Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hon, I guess you want violence.


  1. Prayers, respect and admiration for Pale Mike

    1. Fr. Mike and Fr. Jeff We love you very much, continue to speak the TRUTH and don't be afraid of Titles I was in the Neo, before, after leaving the sect, now I see how the devil is using the sect to destroy the Church on this Island. God continue to bless both of you, All of us Love you very much. Guam Catholics were at peace before the Neo showed up. Now its Chaos. The Catholic Church was Founded by JESUS CHRIST. There can be no two founders, in one True Church. We pray that the Lord continues to remove this cancer from our church He has started to do so. Amen.

  2. Replies
    1. - For those of us who are in the USofA, please let us know what happened! Is he okay? He is too close to my family! Sending Prayers!

    2. I may not be too energetic, Tim, but if there is any way that I can be of help to protect or assist my pastor here at IHOM, let me know. - jrsa.

    3. Please tell us how we can help our hero priest Fr. Mike Crisostomo.

  3. I have also heard that Fr Jeff is also going to be sanctioned for the press conference.

  4. I guess we need Toto parish to protest at the chancery. This vindictive action by Hon is a call to action by the 99% of the catholics of Guam. We don't want this kind of neo retaliation on our priest.

  5. Before anyone makes assumptions, let me briefly (yeah, "brief" hardly describes my comments, right?) say something I was told, not from the grapevine but from the "grape" in person. Fr. Mike Crisostomo is a hardworking priest and is a valuable asset in our community. Very few people have my respect, and he is one of them. Realistically there might be issues ahead of him but we must allow the process to take its due course. At any rate, I am standing up for him because he is a brother priest. That is what we do, stand up for people we love and care for.

    An outraged Archbishop Hon pointed his fingers at him and banged the table during the Presbyteral Council on Friday afternoon. He accused him of being disobedient for not reading the letter from the pulpit. In full view of the other members at the meeting. Why Archbishop Hon singled out Fr. Mike is beyond me. I heard Fr. Jeff also got berated in private earlier. Many priests, including the NCW presbyters, did not read his letter and did not get a scolding. Truth be told, I DID NOT READ THE LETTER EITHER! Did I get called? Well, not yet. Fr. Mike was forced to write a letter of apology. The sad thing in that scenario was that NOT A SINGLE MEMBER STOOD UP IN SUPPORT OF FR. MIKE. Except perhaps for the Amko Msgr. David IA Quitugua. Why am I writing this? Because the gesture of Archbishop Hon is not becoming of one who is trying to establish unity and reconciliation. Because he has disrespected a fellow local priest in public and reduced him to a whimpering bull pup because "he has the power and he was sent by the Vatican"! Given the circumstances surrounding his failure to bring resolution, I sincerely doubt that.

    If Archbishop Hon continues to quibble and remains duplicitous, he hampers the process. He is better off admitting that he is the wrong person! He may retire to his office where he can push paper and kiss rings! Archbishop Hon is costing us money we do not have, and is railroading the slow progress towards resolution. He has done a lot of damage just this last weekend, splitting our Catholic people into loyalties and confusion by demanding the reading of his letter. He is blaming priests for something he should have resolved on Week One of his arrival. He failed to act, which is why we are in a bigger mess than if we ousted Archbishop Apuron ourselves! I support Father Mike and I protest this indignity. A pastoral bishop should respect his priests and seek out their welfare, not shame or embarrass them in public because the priest does not conform to his agenda. A pastoral bishop does not hide behind people he had appointed and leaves them to do the dirty job. A pastoral bishop seeks consensus and invites laypeople to be part of the discussion. A pastoral bishop is beyond censure, and if Archbishop Hon cannot accept that, then he is part of the problem. He might try out for a popularity contest instead. I am confident that with the newly-minted law, the local Catholic Church will earn integrity and credibility. The action of our legislators sent a clear message that they stand behind the people but, more importantly, they respect the rule of law and justice.

    I stand behind this comment and will accept any consequence of my words and actions. I do not speak for my peers who may need to own up to what they proclaim in public. I often speak my mind, and it does not get me a lot of invite to clergy meetings. I am fine with that. As the saying goes, "you are defined by the company you keep." A Spanish saying is even more apt, "Da me con quien andas y te dire' quien eres." St. Michael, protect us in battle.
    Father Efren Adversario

  6. Don't mess with Pal'e Mike!

  7. What is going on with our Church?
    The Devil is here and working within the RMS in Yona. And it's not the BoogieMan Ric.

  8. If there is TRUTH in these allegations.....BRING IT TO COURT! SEND A SHOCKWAVE TO ROME!

  9. Fr Efren I admire your courage. It is one quality that is missing from your erstwhile good friend and fellow priest from down hotel road.

    1. Ooooooooooohhhhh, believe me, my "friend down the road" has sharper claws than I can ever grow. Let us not go there please. I can only speak for myself, what others do is up to them. The factual account I laid out does not make me better than other priests, maybe just more outraged. It is not right for a leader to be embarrass a brother priest the way he did. Even Archbishop Apuron never raised his voice and wagged a bony finger the way Archbishop "Unity and Reconciliation" Hon did. FYI, I am just getting started.
      Fr Efren

    2. HON, you've taken the wrath of us laity releasing the greater banded Catholic hornets after you. Best carry around with you a can of BLACK FLAG whenever you step out of the chancery. Esta.

  10. Hon leave our Priest (Pal'e Mike) Alone

  11. Hon...if you did embarrass our local priest for doing what the local people want, then we will embarrass you in front of our people too! The Bejongs

  12. Fr. Efren, Pale Mike is being singled out because he's been a mouthpiece of the laity, in some way. Isn't he also a ranking member of the presbyteral council? With his status comes responsibility. If he doesn't abide by Hon in a mere reading of a letter, then others will follow suit. Hon loses, he cannot command his clergy. I wouldn't be surprised if crisostomo will be blamed for the backlash on the Kill Bill petition, resulting in it being signed into law.

    You're not afraid because you have integrity and you've seen what life really means, in terms of mortality and morality. We pray you remain strong in your faith and resolve. It takes a just man, a proper priest, to act valiantly and speak for what is right! We look to you!

  13. Toto Crusaders will be ready for battle. Bring it on!

  14. Anon 10;30 AM...We may not be Bejong bloodline but rest assure we are all behind you...Trust us HON, WE local people are NOT afraid of you either.This is OUR church and our Island..

    1. We are giving you Fair warning Hon..Back off or else we'll be hauling your Sorry ASS to the airport ourselves ..this is NOT a threat it is a Promise..We have enough of your lies and good for nothing deeds..Go join your Filoni ,you are both full of Baloney..

  15. What is the matter Hon??..Pressure getting too much for you to Handle??..You really think Guamanians are dumb and stupid ,don't you??..We warned you..we told you and your conies we have had enough of all your lies and deceits...

  16. I have no reason to question Fr Efren's story! It's up to the rest of us to decide which side of the line on the sand we stand - militant Catholics, tepid Catholics, indifferent Catholics, or nominal Catholics. I think it is time for that massive protest against Hon for what he's done to Fr Mike - and vicariously, all of us. BASTA HIT MAN MAFAGAGA NU AS HON!

    1. Hon made the mistaking of disturbing the hornet's nest. The greater banded Catholic Hornets will be out in full force in Sunday to buzz around the cathedral.


    2. Thank you for trusting, JR. I saw Mike for dinner yesterday and internalized what he shared. This morning I woke up and thought, "this isn't right! This goes against the principles we stand by!" You know, that feeling when hairs stand at attention and you get an eerie feeling that something is amiss? Then I glanced at JW for my Saturday morning meditation and saw that Tim made an opening teaser... "heard that something bad happened to Fr. Mike Crisostomo yesterday...". As usual, he is on the ball - darn Tim, always steps ahead! Well, like a good news reporter who relishes breaking news opportunity, I wrote like crazy lest people started making guesses. In fact today Fr. Mike confirmed that what I wrote was accurate and unembellished. So there, the rest of the story.

    3. Mr Hon, obedience comes at the end of a dialogue. Who had a chance to talk about the letter of petition to the Gov. ??? Hmmm? You should not have skipped off to Rome to show off. This is your mission for now. Don't be distracted. Nose to the grindstone. You are making a mess of things. Amen

  17. Hon is pathetic.
    Something or someone dare toss shade or in anyway hurt Pale Mike the consequences will be like nothing seen before. They just don't get it! Pale may not be happy that we're all worked up and I'm sure he wants to assure everyone to be cool.
    That's fine. But Hon and his stupidity, the thugs in the neo and enablers should be put on notice. The game is up. Michael is our beloved brother, son, Nino, priest, friend, colleague.
    Do it again Hon, see what happens. Jungle Rules apply, keep hiding in your dress and the white coat guy on Farenholt is not doing you any favors whining on TV about his cane.
    Si Reina

    1. "Do it again Hon, see what happens"? I believe that Fr. Mike has had a Bullseye on his back after the removal of Fr. Paul Gofigan in July 2013 and Msgr. James Benavente in July 2014. It was only the response of Catholics from all over the island when Apuron summoned Fr. Mike to the chancery last year that prevented anything from happening to him. I think the fact that the Apostolic Administrator even did it this once is unacceptable … and I don't think I'm alone.

      LFM/CCOG, I think it's time to start mixing in some HON GO HOME signs in with the ever-popular DEFROCK APURON ones. I'm even thinking that the parishioners from IHOM would like to get dibs on the HON GO HOME signs.

    2. Also have "HON, GTFO!!" signs.

  18. You brought this upon yourself! Be glad and merry!

    1. Anonymous September 24, 2016 at 11:50 AM - We are GLAD AND MERRY because Hon just proved to the Whole World that he does not know what the word "Unity" means and what a sorry excuse of an archbishop he really is! Keep it coming Hon!

  19. Father Mike and Father Jeff who speak the truth, owe no one an apology -- especially none to us, the Church! The faithful of Guam will stand by our authentic Faith in our local Church throughout this all-out war in our Archdiocese, one battle at a time

    We have only One Master and One God; therefore we will not stand by, be docile to nor let the NCW hierarchy and Abp Hon intimidate us or dictate to the Catholic Church on Guam who we will bow down to! Biba Jesu Cristo! Biba Santa Marian Kamalin!

  20. How about for tomorrow's protest, all the signs talk only about HON GO HOME! Nothing else.
    The media will pick it up because it's new news. Maybe even front page, which we can send to Cardinal Baloney in Rome as a Guam souvenir.
    Hon cooked his own goose; and it's Hon who is done. Now Guam wants him gone.

    1. Better still, the signs should say HON GO HOME! also in Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Let's make Hon world-famous.

    2. Anonymous at 1:58 PM, as far as I'm concerned everyone else can carry HON GO HOME signs on the picket line. I will wheel my DEFROCK APURON sign as long as there is a need for it.

    3. Hi, Mary Lou. I was only suggesting carrying "Hon Go Home!" signs exclusively for one Sunday. for the media effect. And it was only a suggestion. I still agree with you that there is still a need to "Defrock Apuron."

  21. i have been joining the hardworking faithful and laity every Sunday with their weekly picketing in Agana. This time I am making my own picket sign for HON: The only thing worse than a LIAR is HON that's also a HYPOCRITE! HON - Apostolic Administrator of Nothing - Leave Guam ASAP!!

  22. This is what happens when people like Eillen who called us disrespectful because we picketed at Fr Paul's mass. She turned her back on us and the chancery is now retaliating against the traditional Catholics. And you
    Fr Paul, where is your back bone? As soon as you were assigned the Cathedral parish you turned on us. Stop kissing ass. Stand up for your brother priest or did you join the neo and started your own community. Don't be like Benedict Arnold. Don't be a traitor. We stood by you when you were being persecuted. it is your turn to stand up with Fr Mike and Fr Efren. Ortherwise, get out of our way because we are going to fight for our church.

  23. Mine will be double-sided, "Defrock Apuron" and "Hon Go Home".

    1. I'm making signs for Sunday with "HON A FAILURE" "NO TO INTIMIDATION" and "NO TO APOLOGIES"

  24. Be obidient? My ass! This is what the neo regime wants off the clergy and the 99% of us non neo. This regime wants to kick our asses and transform us to follow kiko. What Hon needs to understand that the people have spoken. The APURON bill was signed by the Governor. It is the law of the land.. Stop harassing our local priest. Ride your high horse out of Guam. We the 99% traditional Catholics don't want the neo regime in our church. Take lurch, no balls, for sure for sure, rudee , bibi , marian, Diana, Deacon Cepeda, jucutan, uduvaldo, jackie the jackass, wanna be bishop Eusebio,and the rest of the kiko kiss assers out of here. Go join APURON and Louie camacho. Just get the hell out of here.

  25. Sometimes, the best way to make your point is with silence.

    Don't show up to the basilica on Dec. 8. Hold a separate celebration of our patroness, elsewhere.

  26. No! Walk with Sta. Marian Kamalen WITH our signs and shirts. Oust those neos. We belong there. Not them! Shit!

    1. For most - myself included - protesting while participating in a mass and procession is off limits.

      Holding a separate Santa Marian Kamalen celebration would definitively illustrate the division. Imagine how frightening that would be for Vatican cleric to preside over an empty mass. The institutional Catholic Church exists through its members. If its members suddenly stop showing up, Hon will be forced into crisis management mode.

  27. Ya'll better protect Fr. Efren and Mike now..."disobedience" slinging all over the place!

    1. Oh, how the Kiko's love to pull out the "disobedience card" when we are still waiting for that document showing Vatican permission for their communion rite. But for the record, all men, including priests, have a vow of obedience to God first, and when God and THE TRUTH are at odds with the personal agenda of a religious superior, priests must choose TRUTH. They, like us, would rather stand clean before God rather than worry about the petulant rant of a childish superior.

    2. Very, very important point, Tim. Indeed. Listen up folks.

  28. Let me help Fr Mike write his letter to Hon.

    Hafa Adai Acting Boss,
    Thank you for that f*cked up speech you had for me Thursday. I am sorry that you talked to me that way. Fuck you and the neo regime you are in. Get the fuck out of my island.
    Again, I want to thank you for that sorry ass speech you prepared for me.

    Fuck you Hon.

    1. Not completely necessary, 8:46.

    2. Hoooooo says hon will still be here in December. Rather doubt at this point. Big fail will sink his ship in Vatican waters.

  29. - What a sad world this has become when an Archbishop can chastise one of the Best Priest on Guam in front of his peers for something the majority of other priests who did the same thing and did not read that UNITY DIVIDING LETTER!

    Didn't something like this happen when apurun tried to get Father Mike for not getting enough money for the Catholic Appeal?

    Hon - You are a sad example but unfortunately that is what the higher clergy in this generation has become.

    DO NOT MESS WITH FATHER MIKE CRISOSTOMO! Although I am not on Guam but from Barrigada, and along with the Bejongs, I stand behind Father Mike! Get Ready Barrigada! We need to come out in full force for Father Mike!

    1. Apparently Jeff was in trouble too for releasing that RMS report and more in trouble for revealing the Filoni-David letter. However, and I hope this isn't true, I am told that Jeff, in order to avoid catching hell from Hon, has agreed to work with Hon against Mike. SMH.

    2. I am sorry that Father Jeff got into trouble too but didn't he get "Scolded" in private? Why the difference? Father Mike Crisostomo is from Barrigada and We Are Very Proud of Him and will support everything he does. As for whatever his name is - Adrian - what a fricking disappointment! I guess when you are born with a silver spoon you think you can do whatever you want to!

      Father Jeff - Please listen to your conscience and do the right thing. Hon may be your superior but he is just a man who seems to be thoroughly confused. Poor thing thought that he can just come to Guam and all will be well. He did say "Two Weeks" right? The Island Natives Are Not As Stupid and Ignorant As He Thought!

    3. Take a sniff. Hon does not smell like his sheep. Not the kind of sheperd Pope looking for.

    4. barrigada has borne much suffering because of the ncw and the corrupted apuron regime. the betrayal by adrian, the neocat takeover of the parish, and now this targeting of fr mike crisostomo. i remember when tragedy befell pale' mike's family in the late 90s. as i recall, he was saying Mass when he learned of the news. God came first, and then he attended to his family. i learned much from his example of priesthood.

    5. Say, whatttt?? Hon was going to hide report?? Anyone?

    6. Isn't obedience to tyranny a sin? So we need more disobedience to this tyrant hon. spn2

  30. Beware of Neos running for office. There must be a separation of powers between church and state. This island does not respect this reality.

    1. Oh, yes. Give us that list!!! Before Pius is operating the legislature. Where is that devil?

    2. Nelson BIG TIME NEO...especially her mother

  31. Pale Mike this is outrageous! But that is how evil men react when faced with adversity. I know you have the courage and fortitude to stand up the HON the Terrible and he knows it!
    Fr. Efren God Bless you for your stand against Hon the Terrible! Now is the time for all priest to stand up and be counted. We, the Church Militant will continue to fight for justice, defend the Church against heresies and hold the clergy accountable.

  32. Record showing at the Cathedral for the protest AND a full church for 9:30AM Mass in Toto as if to surround Pale Mike in love and support. I think Hon had better heed the signs...
