Saturday, September 3, 2016


Posted by Bob
Chess is an ancient game which may have originated in China. We're witnesses to the play of a chess master--AB Hon. There are a couple bishops in our game, Hon on the left and Apuron on the right. Hon sees us as pawns.

The object of chess is to put the other side in checkmate. Checkmate means to end the game; to win the game. Hon came here for one purpose only; to win the game, i.e. protect the neocats and their seminary property and act as horse-holder for Apuron until he could come back. Hon soon found out that the pawns scattered around the board in the form of the CCOG, LFM, Silent No More and various and assorted members of the laity AND THEIR PESKY PICKET LINE were much more than he had bargained for. Hon had to use his skills a chess player.

Hon's a master of the chess technique called the gambit. A gambit is a move that appears to sacrifice a chess piece in order to gain a positional advantage on the board.  Here's an example:  Hon takes Pius off the board and replaces him with  Quitugua, the younger. Hon "sacrificed" a top neocat--hooray! Hon then sends Quitugua, another neocat, to the seminary as rector keeping the seminary under neocat control. Because Pius dissed Hon, sending him packing was really no sacrifice at all and Hon strengthened his position with the seminary because Quitugua is easier to control than Pius.

Here's another gambit:  Hon seemingly concedes a point and moves a pawn, Father Paul, to the Cathedral, as rector without removing the Decree of Removal against Father. Since Apuron is the Archbishop of Agana and has been held out as the Pastor of the Cathedral, Fr. Paul is in a very precarious position to deal with the neocats for whom the Cathedral is next to the seminary in their occupational scheme. Hon may very well have placed Fr. Paul in a more precarious position than his last assignment. Hon of course has ultimate control over Fr. Paul who is rector, not pastor, and thus cannot avail himself of the protections accruing to a pastor.

Moving Fr. Paul to the Cathedral achieves another procedural advantage for Hon. Placing Fr. Paul at the Cathedral BLOCKS the return of Msgr. James to the place to which he should rightfully return--the Cathedral.  But no one could now make that demand because, well...Father Paul is there.

Clever as the Pius gambit is it pales in comparison the Fr. Paul gambit. Hon's going for checkmate here. By deliberately conflicting the time of weekly picket at the Cathedral with the installation of Fr. Paul as the rector, Hon hopes to break the picket line that has been the key to our success. Hon's maneuver is to get people to go the installation instead of the picket or even worse to stack the picket signs at 9:30 and go inside to the installation or by demonstrating a lack of dedication, sincerity and commitment to both the Mass and the picket line by going inside at 9:45.

Clever Hon with one move cements the control of the neocats over the Cathedral, diminishes Fr. Paul further, blocks the return of Msgr. James to the Cathedral and takes a hard shot at our picket line.

Don't let Hon checkmate us. If we must be pawns let us not break our ranks.


  1. Great battles are often won one foot at time. See you tomorrow at 9

  2. WOW! That Hon is a sly one.

  3. Have an inkling there is more to these assignments than meets the eye. Distrust perhaps? Rightly so after all the years of deceit. I wholeheartedly agree that we have to keep forging ahead with hope & faith that truth & justice will eventually prevail. Vow to keep on marching God willing!

    1. Full list of assignments so far not published. Important to see this listing.

  4. I will continue marching. If my feet become bloody stumps, I will continue marching.

    1. I hope u croke! LOL!

    2. We will not choke Apuron Pius will!

    3. Anon @ 4:41 pm: Is that you Ric? Croke is spelled C-R-O-A-K. LOL.

  5. Lack of sincerity and commitment...we can sniff it a mile away! See you from 9 am - 9:45 soldiers! Rain or shine!

  6. I read Bob's piece and wonder when Bob, changed his career from being an attorney to the lofty position of a psychoanalyst. Bob there may also another plausible reason for his actions, and this is that he is making the changes that he needs in order to bring healing to our Church. I think that second guessing AB Hon's move is a wee bit premature. Courage

    1. Learn to comprehend what you read Tommy. What Bob is trying to say is, don't stop picketing until the race is won. If you want us to stop picketing, then just say so. I suppose you want us to become headless chickens now and submit. Look what happened the last time we did that ala Apuron!. Never again Tommy. Second guess all you want Bob. At the very least, you could be wrong. No harm there if you are!

    2. Just because Bob says these are Hon's motives does not make them so. I don't agree with Bob's analysis. Could be that Msgr. James will be made the next archbishop. Maybe you that's why he was not restored as rector. I don't go for Bob's conspiracy theory.
      Eileen Benavente-Blas

    3. It's not Bob's conspiracy theory, it's mine, and BASED ON FACTS that I have which you don't.

    4. Eileen, you dont agree with Bob's analysis yet you are ready and willing to throw guesses to the wind backed up with "could be ..." And "maybe..." statements? Your guess and conjectures are not any better than Bob's analysis.
      And don't lump your recent plight here on JW together with Tommy. In his own way, he's asking us to stop protesting. You on the other hand, are insulting people for protesting during Fr. Paul's Mass. Sorry Eileen. I do not want to be like you.
      Great turn out this morning in front of Basilica. The Holy Spirit is moving hearts, minds and bodies to action!

  7. Eusebio strikes again. His Arguments seem to make sense. Richard Untalan, what sayest thou? Your move.

    1. What made sense? Need to know.

    2. If Ric's statement seems to make sense, you're either blind or half a bubble off. What Ric did is make a fool of himself, but looks like he has company.

    3. I see Ric needs to also learn how to spell in his new Neo post Lose is spelled with one "o" and not two. LOL.

    4. Nothing makes sense to a Neo unless it's a Neo leader speaking anti-Catholic rhetoric in Diana's one-sided website. That's why they're so obediant to their Neo masters. Pathetic.

  8. Mr. Tanaka, have you forgotten Hon's double speak in the not so distant past?
    What has he done to really prove he is sincere this time? All these "changes" are just cosmetic, just window dressing, nothing substantial.

  9. Well posted. Continue the picket line.

  10. Anon 5:15, We have been asking for intervention from Rome, and working to reverse the 30 years of Apuron's misdeeds may take a little longer than we would like to happen. I for one has been pleased with the changes, I have seen so far. It is going to take time to untangle the mess that Apuron heaped on our Church. Patience and Prayers are what AB Hon needs.

    1. Who's been asking for Rome's intervention? Tim's been warning us from the get-go that we have to solve our own problems cuz Rome won't. Hon was hardly off the plane when he started dissing the victims and praying for Apuron. Hon only changed his tune after he was served with a suit. The only thing that has worked for us is aggressive tactics, specially the picket line. Patience and prayers for thirty years got us where we are. We are finally starting to win but only cuz we're keeping the pressure on Hon.

  11. So you want us to now sit on the fence and watch? Stop being a sell out Tommy! You go sit on the fence and watch. Bob has every right to say what he has to say because it's true. Hon is here to save the Neo's. You wanted the Neo's not to invade your parish, I want the Neo's out of Our Archdiocese, whether it be out of Guam or start their own church! Have you lost sight and reasoning as to why Apuron did what he did? The NCW is the root of the problem. You're typical Tommy, don't come here to preach patience and prayers and add your bit to the pacification of the natives. Who are you trying to convince? Who told you to say that? Hon can do more than just shuffle priests around so we can all feel good about it, like you. You are welcome to take the back seat or get off the bus but please stop with the patience and prayers bit. Don't try to advocate for our silence. Our picket line is our prayer for justice and healing and yes, we are patient for as long as It takes for God to hear our prayers, pleas and petition.

  12. I think it's extremely disheartening that those who express a different opinion as Tommy Tanaka has done and I have done are thought to be against the cause of restoring our archdiocese to pre-Apuron influence. There is power in prayer. What is CCOG's "official" stance on those who attend Fr. Paul's Mass and then join the picketing in the following Sunday's? Will we be welcomed or what?
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

    1. CCOG has no official stance, but apparently you do. You're passing judgement all over this blog. Besides you cannot join the picket since it occurs during Mass and you've already said you consider the timing to be disrespectful. You've blasted and ridiculed people here for two days now and you now say you're offended. Enough.

    2. You never picketed before now you wonder if you'll welcomed on the picket line? Do you think you should be welcomed after you did your best to sabotage today's picket line?

  13. I want this to be TERRIBLY CLEAR. Bob says in this post EXACTLY what I have been saying from the beginning. And I have been saying what I have been saying because of what I know. For three years I have not been proven wrong. There's a reason. Trust me.

  14. mr klitzkie answered exactly what i was wondering about since catching up with all the rapid developments of this past week. hon seems to believe he's made a master play with all these maneuvers. and it seems like a few people have indeed fallen for his plan. but don't let that diminish the resolve to bring real justice to the guam Church. those picket signs are as needed now as they were the past several weeks!
