Wednesday, November 9, 2016


This past Monday, the CCOG hosted a special informational meeting primarily for those who have been picketing every Sunday. It was an awesome turnout and a lot of enthusiasm. The message supported by all was so long as the word "Archbishop" is still in front of Apuron's name, then the FIGHT continues. 

More pictures here



    1. Is Tim in the pictures

    2. Whoever you are, you're just as sick as he is!

    3. Yes, his win is a signal for change! Something you obviously don't comprehend about this fight: out with corruption and filfth, in with TRUTH!

    4. God bless you, too! Trump won in America; the Laity will prevail, with the blessing of God, and the assistance of Santa Marian Kamalin. See all those well-behaved people in the pictures? They are just the cream of the much bigger crop!

      Have a nice weekend. . (jrsa: 11/9/16)

    5. Hey 4:51pm, did your gaju win here?? Your are a loser.

    6. God bless you, God Loves you too. Anon @ 4:51

    7. Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 4:51 PM - I am really praying to My God that you will go pass your usage of that four letter and try to appreciate what the CCOG is trying to for the True Katoliku Church on Guam. I am also praying that one day you will finally realize that what this group is for the Traditional Catholic teachings.

    8. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaNovember 10, 2016 at 8:06 AM

      What's wrong, Anonymous at 4:51 PM?
      Do you see Trump's unexpected victory as a sign that Anthony Sablan Apuron will not be able to resume his Reign of Corruption as you, the Delusional Dingbat Diana and other KikoBots had expected? LOL


  2. Join me this Sunday November 13, 2016 in front of the Cathedral no later than 8:30a.m. for our Silent Protest. Please wear your Katoliko T’shirt, Divine Mercy polo shirt, or Christian Mothers shirt. I will carry the banner of the Divine Mercy attached to my wheelchair and followed behind me all handicap in wheelchair, walkers, or using cane. Let’s all standup for The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We will pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy followed by the Rosary. Please be on time Rain or Shine. I Love you and God Bless!

    1. If my good friend Ben Torres can accommodate me again, I shall be there with the rest of our colleagues to continue to demand for the removal of Apuron from our archdiocese. Notwithstanding the automatic succession of Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes after Apruon is no longer there, there is still the very very remote possibility of his coming back to Guam to reclaim his title. But once he is canonically removed of the title of Archbishop of Agana, he can come back to Guam, but this time to answer charges to the civil suit he is facing for sexual abuse - perhaps following a subpoena! With Bernie, I encourage our colleagues to come out en masse this Sunday to demand for his removal. See you all there this Sunday (Nov 13) for a record breaking attendance -- 8:30am to organise ourselves; protest begins at 9am. (jrsa: 11/9/16)

    2. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaNovember 10, 2016 at 12:58 PM

      Bernie Guerrero at 5:30 PM, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday 13 November in front of the Cathedral-Basilica and I applaud your enthusiasm to lead those of us with mobility challenges with your Divine Mercy banner attached to your wheelchair. Please do ensure that, along with your Divine Mercy banner, you are also displaying one of the many signs we have available for the picketers. My personal favorite is the DEFROCK APURON sign and I actually made my own so I could mount it on my Rollator. Although it managed to survive the unrelenting rain last Sunday, I will probably have to make an APURON OUT sign when my DEFROCK one gets too worn out.

      For the past 22 weeks of picketing — since our first picket line on 12 June — our techa Ramona has been leading us in praying the Rosary and singing traditional Chamorro hymns so you might want to coordinate with her if you would like to have the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed as well.

      Since it sounds like there will be some new faces on the picket line on Sunday, here are a few tips …
      • Maintain a distance of 6 feet between picketers as we walk in a single file.
      • Keep walking and do not stop to accommodate those who want to cross our picket line.
      • Focus on praying or singing without responding to those who disagree with our action.

      There are people who complain (loudly enough for us to hear) that we're making it hard for them to get into the church building and there's a woman who usually tells us that we should go inside instead of marching outside.
      Do not answer them.
      Just keep marching.

      St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle …

      St. Athanasius, Pray for us

  3. CCOG burn in hell. Message Catholic ordinary. The Catholic Church don't want you! Away from you!

    1. Anon at 5:58 PM - What Catholic Church are you talking about! I think you are enjoying the attention you are getting on Jungle Watch since it is the only place that you have people responding to you! Poor Pathetic Anonymous!

  4. Anonymous at 4:51PM--
    You're blaming Trump's victory on CCOG?!? Man, that's a stretch!! Hahaha!

  5. Hmmm. Something is agitating the neo-lovers. Why are they being hateful now? Remember, you neos took the pinky-swear on persecution complex. 5:58 PM, it is not up to you to dictate the ultimate destination of every soul. Divine judgment is for individuals, not groups. Your ESL deficiency is also showing.

    1. No neo here you retard just fed up with you ass holes who divide OUR CATHOLIC Church! Neo has nothing to do with this but you BASTARDS!

    2. Check your history, 10:42 AM. NCW brought destruction and division more than you realize. You are mad, aren't you? Resorting to name-calling is not going to fix these issues. Your lack of education and vile manners are bleeding through your mouth. Wipe it off before it frothes into drool, and check your heart before it consumes your mind. Please try to write complete sentences - 5:58 PM's telegraphic mode of messaging has gone the way of typewriters, okay?

    3. 10:42, that is "basterds," not "bastards". If you saw the movie, the same scalping treatment is what you might deserve.

    4. Don't be angry just because no matter what you do, you can't seem to stay away from JungleWatch.

      And please, don't be angry because I'm going to make you respond.

    5. Typical ordinary neo members like me are indulgent of the bungling eccentric model of being Catholic which the majority of itinerants exploit to differing degrees to cloak their more deliberate kind of gobbledy gook. Both the unintended version of this and the cynical exploitative side of it go back to before the beginning of the neos and even before Trent. That's no excuse not to treasure truth - especially organisational and relational truth - when the scales fall off our eyes.

  6. Your pathetic JDR...your nothing but waste of breathe of air. Catholic Christian don't do such behavior.

    1. 10:39 AM:
      1. "You are nothing" instead of "your nothing." - not in the possessive.
      2. "Waste of breath of air" - what?
      3. "You're pathetic" instead of "your pathetic". - another lol
      4. "Catholic Christian" should be plural if you use third person plural.
      5. Can you use another adverb instead of "such" or just omit it.
      6. You were not takng notes in your ESL class.
      7. Your post is ridiculous so you end up the joker.

    2. Your = a possessive adjective. It shows possession, that something belongs to the person you are talking to.

      You're = You are. It is a contraction (or short way of writing).

      By your comment, it is obvious that you're an angry neo.

      Thus ends your lesson.

      You're welcome.

    3. Thank You Anon at 12:04 PM! I was about to respond to Anon at 10:39 AM about his incorrect usage of the English language. The "waste of breathe of air" and "Catholic Christian don't do such behavior" got me rolling on the floor!

  7. apuron might be found guilty of sex abuse but his punishment may not be good enough for the people of Guam. I feel that his punishment will be to live a life of prayer and penance, and at age 75, should he live that long, be forced to retire. That being said, will apuron lose his title of archbishop after being found guilty? If not, how about after he retires, if he reaches the mandatory age of retirement?

    1. Whatever penalty Rome imposes is up to them. Locally, Apuron faces a civil lawsuit not a criminal one. His only penalty can be financial.

    2. what kind of action must be taken and by whom to take away the title of archbishop from apuron?

  8. when The real truth will come out, Tim will be prosecuted for conspiracy against the bishop.

    1. Can't wait. LOL. By that time Rude-ee you'll be in some jail in the Philippines. LOL

    2. Hey Tim, you're going to jail do not pass go. do not collect from your own Church.don't drop the soap!! you can't run this time:)

    3. Ahhhh, 5:03 PM, "real truth" is an oxymoron. Just be a tad careful with your sentence constructions, okay? Skipped ESL as well?

    4. RUDE-ee. It must suck to be you.

  9. Anon @ 5:03 comes to JW to get the truth. The fake truth or lies come from these NEO cult members. They are unable to discern the truth using the gift of intellect God gave them, they rely on their catechists to tell them what they can or cannot believe.

  10. Dedicated to anon @ 10:39 -

    Your anger is very aggressive,
    while your leader is very possessive.
    The things that you say,
    shows us you're in the "Way".
    As a Kiko, you're quite unimpressive!

    Hope this helps you with the proper use of the English language. If you need more help, try going to a Mass on Sundays, where real English is spoken by real priests.


  11. Quit blocking the entrance from Cathedral you assholes!

  12. NEO's, NEO's, NEO's, thought you had it!
