Posted by Tim
There are rumors that Jackie and her board have been removed en masse and replaced by a new board. However, there has been no official word that we know of from the Chancery. If the removal is true and there is no word, then we have to assume that Jeff & Co. want to play this down and keep things quiet.
- The Board's direct attack on Msgr. James was purposely public.
- The Chancery's immediate response was purposely public.
- Jackie T's response to the Chancery's response was purposely public.
There are two choices.
On September 30, Archbishop Hon PUBLICLY called for the resignation of every member of the Cemeteries Board. It is now October 8, more than a week later.
- If the resignations have not been turned in, then we know not to trust you.
- If the resignations have been turned in or the board was fired, and you have chosen not to apprise the faithful who have stood by you, then we know not to trust you; and in your regard for the lay faithful, you are no better than Apuron and Edivaldo.
Pick your poison.
Note: There would be only one reason Jeff & Co. would do something this stupid: he "worked something out" with Jackie.
Note: There would be only one reason Jeff & Co. would do something this stupid: he "worked something out" with Jackie.
I have been warning our readers about two faced " Lyin Jeff" I sent in pictures of him at a certain nuns birthday. Now would you like me to send to Tim Rohr pictures of Jeff with others Jackie eating out. Jeff every place you go there is a camera!
ReplyDeletePlease do, pictures speak a thousand words, nothing to hide, these are our church leaders..
DeleteWhatever the scenario is, I hope Atty. Lujan will press on with his demands for a public apology or lawsuit from Jackass Jackie.
ReplyDeleteAre you waiting for the return of Hon for another press conference? Jeff, you've had practice at these things...are you really waiting for Hon's return? Or Apuron's return?
ReplyDeleteRemember Fr.Jeff gave all to protect his beloved Anthony Apuron.Jeff had no sincere concern for victimss. For Jeff he is protecting abusers. wake up Guam.
DeleteGuam it is as basic as this. Look at the life of the person
ReplyDeleteFr.Jeff spends $20 a day for his juice machine. $140 a week. $560 a month.
He would be far better eating 3 balanced meals a day walking going Gym.
How can you dear people of Guam expect the church to be cleaned up when your poor delegate can't get his own life in order. A man who over spends on his own daily needs is not a man who will help our church nor protect victims. A man with no personal discipline will only lead this Archdiocese further into destruction.
Hmm...anon 11:20. You seem to know Fr.Jeff by your reference to his personal lifestyle and diet. You must know Fr. Jeff and perhaps a friend. With friends like you, Fr.Jeff does not need enemies. Moreover, what does his personal lifestyle and diet have to do with his integrity and character? The clear majority of people in Guam are overweight so are their lives out of order as well? Your criticism has crossed the bounds of decency and civility.
Delete1.26pm. stand on the side of Truth Justice i will be your friend. Support Child abuse i will be your worst enemy. I see all i hear all and i will use what is required to protect all victims of sexual abuse. Those who protect abusers are my enemies.
So what does suppotting truth and justice have to do with someone being over weight? Tim Rohr is over weight. Does that mean he lacks personal discipline?
DeleteI beg to differ you of little faith. It is the neocatechumenal way that is trying to destroy the archdiocese. We are the protectors of the Faith and will stand up to all adversaries like your cult to the bitter end. We are the Church and the gates of Hades will not prevail overcome it.
Delete11:20 Put up something substantial or keep it to yourself. Whatever you attempted to promote in your comment failed has no place here.
DeleteKeep on point and cease with the distracting and non-factoring criticism. It provides little to the conversation.
Jose you need to learn something.
DeleteIt will not be Apuron or neo that bring this Archdiocese down. Their weakness sin simply gave us a platform. No. It is the injustice of priests bishops to other priests that will bring down this Arcdiocese. It is about those who used their ecclesial power to destroy others. This is a war for Justice . There will be no peace until there is Justice.
While I am willing to overlook the personal aspects of one's lifestyle in regard to diet and exercise at this point, there is no doubt that it is now Jeff who is our stumbling block. He must resign his current office. He has no capacity for it. He may be a good priest. He is NOT a good administrator. And I believe he has now "worked something out" with Jackie...which will allow her to escape her lie unscathed and leave her to fight (us) another day.
DeleteJeffs brand of Mercy.
DeleteNo one is concerned about Diet or what Fr.Jeff does or does not do. Providing he does not abuse childten and strives to live his life with the Lord who cares?
DeleteHowever, as an administrator in the conflict leadership we now have ,Jeff simply does not have the skill or the chatacter to lead. Because of this i come to this blog to express to Guams people that this guy is dangerous to you. He is not a sweet boy he is a two faced " Lyin " idiot playing with the hare and the hound.
The best service Fr. Jeff can do for Guam is to resign his position and allow Atchbishop Hon to Appoint another as Apostolic Delegate to the Administrator. Fr. Jeff is not the person for this position. Already he is becoming a joke .Resign Fr.Jeff for your own good!
Fr Jeff wasn't Hon's first choice for the position. Hon had offered the position at least three times to his original choice who wasn't interested before he gave up and turned to Fr Jeff.
Delete5:50 pm... I need to learn something? I know context. Seems you could use your own advice.
DeleteJeff withdrew from some advisors and has assumed his great power. One can tell by his language. I decided, I'm responsible...Hopefully Hon will realize he can't be groomed to be bishop. Face it, folks. We don't have the talent and experience to operate an Archdiocese.
DeleteDo we need a new Apostolic Administrator from the states?
DeleteHon may have had a candidate...he didn't want to own it. That decision was a collaborative with priests. Voila' Jeff !! What can I say? Hon strikes again. BUCK STOPS WITH YOU HON. NOT JEFF.
DeleteThe church in Guam is still very young. An immature bishop of 30 years failed to build a mature local church. Aware of this his ladt failed attempt was to bring in ncw.
DeleteOur church is not ready at this time for a local bishop. At least for next 15 years we need a seasoned foreign bishop to guide our Archdiocese. To appoint Jeff a bishop will be years of disunity bad management to our Island home. Guam would not even respect him. When there is no respect disunity evolves. we do not support Jeff and hope he has humility to resign.
If we look at the year 1668, the year San Vitores arrived, as the starting point of the Catholic faith on Guam, the Catholic Church has been present on Guam more than 100 years longer than the U.S. has been a nation. There is no doubt about the depth of the faith on Guam as it grew over the centuries. However, the Church on Guam took a major step backward, thanks to the post Vatican II penchant for "inculturation." Universally, this meant selecting bishops based on their ethnicity over their qualifications. If one digs at all, it is not hard to see that this experiment has been a universal failure, with Guam as Exhibit A. Not to say there haven't been exceptions, but the exceptions were when (by chance) a bishop just happened to have the necessary qualities as well as the ethnic credentials. Apuron had no business being a candidate for bishop. And one day, the real story will be told as to how he ended up with the job. Meanwhile, let us pray...and work.
DeleteNo problem with Atty.Lujan.
ReplyDeleteAtty. is a highly respected lawyer.
person who understand Justice.
Something's have to be decided in the forum of the chancery.
ReplyDeleteThere is no internalforum anymore 3.10Pm.
Deletewe do not Trust the Chancery.
This is the people's war a war in the civil courts social media. It is a war that will evolve until injustices are resolved.