Sunday, June 26, 2016


Pope to Hon: take "URGENT MEASURES"...!

Hon: forms committees


  1. i'm not going to sanitize my reaction: this is bullshit.

    archbishop hon is either clueless or completely uncompassionate. maybe both.

    if at all possible, lift the statutes of limitations. bring all the guilty to justice. bring on as many civil suits as can be brought.

    sorry to all those who "just want their church back." i'd rather have a guam church cleansed and purified of this filth, than a dirty and tainted one. if civil suits result in the loss of your nice air-conditioned church properties, so be it. for what good is it to gain the whole world but only to lose your soul? be prepared to lose what you've been attached to that isn't God.

    1. Rey, I totally agree with you. It has come to a point where extreme measures are the only viable options. Following Christ's example, it's time to clean out the temple.

  2. "Stonewalling" Hon is his new name.

  3. Well let us be reminded, he took urgent measures to call for unity while he wined and dined at NCW gala dinner, he did not waste time to ask us to pray for apuron, but laughed in the face of the sexual abuse victims, not once showing compassion or concern for them, he surely took the time to meet with priests, not once holding meeting with members of church or victims of sexual abuse that are on the receiving end of all the atrocities, he then forms committees to solve the troubles of this archdiocese placing the very cause of the troubles to be in charge of the committees. He took urgent matters to make the division greater.

  4. Hon wants to get back to Rome and Evangelize!! This scenario may prove he's not up to the job. Of course, Tim could be be completely wrong. Tim, has Hon called you yet?? Oh, wait, your not clergy.

  5. Anon 9:27, I like that. Stonewall Hon. He's being the bureaucrat that he is, covering his ass by forming committees, and then using the Vatican to push off making decisions. Pope Francis has given Archbishop Hon free rein to fix the "Apuronianism" that's running rampant in our island. It's too late for Hon to do anything now, and he's gonna regret that lost opportunity.

    1. You are correct Jerry. Lost opportunity...lost in record time. Over confident Hon. Tsk, tsk.

  6. The division in the Church is the work of Satan, the "father of all lies". He has enslaved, through sin, many within the Church, religious, priests, bishops and cardinals, to bring about the ruination of souls.
    Kiko has been able to influence the Congregation of Evangelization of Peoples with his 70+ RMS presbyter factories throughout the world. Bishops, desperate for vocations and parishioners to fill the pews, quickly fall for Kiko and the NCW.
    Apurun, easily manipulated, let the NCW quietly gain a foothold in Guam. It's poetic justice that Apurun, through his failed leadership and horrific past, has cast the heretical NCW into the LIMELIGHT of world attention.
    Let us pray that the call for a "Defrock" of Apurun this morning continues to bring world wide recognition for Apurun's victims and the "bitter fruits" of the NCW.

  7. Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai is perturbed with Guam. Didn't you know he had all these problems solved last time he was here? You are soooo annoying.

  8. Hon's credibility is shot. Anything he says or does is now met with suspicion and/or ridicule. The few people who call him Archbishop do so from force of habit, not out of respect. He might as well pack up and go home. His vacation is over.

  9. Send In The Clowns, Send In The Hon
    Barbara Streisand, archBishop Savio

    And where are the clowns?
    Quick, send in the clowns

    Don't bother
    They're here


  10. Hon go home. We want the respected Archbishop Martin Krebs here.
