Sunday, September 18, 2016


Let's take this point by yellow-underlined point:

1. "We care foremost about the victims."
Hon did NOT even mention the victims in his introductory speech to us on June 9. He told us only to pray for Apuron. Later he mocked the victims, comparing their accounts to an account he was familiar with involving a woman who accused a priest of adultery which - according to him - turned out to be false. On the steps of the Cathedral on June 12, Fr. Nowak, Hon's right hand man turned Walter Denton away when Walter told him "I'm one of the victims. I'd like to speak to him." 

2. "those who commit acts of child sex abuse will be held accountable for it." 
As already mentioned, how do you hold a dead priest accountable? And how do you hold a 95 year old priest whose sole source of wealth is a $500 a month pension he receives from this diocese? And here's another thing Hon doesn't get. Apuron has money, but let's say he didn't. How would he be held accountable? He cannot be criminally prosecuted as a result of this legislation. What are you going to do? Remove him from ministry? Meaning, he has a paid vacation the rest of his life. Most priests have little to no personal assets. Which attorney is going to take a client who has no personal means to finance legal proceedings against a defendant who has none either?

3. "unintended consequences...legislators...did not understand." 
In a previous post, I thought Hon meant that WE did not understand. Now I see that the means "the legislators" did not understand. What do you think of that, Senators. Hon thinks you are SO STUPID that you don't even know what you are voting for. If there ever was a way to make the bill VETO-PROOF, this is it! Thank you, Hon. You just pissed off the whole Legislature by calling them stupid. Gotta love it.

4. "We should be outraged..."
LOL. You mean like you, Hon? After weeks of mocking and ignoring the victims who had already come forward? The only thing you're outraged at Hon is the loss of your freaking red hat. And like I already said. SCREW YOU!

5. "some of whom have not resided on Guam in decades."
Two things. There is only one priest that we know of who has not resided on Guam in decades, Brouillard. So you're telling us, Hon, that you know of other priests. Well then show your outrage and make those names public. But the truth is, there is only one. Yet Hon says "some." A liar and a manipulator to the max! And here's the other thing. The only reason Brouillard has not "lived on Guam in decades" is because he was kicked out of here after abusing our children nearly three decades. It doesn't matter that he doesn't live here any more, you fool. You're paying his bills as if he was.

6. "everyone in the community to draft a new bill"
LOL. Note to Rome. This is why you don't want to send us a Hong-Kong-ese to run a U.S. diocese. He doesn't know crap. The whole community already drafted a bill. It's called the legislative process. A bill was introduced. It received TWO public hearings. The whole "community" was invited to submit testimony, suggestions, etc. The bill was amended and reported out of committee for all to see, including you. And it went to the floor to be discussed and voted on. That's how we do things in America, Hon. The only thing was: YOU DID NOTHING...until you found out that you might not get your stinking red hat.


  1. Not only two public hearings but three public hearings, the last being a continuation of the second. That is when Mr. Tudela came forward.

    1. And then Hon said he was trying to reach out to Mr. Tudela but didn't know Mr. Tudela's contact number. The legislature could have provided that information. Actually if Hon appeared to provide testimony on Bill 326-33 at that time he could have met Mr. Tudela in person. So ONLY NOW Hon needs to have another bill drafted? HA!

  2. Sad that even gofigan's homily he talk about losing the friary and about people being misguided by revenge and that WE should support the veto of this bill by the governor. Just very sad.

  3. Archbishop Hon is from China. He may not understand the Value of American Democracy that we in the Free World hold dear. His letter indicates a complete disrespect for the democratic process of making law.

  4. Hon, your letter reeks of neo scare tactic propaganda. You try to placate us by saying that removing Apuron is now 'in the works'. Stop the charade! We are not your ignorant pawns!!
    You're worried about liability and losing "assets" over saving innocent victims and helping them cope with deep emotional scars resulting from their abuser? Your action only re-victimizes them again.
    You're asking young children to sign petitions not having full comprehension of what they are signing or the whole genesis of the bill?
    What a sad state of affairs for our Church.
    Santa Maria, ayuda ham yan y famagu'on ta.

  5. For decades our Church was protecting its power, privilege, and prestige. It left men like Roy, Sonny, Walter, Leo, and Peter to rot. It left them for dead. Jerry Taitano was right, when he testified in support of the bill, saying that the Church won't change unless its forced to.

    1. Passing of this bill into law is the only way to stop child abuse and bring justice to victims which will restore peace unity of this church. Without Justice the war continues. Only justice amending the past will restore peace.

  6. Another one of Hon's gambit. Don't fall for it Governor Calvo.

  7. The script is missing the part where the sheep say, "baa, baa."

  8. Your OP puts words in Hon's mouth sturring up hate and even more division...shame on you to cause scandal in the church....twisting things....there are ways to meet with the leaders of the church....not forcing and disrupting...
    I continue to pray for you..
    By the way....senators and lawmaker are not stupit....they just need to hear both sides and prayers to make the right decisions......

    1. Oh wise tell us how to meet properly with our church leaders and we'll follow you like a herd of sheep.
      Oh...the word is spelled STUPID!

    2. I stand corrected...'flock" of sheep/herd of cattle. LOL!

    3. Shame on you 3pm.
      We protect victims of sexual abuse.
      Division that grew today is caused by you. You are creating scandal!
      Support victims of sexual abuse!

    4. "Diana" rears their ugly heads.

    5. Thank You for Praying For Us Anonymous September 18, 2016 at 3:00 PM - But I think You Need More Prayers since you cannot see what is right in front of your face! Some Senators and Lawmakers are in it for themselves!

  9. Hon, you're just another expendable NCW shill. Where is your power now Hon, now that the roof is collapsing on you?

  10. I wont even try to debate with you all... stay in your vomit of sin where i guess you enjoy being.....twist everthing like you do......
    Stipit or stupid....thanks for correcting my spelling of what i think of this site......
    See you in hell.....

    1. LOL. Apparently you are planning on being there! LOL. ROTFL!!

    2. 7:19 PAM - I agree with Tim! I will not be seeing you there! I know where I will be going since I am for defending the True Catholic Churches on My Island on Guam! How about learning a little English so that you can put your sentences in the correct and proper way!

  11. I have been reading this blog for the last three years and have been somewhat supportive till now. I don't agree on including suing institutions of this bill. maybe nothing has happen to the Catholic Church such as closing schools or parishes as Tim suggested but what would happen if it wasn't the Catholic Church victims plan on suing. It could include private schools, businesses or the government which could detrimental. I wouldn't include "institutions" in this bill and limit any lawsuits to the individual or possibly include suing institutions only for gross negligence. The only reason why supporters of Tim want this bill pass is to get AA. Think about the effects it will have on the community

  12. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 19, 2016 at 12:23 AM

    “It could include private schools, businesses or the government which could detrimental.”
    That is the intention of the bill. It is to protect minors from sexual abuse in settings where minors are found --- churches (of all denominations), schools, day care centers, youth summer camps, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sports leagues, recreational centers, sports camps, etc. The discussion in JungleWatch focuses primarily on the child sexual abuse in Catholic Church because the primary audience of JungleWatch are Catholics. The obvious motive for including institutional liability is that the institutions and organizations are the defendants who usually possess the financial resources to pay for the damages. Moving forward, knowing that there is a law that holds institutions and organizations liable for child sexual abuse serves as a deterrent to predatory acts against minors. One way is that predators within an institutions and organizations may be required to seek professional help to assist them dealing with this predatory compulsion lest they and their institution or organization be subjects of a lawsuit. Institutions and organizations will be forced to design and implement ways to bring about awareness and prevention of childhood sexual abuse. Institutions such as churches, schools, businesses that work with minors will have to implement policies and provide training for the prevention of and response to childhood sexual abuse so that to prevent childhood sexual abuse and cover-up within their organizations and within their facilities. Even families should be having discussions in their homes about being aware of and speaking out when they have experienced or know of another minor that is being sexually abused. Being forced by such a law into awareness, prevention, and being responsive to childhood sexual abuse will make for a healthy island community.
