around us, and the community at large.
      So Agnes I thank you for all you do for our Church, Thank you.

  9. Will someone in this entire universal Church do something???????

    1. Feel free to join us. What we are doing here is far more than what some cardinal could do in Rome. Rome would quietly get rid of this guy - and they are probably working on it as we speak. But "quietly" is why these kind of guys keep coming back. The idea is to make a loud bang so the whole world can see and hear the monstrosity of evil that Kiko Arguello through the likes of Pius the Putrid has set upon the world. Believe me, we are accomplishing far more here than Rome could or would ever do. So join us. Make some noise.

    2. Tim Making bombs now loud bang, getting a little rattled? Rome not listening :'''( Call the F B I.

    3. Ah Rudy!!! never miss an occasion to shut-up..... Any way, do not worry for Tim, Rome does listen, they take this very seriously. Watch out for what you wish.
      The FBI is also watching and taking notes, but only for certain issues.
      What you should be more worried about, are the Tax Bureau people......know what I mean? Undeclared revenues....ummh...
      Low profile, Rudy.....the rope is tightening...

  10. His mind is as fithy ad he looks. As much as this is disgusting, I can't help but laugh. As he goes to bed counting women does he wake up to find out he was fondling himself!

    He may have thought this was a joke but some of us can't believe this is coming out of the mouth of the man who considers himself the new Abraham.

  11. Eh, Putrid Pius , your voice uttering slobber, now that is POISON. Damn old fool.

  12. Lady Di must be busy lately. Nothing of note. I'm wishing she will go back to her discourse on the nature of God. Just brilliant.

  13. In stead of vespers, this ol fart is thinking and counting all the women he could have had, really disturbing admission for a priest. Not to mention that when he was young, he was also thinking of young women. So most of his life, all he was thinking about are the women. No wonder he cant sleep at night. He presents himself as the lead catechist, stays at the arch bishop's residence the past few years, possibly at the expense of Guam Faithful, causes division in the local church and says he does not have to justify himself to us. I guess all his actions are amusing to the members of the NCW who do not see any thing wrong with Pius's perverted admission.

    1. At the expense of us? For sure for sure. He is paid by us as every other priest on Guam and stays with Archidiot. And we pay all his expenses for food and housing.

      He is nothing more than his own admission-a leach dreaming about women will sleeping in the people's house shared with Archidiot Apuron.

      Sleazy? For sure for sure! I guess that's why he fits in so well with Kiko and his eunuch Carmen.

  14. I just love, love, love the way they all say they don't read the blogs. Lying fools. That includes you, Rude-eeee. Old Fool.

    1. AT 3:40 PM Love-eee you taking about Timmy? Tim lies maybe you love, his growing nose!!

    2. Good morning, Rude-ee. Where was your nose last night?

  15. So Putrid's more worried about Kiko removing him than the Vatican is a tell-tale sign that the NCW is another religion, cult, non-Catholic, etc.

  16. I am stunned that this "Priest" has counted the number of women he has wanted to have sex with. Even if he is kidding by making up the number the fact that he is bragging about wanting to have sex with women is shocking.

    1. Wanting is one thing...Can you
      Imagine the thoughts of a woman being propositioned by the likes of this demonic looking parasite...

    2. Creepy....Imagine the juice in about 30 years, then you have a clone of the putrid

  17. True to form, putrid Pius is gloating about his phantasms - merely imagined - even the gender has been revised to showcase his imaginary virility. Can't fool us, Putrid Presbyter, you actually fantasized more about young men you coveted than the so-called "women" of your life.

    1. 10:01 BINGO! Absolutely correct. Glad you brought this to light. Poor tall woman.

    2. Anonymous 10:01 a.m. Since Pius's sexual preference is for young men, who was the idiot who assigned him to be rector of the NCW "seminary" here on Guam? That's like assigning the wolf to guard the hen-house.

    3. 8:03 PM: at this point who knows who assigns who in this leaderless archdiocese? It is nauseating how these presbyters are given free reign to their proclivities and shielded from accountability by the archbishop. The ncw has taken over, and parishes are in shambles. Their presbyters cannot be counted upon to share responsibilities with other priests on emergency leave due to a death in the family or other matters that require them to be away from the island. Not that we really want these untrained presbyters but with increasing demands on authentic priests, this injustice cries out, and archbishop is clueless to our needs as parishioners.

    4. Where is Harold?

    5. To 8:37PM and 2:27AM, yes, I too would like to know where these presbyters are! Seems to me that they can do as they please at our expense. REMEMBER, THE ANNUAL APPEAL BEGINS IN A FEW WEEKS! FEBRUARY 10th TO BE EXACT!

      Don't you want to know where these men are? BTW, how much is this archdiocese of ours paying the foreigners to hide, shelter, or whatever you want to call it, The MIA PRESBYTER LUIS CAMACHO. Is he MIA, AWOL, or POK (Prisoner of Kiko).

    6. Harold hiding? Hmmmmmmm? What happened after brilliant career of VICE RECTOR. Another colossal error. Monsignor Apuron, ya listnin?

  18. The thought of even having sex with a woman or a man is a sin in itself and the archbishop and the NCW laity lookup to him makes me sick.

    1. James 007, I was taught that being tempted is not a sin. But to deliberately fantasize, dwell in the fantasy and to objectify men and women as expendable sex objects IS clearly sinful.

    2. St Peter tells us "Your Opponent The Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 2Ptr 5:8. If you let your guard down, leave a little crack on the door of the fortified castle that you build, Satan will force himself on us us as he is a much superior being. In weakness it will lead to sin. God assures us however "Sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is towards you, yet you can be his master." Gen 4:7. This is possible only by "Putting on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tacticts of the Devil." Eph 6:11

      Counting 6000 plus women like sheep to force one to sleep is not the armor of God. I am doubtful that Pius counting women was to get any sleep.

    3. True, Anon 6:36 p.m. Fantasizing over objectified men and women impedes sleep unless it leads to climaxing.

    4. He shoots his mouth off about counting women while he sleep leads to the end result of shooting off dead tadpoles.

  19. Only you can put an end to this madness happening in our Church, Archbishop Anthony Apuron. Remove everything off of Guam. Like Jesus says Love the sinner-that I'd do, and I also hate with every passion in me the sin , the evil things that you do especially taking part with delight in and with the NCW that Guam didn't need. It has destroyed the unity in our own Catholic Church. I share this with you. With my own ears I listened to a non-practicing Catholic man say, Archbishop is a bad man. That hurts to hear him say this of my Church Leader. Then again, could he be right. CAN YOU STOP THIS PLEASE!

  20. The material cost to give up the NCW is too high, He would have to give up the Power and Prestige, He would have to humble himself to say I'm sorry, I made a mistake, but above all he would loose the NCW community that treats him like family, and in the end he would save his soul. But Christ was correct when he says "And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light because their works were evil. For anyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come towards the light, so that his works might not be exposed." Jn 3:19,20.
