More than likely, this cemetery board is waiting for someone to do the job gratis. If they hold out a little longer, maybe the mayor will do it for them, as was done in Agat. Geeze, if they can't have respect for the dead, they should at least have respect for the community and spend an allotted budget on landscaping and maintenance. Oh wait, the allotted budget went to the OTHER community.
Right, Rude-ee. But now your issue is with Hon. After reviewing 170 pages of documentation, Hon found that allegation and the others to be "invalid." The only thing you assholes have is the word of another asshole. LOL. We need a meme for you "a talking asshole." Courage.
Anonymous October 8, 2016 at 3:00 AM - How about we find out what happened to the "ENTRUSTED FUNDS" that Jackie said was given to her first.
And if you have something writing or pictures to prove that Monsignor James gave cemetery plots free, then we will deal with that later. This happened before the New Cemeteries Board or whatever they are called took over.
To make a comment - While Monsignor James was in charge, Pigo Cemetery was beautiful to look at while driving on Marine Drive. I was really impressed when I came home. When I came home August 2016, I was totally surprised since the cemetery looked like a slum section.
Even More important to Me - I want to know what happened to the allotted funds after the new committee took over since the cemeteries are in horrible conditions. Pictures do not lie!
I went there to visit my grand-daughter's burial site, passed by my grand-mother's grave and had to stop and remove all the burrs from my trouser....what a sorry way of maintaining the cemeteries, ought to give the members of the board the hand-clippers and rakes to cleanup the areas and earn the money that they have spent on themselves...
Why don't you do your grand-daughter & g-mother proud and clean up around your family plots instead of complaining about it! Good grief! So far just about everyone here has anger issues.Everything will take care of itself, mr rohr's got the ball rolling. Not waiting for the justice system to take its course and predicting if things don't go your way all hell would break loose. The island of Guam is surreal. I have fond memories of her. However from what I've heard and watched I do not recognize the people . You all give the impression of a 3rd world country going through a civil war. VA
The families paid to have their dead buried in sacred ground. It is the responsibility of the management and staff of the Catholic Cemeteries corporation to maintain the Catholic cemeteries. That is the one and only priority. So, why aren't they maintaining the cemeteries? Let me answer my own question: Because these board members apparently don't care about the dead, just your money.
There is a spiritual war occurring in your idyllic island of Guam and it is being fought by powers, dominions, and principalities; not just indignant people. Girds your loins with us, pray, grow in holiness, and seek truth and justice. Perhaps in doing so you will recognize the steady affront on Guam's faithful by the NCW, of which overgrown cemetery lawns are just a drop in the bucket.
Anonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:48 PM - Thank You for your response. Yes, we all paid for the maintenance of our cemeteries so where oh where did the allotted monies go to?
And families DO CLEAN UP around where their dearly loved are buried - Anonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:20 PM! It is the surrounding areas that are in awful conditions!
Anonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:20 - Wow what a disrespectful post! Anger issues? Waiting for the justice system? You do realize that many on Guam have been waiting decades for things to be made right, after all the cover-ups and miscarriages of justice time and again? I too remember Guam from "before"... 20 years ago when I was last there, the fawning and grovelling over every word that came from the clergy and bishop's mouth, regardless of the awful things that were taking place. I couldn't be happier to see the beautiful people of Guam finally demanding an end to the wrongdoing and holding "men of the cloth" accountable. Enough waiting! And when families pay for cemetery maintenance as part of their contract with the landowners, that's exactly what they should get. It's the cemetery management that is horribly remiss as these photos evidence.
All Souls Day in less than four weeks. They may actually have to cut the grass three times before then. Wonder if we can file a complaint with GPD and the AG's office because of this neglect?
Looks like Jackass Jackie has her work cut out for her. Better get to it, girl!
Ask for the minutes of the meeting and sue each of the neo board members who voted to file charges against Monsignor James. Sue their freaking asses. These neos are a bunch of vindictive people. My family has been buried there and I don't need Jackass Jackie to defend my me and my family from her perception of misused funds. Archbishop Home fired her ass. What is she doing being I terviewed by KUAM? She should get a bushcutting and cut the grass and sweep the roaches in the mausoleum. What a hypocrite. Don't tell me you are protecting the funds of the families that were buried there. Get out there and clean it.
Stupid Ass Jackie is upholding her filing of misuse funds against Msgr James citing her obligation to the families and deceased buried at the cemetery, But she disrespects these same families and loved ones buried there by ignoring her obligation to maintain the facilities that these families have paid for. What a dumb ass this person is.. Has she turned in her resignation?
Hey Jackass Jackie, the church would have been better off if you got divorced from your husband and not divide our church with the neo crap. Take your neo community and move to China. Bula communist there.
It's very disturbing the picture of demanding Missis Terlaje lawyer with the icon of Kiko behind her. The whole world must see it, these are the same people who order victim's of abuses and domestic violence "do not resist evil, forgive your husband, father, abuser when he hits you". The new pharisees. To vomit.
The trained lawyer said and I quote: "And I am obliged as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries to protect the funds entrusted to me by the deceased, and by the numerous Catholic families who have buried their loved ones with Catholic Cemeteries." Typical NEO mentality of focusing more on the money AB Hon should fire them all not only for insubordination but total neglect of their fiduciary responsibilities.
I did not want to print the whole quote but I just could not resist:
"And I am obliged as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries to protect the funds entrusted to me by the deceased, and by the numerous Catholic families who have buried their loved ones with Catholic Cemeteries."
It was not entrusted to YOU! Entrusted did not mean that you are supposed to keep it for yourself but reading what you said - Jackie - sounds like you think it does!
The loved ones who are buried in the Catholic Cemeteries are probably rolling in their graves with anger at how they are being treated after paying all that money to be surrounded by 5 feet weeds, mold, trash, etc., etc., etc.!
The cemeteries under your title as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries are disgusting! Entrust the funds to your Maintenance Crew so that they can go and do what they are supposed to be doing - Maintaining the Cemeteries - and provide an accounting of how much was spent and how much is left over.
yes Jackie for heavens sake stop filing frivolous complaints . Use your time to get out into the cemetery to cut the grass and clean up the leaves. The fresh air will do you good put some colour in your cheeks. you look like death warmed up. Bye...
Didn't jackie say that since the neo take over of the cemetery, that they built up monetary reserves on the perpetual care fund... As I see in the photos it clearly shows that is not the case, or is this jackie exaggerating on the financial reports again... But I truly believe that since jackie took over, the perpetual care fund became a true perpetual funding source for neo activities...
Well, they certainly aren't using those reserve funds for maintaining the cemeteries. Makes me wonder what they're spending the $ on? Oh yeah, apurun's defense!
D. Anthony at 8:17 PM - Interesting - Quote from Jackie "Since the neo take over of the cemetery, they built up monetary reserves on the perpetual care fund".
So what happened to the "monetary reserves" Jackie? How come our cemeteries under your term are in such horrible conditions? Weeds and grass are almost seven feet tall!
JDR, you know I've been trying to think of other reasons that might be motivating jackie to pursue Msgr. James, but I keep returning to the most obvious, which is Msgr. James's 20 year history/knowledge of the apuron syndrome ...
So I'm thinking that by discrediting Msgr. James now, then every aspect of his 20 year fiduciary duties becomes suspect, I think jackie will make it so or insist that it is, which in turn eases the burden of proof on apuron should future financial irregularities arise...
I think that it is more than a coincidence, that apuron happens to have the very same lawyer, who just happens to be in charge of the very same community in which cheating, lying, stealing brother tony is in...
I believe the apuron neo regime, is still affirming its power and reach, showing they are not done with Msgr. James, a guarantee is needed to prevent his further/future advancement, it is a continuing reminder of the consequences of standing in front of the neo machinery...
This is HORRIBLE! And the trained lawyer Jackie filed a complaint about $13,000 plus which was repaid back with interest in less than three weeks!
How long has Jackie been a member of the Catholic Cemeteries Board and how much money was spent on the cemeteries? I was home in August for a funeral and was disgusted at how the local cemeteries looked with all that tall grass and mold! Thank God my brother was buried at the Veterans' Cemetery. Unfortunately, my parents are buried in Toga and it was looking pitiful.
I think it is time for an independent audit of this current board. They need to account where the monies went to since it definitely did not go to the cemeteries.
are the books of catholic cemeteries available for review? let's see if there are other reasons the grass hasn't been cut--such as, there's not enough money to pay for it. and if that's the case, why not?
If you folks are demanding answers, action, etc. On the neokaka cemetery board, tough luck! The neos are preoccupied getting ready for their "Mecca" experience at this weekend's CONVIVENCE! All roads will lead to whatever hotel they are holding their trek to kiko-land indoctrination. Watch for a spike in neokaka fervor after this weekend. Neo presbyters will be no-show because this event is more important than the parishes they were assigned. Such a sad situation.
To suggest that you have a fiduciary responsibility to protect "deceased funds" is a farce! You obviously are not using it to maintain the grounds the deceased are buried in. Time for an audit given how grossly mismanaged the cemetaries have been.
In Jacquie-the-Trained-Lawyer's statement published in today's PDN (Oct. 5th) ... Terlaje said the Catholic Cemeteries board is authorized to “manage and direct the affairs... operations... property and funds of the Corporation” pursuant to Article III of its bylaws. Question to the Cemeteries Board: With regard to managing and directing the operations and property of the Catholic cemeteries, when will the maintenance begin? Are you aware that the maintenance of the cemeteries' grounds is perpetual? If you weren't aware, you're now on notice!
More than likely, this cemetery board is waiting for someone to do the job gratis. If they hold out a little longer, maybe the mayor will do it for them, as was done in Agat. Geeze, if they can't have respect for the dead, they should at least have respect for the community and spend an allotted budget on landscaping and maintenance. Oh wait, the allotted budget went to the OTHER community.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the family, and friends, of Monsignor James, who got free Cemetery plots, should landscape and Maintenance,right Tim.
DeleteRight, Rude-ee. But now your issue is with Hon. After reviewing 170 pages of documentation, Hon found that allegation and the others to be "invalid." The only thing you assholes have is the word of another asshole. LOL. We need a meme for you "a talking asshole." Courage.
DeleteAnonymous October 8, 2016 at 3:00 AM - How about we find out what happened to the "ENTRUSTED FUNDS" that Jackie said was given to her first.
DeleteAnd if you have something writing or pictures to prove that Monsignor James gave cemetery plots free, then we will deal with that later. This happened before the New Cemeteries Board or whatever they are called took over.
To make a comment - While Monsignor James was in charge, Pigo Cemetery was beautiful to look at while driving on Marine Drive. I was really impressed when I came home. When I came home August 2016, I was totally surprised since the cemetery looked like a slum section.
Even More important to Me - I want to know what happened to the allotted funds after the new committee took over since the cemeteries are in horrible conditions. Pictures do not lie!
Oops - in writing or pictures.
DeleteWonder if they can get the grass cut before All Souls Day.........
ReplyDeleteWonder if they will be able to cut the grass before All Souls Day?
ReplyDeleteI went there to visit my grand-daughter's burial site, passed by my grand-mother's grave and had to stop and remove all the burrs from my trouser....what a sorry way of maintaining the cemeteries, ought to give the members of the board the hand-clippers and rakes to cleanup the areas and earn the money that they have spent on themselves...
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you do your grand-daughter & g-mother proud and clean up around your family plots instead of complaining about it! Good grief! So far just about everyone here has anger issues.Everything will take care of itself, mr rohr's got the ball rolling. Not waiting for the justice system to take its course and predicting if things don't go your way all hell would break loose. The island of Guam is surreal. I have fond memories of her. However from what I've heard and watched I do not recognize the people . You all give the impression of a 3rd world country going through a civil war. VA
DeleteThe families paid to have their dead buried in sacred ground. It is the responsibility of the management and staff of the Catholic Cemeteries corporation to maintain the Catholic cemeteries. That is the one and only priority. So, why aren't they maintaining the cemeteries? Let me answer my own question: Because these board members apparently don't care about the dead, just your money.
DeleteThere is a spiritual war occurring in your idyllic island of Guam and it is being fought by powers, dominions, and principalities; not just indignant people. Girds your loins with us, pray, grow in holiness, and seek truth and justice. Perhaps in doing so you will recognize the steady affront on Guam's faithful by the NCW, of which overgrown cemetery lawns are just a drop in the bucket.
DeleteAnonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:48 PM - Thank You for your response. Yes, we all paid for the maintenance of our cemeteries so where oh where did the allotted monies go to?
DeleteAnd families DO CLEAN UP around where their dearly loved are buried - Anonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:20 PM! It is the surrounding areas that are in awful conditions!
Anonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:20 - Wow what a disrespectful post! Anger issues? Waiting for the justice system? You do realize that many on Guam have been waiting decades for things to be made right, after all the cover-ups and miscarriages of justice time and again? I too remember Guam from "before"... 20 years ago when I was last there, the fawning and grovelling over every word that came from the clergy and bishop's mouth, regardless of the awful things that were taking place. I couldn't be happier to see the beautiful people of Guam finally demanding an end to the wrongdoing and holding "men of the cloth" accountable. Enough waiting! And when families pay for cemetery maintenance as part of their contract with the landowners, that's exactly what they should get. It's the cemetery management that is horribly remiss as these photos evidence.
DeleteAll Souls Day in less than four weeks. They may actually have to cut the grass three times before then. Wonder if we can file a complaint with GPD and the AG's office because of this neglect?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Jackass Jackie has her work cut out for her. Better get to it, girl!
U first Ms B
DeleteAnonymous October 5, 2016 at 8:21 PM - Funds were not entrusted to Janet but to Jackie Taitano Terlaje so why should Janet go first! DUH!!!!!!!
DeleteAsk for the minutes of the meeting and sue each of the neo board members who voted to file charges against Monsignor James. Sue their freaking asses. These neos are a bunch of vindictive people. My family has been buried there and I don't need Jackass Jackie to defend my me and my family from her perception of misused funds. Archbishop Home fired her ass. What is she doing being I terviewed by KUAM? She should get a bushcutting and cut the grass and sweep the roaches in the mausoleum. What a hypocrite. Don't tell me you are protecting the funds of the families that were buried there. Get out there and clean it.
ReplyDeletelistened to trained lawyer kuam news today. she comes over as a crazed woman wanting public notice. Not worthy to be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteStupid Ass Jackie is upholding her filing of misuse funds against Msgr James citing her obligation to the families and deceased buried at the cemetery, But she disrespects these same families and loved ones buried there by ignoring her obligation to maintain the facilities that these families have paid for. What a dumb ass this person is.. Has she turned in her resignation?
ReplyDeleteHey Jackass Jackie, the church would have been better off if you got divorced from your husband and not divide our church with the neo crap. Take your neo community and move to China. Bula communist there.
ReplyDeleteIt's very disturbing the picture of demanding Missis Terlaje lawyer with the icon of Kiko behind her. The whole world must see it, these are the same people who order victim's of abuses and domestic violence "do not resist evil, forgive your husband, father, abuser when he hits you". The new pharisees.
ReplyDeleteTo vomit.
The trained lawyer said and I quote: "And I am obliged as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries to protect the funds entrusted to me by the deceased, and by the numerous Catholic families who have buried their loved ones with Catholic Cemeteries." Typical NEO mentality of focusing more on the money AB Hon should fire them all not only for insubordination but total neglect of their fiduciary responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine how terrible a job she's doing. The sad condition of our cemeteries is proof. What more with the funds?
DeleteI did not want to print the whole quote but I just could not resist:
Delete"And I am obliged as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries to protect the funds entrusted to me by the deceased, and by the numerous Catholic families who have buried their loved ones with Catholic Cemeteries."
It was not entrusted to YOU! Entrusted did not mean that you are supposed to keep it for yourself but reading what you said - Jackie - sounds like you think it does!
The loved ones who are buried in the Catholic Cemeteries are probably rolling in their graves with anger at how they are being treated after paying all that money to be surrounded by 5 feet weeds, mold, trash, etc., etc., etc.!
The cemeteries under your title as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries are disgusting! Entrust the funds to your Maintenance Crew so that they can go and do what they are supposed to be doing - Maintaining the Cemeteries - and provide an accounting of how much was spent and how much is left over.
I still cannot believe How Shameless You Are!
Cut the grass, jackie!!! The cemetery looks awful! Stop falsifying documents and filing frivolous complaints, and take care of the cemeteries!
ReplyDeleteyes Jackie for heavens sake stop filing frivolous complaints . Use your time to get out into the cemetery to cut the grass and clean up the leaves. The fresh air will do you good put some colour in your cheeks. you look like death warmed up. Bye...
DeleteAt least Monsignor James, ensured the grass was and the place was clean. He did his job and did it well.
ReplyDeleteJackie reporting Fr.Jeff attended her meeting today extending an olive branch. what exactly did Fr.Jeff offer Jackie?
ReplyDeleteDidn't jackie say that since the neo take over of the cemetery, that they built up monetary reserves on the perpetual care fund...
ReplyDeleteAs I see in the photos it clearly shows that is not the case, or is this jackie exaggerating on the financial reports again...
But I truly believe that since jackie took over, the perpetual care fund became a true perpetual funding source for neo activities...
Well, they certainly aren't using those reserve funds for maintaining the cemeteries. Makes me wonder what they're spending the $ on? Oh yeah, apurun's defense!
DeleteD. Anthony at 8:17 PM - Interesting - Quote from Jackie "Since the neo take over of the cemetery, they built up monetary reserves on the perpetual care fund".
DeleteSo what happened to the "monetary reserves" Jackie? How come our cemeteries under your term are in such horrible conditions? Weeds and grass are almost seven feet tall!
JDR, you know I've been trying to think of other reasons that might be motivating jackie to pursue Msgr. James, but I keep returning to the most obvious, which is Msgr. James's 20 year history/knowledge of the apuron syndrome ...
DeleteSo I'm thinking that by discrediting Msgr. James now, then every aspect of his 20 year fiduciary duties becomes suspect, I think jackie will make it so or insist that it is, which in turn eases the burden of proof on apuron should future financial irregularities arise...
I think that it is more than a coincidence, that apuron happens to have the very same lawyer, who just happens to be in charge of the very same community in which cheating, lying, stealing brother tony is in...
I believe the apuron neo regime, is still affirming its power and reach, showing they are not done with Msgr. James, a guarantee is needed to prevent his further/future advancement, it is a continuing reminder of the consequences of standing in front of the neo machinery...
This is HORRIBLE! And the trained lawyer Jackie filed a complaint about $13,000 plus which was repaid back with interest in less than three weeks!
ReplyDeleteHow long has Jackie been a member of the Catholic Cemeteries Board and how much money was spent on the cemeteries? I was home in August for a funeral and was disgusted at how the local cemeteries looked with all that tall grass and mold! Thank God my brother was buried at the Veterans' Cemetery. Unfortunately, my parents are buried in Toga and it was looking pitiful.
I think it is time for an independent audit of this current board. They need to account where the monies went to since it definitely did not go to the cemeteries.
Shame on You Jackie!
That's expected from an attorney who is representing a known serial pedophile. Birds of a feather flock together. The neocatechumenal flock.
Deleteare the books of catholic cemeteries available for review? let's see if there are other reasons the grass hasn't been cut--such as, there's not enough money to pay for it. and if that's the case, why not?
ReplyDeleteThat crazy attorney has an uncanny resemblance to that of former archbishop apuron. She even talks like him. Weird, very weird.
ReplyDeleteIf you folks are demanding answers, action, etc. On the neokaka cemetery board, tough luck! The neos are preoccupied getting ready for their "Mecca" experience at this weekend's CONVIVENCE! All roads will lead to whatever hotel they are holding their trek to kiko-land indoctrination. Watch for a spike in neokaka fervor after this weekend. Neo presbyters will be no-show because this event is more important than the parishes they were assigned. Such a sad situation.
ReplyDeleteSo Pius must be baaaaack! Can't have a mecca without him. He needs to deliver what the pope told kiko to tell them. Courage!
DeleteYes people have seen him out and about.
DeleteI do not think he ever left! That is why whatever his name is would not let anyone enter the RMS. Apu-run and Pius are hiding there!
DeleteWe should picket at the hotel they are at. Let's rumble in the jungle.
ReplyDeleteTo suggest that you have a fiduciary responsibility to protect "deceased funds" is a farce! You obviously are not using it to
ReplyDeletemaintain the grounds the deceased are buried in. Time for an audit
given how grossly mismanaged the cemetaries have been.
My conclusion: Jackie Terlaje = Psycho. Unbelievable! Na para umbre!!
ReplyDeleteIn Jacquie-the-Trained-Lawyer's statement published in today's PDN (Oct. 5th) ... Terlaje said the Catholic Cemeteries board is authorized to “manage and direct the affairs... operations... property and funds of the Corporation” pursuant to Article III of its bylaws. Question to the Cemeteries Board: With regard to managing and directing the operations and property of the Catholic cemeteries, when will the maintenance begin? Are you aware that the maintenance of the cemeteries' grounds is perpetual? If you weren't aware, you're now on notice!
ReplyDeleteHappy wife Happy life . There is another cut to this all of you angry birds here - Miserable wife Miserable life. Rutgers Prof