Thursday, August 25, 2016


Posted by Bruce Williams

The Greatest Love story of all time is contained in a tiny white host.
-Venerable Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

We go to Mass to adore, worship and receive the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. This fact is so evident at a 6am Mass during the week. No bells and whistles. No homily or music or altar servers or congregation is necessary for the priest to celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass. 

The NCW DO NOT believe in the Real Presence! This is the principle cause of the division in the Church, on Guam, and where ever the WAY sets up shop!  

Andrew Camacho sent this video to me. Thank you Andrew! In our spiritual battle against the forces of rebellion and disobedience, we must remain faithful to primary mission of the Church...the salvation of souls.

The video is a must see for all Catholics, Protestants and those walking in the Way. 

St. Athanasius pray for us!


  1. Bruce - Andrew sent me this EWTN video too. (Thanks, Andrew; forgot to thank you then.)

    Yes; this is video is an absolute "MUST SEE" by all. Ms. Moss' journey from Judaism, to Protestantism, to Catholicism makes it almost easy to understand God's plan for every single one of us. The whole episode is captivating to watch and listen to - especially the section about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being identical to the Sacrifice of the Cross on Good Friday. I think I know my Faith pretty well, but listening to Ms. Moss connect the dots from Abraham's attempted sacrifice of his son Isaac to the celebration of Mass makes me feel that the impact of God's plan for us truly baffles the mind. I encourage ALL to watch this.

    Thanks, Bruce, for posting it. And thank you too, Andrew. (jrsa: 8/26/16)

    1. Joe and Bruce, if you liked the video mentioned above you will like this other video as well. Rosalind Moss is now Mother Miriam Moss.

  2. Truly captivating! She made the heart of Catholicism, the Eucharist, easily understood!
