The picket is not about Fr. Paul. It goes way beyond Fr. Paul.
The Picket Line represents our collective effort to stand up against a bad archbishop and for justice. It is the LINE that we have drawn against evil and injustice. Yes, we are fighting the Devil that has infiltrated the highest ranks of our Catholic Church in Guam. The Picket Line represents our stance: Evil No More.
The 9:30 mass at the Cathedral Basilica is the mass designated as the mass of the Archbishop of Agana. It is a high mass. We picket this mass because of its symbolic significance.
Fr. Paul was a casualty of this war. We won a battle for Fr. Paul. That is all. However, we are not even close to winning our war against the Devil.
To break the Picket Line by attending Fr. Paul's installation is telling our Enemy that we can be easily won over. "Throw them some bread and the peasants will forget why they are fighting," says the Devil.
We are the peasants. Breaking the Picket Line dilutes our efforts. It weakens it. It shows the Enemy that we can be easily bought.
I am sure that Fr. Paul himself agrees. I am sure he will be dismayed if we weaken our resolve by breaking the Picket Line. Fr. Paul knows that there is a lot more at stake here than the celebrating of his installation. He took a stance against evil and injustice three years ago. We took up arms and fought for and with him. Those three years were "painful and arduous" for him, for us.
Let us not cheapen our struggle with him by capitulating at the first sight of victory.
Do I join the 9am "protest" tomorrow (Sunday) or do I attend the 9:30 Mass at the Cathedral celebrated by Father Gofigan?
ReplyDeleteI want to be allowed to be guided by my conscience as to what I decide I will do this Sunday and hope others would be enabled to be guided by theirs, as well -- seeing as we’re all in the same battle for the preservation and protection of our authentic Faith and Church, remember?
Thanks, Marilu. But I don't think we are all in the same battle. In fact, I know that we are not. Some just want their "fave priest" back. Some just want their power (church position) back.
DeleteSo true Tim. Now more than ever we need to stand together until all injustice has been addressed and resolved. I ask myself why Im doing this? Why protest? It's because I can't sit by and watch while evil takes an even bigger foothold on our Archdiocese. Through our silence we have allowed such a thing to happen. I'm in this fight because it's so much more than just Fr. Paul or James. People can do whatever they want but as for me and my family, we will continue to protest.
DeleteOr to put it another way, what is your reason for joining this war? The more overarching the reason, the more you will stay in the war till it is won. This is okay. There is nothing wrong if your goal is just to reinstate Paul or James or to defrock Apuron. But help your fellow combatants by exiting in the least obtrusive way.
DeleteI totally agree with Tim. We are not "in the same battle". The battle the Protestors are fighting is against Apuron and others who have caused the injustices to our True Catholic Church! Great News for Father Gofigan who is somewhat vindicated but what about Father Benavente? Still unclear about his fate. I agree that the Protest should continue and to those who are having a hard time making a decision, go with your conscience. I, for one, will continue Protesting! BiBa Katolikus!
DeleteI agree, Marilu, that we each must be guided by our conscience. I am still in the fight to win back
Deleteour archdiocese. I hope that if I join the picket line next Sunday, I will be welcomed.
Eileen Benavente-Blas
Oh Eileen. You really are dull, like Martha.
DeleteWe have to look at the big picture and not just the single celebration of fr. Paul. This archdiocese still has not acknowledged any of its victims which should've taken priority over the shuffling of priests. It's these victims who deserve justice so THEY can heal. Not the celebration of priests assignments.
ReplyDeleteTim is Right. This is not about geting power position. Power/position is useless . This is a fight for justice.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow we will see who is for power position supporting their fave priest and who is for truth justice working for the good of our church.
Doubt New Rector will be satisfied with Cathedral vestments he will bring his own priceless FINERY. Don't be a Peacock Fr Paul. Welcome the poor of Guam to the CB. Best of luck.
Delete5.53am i dont agree with you.
DeleteWhen it comes to the celebration of Holy Mass we must provide the best of vestments and chalices for Mass. I would expect all vestments for a cathedral Basilica to be cloth of Gold. And dont play the rich/poor card. Even in the shanty towns the very best must be used for Mass.
Fr.Paul will return a sense of dignity to the Liturgy respect for the Roman Rubrics that was thrown out under Monsignor David and his red neck NCW.
I am living in Italy, but if I would live in Guam, I would join the protesters
ReplyDeleteout of love for our catholic Church.
I would, too. I am living in Seattle, WA but I would join the Sunday protests until all the mess is cleared up and the local Church is on the road to being healthy and strong. There are many, many, many issues to correct. If they are not all corrected, the local Church will continue to operate but will be wobbly. The collective mess will not go away in one shot. The Faithful have to help chip away at the mountain of mess until there isn't a mountain any longer. Picketing is one of the least, yet powerful way the Faithful can help clean up the local Church.
DeleteOh Anonymous. You really are unknown, like the unknown comic.
ReplyDeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
Sorry Eileen, but I'll not have you using my blog to mock the people who support me, anonymous or otherwise. No more comments will be permitted from you.
DeleteOhhhhh Eileen Tim bury you (not thrown under the bus). Your done sistah. Black listed, stick a fork on you.... no mas! LOL!
DeleteWho support me???? You call someone a dictator and your doing the same? LOL.
DeleteDamn right. I'm the dictator of my blog. People can say all the shit they want to about me, but they don't get to say that about my friends. Understand, coward?
DeleteThank you again Tim!