Friday, July 22, 2016


Created by Robert Klitzkie

Not only do we have a sign for you for 4:30 PM today at the ITC intersection and Sunday 9 AM at the Cathedral but you have a choice!  Get there a little early and you can show your preference for Apuron's future.  You can make a statement about the "leadership" style of the Apostolic Administrator.  You also have the option of showing the world what you think about AB Hon's memo asking for more money for the seminary.  In the first comment I'm going to ask for your help concerning signs so go there and help me out!

We've been at this a long time and we're getting good at it plus we know it's working so let's keep it going.


We started asking just for the three R's=RETURN the seminary, RESTORE the priests, RESIGN--Apuron, that is.  When the Apuron child sexual abuse scandal broke, the signs changed to REMOVE--Apuron, that is. When the ramifications of Apuron's remaining a bishop anywhere sank in, the signs morphed into DEFROCK, the street term for laicize. When AB Hon became the Apostolic Administrator it quickly became apparent that he was not interested in moving us forward, thus HON ??  In fact, if anything he's trying to move us backward: witness Hon's memo asking for MORE money for the seminary, thus the NO $ FOR THE SEMINARY  sign.  

4:30 PM today at the ITC intersection and Sunday 9 AM at the Cathedral

See ya' there!


  1. The signs change to reflect our message. Tell me what YOU think the signs should say. We can use the comments to conduct a poll. Thanks for your help!

  2. Justice for Sex Abuse Victims!
    Stop hiding Apuron!

  3. Halt Outrageous Neos

  4. These are disturbing times for the faithful...their faith are being tested like never before. It is extremely difficult to continue to place faith in Archbishop Apuron in light of all the immoral and legal accusations against him. It is even more difficult to ignore all the men who have come out with these accusations as mere rumors. It saddens me for I feel we all have lost something that we may never have again. I pray that those men who have been touched by this tragedy will find the peace that has long been denied them. Perhaps we should allow the Pope to render a decision without demanding him how and what to do. We should hold on to our Christian faith and beliefs and let God, Our Father in heaven judge him as we all will be judged when our time comes. I am not trying to be the righteous noble strong Christian; instead, I have been tested and I found my faith lacking, I am not sure what the purpose of this message is. Maybe, I am just thinking out loud. I wonder, what would Jesus do?

    1. Anon 3:24 PM your saying that you hope that Roy, Sonny, Walter and Roland "find peace."

      Are you also saying that Apuron should return as Archbishop of Agaña and only be judged by God?

    2. It saddens you because you feel that we lost something that we may never have again? That is why this is being brought into the light. If you don't do anything, then what you're feeling may come to fruition. Pick up a sign. Peace.

    3. Anonymous July 22, 2016 at 3:24 PM - You mentioned at the end of your posting, "I wonder, what would Jesus do?" Jesus is having the True Katolikus on Guam do what He Would Do - Protecting His True Catholic Church. He is having His Faithful fix all injustice that has been happening to His Church and His Children on Guam. The Pope can only do so much because even Hon, who he sent to help fix the problems, has not done anything. So, yes, His Faithful on Guam are Doing Exactly What Jesus Would Do!

  5. How about this sign: NO HON(ey),
    for RMS!

  6. No money for HONey!!!

  7. Do not reinstate A--bishop Apuron!

    1. Totally Agree! Never - He Cannot Ever Again Be the Whatever He Was on Guam!
