Sunday, September 18, 2016


Posted by Webster.

What is more important? Protecting our children, especially really young ones, from sex predators and abusers, or to protect the assets/money/property of sex predators and abusers and the institutions that protect them, hide them, and continue to pay them.
Do not forget. The bill that was unanimously passed by our courageous senators is to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN, NOT to protect the ASSETS/MONEY/LAND of sex abusers and predators and the institutions that protect them, hide them, and continue to pay them.

So which is more important?

If you are still in doubt, ask your mother and our Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ.


  1. I agree that this bill is to protect the innocent children. People need to really look deep and pray. Materialistic things is what this diocese has gotten use to. Without them, the diocese will lose the power they have held for so long. The church has already crumbled and Hon, tony and the rest of the knuckleheads are desperately trying to have one last play on us.

    I pray the governor signs this bill into law in hopes it deters any future abuse. As well as, compensates all those who have been abused before. Let the peace and healing begin with the signing of this bill into law.....

  2. Can we have a petition to pass around after mass, to name the bill after Tony? In his defense, it was created after him. That's the least we can do for him. It would be Tony's legacy...

  3. Can we have a petition to pass around after mass, to name the bill after Tony? In his defense, it was created after him. That's the least we can do for him. It would be Tony's legacy...

  4. The clergy seems to favor anything with the word ass in it.

  5. We are now seeing the extent of the cancer that infected the Church here in Guam, and radical surgery must be performed. The true colors of certain members of the clergy have been exposed. I am deeply disappointed.

  6. @ anonymous 11:50 that's a great idea!! Maybe we can have the governor sign both bills at the same time.

  7. Justice demands restitution. Apparently buildings and land hold greater value than our children's safety & well being. This logic has no trust in God's providence.

  8. Am I this close to surrendering my Catholic faith.

    1. Our faith is not the issue. Our belief system is not being attacked. It is the human aspect of our religion that needs to be cleansed. Never lose FAITH!

    2. Dear Anon 1:14 PM, do not lose heart. We must stay strong and steadfast in this battle. It is always a battle. Satan seeks to destroy and he is more than happy when we start to falter in our faith. The Catholic Faith is first and foremost belief that we receive Jesus himself in the Eucharist. We believe that the Mass is the highest form of prayer and that there is the Sacrifice of the Mass. Priest and bishops are still human and they will make mistakes in judgement at time. This is one of those times. We fight for this cause because we know it is right and truthful. We have to stay strong for our children so that they too will enjoy the Church that Jesus built. When Jesus told Saint Peter, "upon this rock I will build My Church", He did not mean a physical building. Therefore my friend stay strong in the faith. Your church needs you now more than ever. Thank you.

  9. Given the history of our local church, I guess the action of some of our clerics leaves little room for any surprises. They have sent us an undeniable message that their welfare takes precedence over any of the victims. Now we know which master they choose to follow. So sad!
