Posted by Tim
At the end of Fr. Jeff's public statement yesterday regarding the account brought forward by Ramon De Plata, we read the following:
I can't help but think that the real reason the Archdiocese wants "persons who have knowledge of sexual abuse by clergy" to call them is to intercept them before they go to the media as well as to prevent even more law suits.
Hon and Jeff have a pretty hard job now. After months of silence after the first Apuron victims/survivors came forward, they now want "persons who have knowledge of sexual abuse" to call them.
Here's a couple of thoughts that might help.
I. Establish a policy which immediately provides legal protections for anyone who comes forward. Mr. De Plata did not just walk into the PDN office and say "Hey, I gotta story for you." He first contacted Attorney David Lujan's office. I don't know how the initial contact was made, but on this website is this ad to the right instructing "persons who have knowledge of sexual abuse" to contact Lujan's office.
In fact, to show good faith, Hon and Jeff should retain Attorney Lujan to continue to provide this service. Instructing "persons who have knowledge of sexual abuse" to call the same chancery which for decades "bred and fed" these monstrous perverts, is ridiculous, and simply changing the names and faces at the chancery is nothing more than putting "lipstick on a pig."
And this is especially true after we saw what Apuron did to his first accusers. Thank God those of us who were working to assist the victims had the foresight to get them legal protections before they went forward. Too bad Hon and Jeff don't see the necessity of doing the same thing.
II. Get proactive. What is preventing Hon and Jeff from putting out their own ads - even in their own newspaper? What about radio and TV spots? What great credibility and good will would accrue to our church leadership if we were to see them actively searching for victims? And rather than spending our tens of thousands of dollars on that stupid, fake, pervert-making "seminary," how about spending that money searching for people like Mr. De Plata and others.
AND THERE ARE OTHERS! Mr. De Plata said he knew of others. In addition to the above tag at the end of their press statement, what are Hon and Jeff doing to find those "others?" We know now that there must be hundreds of victims of clergy sex abuse. Fr. Brouillard, who was active in this diocese from 1949 to 1981 publicly admitted he couldn't even estimate the number of boys he molested. And now with De Plata's revelation, the late Fr. Tony Cruz, who was a priest of the diocese for three decades, appears to have run a wide-open brothel which was literally "the ruin of many a poor boy" (House of the Rising Sun). With all of this now out in the open, what are Hon and Jeff doing other than to say call Deacon Len and appointing a person publicly at odds with church teaching on sexual morality to chair the committee to fix, um, well, a church policy on sexual morality! Geez. SMH!
III. PUBLICLY CONDEMN THE ACTIONS OF EDIVALDO! It sickens me and many others that Edivaldo is still comfortably ensconced in his pastorship at Chalan Pago (oh, the irony) when he was the one who publicly attacked Roy Quintanilla and Doris Concepcion after appointing himself spokesman for the archdiocese last May. It sickens me and many others even more that not one member of our diocesan clergy, other than Deacon Steve Martinez, spoke up in opposition to the Edivaldo's attack. At the most, all Hon and Jeff did was (on July 27) say that they "retract" those statements and that those statement do not "represent the opinion of the Archdiocese of Agana."
The hell with that. Hon and Jeff, if you want any credibility, if you want victims to call you, then you first need to CONDEMN those statements, call out the rancid bag of disease who made them, and kick him the hell out of public ministry. Stick him over at RMS and give him "head detail" for the next five years, if not ship him back to Brazil. But what the hell! You prop him up as a pastor of a major parish and then let him tell you to your face that he is not going to obey you because "Apuron is his bishop."
Seriously, man. I am having a hard time holding back the profanity since I have no other way to express the absolute absurdity of you saying that you take this stuff seriously while Edivaldo still runs the damn show.
Bring on the law suits. That's the only way these people learn.
Yeah that chalan Pago monkey needs to be kicked hard and cleaning the bathrooms with his toothbrush for condemning the abused. I have a feeling that edi the monkey has some DARK secrets since he was appointed to run chalan Pago. Why else would he defend his master?
ReplyDeleteWhere is third musketeer Harold Handsome Colorado? Those were fun days!
DeleteApuron was in love with Harold.
DeleteI am from Chalan Pago and I am a former altar server in the 60s. I know of Antonio Cruz, I won't call him Father Cruz for he is an evil priest as he has been trying to molest me back then and I won't give in. I remember him mentioning to me that he and Apuron had already did it as he was trying to convince me to give in. I always wonder who is this Apuron Antonio Cruz is talking about and now I know the missing puzzle. I could not tell my parents about Antonio Cruz because my parents adored him. Edivaldo reminds me a lot of Antonio Cruz, now is that a coincidence. There are a lot of Alar servers molested by Antonio Cruz. He died along time ago. I just had to get this thing out of my chest as it has been bothering me.
DeleteFormer Altar Server Chalan Pago
To "Former Altar Server of Chalan Pago" -- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your contribution to this dialogue about your experience with Antonio Cruz. Believe me, the Faithful support you and other altar servers who have been wronged by our clergy. I will carry you in my heart as I pray for you.
DeleteYesterday at the noon mass at the Cathedral Jucatan asked those present to pray that the abuse bill would not pass. Did Father Paul agree with his views? If he didn't he should take steps to reprimand him. Jucatan and Edivaldo are cut from the same cloth. The RMS seminary. They think abusing children is an acceptable way of life.
ReplyDeleteJucatan, knows he is toast at the Basilica, so he does not care who says what. He is just waiting to get his next assignment. Problem being,where and in which capacity.
DeleteAnonymous 1:16 I doubt Jucatan thinks abusing children is an acceptable way life. I detest the NCW leadership but I observe Jucatan as being very gentle, thoughtful and sensitive. He is not arrogant and aggressive like Edivaldo, Harold and others.
DeleteUnfortunately Fr.Jucatan has taken it upon himself to bad mouth the Cathedral Rector/Diocesan Priests of Guam on the instruction of Fr.Pius.
DeleteFr. Jucatan informed the congregation the Catherdral Rector ordered him to pray for the failing of the bill. Fr.Jucatan later informed cathedral parishoners that the Holy See already found Archbishop Anthony Apuron innocent of all abuse and that he will be returning as Archbishop of Guam.
My sincere prayer is for the young priest to learn some basic manners respect before taking his next assignment. He is presently the cause of division in Cathedral Basilica Parish.
In Anon 9:54's comment, that is another example of the NCW's characteristic of spreading lies and circulating information that isn't substantiated. Fr. Jucatan is NCW brainwashed. The sad thing is that he doesn't know it. He thinks he is his actions are normal. There is danger in this situation because he has access to the pulpit and to parishioners as his audience.
DeleteAnonymous September 13, 2016 at 8:42 PM wrote - "I doubt Jucatan thinks abusing children is an acceptable way life. I detest the NCW leadership but I observe Jucatan as being very gentle, thoughtful and sensitive. He is not arrogant and aggressive like Edivaldo, Harold and others".
DeleteAnonymous September 13, 2016 at 9:54 PM wrote - "Fr. Jucatan informed the congregation the Catherdral Rector ordered him to pray for the failing of the bill. Fr.Jucatan later informed cathedral parishoners that the Holy See already found Archbishop Anthony Apuron innocent of all abuse and that he will be returning as Archbishop of Guam.
So Fr. Jucatn is this this very gentle, thoughtful and sensitive. He is not arrogant and aggressive like Edivaldo, Harold and others.
I think He is WORSE than Edivaldo, Harold, and others! To pretend to be gentle, thoughtful, and sensitive, yet inform the congregation that evil apurun is innocent of all abuse and he will be returning as archbishop of Guam is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE!
I know for sure that Jucatan received no such instruction from Fr Paul.
DeleteIn fact there was apparently a "come to Jesus" meeting not that long ago about this subject with Fr Jucatan. This type of smearing another priest is usually more in line with Fr Bien, or his "on the run" brother.
Yet it appears that some in the clergy like to misinform the parishioners to create tension and confusion.
We shall see if Fr Jucatan will continue in that path, but somehow, I think he might have second thoughts about that. At least for a while.
The Hawaiian-born Father Michael Jucutan has only one letter “a” in his surname.
- "A"LOHA?
DeleteHow about the victims that exist in the Priesthood. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT JEFF.
ReplyDeleteOf course he has. Jeff knows. Just comes across 'sweet' and goody goody. Jeff looking preoccupied and dark. Its sickening ng, Jeff. Stay strong.
DeleteBring on Lawsuits Jeff we will kick your sorry ass.
ReplyDeleteYou have raised a very valid point, The Archdioces should not be the primary contact for these very serious allegarions of sexual abuse, Previous Chancery officials botched any attempts to report any abuse with no response to the victims, they all go into a black hole, never to be heard of again.
An independent reporting office to one such as Atty Lujan's office is an excellent suggestion, and removes all doubts that the complains will be addressed.
Can someone please get rid of that waldo guy. Hon... Fr. Jeff... are you there? Not only is he scary looking, but it's such an injustice to our people to continue to allow "a priest" as depraved as he is to say Mass. Like Tim said, stick him at RMS or ship him back to wherever he came from.
ReplyDeleteIncardination has consequences.
DeleteThe NCW presbyters have been ordained and incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agaña.
Thus, unless another bishop accepts their transfer, we are financially responsible for their support throughout the rest of their lives, just like for Fr. Brouillard.
They cannot be unilaterally sent back to their native lands.
Legal conflicts
Having an attorney who is suing the Archdiocese provide it with services of any sort would likely result in his disqualification from participation in that lawsuit, under the applicable professional ethical provisions on conflicts of interest.
True. There would be a conflict of interest with Lujan. However, the point is that the archdiocese needs to have an autonomous entity which can provide legal protections. I'm working on that now.
DeleteAs for sending these guys back. Yes, I'm aware we can't just dump these guys. In fact, this is the main reason abusive priests were shuffled around for decades. What are you going to do with a defective cleric? Pay him to do nothing? I believe at some point a class action suit can be made against Apuron and Gennarini for conspiring to ordain the unfit, and therefore burdening the archdiocese for their whole life. I'm going to write something up about this soon.
Interesting Tim i had not thought of a class action like this against Apuron.
DeleteTim, since allegedly some or all of the NCW presbyters refused to offer their resignations to Archbishop Hon as the all the non-NCW did when asked, claiming Hon is not their bishop, doesn't that give Hon grounds to fire them for disobedience? Wouldn't that give Hon the ability to get rid of them?
DeleteYes. But Hon is not here to do the right thing.
DeleteThe time has now arrived when we have to name shame priests supporting Anthony Apuron in Public. For all we know a priest who supports Apuron supports child abuse.
ReplyDeleteThis past 24 hours the associate pastor of the Cathedral Basilica has (A) informed people that he was instructed by Fr.Paul to pray for the bill yesterday to fail. (B) Fr.Michael informed several persons that Archbishop Apuron is innocent of all charges. Should this priest continue then he will become national headlines.
Any priest who supports child Molestation will be viewed as supporting child abuse.
He was instructed by Fr. Paul??
DeleteMaybe Fr. Jucutan still considers Msgr. David the Tall to be the rector, so maybe that's who told him to pray for the failure of the bill. That is, assuming he's telling the truth.
DeleteThis is another example of the Archdiocese of Agana as having no leadership --- and that is true. There is no leader to whom the Faithful and the clergy can look for direction, official statements/communications, etc. Here you have a priest (Fr. Jucatan) making pronouncements to the Faithful of information that isn’t issued by the Archdiocesan office or any legitimate Church office. The clergy are now “taking orders” from two entities depending on which leader our local priest deems as his leader: (1) Fr. Quitugua (NCW follower, former Cathedral-Basilica rector now RMS rector and likely a local mouthpiece and commander of the deposed NCW local top guy, Fr. Pius) and (2) Fr. Jeff/Fr. Hon. The latter two seem to be silent, and so do the members of the clergy who follow them. This is another example of the throwing out Fr. Hon’s initial mission to “unify the Church.” In the case of Guam, the NCW have to leave the island. Unification is not possible. There is division even within the clergy and that is caused by the NCW “leadership” muscling their way into Church business absent consultation and coordination with the Archdiocesan office. When Fr. Apuron was in office they were able to do that. Now their access is limited so they go off on the side and continue with their antics such as Fr. Jucatan making the pronouncements that he did from the pulpit about being told by “the rector” to pray for the failure of Bill 326-33 and that Fr. Apuron is innocent of all charges [as to the Quichocho v. Archdiocese, this pronouncement from Fr. Jucatan can be used as evidence against the Archdiocese of continued slander by its clergy against the claims of the Plaintiffs. Since I am pro-Plaintiffs, I’m happy for him providing additional evidence]. In this example, as Chuck point out, perhaps Fr. Jucatan still views Fr. Quitugua as the Cathedral-Basilica rector (an NCW clergy), which means he discounts the recent appointment of Fr. Paul (a non-NCW clergy). (1) the local Church is a mess; (2) the clergy are divided as to which “leader” to take orders from; (3) communications from the Church are not trusted as to their origin and intent; (4) childhood sexual abuse is larger than first thought; (4) what else? It’s time drive out the NCW clergy and laity off the island and move forward to restoring the health of the Church with true Katolikus.
DeleteThere is no leadership because there is no one who is respected. When you dont respect those at the top the system falls apart. This is now the situation on Guam. No respect for those in the Chancery. They are a joke.
DeleteFr.Lito is at least respectful and fair with people and a kindly man. Very able but i dont think he wants to be involved with the chancery.
DeleteFr.Jeff is after power position not a very abel person. The way he treats his own mother is a disgrace. If he cant look after his mom how can he possibly lead an Archdiocese. Useless individual. Go home jeff low energy.
DeleteOnly avenue to peace is now to terminate the NCW on Guam. Leave Guam NCW. Apuron must resign as Archbishop. RmS closed returned to Archdiocese.
DeleteChurch only be restored to peace when Apuron NCW have gone. We will not live side by side with NCW. They are evil .
DeleteGiven the serious absence of credibility in the local Church, Hon and Jeff (sounds like a pair of travelling puppeteers!) need to THINK BIG PICTURE and not, in the colorful but apt imagery of Tim's "putting lipstick on a pig," type of leadership. They need to take big steps if not leaps, and not little dainty footfalls to avoid disruption. WTH, the front pages of the newspaper are huge disruptions enough that make us shudder with dread every time we pick up the dailies!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, to retaining an independent body from the Archdiocese to help identify survivors of these monsters and to advocate for justice on their behalf. That way Hon and Jeff can turn to other vital matters rather than being "MASTERS OF NONE" due to the enormity of other pressing issues. Unfortunately the ones we have in administration possess charism as pastors and peacemakers. We need commander/supervisor/administrative/manager types with wider perceptive reach, and can make decisions regardless of losers and winners, and who can do so without crying everytime. For God's sake, we are tired and sickened by emotional theatrics!!!
Yes, to removing controversial neos who have made asses of themselves and shamed NCW through their careless words and actions. Send these ingrates back to where they came from, and with their global reach, to any of their other locations where people idolize their presbyters regardless of their aberrations. The wounds on Guam are deep, and will not just go away with simple appeasement. RMS has no solid ground to stand on, except the pollyanish antics of an archbishop who loved the idea of being surrounded by the novel presence of foreign boys. Thus he ordained his boytoy Edivaldo who had nothing but a high school diploma and a big mouth! BLDSV Institute and RMS provided the rest, and so we got him, a total clownish monkey on steroids.
CCOG, LFM, JW, INDIVIDUAL LAITY, and others of goodwill, continue to stoke the fires because the current Church administration still does not get it in the face of overwhelming evidence that should allow them to carry our their mandate with confidence and resolve.
6.18pm. Very detailed description.
ReplyDeleteSo true.
BTW. Hon and Jeff only retracted those statement AFTER they were served a law suit.
ReplyDeleteWith that timing of their retraction, I'm led to think that it was more about damage control than their sincerity or clear understanding that those slanderous statements should not have been issued behalf of the Archdiocese.
Deleteso so true Tim, and yes Rose clearly its damage control, it was hon showboating, look, look i'm so saintly, i forgive you...
Deletedoes hon really think that retractions of statements absolves the people of said statements, it should on them to retract, not hon, hon should apologize to the people of Guam for being hon, BIASED..
gone are the days of "boys will be boys", these were derogatory statements made by the clergy, who acted more like BULLIES...
LETS NOT FORGET the FIST PUMP, and the RETAKE, as FAKE as a neo...
Putting lipstick on a pig only annoys the pig. Still a pig, though.:)
ReplyDeleteNice picture of Diana!
ReplyDeleteDoes Fr. Paul have any authority over Jucatan?