Friday, July 22, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

Teri Untalan, Voice of the People, Pacific Daily News, July 22, 2016, page 19:

Catholics, beware of travesty that harms the church

"Apostolic administrator (Savio) Hon (Tai Fai) is extending the annual appeal for the archdiocese through December because the collections fell far short of its $250,000 goal for 2016. Congratulations, Guam Catholics, we did well in withholding our hard-earned dollars from this money pit that calls itself a seminary!"  Read more.


  1. You nailed it, Teri!

  2. Excellent, Teri. Thank you for submitting your article to the PDN.

  3. Dear God--my heart missed a beat reading this. Great job Teri! That was on the money!

  4. Thank you Teri for your inspiring and untiring efforts to inform, educate, and to motivate the Guam Katolikus to fight for our Faith and Christ the King. You are truly a spiritual leader among the laity. Si Yu'os Ma'ase!

  5. Well done Teri. You are truly a Good and Faithful Servant to the one True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church. Enough is enough with having these "Half-baked" NEO presbyters infiltrating the Catholic Church with their Protestant-like theology. Stop the money and stop this cancerous growth called the Neocatechumenal Way.

  6. Way to go Teri. Another sign for the protest: SHUT DOWN RMS!

  7. Thank you Teri for your letter. We should not drop a penny into the coffers for the seminary! We do NOT support funding men to attend an institution which produces Neo presbyters. Why does Hon think that we will do so just because he asks? HON, YOU BETRAY the One True ChurcH; you betray US, the faithful Catholics of Guam! HON, Hop on the plane and GO HOME!!

  8. Greetings from Northern California! My name is Juanita Hocog Ashbaker. I left Guam in 1982 and have not been back since. We were at a barbecue for Guam's Liberation and I sitting next to a table that was talking about the church problem back there. I ask where I could get more information about what is going on and I was told to checkout this site.

    It's really late and I was not able to read as much. From what I have read so far, there seems to be a bunch of repeating stories of the same thing. It looks like there might be some hanky panky going on in the church. What's new? It looks like there's some problem with money. What's new? I had to call one of my friends to ask about this NEO. She said it's the Catholic version of being born again. Okay. What's the problem? If people wanna switch, who cares? If they're taking your money, stop giving. If they're abusing kids, report them.

    I guess I am confused because there's so much talking, talking and not enough doing. You guys can find money to send baseball people to the mainland, right? Every year you guys do that. You can bring people home for the Festival, right? Hello? Raise some money and send a group to the Vatican and hold your sign there. If the Pope won't listen to your concern, take your concern to the Pope. Is it really that hard? Maybe you guys just like writing and talking. I may be an island girl married to a haole, but if someone is hurting my kids, you can be dem sure I'm gonna make some noise where I can be heard. I don't just talk. Good luck with that.

    1. What a fool. Another idiot trying to tell us what to do.

    2. "If the Pope won't listen to your concern, take your concern to the Pope." Seems that something else is Hocog here.

    3. Another Americanized Chamoru thinking they know better. Thank you for coming, you can go now.

    4. Mary P E July 22, 2016 at 2:39 PM - I also live in the USofA but I think you should read more on the problems going on in our Catholics Churches on Guam before you accuse people on the Island of doing nothing but talking. The Pope sent Hon to fix the problems but, as of today, nothing has been done to do just that. So talking is what is being done and talking can help solve problems. Telling Islanders to fundraise money to go to Rome and picket sounds stupid since Rome already sent someone here to fix the problems. The abuse that Apuron committed were on young altar boys of many years ago and the laws on Guam protects him. Now there is hearing to change that and I am proud of the ones who were responsible to bringing this about today. I came home to Guam last year, attended a CCoG meeting, I saw first hand what has happened to our Catholic Churches, and I was furious! So please do not sit in your comfortable house in the USofA and chastise the people on Guam who are trying to correct the problems. You should be encouraging them to "Continue the Fight"!

    5. I just noticed that I got the wrong person on my posting. I am so sorry Mary P E July 22, 2016 at 2:39 PM! My comment was for Anonymous July 22, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Ms. Juanita Hocog Ashbaker - The Anonymous Americanized Chamorro. I am in total agreement with your comments for Teri. Again, please accept my apologizes!

    6. Hocog, nothing, nada, Taya common sense.

  9. Juanita Ashbaker, who cares what you think...especially when you preface your input with admitting that you didn't get the chance to read up on the issues because it was "late". You admit your ignorance and then prove it! LOL

  10. Mrs. Ashbaker, please read up and be informed. Research before making comments. You state you've been away since '82??? Many, many things have changed, albeit, including your view of what is supposed to be here on our island. We, the residing people of this island, are fighting a battle that puts us at odds with the same people you suggest us to contact. What do you think we've been doing? We "voice" our concerns here on this blog to keep the issue on the forefront. We will not let this "cancer" lay alone, as it will continue fester on our island. And that, is not what we want. Let the entire world know that we battle for our true Catholic Church.
