Sunday, September 4, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

It took a few months to build the special chapel, but the sect finally buried St. Carmen just the other day (September 2nd) on the grounds of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Madrid.  Kiko reserved a spot for himself next to her.  Just thought you might want to know.


  1. As much as Kiko laugh at Benedict XVI red shoes and laces, I laugh at this neogaudy burial for the triunvirate! Just horrendus...Why is Kiko obsessed with cristal bubles? I had never seen a glass mausoleum before in Spain. Would it help to maintain incorrupted bodies of the founders?

    By chance, Kiko, you have to inform Google to include RM Sem. of Madrid in Maps. Meeeeeeellions and meeeeeellions of neocatechumenals are going to pilgrim there, after visiting Kiko's bedroom at his familiar home...Such a pity Spanish people do not love him, as used to happen with authentic prophets.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So nicely maintained, isn't it? Jackie what do you think?

  4. - LaPaz - Can you tell us what the cross and the wrap of the statue is made of? I am thinking gold since brass is too cheap for the Self-Appointed Prophet Kiko. Is the glass bullet-proof? My Non-Neo Inquiring Mind Wants to Know!

  5. so, was it intentionally designed to look like st pope john paul ii's tomb?

  6. Saint Carmen??? When was she made a saint? Today after many years, Mother Teresa became a saint. Most of the Catholic Church's saints or blessed people are honored decades, if not centuries, after their deaths. Traditionally, there is a mandatory five-year waiting period before formal evaluation of a candidate for beatification can begin.

    Two extremes to look at: Mother Teresa devoted her life to helping India's poor, whereas Carmen's Cultic followers create division where ever they are sent.

    BIBA Saint Mother Teresa.

    1. Just maybe; they have already created a church separate from the Roman Catholic Church with KIKO as their pontiff. They already own most of the Cardinals and Bishops. Pope KIKO must have canonized Carmen years before she passed away....just thinking out loud.

    2. Thank you for mentioning Mother Teresa on Junglewatch. Somehow she seemed to be forgotten among all the events taking place yesterday. I was privileged to be one of her volunteers in Bombay and Calcutta in the 1980's. She was saintly but also very human. When I met her in Calcutta her face lit up when I told her I had volunteered at Asha Daan in Bombay. But when I said, "Your sisters at Asha Daan told me to ask you when you are coming to see them," her face fell and she looked away and said, "I don't know." I had unintentionally reminded her of her overwhelming responsibilities. Another visit to Calcutta from Nepal I gave her a letter from her sisters in Nepal and she kept asking, "But they're alright aren't they?" with an anxious face. During the morning masses in her motherhouse Mother Teresa would sit just inside the door and would look annoyed when people came in late. During consecration she and all her sisters would not just genuflect, they would lower their heads to the floor. One time Mother Teresa asked all volunteers to come together. We all sat at her feet but she refused an offered stool. She stood speaking of the importance of purity saying with a radiant face, "When we come out of confession we are without sin, like Mary." I hope a little of Mother Teresa's holiness made me a better Catholic.

    3. Dear Melinda, thank you for the reminder. You're right. We should have paid more attention to the new St. Teresa. In fact, we should adopt her as our patron saint. She knew how to speak truth to power and got in the faces of the wicked rulers of her time.

      In 1994, in front of the greatest proponents of abortion who ever governed our country (until Barack Obama) Mother Teresa said, in front of Bill and Hillary Clinton:

      But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.

      And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even His life to love us. So, the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts.

      By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.

      And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion.

      Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

      Peggy Noonan wrote of that moment in the Wall Street Journal:

      Well, silence. Cool deep silence in the cool round cavern for just about 1.3 seconds. And then applause started on the right hand side of the room, and spread, and deepened, and now the room was swept with people applauding, and they would not stop for what I believe was five or six minutes. As they clapped they began to stand, in another wave from the right of the room to the center and the left.

      But not everyone applauded. The president and first lady, seated within a few feet of Mother Teresa on the dais, were not applauding. Nor were the vice president and Mrs. Gore. They looked like seated statues at Madame Tussaud’s. They glistened in the lights and moved not a muscle, looking at the speaker in a determinedly semi-pleasant way.

  7. In order to put their "Tumba de los Iniciadores" there, the RMS property in Madrid must have been "transferred, sold, and conveyed" to the sect for their "perpetual use", no? That's a wonderful thing, because Giuseppe Gennarini told us on the radio that they "don't have no money."

    1. Is this the same Giuseppe who spent his stays on Guam in Hyatt's ($1000 suite?) when ever he and his wife come for his so called seminary lectures? Spn2

    2. He claims he has no money so the Kaka filled NEO Cult zombies foot the bill for his luxurious stay. Don't know why he does not use the accommodations at the NEO Cult Presbyter factory.

  8. this are just my thoughts..., Immaterial and regardless of how many times the address Carmen Hernandez a "saint", she will always be the late Carmen Hernandez, until God WILLS her to be a saint. Would we also have a St Lucifer?? jescepedaofchalanpago

  9. Kiko designed it himself and all the NEOs will say Ahhhhhh!

  10. Many thanks to all of Kikos followers for giving up their earthly treasures so that he will be forever enshrined as a King. He must be laughing his Way to the bank. Again, your King will forever be enshrined for prosterity while your loved ones will be forgotten in the overgrown cemeteries on the island. Pathetic.

  11. Might as well bury him face down so that all of his followers can kiss his ass even in his death.
