Monday, September 19, 2016


Posted by Tim

On Phill's show this morning at about 11:25, Mary Lou Garcia-Pereda shared the conversation she had with a priest after Mass this weekend. 

The priest had read part of Hon's letter and then launched into a several minute long diatribe of his own about the closure of schools and churches should Bill 326 be signed into law.

Mary Lou later confronted the priest telling him that he was wrong about the closure of schools and churches, that that was just fear-mongering. The priest replied: 

But that's what the lawyer said."

The priest was referring to a presentation given by two lawyers to the clergy this past Friday. The lawyers do not represent the archdiocese and do not represent Apuron. So why were they invited or permitted to address the clergy on this matter?

Moreover, did those two attorneys actually proffer questionable information with the intent to influence the outcome of this legislation? In fact, given the almost verbatim words of doom and gloom in Hon's letter, did they have a part in composing it?

Hon's letter makes the following claims:
  • the Archdiocese will be exposed to unlimited financial liability
  • Bankruptcy will mean the forced sale of Church properties
  • In other states...the results have been school closures and the cessation of vital services
  • the Bill will...erase the good work of those in the Archdiocese who serve the neediest
But according to this priest, it wasn't Hon who came up with these claims. According to this priest "that's what the lawyer said." 

Hmmmm. Where were these lawyers to advise the clergy BEFORE the bill passed? Why only now did they tell the clergy these things? And who are these lawyers? Or should we say "officious intermeddlers?" And no, the "trained lawyer" was not one of them. 


  1. We face “unlimited financial liability”?

    Hon letter, page 2, first full paragraph.

    Are we expecting an “unlimited” number of claims for past abuse?

    1. Well, Fr. Louis Broulliard did say he probably molested and photographed up to 50 boys. So imagine if they, or their relatives, stood up and said something.

      That's a whole lot of abuse claims laying in wait.

  2. Then the Administration is acknowledging their mistake not taking care of pass abuse but moving various Priest around to cover up their abuse. You are as well are the abuser for assisting in this cover up.

  3. i'll wait to find out who the two lawyers represent. obviously, they represent certain interests who don't want this bill passed. are those interests separate from the archdiocese but Catholic, or are they entirely outside the church? hmm...

  4. Is Dougie boy one of these "officious intermeddler"?

  5. Is Doug Moylan one of them???

    1. No. He wouldn't have had enough credibility to convince the clergy. Think of someone who ALL the clergy would believe.

  6. Look at what is possible after a HUGE sex abuse scandal and millions of dollars paid out to sex abuse victims and survivors:

    1. Thank you Andrew. My daughter and her family live in Tustin, a part of this diocese of Orange. Many people thought they were crazy to buy the Crystal Cathedral, but the mere ability to do so shows that once a diocese is purged of the great filth that has infected many dioceses.

      My daughter relates that during the crisis many people stopped giving because they had lost faith in the leadership (doesn't that sound familiar).

      But after the Church was cleansed people started making up for lost time. They wanted to support a church they could finally be proud of.

      Oh how I long for a Church on Guam I can be proud of again. I hope it happens in my lifetime.

      Unfortunately, our clergy are more concerned with property than the flock. I find it very comforting that God arranged for this to happen with the readings this weekend.

      You cannot serve two masters. It's God or mammon. Hopefully, one day all our priests and our bishop will choose God over mammon.

  7. Does the Archdiocese have umbrella liability insurance coverage with a certain carrier?

    1. How'd you guess !!!!

    2. Follow the money.

    3. Ok. Now I know one attorney. Too obvious!

  8. OMG I never put those 2 & 2 together. That says it all right there!! I am sick to my stomach thinking of it now.

  9. Ding! Ding! Ding! Just suppose these intermeddlers represented an
    interest in an insurance company that could potentially be liable for meeellions of dollars, couldn't that affect their bottom line? Just wondering out loud if that could even be possible. It would be a crazy scenario but can't help feeling paranoid!

  10. I'll take the bait and play the guessing game: Jeff Cook? Ed Terlaje? Champ Calvo?

    1. I understand they are not from here,
