Thursday, September 1, 2016


Posted by Tim

KUAM: Seminary board rejects conspiracy theory

Ric Eusebio wants to give us his "side of the story." So let's do this.

Eusebio tells us in his response to KUAM that he wants to "clarify some misconceptions or misunderstandings revealing the truth as I know it." Well, Ric, there's the problem. It's as YOU "know it." And who are you? An attorney? NOT. At least back up your "truth as you know it" with an actual document, you know, something other than your mouth. 

Eusebio says that RMS is an "Archdiocesan missionary seminary ordaining and educating diocesan priests." That's bullshit, Ric. Then why did Apuron start a second seminary? What's different about RMS? Oh, could it be that RMS only forms priests "following the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way?" (RMS Articles of Incorporation, Article 3)

And don't give us this crap that the only difference is that the Neo is "missionary." That's bullshit, Ric. Obviously "the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way" is DIFFERENT than the real diocesan priesthood or there would have been no need to establish a second seminary - which, by the way, only pretends to be a seminary. 

Eusebio says "They are missionary however and may be sent on missions at the discretion of the Archbishop." That's bullshit, Ric. A diocesan bishop has NO AUTHORITY to send his priests anywhere but to someplace within his own diocese. 

Eusebio says "The Archdiocese of Agana is a Corporation Sole, the Redemptoris Mater House of Formation is a Corporation sole." That's bullshit, Ric. First of all, it is NOT the Archdiocese which is a Corporation Sole, it is the office of the incumbent Archbishop. That's why the full legal name is: 

Second, RMS is NOT a Corporation Sole, it is a regular Guam non-profit corporation, which is why Article I of its Articles states:

RMS was NOT formed as a Corporation Sole otherwise it would say so in its name. And of course it cannot be formed as a corporation sole because under Guam law only a PERSON can become a corporation sole:
18 GCA§ 10102. Religious Corporations. Corporation sole. For the administration of the temporalities of any religious denomination, society, or church, and the management of the estates and properties thereof, it shall be lawful for the bishop, chief priest, or presiding elder of any such religious denomination, society, or church to become a corporation sole unless inconsistent with the rules, regulations, or discipline of his religious denomination, society, or church or forbidden by competent authority thereof.
An institution cannot become a corporation sole. Only a bishop, chief priest, or presiding elder, that is, a person, can become a corporation sole. This is why the legal name of the corporation sole is NOT "Archdiocese of Agana" but "Archbishop of Agana." 

Had RMS not incorporated itself separately from the Archbishop of Agana it would be part of the Corporation Sole, "Archbishop of Agana." However, IT IS NOT. Eusebio simply parrots the bag of bullshit put forth by Gennarini and Pius to mask their deception. They say because RMS has only one member (incorporator) that RMS is a corporation sole. LOL. Stupid. Or at least they think we are.

Eusebio gives us the tired old "legal the Lewis Roca Rothgerber law firm from Denver." Oh yawn. That's bullshit, Ric. Where is it, Ric? Why did Apuron hide it from public view after Attorney Jacques Bronze went to take a look at it? If it proved what you jokers say it proves you would have it published all over the Umatuna and every website you could get a hold of. Instead, no one knows where the hell it is. LOL. That's bullshit, Ric. 

Eusebio tells us that Hon "claims that the Holy See directed Archbishop Apuron to lift or rescind this deed but failed to clarify that the office making this "request" was his very own Congregation of Evangelization and he as the Apostolic delegate was the one making the request."

LOL, Ric. That's bullshit. First, Hon is NOT the "Apostolic delegate." Hon is the Apostolic Administrator. Archbishop Krebs is the Apostolic Delegate. But then you don't know the difference, do you? You certainly don't know the difference between the "Holy See" and the pope. You know why you don't know the difference? BECAUSE THERE IS NONE. The Holy See IS the pope. No congregation can issue a single order without his knowledge and consent. The pope has better things to do that to sit around wiping Neo-asses, so that's why he has Congregations take care of crap like yours. 

But, poor Ric. Here, you really show your pathetic ignorance about this because in the very same paragraph, you demand that we accept the opinion of the Congregation of Legislative Texts. You go on to tell us that this Congregation is "the highest Vatican Body for the interpretation of legislative act (sic)." Hello, Ric? Hello! Anybody home? Well the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples of which Hon is the Secretary is the "highest Vatican Body" overseeing the affairs of the Archdiocese of Agana. Too funny, Ric. You trash the authority of one Congregation and you demand that we accept the authority of another simply because the second says what you want it to say. That's bullshit, Ric. 

Eusebio goes on to give us the blah, blah, blah about the accreditation by the Lateran and all that crap. LOL. Why don't you have the Lateran write a letter affirming the current accreditation. That would be easy wouldn't it. By the way, you should know. I have a copy of the conditional accreditation from 2012, emphasis on "conditional." Do you know why it was "conditional," Ric? Why don't you tell us. And while you're at it, why don't you go ahead and publish the names and GUAM addresses of that list of permanent professors. 

But here's the main deal, Ric. If the seminary is all you say it is and if the Yona property plays such an important role in the future of forming priests, then WHY THE HELL WAS IT ALL DONE IN SECRET? 

Why the hell did I have to discover (uncover) it THREE YEARS after the deal was done? Why the hell wasn't it announced with pride in the Umatuna? Why wasn't there some grand celebration? 

Given all you freaks say about the seminary, one would think that giving the property to RMS permanently would be something you would want to go public in a big way. But no. It was a secret, a secret, a secret. 

Therein, folks, lies the truth. The recording of the deed, notarized by a member of Eusebio's own Barrigada community, was a secret. We were not supposed to find out about it. 

That's bullshit, Ric. And so is your pathetic, lying-ass "Way."

Oh, by the way, Ric. Looks like you're calling Hon a liar.

KUAM: Hon confirms statements from former finance council members


  1. Ric Euesbio you stupid dumb Ass.
    Go back to school learn something.
    You stupid idiot.

    1. Hmm. Probably making more money than you.

    2. In his Doctors coat. Eusebio nutty Doctor!

  2. Really unfair, Tim—to bulls.

  3. Who the f#$k cares what you say Ric. We all know that you're a Neo and that all NEOs turn a blind eye to the truth. I bet Pius told you exactly what to say but do we care, hell no. We're no Neo puppets and we can see and hear the truth.

  4. Having Ric Eusebio making a statement is funnier than having Dakon Tenorio making another impromptu statement. Where's Waldo anyway? Is he hiding out with his favorite pedophile?

    1. Did you see Waldo make a fist pump while Eusebio was reading his statement. Lol.

    2. Who the heck was that fella sitting next to him? His father?

  5. SENT AU 30 to Diana and similar on separate occasions and she never printed them. Perhaps you will?
    Dear Diana,
    I cannot help but feel that had the NCW not designed a Mass according to Kiko and Carman's original erroneous beliefs, we may not have had all this mayhem involving the seminary.
    Kiko and Carman, with the best intentions of evangelizing he world, erred drastically by not referencing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which would have set them straight in many areas - not only in their catechesis, but also in their Mass.
    If the seminarians at RMS are still being "taught" to include the additions and deletions in their NCW Mass, they are being denied the truth and are being encouraged to propagate error.
    Catholics must hold to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterial teaching.
    Perhaps correcting their errors in the Mass would quench some flames?


  6. -----------------------------
    2nd part sent separately immediately following above - too lengthy for one entry

    The NCW, after many, many years, thankfully now believe the Eucharist is not only a banquet, but also a sacrifice; and they now believe in transubstantiation.
    But, seminarians in the RMS are taught error and perpetuate error when we see the NCW continuing to consume the Eucharist sitting down as in a common meal, and promoting the refusal to kneel in adoration before Our Lord, (Who suffered, died on the cross, and rose from the dead) when He becomes truly present during the Eucharistic Prayer.

    DURING the Last Supper, the Apostles reclined at table, BUT the "Sacrifice" of the "Lamb" on the "Cross" had NOT YET taken place. NOR had the resurrection occurred. The NCW Mass reflects this; the NCW Mass was NOT considered a SACRIFICE for many, many, many years. The biggest error in the NCW Mass, however, was that Transubstantiation was not believed. (Reference the NCW statement that if Jesus wanted to "remain" with us He would have come as stone and not bread.) Again, another error of the NCW Mass that could have been avoided had the Catechism of the Catholic Church was used.

    The Apostles did not fully understand Jesus was to rise from the dead until Jesus actually presented Himself to them. When they RECOGNIZED AND BEHELD JESUS, they prostrated themselves.

    Mark: 16:14 Finally, as they were at table, Jesus was revealed to the Eleven. He took them to task for their disbelief and their stubbornness, since they had put no faith in those who had seen Him after He had been raised.
    In Matthew 28:16-17 it says: The Eleven disciples made their way to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had summoned them. At the sight of Him, those who had entertained doubts FELL DOWN IN HOMAGE.

    After each of the above scripture passages, Jesus then commissions His Apostles.

    Prior to Jesus ascending into Heaven Luke 24:52 says: They (the Apostles) FELL DOWN TO DO HIM REVERENCE.

    Other scriptures worth reflecting on: (Each adoring Jesus Who suffered, died on the cross, and Who rose from the dead for us.)

    Matt 28:9 Suddenly, without warning, Jesus stood before them and said, "Peace!" The women came up and EMBRACED HIS FEET AND DID HIM HOMAGE.

    And, Rev. 4:8-10 from Chapter 4 - Vision of Heavenly Worship says:
    ........."Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, He who was, and who is, and who is to come." Whenever these creatures give glory and honour and praise to the One seated on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before the One seated on the throne, and worship Him who lives forever and ever.

    And, from Sr. Lucia's memoirs (the Story of Fatima) -
    In the year 1916 - "Then the angel appeared to us for the third time. He was holding a Chalice in his hand. A Host was over it, from which fell some drops of Blood into the Chalice. Leaving the Chalice and Host suspended in mid-air, he prostrated himself on the ground, repeating this prayer three times: ....... (The 3 shepherd children copied the angel's posture of adoration and prayed the prayer too.)

    WHEN we RECOGNIZE AND BEHOLD Jesus as being the Sacrificial Lamb that was put to death on the Cross and rose from the dead for us, our posture demonstrates what we believe. Let us humble ourselves before Our Lord who humbled Himself for us

    1. Thank you, thank you for this.

  7. Ric Eusebio, errr Dr. Ric Eusebio, M.D., you can spin it any way
    you want. A LIE is a LIE is a LIE!!! Talk about being so brain
    washed along with the likes of Jacque Terlaje. I'm so incensed beyond
    Thank you, Tim, for your continuing edification.

  8. Dear Dr. Eusebio, I watched with interest your news statement tonight regarding the NCW's surreptitious grab of the Yona property. With sincerest concern, I hope that what you did does not reflect on the quality and conduct of your own medical practice. I am told you are a good physician, but in my view you gave a wrong diagnosis of the problem. Your statement is in gross error doctor. My advice, to be safe, is that you up your malpractice insurance coverage. Ps. does your clinic also double up as an NCW haven?

  9. I hope Dr. Eusebio is better at practicing medicine than he is at lying for the NCW.

  10. Really! Ric, stick to medicine! You and Collin K. have something in common...You're both UNINFORMED and lacking in cognitive skills. Collin's been radicalized, you've drunk the KAKA.
    The minute I saw the Kuam article my blood pressure went thru the roof! Use your surgical skills to dissect the heresy of the NEO and come to your senses!

  11. Is it me or do both he and Dan Quichocho seem like they're squirming in their seats? I'll pray that they remove the blinders that is the NCW!

  12. I almost started to believe Ric when he said "...revealing the truth...", then he kept talking and I began to suspect he might not be telling the truth. BTW is that Denver law firm licensed to practice law on Guam? If this thing ever went to court do you think that "prestigious" law firm will fly out here to defend what Ric said? Inquiring minds want to know!

  13. Tim. The stinking monk is making threats blackmail over clergy based on stories he learnt from Apuron.
    Stinking Monk better leave Guam Fast.

  14. When I saw ric lips lie about the stolen property, I saw lips that is perfect for adulterers. He should stick to his adulterer ways than thinking he is a lawyer.

    1. Adultery best sin in the communities!

    2. I remember his testimony given about 16 or 17 years ago at the San Vicente Parish. It was the night set for parents, godparents, and confirmation students. After practice Adrian introduced Eusebio and his wife. He spoke of his life and why he joined the then "JOY". After his little testimony, "I was having an affair and my marriage hit rock bottom. Then his wife came up to speak, standing next to him with eye eyes gazed upon up him, clutching his hand and said, " We attended the meeting and now we have been saved." Then they extended the "INVITATION TO JOY" meeting.

      I always wondered why they would air out their dirty laundry to these 9th, 10th and 11th senior high school students.

      As for his bedside manners, it sucks, unkess you are a neo patient. He expects the nurses and aides to serve him on hand and foot when making rounds. Eusebio, people see your true colors.

  15. Dr. Ric is the Chief Catechist for the Barrigada community and presides over the Chalan Pago community as well. What does that say about his impartiality and objectivity? Answer: he has none.

  16. To the good people of Guam.

    You need to start throwing Holy water when you see Pius Sammut.
    No joke. I want to encourage every catholic on Guam to carry Holy Water throw it around in the presence of Sammut Apuron their minions. Because when the full truth revealed you will have experienced Satan. This is no joke.

    1. But that will be a waste of Holy Water. Just throw anything hard and make sure it hits the target.

  17. Hey Tim, Calm down you're going to have a Arch- attack !!!! Nevermind maybe it might shut that big mouth.

    1. And what does McDonalds have to do with this blog Anonymous @ 1:32 AM.

  18. Hey, Eusebio: you have been thoroughly dissected like a frog in high school biology class. And what did we find? same old same old. Or, as Tim put it so eloquently, "that's bullshit, Ric!"

  19. This surgeon is far from his field. He had a cancer in his heart and he is completely unable to operate to remove it.

    The problem with dyed in the wool kikos like Eusebio is that no amount of logic or truth will get them to alter their destructive course.

    He needs to be prayed for because our discussions with these will never work. Only the Holy Soirit can touch the wounded heart.

    For good NCWs out there who get spiritual benefit from this charism....please keep an open mind to the problems we are discussing here. For if you become heartless and mindless like doc Eusebio, your soul is in peril and the movement will collapse around you.

    Stand up to the evil and corruption and lies at the top. Tell them you expect more of them. Challenge them on the heretical teachings and liturgical abuses. Ask them for proof rather than accept their word, which is deeply tarnished.

    The neo future really depends on the good NCWs expecting more from their presbyters and leaders.

  20. Thank you, Tim, for setting Eusebio straight. Those Neos have no bounds as far as their lying goes.
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

    1. How do you like Tim now Eileen Benavente Blas. LOL!

  21. Watching Rick last evening confirms the lengths the "followers" will defend the lies of NCW. Rick you are supposed to be an educated man. You have gotten a Doctor's degree. The least you could have done is to study the Bronze opinion or at the very least debunk it. indeed sad to see you and your side kick lie for your sect. What this shows us is the hold that this Sect has on people that facts do not matter. The only things that matters is what your catechist orders you to parrot. PEOPLE WAKE UP THIS IS THE TRUE NATURE OF KIKO. THEY WILL EVEN FEED THEIR OWN TO THE LIONS. RICKY BOY, YOU JUST HAVE BEEN HAD AND YET EVEN SADDER IS YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW IT. SHAME SHAME SHAME


  23. That picture of Ric looks like he's really pissed off. But then again, it better to be pissed off than pissed on.

  24. No wonder why everyone likes his Brother Andrew! Probably because He's not a Neo. They come from a good family. I wonder what happened to Ric. He must have had a rough patch and the Neo's sucked him in. Same old song and dance.

  25. It would be nice if we can actually talk sense with Dr. Eusebio. I doubt if he reads this blog. They don't even read the newspaper or watch television as instructed. How do we get the message to him. Somebody told me that all these are for the benefit of the Neo members who will accept whatever their leaders say. For as long as the leaders say something. That is why Diana has to say something regardless of how twisted it is.

  26. Dr.'ll now be regarded among the NEO hierarchies as one willing to lie to perpetuate the SCAM and SHAM that is RMS and the NCW. No one listens to Putrid, The Arch Molester, Adrienne, Msgr. Lurch, Jackie the Trained Lawyer, Dungbat Diana Mae et al anymore because they can't BACK UP anything they say with documentation. And just because you have a medical degree, you think that the people will believe you too? Show your proof. Validate your statements with documents. Oh, can't. So do everyone, including yourself, a favor and just stick to your medical practice. Lying doesn't look good on you!

  27. Eusebio is protecting Apuron which means he supports a child molester.

    1. Your the child molester not Archbishop Apuron!

  28. I hear tell that Rics daughter is married to the brother of the DLM.

  29. True. Land mgmnt Borja's bro is married to surgeon's daughter. Neos!!!
