Apuron reads news on his former Diocese from Junglewatch. It is the best news service to daily learn of the scandal taking place inside Agana Arcdiocese. Poor thing has to visit Jungle to learn what a pathetic moron he really is.
On a differnt but not unrelated matter, it appears that there has been another sighting of stupid at the Diana's blog. It seems they are now arguing that the reference to the "Roman Rite" in the NCW Statutes is actually a permission to follow the Ambrosian Rite!
AnonymousDecember 23, 2016 at 8:51 PM the liturgy that NCW must follow is the Roman Rite as specified by your own Statutes.
DianaDecember 23, 2016 at 10:32 PM Dear Anonymous at 8:51 pm,
The Ambrosian rite is a Roman rite.
AnonymousDecember 24, 2016 at 1:54 PM Sorry,dear Diana, but you are wrong and need to be corrected. The Ambrosian Rite is a Latin Rite. The Roman Rite is also a Latin Rite. The NCW to Follow the Roman Rite, not the Ambrosian Rite or some other Latin Rite.
DianaDecember 24, 2016 at 4:20 PM Dear Anonymous at 1:54 pm,
Your comment does not make any sense. There are 9 liturgies in the Roman rite. The Ambrosian is one of those 9 Roman rites. Who are you to tell the NCW which Roman rite is to be followed? Are you the Pope?"
I wonder whether Archbishop Byrnes would agree. Perhaps he should clarify this?
Apuron is not a pathetic moron. HE IS A SEXUAL DEVIANT! HE IS A MONSTER that should have not ever been considered to lead this archdiocese. He is an opportunist, a snake, a fox....waiting to find that opening and ready to reek havoc once again. GET HIM THE HELL OUT! DEFROCK THE S.O.B.....
I googled San Francisco.Mountainview is near San Francisco. But what surprised me more is that Apuron has placed himself in close proximity to victims who have yet to confront him. This I find frightening. Is he going to turn up on their door step offering a CD? Seriously Frightening this monster is roaming bay area and Churches in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose.
I googled San Francisco.Mountainview is near San Francisco. But what surprised me more is that Apuron has placed himself in close proximity to victims who have yet to confront him. This I find frightening. Is he going to turn up on their door step offering a CD? Seriously Frightening this monster is roaming bay area and Churches in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose.
Scary to think he is around San Francico at Christmas. Children may not be safe. we still don't know if he is still a danger to children. what if he decides to sit on a bench in Union Square offering little boys candy caines? It is very worrying that he is allowed to roam around San Francisco.
Tim your cryptic response has us on tenterhooks... have you learned that there literally is not and never has been, a canonical trial in the works? Maybe I misunderstood... You know, I used to think all that Dan Brown stuff was made up hooey but the truth is much more sinister than fiction.
Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron OFM cap presented himself to concelebrate Christmas eve Mass in San Francisco. He was asked to take a seat in the Congregation.
Our question. Is Archbishop Apuron a priest in good standing in the Archdiocese of Guam? Thankyou.
Oh my Tony Boy,it seems like Karma knows your where About...You can run but certainly CANNOT hide from her..She's a STALKER just like Santa...She knows if you have been Good or Bad and Talk about being A B-A-D BOY..TONY BOY!!!..LMAO..
11:59 a.m. What is the name of the San Francisco church where Apuron allegedly "presented himself" on Christmas Eve?
If what you say is true, SF's archbishop probably knows exactly where the pervert hiding. If he's really in Mountain View, isn't that part of the SF Archdiocese? It covers three Counties.
Oh, too bad. He could have sung solo I want to wish you a merry Christmas. Or maybe Elvis it's a blue, blue Christmas without you! Tony, boy. You are hopeless. Oh, and may I say? Evil.
Mountainview is St.Joseph's Parish in Diocese of San Jose. Bishop McGraph perhaps invited Arcbishop Apuron to supply for him in Mountainview. will send word to Bishop PJ.
Importance here is to alert local bishops that Archbishop Apuron is in the area. He also visited Salt Lake city and Portland Oreg. In Portland he presided at an island Mass unknown to Archbishop Sample. Bishops have contacted Washington DC Nuncio asking about his status.
Archbishop of San Francisco gave no permission for Archbishop Apuron to preside at a Christmas eve Mass St.Patrick's in Mission district. He wanted to insert himself in a bay area parish for Christmas. Few invites given.
St. Patrick’s Church is on Mission Street, but is in the SoMa (South of Market) District -- across the street from the Moscone Convention Center and next to the Contemporary Jewish Museum -- within walking distance of Union Square.
The Diocese of San Jose is led by Bishop Patrick Joseph McGrath (pronounced “McGraw”), not McGraph.
St. Patrick's Church in San Francisco used to welcome everyone. However, it has been literally all Filipino and ethnically exclusive for many years. Primarily older people who live in subsidized housing south of Market. Many are either Charismatics or they have limited English skills. Not a friendly group.
The main thing non-Filipinos use St. Pat's for are noontime weekday Masses. It's very convenient for people who work Downtown. Otherwise, they don't go there. The neighborhood is bad and parking is expensive.
Good chance only the parish priests might recognize Apuron if he sneaked into the church.
10:58 PM very liberal canon lawyer, Bishop Patrick J. McGrath of the San Jose Diocese, is a former auxiliary bishop from San Francisco and no friend of clergy abuse victims. It's quite possible that he knows Apuron.
In 1995, the San Francisco Police Dept. alleged that McGrath was the one who protected local pedophile priests. Uniformed cops claimed that they were told to quietly report all clergy abuse complaints directly to McGrath who would handle them, not the D.A. Just saying.
The cops hated McGrath and they were relieved when the massive abuse scandal at prestigious St. Cecilia's Church nailed its Pastor, (laicized) Pat O'Shea, who spent a couple of years in SF County Jail on $250,000 worth of parish embezzlement charges. The disgraceful Statute of Limitations nullified nearly all of the 224 credible pedophilia charges against O'Shea. However, he still cost the Archdiocese millions in settlements paid to at least one of his altar boy-victims. He'd take the trusting children to his vacation home, ply them with alcohol and drugs, then abuse them.
Don't expect San Francisco's aloof, elitist Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone to get involved with Apuron.
Frosty, ultra-conservative Sal hates SF and he won't engage with it. He prefers wealthier Marin and San Mateo Counties. That's why he left Wadeson untouched when he was running around in SF with no Faculties. He lets the local Neocats do whatever they want because they kiss his butt and support his causes.
6:07 AM St. Patrick's Church is not across the street from Moscone Convention Center. It's on Mission across the street from a public parking structure. The Jewish Museum is behind the church.
As shown in this photo, Yerba Buena Gardens is what is directly across the street from St. Patrick’s Church.
The Moscone Center comprises three main halls: Two underground halls underneath Yerba Buena Gardens, known as Moscone North and Moscone South, and a three-level Moscone West exhibition hall across 4th Street.
Any parking garage there is part of the Moscone Center.
Anonymous December 27, 2016 at 11:55 AM:
Please do not let any antipathy toward Archbishop Cordileone, who stands firm on traditional Catholic teachings with respect to homosexuality and child abuse, and says Mass in Latin, color your factual inferences.
He was Bishop of Oakland until 4 October 2012.
Tim has posted quite several blog articles on Fr. John Wadeson, including about his “expulsion” by Archbishop Apuron. His hidden NCW Cult activity at 195 Otsego Avenue cannot reasonably be blamed on Archbishop Cordileone.
I agree, he will not countenance similar activities by Archbishop Apuron.
If so, that would be ironic. Following his 1989 consecration as an auxiliary bishop, he was in residence at St. Agnes in the Haight.
Years earlier, Fr. John P. Heaney, a new priest in residence there, knocked out a night burglar in the sacristy with a single punch. He later served as SFPD chaplain from 1968 to 2003 and became a monsignor in 1989.
Personal charges of child abuse on two brothers (one aged 8 to 10) in the early 1960s filed against Msgr. Heaney in 2002 were dropped in 2003 due to the Supreme Court invalidation of the California criminal statute of limitations extension. He was allowed to continue quiet retirement for 7 more years, suffering a stroke and dementia.
Be careful John. Apuron is like a thief in the night. He can appear at any time or place in San Francisco Bay area. He does not look as he did when he left Guam last June. So hd could get close up to you without you knowing. Then Bang Bang Bang. When he is face to face God only knows what harm he can cause. Must be careful this man is around Bay Area. He will and is doing all he can to be recognized by Bishops of Oakland, San Jose, San Francisco. He also has Bodyguard John Q with him.
Tony Apuron instructured not to present himself in public. Request of the Holy Father. Now we learn he is presenting himself around San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Mountainview, Pleasenton, as far north as wood cabins Russian River. Sounds like Vacation.
yes sightings of him since mid december Bay area. Seen in Gumbletons near Union Square Christmas shopping. Lunch in St.Francis Hotel. Dinner in Four seasons. Stalking him.
yes sightings of him since mid december Bay area. Seen in Gumbletons near Union Square Christmas shopping. Lunch in St.Francis Hotel. Dinner in Four seasons. Stalking him.
you are right 10.27am. shop is near Union square they said. It is called Gumps not Gumbletons.Apuron buying Christmas gifts for a family hosting him. I'm told it is a little expensive for most to shop in.
you are right 10.27am. shop is near Union square they said. It is called Gumps not Gumbletons.Apuron buying Christmas gifts for a family hosting him. I'm told it is a little expensive for most to shop in.
I'm aware of John Q.'s space. I've sent his wife messages. All I need to do is step into the bank. I CAN EASILY SPOT THE TROLL.. Lets say I would have sufficient bodyguard support, though I don't think it is needed.
2:04 p.m. Russian River is a notorious homosexual playground. It's relatively secluded in a rural area. Apuron probably wouldn't be recognized there.
I doubt that any of the San Francisco Bay Area bishops will become publicly involved with Apuron. He's a persona non grata, albeit unofficially.
Perhaps he'll get the Eamon Casey treatment from Francis in lieu of canonical punishment: Permanently removed from his diocese and shipped to far-flung, destitute missions where he can do a messiah act until he's brought home to die in comfort.
Lots of pairs of eyes peeled on Francis to see what he will finally do. Do it, Pope Francis. Let's be done with it. Could be your legacy; although there is other stuff that may be the makings of your legacy. We pray for you, Holy Father, Francis.
Archbishop Apuron Return to Guam talk to the victims . Seek forgiveness. How can you live your life without making peace with those you damaged.Best to ask forgiveness then retire. Live in a monastery and prepare to meet the Lord in a good way. He alone can give you peace forgiveness. Pray for healing of the damaged Archdiocese you left behind. Thirty years of your hellish evil leadership will take a decade to clean up.
I doubt that Apuron and Wadeson are staying together. That would make them way too obvious. However, I don't doubt that they're still friends. Both of them are said to be actively gay and there are photos of them vacationing together in Hawaii.
It's unlikely that Wadeson will be defrocked. The Los Angeles Archdiocese said he never had Faculties there. San Francisco's archbishop never took any action against him and the SVD's aren't saying whether he was expelled from the Society or left it voluntarily.
As far as I know, Wadeson isn't incardinated anywhere at present. No canonical, civil or criminal charges are pending against him. He seems to be an invisible vagus with a reputation for pedophilia.
Yes, Arch-a-bishop, er brother Tony, We really love you to come home and face your summons. come home, come home where ever you are, Atty Lujan, and the courts really miss you.
In civilian clothing, the San Francisco Bay Area is a perfect place for Apuron to hide. With its huge Filipino population, he'd never stand out in a crowd. I don't doubt that Wadeson is somewhere in the area too.
Both of them probably have protective networks at SF's militant LGBT church, scandalous Most Holy Redeemer in the Castro District. Massive obscenities have taken place there. It's so vile that local priests won't stay. The archbishop had to get two retirees from an unknown missionary Order in the Midwest to run it. One of them ran afoul of His Nibs and was sacked a few months ago.
If you recall, the Neocat chauffeur hired for Abp. Hon and two other Apostolic Visitors in 2013 was imported all the way from San Francisco. Very strange. Obviously, Apuron has strong influence there and he needed a spy who was unknown to the locals.
this is where social media proves its value. we should alert everyone we know about the presence or whereabouts of known perverted priests, among others, APURON, for example and submit reports to blogs like Jungle Watch. Report these perverts to your parish priests/bishops, also. These perverts, like APURON, may run but they won't be able to hide for long!
well said 4:59am. Social Media best way to track these perverts. If you see Apuron on a bench in Union Square First approach him. Ask for his Id. Take a photo of him holding the days San Francisco Chron. Send Photo to Junglewatch. Our Job is to keep Children safe.
This post with over forty comments shows readers there is interest in the life of the Former Archbishop of Guam. what is his life like since his fall from Grace June 2016? what is the role of a fugutive Bishop in San Francisco? Who pays for his lavish lifestyle flying between Europe and America? Hoe does he pay to buy food? These are the questions we need to ask. Who Guam pays his credit card bills? More work to do until we know full details of an evil man who for thirty years abused his power position.
Do we have Church authorities? Or not. What the hell. Apuron running around expensive city. Hey, Capuchinos, do something. He claims he's yours and will retire ti NY.
The Pastor of the National Shrine of St. Francis of Asissi in San Francisco's North Beach is a Capuchin. The Order had a study center in SF's Richmond District for years, but I don't know if it's still there.
Capuchins staff Our Lady of Angels Church in Burlingame, around 30 minutes south of San Francisco. The affluent church and grade school are located in San Mateo County (Archdiocese of San Francisco) and the Capuchins' Western America Province is also located there.
Capuchin foundations in the Archdiocese of San Francisco:
1) The National Shrine of St. Francis in North Beach.
2) Our Lady of Angels Church and grade school in Burlingame.
3) The Capuchins' Western America Province at Our Lady of Angels in Burlingame.
3) San Buenaventura Friary in San Francisco's Richmond District. It used to be known as their study center. Address: 750 Anza, near the Jesuit University of San Francisco.
Agreed 4:59 AM, but don't count on help from the bishops. They're a closed Old Boys Club.
Again in the San Francisco Archdiocese a few years ago, a good priest (Conley) who was also a former Federal Prosecutor turned in a priest (Aylward) he caught molesting a 16-year-old boy at their cushy San Mateo CA Rectory. Then-Archbishop, later Cardinal, William Levada fired the outraged informant and a scandalous legal battle ensued.
Under Oath, the homosexual priest admitted to 12 years worth of sexual assaults on local boys. He took an arrogant Don't Ask Don't Tell stance and was honorably retired instead of being laicized. The Archdiocese of SF paid his teenage San Mateo victim $750,000 in civil damages.
The unjustly fired priest-informant eventually received a substantial pension, lifetime health insurance benefits and free lifetime residence at an upscale hilltop flat the Archdiocese owns in SF. The poor man died in a San Jose Diocese nursing home a few months ago. The cause of his death is unknown.
Years after the San Mateo crime occurred, now-Cardinal William Levada quietly admitted that the priest-informant he maliciously destroyed had done the right thing. That case caused a major scandal because the closet queen priest-assailant was a favorite of wealthy, conservative Catholics.
The perverse priest inherited and lives in his late parents' small SF home which is worth over $1 million. Many stupid old people still idolize him and feel that he was framed, despite his detailed confession under civil Oath.
Someone mentioned Apuron retiring in New York. Interesting because The New York Times says that Province has been fighting sex abuse scandals since 1932.
The NY Capuchins had at least one huge pedophilia case last year, but I don't remember the details. The Province appears to go easy on perverts, so Apuron would be comfortable with there.
The CCOP has two worship spaces: St. Augustine Church and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.
The latter is a thoroughly modern structure, with the congregation facing each other in elevated rows, with the choir seating, altar, lectern, and baptismal font in a wide central aisle.
The crucifix is off to one corner. There are no kneelers -- congregants stand during the consecration and after communion.
There is no tabernacle in the church itself. It is in a chapel across from the entry foyer.
The NCW Cult is not the only group that experiments with the liturgy and architecture.
Both of those churches are are LGBT favorites. There was a huge scandal over the Pastor of wealthy St. Augustine's performing a lesbian wedding a few years ago. If I recall, that earned him a mandatory retirement and he wasn't laicized.
Actually, that is not her current title according to the parish bulletin, available online.
Here are some excerpts from a 2009 Catholic News Agency article on the “lesbian wedding” referred to above:
Fr. Dan E. Danielson [mentor of the current pastor, Fr. Paul D. Minnihan] retired in 2007 as pastor of the Catholic Community of Pleasanton [CCOP], which is comprised of St. Augustine Church and St. Elizabeth Seton Church.
A “blessing” of two women was reportedly attempted at St. Elizabeth Seton on [Saturday,] May 9, 1998 but was canceled after several dozen Catholics came out to protest at the church building, which was then under construction.
The protest was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle and on San Francisco’s Channel 7 News.
[A]ccording to the story in the May 1998 issue of the [Oakland diocesan] Catholic Voice, Fr. Danielson explained the action in the May 17, 1998 bulletin for his parish.
“We do not celebrate homosexual marriages in any form, but we will pray for and with anyone, we will pray over commitments of love and friendship, we will tend to anyone in their need whether they are practicing Catholics, registered members of our parish, or not.”
Yet the aftermath does show that protests by the laity in support of the Tradition of the Faithful can have their effect, even being heard by Rome.
When Fr. Danielson was serving as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Oakland in 2009, the resurrection of and publicity over this incident allegedly hastened the appointment of Salvatore Cordileone as Bishop.
Also, CCOP now has strict child protective policies in place -- which Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuon would be unable to satisfy if the CCOP pastor applied them to him.
If Apuron is shopping at Gump's in San Francisco, he's living on WAY more than his archdiocesan salary.
Gump's is a very old, luxury-class store. Extremely expensive, only wealthy people can afford it. People who can afford the metaphorical Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Someone needs to find out who or what is bankrolling the hedonistic pervert and expose the source of his apparently high income.
And what would we do about them. Apuron is a free man. He hasn't been convicted of a crime and won't be - since only the civil statute was lifted, not the criminal. As for his money, we already know where that comes from. He has a tremendous amount of personal wealth, collected from this diocese over the years. He also has the support of his local neocat community as well as Tricky Dick's "foundation." He also has "kimchee" his Korean girlfriend who used to give him big "envelopes," though since he is now useless to her, I doubt that she still does.
If Apuron has "a tremendous amount of personal wealth collected from this diocese over the years", document it thoroughly and have him formally charged with embezzlement and/or grand theft. That would put him on Unlawful Flight status.
Several US Catholic priests have been charged with huge thefts from their parishes. Six and seven figures worth. Most of them were found to be pedophiles as well as thieves.
His money was gotten "legitimately," thanks to the "faithful" who paid him for every appearance. Talk to your pastors about how much they paid him for every fiesta.
personal wealth of Apuron is not point of interest. Central fact is people come to this blog to read about an evil catholic bishop who self served himself for thirty years. He is infamous bishop people all over the world want to read about. Apurons story a life lived to gain power wealth status in sex lies demons provides script for a movie. I would like to see a "spotlight" made on Guam.p
Per the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, a US bishop's annual salary as of December 2016 is $71,000. Tax exemption status unknown.
I don't know if that includes living expenses and I don't know what an archbishop in Guam is paid. Catholic bishops in US Territories are not voting members of the USCCB, but I doubt that Apuron is starving.
Until neo is exterminated from Guam Divisions will only deepen. This is what neo does it divides communties creating fights between friends and families. It turns son against father daughter against mother friends against friends. It is a vicious movement built on Satan. It must be eradicated from our shores.
Of course, Jesus (who in his divine nature is omniscient) knew people would exercise their free will to oppose Him and infiltrate His Church, so in that sense the NCW Cult is part of the division He “caused”.
If Apuron is in San Francisco, another place to keep an eye on is a highly rated Chamorro restaurant called "Prubechu". Address: 2847 Mission. It's the only Guamanian restaurant the region.
Apuron reads news on his former Diocese from Junglewatch. It is the best news service to daily learn of the scandal taking place inside Agana Arcdiocese. Poor thing has to visit Jungle to learn what a pathetic moron he really is.
ReplyDeleteS0 WHAT!!!
ReplyDeleteOn a differnt but not unrelated matter, it appears that there has been another sighting of stupid at the Diana's blog. It seems they are now arguing that the reference to the "Roman Rite" in the NCW Statutes is actually a permission to follow the Ambrosian Rite!
ReplyDeleteAnonymousDecember 23, 2016 at 8:51 PM
the liturgy that NCW must follow is the Roman Rite as specified by your own Statutes.
DianaDecember 23, 2016 at 10:32 PM
Dear Anonymous at 8:51 pm,
The Ambrosian rite is a Roman rite.
AnonymousDecember 24, 2016 at 1:54 PM
Sorry,dear Diana, but you are wrong and need to be corrected. The Ambrosian Rite is a Latin Rite. The Roman Rite is also a Latin Rite. The NCW to Follow the Roman Rite, not the Ambrosian Rite or some other Latin Rite.
DianaDecember 24, 2016 at 4:20 PM
Dear Anonymous at 1:54 pm,
Your comment does not make any sense. There are 9 liturgies in the Roman rite. The Ambrosian is one of those 9 Roman rites. Who are you to tell the NCW which Roman rite is to be followed? Are you the Pope?"
I wonder whether Archbishop Byrnes would agree. Perhaps he should clarify this?
maybe apuron failed (just a little) while trying his best to mask his visits...
ReplyDeleteApuron is not a pathetic moron. HE IS A SEXUAL DEVIANT! HE IS A MONSTER that should have not ever been considered to lead this archdiocese. He is an opportunist, a snake, a fox....waiting to find that opening and ready to reek havoc once again. GET HIM THE HELL OUT! DEFROCK THE S.O.B.....
ReplyDeleteIf Apuron was actually seen in San Francisco, he could easily be in Mountain View. It's only around 40 minutes south of SF.
ReplyDeleteI googled San Francisco.Mountainview is near San Francisco. But what surprised me more is that Apuron has placed himself in close proximity to victims who have yet to confront him. This I find frightening. Is he going to turn up on their door step offering a CD? Seriously Frightening this monster is roaming bay area and Churches in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose.
DeleteI googled San Francisco.Mountainview is near San Francisco. But what surprised me more is that Apuron has placed himself in close proximity to victims who have yet to confront him. This I find frightening. Is he going to turn up on their door step offering a CD? Seriously Frightening this monster is roaming bay area and Churches in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose.
DeleteOr that could be the location of the ISP he is using.
ReplyDeleteHe's in the area. I have "hard copy" evidence. He's not in Rome defending himself at his canonical trial because there's isn't one.
DeleteI'll bite. why isn't there a canonical trial for apuron in
DeleteRome? is it because of the holidays?
Wherever Apuron is, he obviously isn't in Rome. But no canonical trial? Please explain, Tim.
DeleteScary to think he is around San Francico at Christmas. Children may not be safe. we still don't know if he is still a danger to children.
Deletewhat if he decides to sit on a bench in Union Square offering little boys candy caines?
It is very worrying that he is allowed to roam around San Francisco.
Tim your cryptic response has us on tenterhooks... have you learned that there literally is not and never has been, a canonical trial in the works? Maybe I misunderstood... You know, I used to think all that Dan Brown stuff was made up hooey but the truth is much more sinister than fiction.
DeleteTim, my feeling too. WHAT CANONICAL TRIAL? Byrnes said it is in second phase. WTH.
DeleteSee my latest post
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron OFM cap presented himself to concelebrate Christmas eve Mass in San Francisco. He was asked to take a seat in the Congregation.
Our question. Is Archbishop Apuron a priest in good standing in the Archdiocese of Guam? Thankyou.
Oh my Tony Boy,it seems like Karma knows your where About...You can run but certainly CANNOT hide from her..She's a STALKER just like Santa...She knows if you have been Good or Bad and Talk about being A B-A-D BOY..TONY BOY!!!..LMAO..
DeleteSt. Mary's Cathedral, or what parish?
DeleteHe actually thought he could walk up unscheduled, and insert himself into the Christmas Eve liturgy?!
What chutzpah.
Or more accurately, what narcissism or other personality disorder.
He is unlikely to have faculties from Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.
Delete11:59 a.m. What is the name of the San Francisco church where Apuron allegedly "presented himself" on Christmas Eve?
DeleteIf what you say is true, SF's archbishop probably knows exactly where the pervert hiding. If he's really in Mountain View, isn't that part of the SF Archdiocese? It covers three Counties.
Anon at 2:06 pm, Mountain View is part of the Diocese of San Jose.
DeleteAnon at 11:59, is this an excerpt from an actual communication from parish staff at a church in San Francisco?
Oh, too bad. He could have sung solo I want to wish you a merry Christmas. Or maybe Elvis it's a blue, blue Christmas without you! Tony, boy. You are hopeless. Oh, and may I say? Evil.
DeleteThankyou 2:06pm.
DeleteArchbishop Cordileone
Bishop Barber
Bishop McGraph
Bishop Garcia.
Bishop Vasa.
Aware Anthony Apuron visited the Diocese.
Mountainview is St.Joseph's Parish in Diocese of San Jose.
DeleteBishop McGraph perhaps invited Arcbishop Apuron to supply for him in Mountainview.
will send word to Bishop PJ.
DeleteImportance here is to alert local bishops that Archbishop Apuron is in the area.
He also visited Salt Lake city and Portland Oreg. In Portland he presided at an island Mass unknown to Archbishop Sample.
Bishops have contacted Washington DC Nuncio asking about his status.
DeleteArchbishop of San Francisco gave no permission for Archbishop Apuron to preside at a Christmas eve Mass St.Patrick's in Mission district.
He wanted to insert himself in a bay area parish for Christmas. Few invites given.
St. Patrick’s Church is on Mission Street, but is in the SoMa (South of Market) District -- across the street from the Moscone Convention Center and next to the Contemporary Jewish Museum -- within walking distance of Union Square.
DeleteThe Diocese of San Jose is led by Bishop Patrick Joseph McGrath (pronounced “McGraw”), not McGraph.
St. Patrick's Church in San Francisco used to welcome everyone. However, it has been literally all Filipino and ethnically exclusive for many years. Primarily older people who live in subsidized housing south of Market. Many are either Charismatics or they have limited English skills. Not a friendly group.
DeleteThe main thing non-Filipinos use St. Pat's for are noontime weekday Masses. It's very convenient for people who work Downtown. Otherwise, they don't go there. The neighborhood is bad and parking is expensive.
Good chance only the parish priests might recognize Apuron if he sneaked into the church.
important fact is Arcbishop Apuron is around Bay area. He is not in Rome. Therefore what is Archbishop Apuron doing?
Delete10:58 PM very liberal canon lawyer, Bishop Patrick J. McGrath of the San Jose Diocese, is a former auxiliary bishop from San Francisco and no friend of clergy abuse victims. It's quite possible that he knows Apuron.
DeleteIn 1995, the San Francisco Police Dept. alleged that McGrath was the one who protected local pedophile priests. Uniformed cops claimed that they were told to quietly report all clergy abuse complaints directly to McGrath who would handle them, not the D.A. Just saying.
The cops hated McGrath and they were relieved when the massive abuse scandal at prestigious St. Cecilia's Church nailed its Pastor, (laicized) Pat O'Shea, who spent a couple of years in SF County Jail on $250,000 worth of parish embezzlement charges. The disgraceful Statute of Limitations nullified nearly all of the 224 credible pedophilia charges against O'Shea. However, he still cost the Archdiocese millions in settlements paid to at least one of his altar boy-victims. He'd take the trusting children to his vacation home, ply them with alcohol and drugs, then abuse them.
Don't expect San Francisco's aloof, elitist Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone to get involved with Apuron.
DeleteFrosty, ultra-conservative Sal hates SF and he won't engage with it. He prefers wealthier Marin and San Mateo Counties. That's why he left Wadeson untouched when he was running around in SF with no Faculties. He lets the local Neocats do whatever they want because they kiss his butt and support his causes.
6:07 AM St. Patrick's Church is not across the street from Moscone Convention Center. It's on Mission across the street from a public parking structure. The Jewish Museum is behind the church.
DeleteAnonymous December 27, 2016 at 12:06 PM:
DeleteAs shown in this photo, Yerba Buena Gardens is what is directly across the street from St. Patrick’s Church.
The Moscone Center comprises three main halls: Two underground halls underneath Yerba Buena Gardens, known as Moscone North and Moscone South, and a three-level Moscone West exhibition hall across 4th Street.
Any parking garage there is part of the Moscone Center.
Anonymous December 27, 2016 at 11:55 AM:
Please do not let any antipathy toward Archbishop Cordileone, who stands firm on traditional Catholic teachings with respect to homosexuality and child abuse, and says Mass in Latin, color your factual inferences.
He was Bishop of Oakland until 4 October 2012.
Tim has posted quite several blog articles on Fr. John Wadeson, including about his “expulsion” by Archbishop Apuron. His hidden NCW Cult activity at 195 Otsego Avenue cannot reasonably be blamed on Archbishop Cordileone.
I agree, he will not countenance similar activities by Archbishop Apuron.
Anonymous December 27, 2016 at 11:01 AM:
DeleteWas Bishop P.J. McGrath ever a SFPD chaplain?
If so, that would be ironic. Following his 1989 consecration as an auxiliary bishop, he was in residence at St. Agnes in the Haight.
Years earlier, Fr. John P. Heaney, a new priest in residence there, knocked out a night burglar in the sacristy with a single punch. He later served as SFPD chaplain from 1968 to 2003 and became a monsignor in 1989.
Personal charges of child abuse on two brothers (one aged 8 to 10) in the early 1960s filed against Msgr. Heaney in 2002 were dropped in 2003 due to the Supreme Court invalidation of the California criminal statute of limitations extension. He was allowed to continue quiet retirement for 7 more years, suffering a stroke and dementia.
Feed me people! I'm around Mountain View every day. I would love to hunt down dumb and dumber.
ReplyDeleteBe careful John. Apuron is like a thief in the night. He can appear at any time or place in San Francisco Bay area.
ReplyDeleteHe does not look as he did when he left Guam last June. So hd could get close up to you without you knowing. Then Bang Bang Bang. When he is face to face God only knows what harm he can cause.
Must be careful this man is around Bay Area. He will and is doing all he can to be recognized by Bishops of Oakland, San Jose, San Francisco. He also has Bodyguard John Q with him.
Did he lose weight?
DeleteOr does he wear a Luis Camacho beard?
Lost weight.
DeleteTony Apuron instructured not to present himself in public. Request of the Holy Father.
ReplyDeleteNow we learn he is presenting himself around San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Mountainview, Pleasenton, as far north as wood cabins Russian River.
Sounds like Vacation.
2:04, certainly can be the case he is not to present himself as a priest publically. But how do you know that?
Deleteyes sightings of him since mid december Bay area. Seen in Gumbletons near Union Square Christmas shopping.
DeleteLunch in St.Francis Hotel. Dinner in Four seasons. Stalking him.
yes sightings of him since mid december Bay area. Seen in Gumbletons near Union Square Christmas shopping.
DeleteLunch in St.Francis Hotel. Dinner in Four seasons. Stalking him.
11:17 PM the St. Francis Hotel and the Four Seasons are among the most expensive places in Northern California. Who is bankrolling Apuron?
DeleteGumbletons? Do you mean Gumps? If so, that store is super-luxury class. Mainly fine jewelry, tableware and home decor items.
you are right 10.27am. shop is near Union square they said. It is called Gumps not Gumbletons.Apuron buying Christmas gifts for a family hosting him. I'm told it is a little expensive for most to shop in.
Deleteyou are right 10.27am. shop is near Union square they said. It is called Gumps not Gumbletons.Apuron buying Christmas gifts for a family hosting him. I'm told it is a little expensive for most to shop in.
DeleteI'm aware of John Q.'s space. I've sent his wife messages. All I need to do is step into the bank. I CAN EASILY SPOT THE TROLL.. Lets say I would have sufficient bodyguard support, though I don't think it is needed.
ReplyDeleteFirst is first, who saw the troll last?
2:04 p.m. Russian River is a notorious homosexual playground. It's relatively secluded in a rural area. Apuron probably wouldn't be recognized there.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that any of the San Francisco Bay Area bishops will become publicly involved with Apuron. He's a persona non grata, albeit unofficially.
Perhaps he'll get the Eamon Casey treatment from Francis in lieu of canonical punishment: Permanently removed from his diocese and shipped to far-flung, destitute missions where he can do a messiah act until he's brought home to die in comfort.
Lots of pairs of eyes peeled on Francis to see what he will finally do. Do it, Pope Francis. Let's be done with it. Could be your legacy; although there is other stuff that may be the makings of your legacy. We pray for you, Holy Father, Francis.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Apuron Return to Guam talk to the victims . Seek forgiveness. How can you live your life without making peace with those you damaged.Best to ask forgiveness then retire. Live in a monastery and prepare to meet the Lord in a good way. He alone can give you peace forgiveness. Pray for healing of the damaged Archdiocese you left behind. Thirty years of your hellish evil leadership will take a decade to clean up.
ReplyDeleteTony is probably staying with Wadeson. Birds of a feather, defrock together.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that Apuron and Wadeson are staying together. That would make them way too obvious. However, I don't doubt that they're still friends. Both of them are said to be actively gay and there are photos of them vacationing together in Hawaii.
DeleteIt's unlikely that Wadeson will be defrocked. The Los Angeles Archdiocese said he never had Faculties there. San Francisco's archbishop never took any action against him and the SVD's aren't saying whether he was expelled from the Society or left it voluntarily.
As far as I know, Wadeson isn't incardinated anywhere at present. No canonical, civil or criminal charges are pending against him. He seems to be an invisible vagus with a reputation for pedophilia.
Yes, Archbishop Apuron, please return home and face the music.
ReplyDeleteFrom the NCW blog:
AnonymousDecember 26, 2016 at 6:19 PM
Archbishop Anthony come home.
Guam loves you.
Yes, Arch-a-bishop, er brother Tony, We really love you to come home and face your summons. come home, come home where ever you are, Atty Lujan, and the courts really miss you.
ReplyDeleteMust be a seminarian from rms asking Tony to come home.
sorry lol he ain't gona come home for Christmas.
In civilian clothing, the San Francisco Bay Area is a perfect place for Apuron to hide. With its huge Filipino population, he'd never stand out in a crowd. I don't doubt that Wadeson is somewhere in the area too.
ReplyDeleteBoth of them probably have protective networks at SF's militant LGBT church, scandalous Most Holy Redeemer in the Castro District. Massive obscenities have taken place there. It's so vile that local priests won't stay. The archbishop had to get two retirees from an unknown missionary Order in the Midwest to run it. One of them ran afoul of His Nibs and was sacked a few months ago.
If you recall, the Neocat chauffeur hired for Abp. Hon and two other Apostolic Visitors in 2013 was imported all the way from San Francisco. Very strange. Obviously, Apuron has strong influence there and he needed a spy who was unknown to the locals.
“His Nibs” =
Delete“an important or self-important person”
Origin unknown.
“His Nibs Definitely comes from Nobs which was shortened form of Nobleman.”
Neo at driver and cook were spies indeed. Right Krebs?
Deletethis is where social media proves its value. we should alert everyone we know about the presence or whereabouts of known perverted priests, among others, APURON, for example and submit reports to blogs like Jungle Watch. Report these perverts to your parish priests/bishops, also. These perverts, like APURON, may run but they won't be able to hide for long!
ReplyDeletewell said 4:59am. Social Media best way to track these perverts. If you see Apuron on a bench in Union Square First approach him. Ask for his Id. Take a photo of him holding the days San Francisco Chron. Send Photo to Junglewatch. Our Job is to keep Children safe.
DeleteThis post with over forty comments shows readers there is interest in the life of the Former Archbishop of Guam.
Deletewhat is his life like since his fall from Grace June 2016?
what is the role of a fugutive Bishop in San Francisco? Who pays for his lavish lifestyle flying between Europe and America? Hoe does he pay to buy food? These are the questions we need to ask. Who Guam pays his credit card bills?
More work to do until we know full details of an evil man who for thirty years abused his power position.
He is still Archbishop of Agana and as such received his full salary and benefits.
DeleteThe trained lawyer handles everything
DeleteIncluding his returned mail
DeleteKimchee! Find Arch a Beeshop?
DeleteDo we have Church authorities? Or not. What the hell. Apuron running around expensive city. Hey, Capuchinos, do something. He claims he's yours and will retire ti NY.
DeleteThe Pastor of the National Shrine of St. Francis of Asissi in San Francisco's North Beach is a Capuchin. The Order had a study center in SF's Richmond District for years, but I don't know if it's still there.
DeleteCapuchins staff Our Lady of Angels Church in Burlingame, around 30 minutes south of San Francisco. The affluent church and grade school are located in San Mateo County (Archdiocese of San Francisco) and the Capuchins' Western America Province is also located there.
Capuchin foundations in the Archdiocese of San Francisco:
Delete1) The National Shrine of St. Francis in North Beach.
2) Our Lady of Angels Church and grade school in Burlingame.
3) The Capuchins' Western America Province at Our Lady of Angels in Burlingame.
3) San Buenaventura Friary in San Francisco's Richmond District. It used to be known as their study center. Address: 750 Anza, near the Jesuit University of San Francisco.
All of these places are in very affluent areas.
Agreed 4:59 AM, but don't count on help from the bishops. They're a closed Old Boys Club.
ReplyDeleteAgain in the San Francisco Archdiocese a few years ago, a good priest (Conley) who was also a former Federal Prosecutor turned in a priest (Aylward) he caught molesting a 16-year-old boy at their cushy San Mateo CA Rectory. Then-Archbishop, later Cardinal, William Levada fired the outraged informant and a scandalous legal battle ensued.
Under Oath, the homosexual priest admitted to 12 years worth of sexual assaults on local boys. He took an arrogant Don't Ask Don't Tell stance and was honorably retired instead of being laicized. The Archdiocese of SF paid his teenage San Mateo victim $750,000 in civil damages.
The unjustly fired priest-informant eventually received a substantial pension, lifetime health insurance benefits and free lifetime residence at an upscale hilltop flat the Archdiocese owns in SF. The poor man died in a San Jose Diocese nursing home a few months ago. The cause of his death is unknown.
Years after the San Mateo crime occurred, now-Cardinal William Levada quietly admitted that the priest-informant he maliciously destroyed had done the right thing. That case caused a major scandal because the closet queen priest-assailant was a favorite of wealthy, conservative Catholics.
The perverse priest inherited and lives in his late parents' small SF home which is worth over $1 million. Many stupid old people still idolize him and feel that he was framed, despite his detailed confession under civil Oath.
ReplyDeletesurprising at the detailed comments posted regarding San Francisco bay area.
Information great help to stalkers.
Tim, can you start tweeting to seven million readers. Inportant to tweet into every home in America the evil of Apuron.
ReplyDeleteSomeone mentioned Apuron retiring in New York. Interesting because The New York Times says that Province has been fighting sex abuse scandals since 1932.
ReplyDeleteThe NY Capuchins had at least one huge pedophilia case last year, but I don't remember the details. The Province appears to go easy on perverts, so Apuron would be comfortable with there.
Apuron may have been a guest at the Extended Stay America in Pleasanton.
ReplyDeleteThe local parish is the Catholic Community of Pleasanton, a wealthy, progressive Vatican II parish quietly welcoming to LGBTQ individuals.
Per internet research, not a visual sighting.
The CCOP has two worship spaces: St. Augustine Church and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.
DeleteThe latter is a thoroughly modern structure, with the congregation facing each other in elevated rows, with the choir seating, altar, lectern, and baptismal font in a wide central aisle.
The crucifix is off to one corner. There are no kneelers -- congregants stand during the consecration and after communion.
There is no tabernacle in the church itself. It is in a chapel across from the entry foyer.
The NCW Cult is not the only group that experiments with the liturgy and architecture.
Both of those churches are are LGBT favorites. There was a huge scandal over the Pastor of wealthy St. Augustine's performing a lesbian wedding a few years ago. If I recall, that earned him a mandatory retirement and he wasn't laicized.
DeleteA friend of mine from college works at the parish. Her position is "Assistant Pastor."
DeleteActually, that is not her current title according to the parish bulletin, available online.
DeleteHere are some excerpts from a 2009 Catholic News Agency article on the “lesbian wedding” referred to above:
Fr. Dan E. Danielson [mentor of the current pastor, Fr. Paul D. Minnihan] retired in 2007 as pastor of the Catholic Community of Pleasanton [CCOP], which is comprised of St. Augustine Church and St. Elizabeth Seton Church.
A “blessing” of two women was reportedly attempted at St. Elizabeth Seton on [Saturday,] May 9, 1998 but was canceled after several dozen Catholics came out to protest at the church building, which was then under construction.
The protest was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle and on San Francisco’s Channel 7 News.
[A]ccording to the story in the May 1998 issue of the [Oakland diocesan] Catholic Voice, Fr. Danielson explained the action in the May 17, 1998 bulletin for his parish.
“We do not celebrate homosexual marriages in any form, but we will pray for and with anyone, we will pray over commitments of love and friendship, we will tend to anyone in their need whether they are practicing Catholics, registered members of our parish, or not.”
http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/oakland_diocese_denies_new_administrator_permitted_samesex_marriages/ (emphasis added).
Yet the aftermath does show that protests by the laity in support of the Tradition of the Faithful can have their effect, even being heard by Rome.
When Fr. Danielson was serving as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Oakland in 2009, the resurrection of and publicity over this incident allegedly hastened the appointment of Salvatore Cordileone as Bishop.
Also, CCOP now has strict child protective policies in place -- which Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuon would be unable to satisfy if the CCOP pastor applied them to him.
Of course she cannot be publicly called "Assistant Pastor," it's an internal thing. In fact, I recently saw where she gave the homily at Mass.
DeleteBTW, looks like it's coming:
If Apuron is shopping at Gump's in San Francisco, he's living on WAY more than his archdiocesan salary.
ReplyDeleteGump's is a very old, luxury-class store. Extremely expensive, only wealthy people can afford it. People who can afford the metaphorical Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Someone needs to find out who or what is bankrolling the hedonistic pervert and expose the source of his apparently high income.
DeleteTo positively identify his subversive backers. So far, they've only been guessed at. Follow the Money!
DeleteAnd what would we do about them. Apuron is a free man. He hasn't been convicted of a crime and won't be - since only the civil statute was lifted, not the criminal. As for his money, we already know where that comes from. He has a tremendous amount of personal wealth, collected from this diocese over the years. He also has the support of his local neocat community as well as Tricky Dick's "foundation." He also has "kimchee" his Korean girlfriend who used to give him big "envelopes," though since he is now useless to her, I doubt that she still does.
DeleteIf Apuron has "a tremendous amount of personal wealth collected from this diocese over the years", document it thoroughly and have him formally charged with embezzlement and/or grand theft. That would put him on Unlawful Flight status.
DeleteSeveral US Catholic priests have been charged with huge thefts from their parishes. Six and seven figures worth. Most of them were found to be pedophiles as well as thieves.
His money was gotten "legitimately," thanks to the "faithful" who paid him for every appearance. Talk to your pastors about how much they paid him for every fiesta.
Deleteremember days Apuron given envelopes of $1,000 for attending confirmation or parish function, funeral, gifts. Rich priest.
Deletepersonal wealth of Apuron is not point of interest. Central fact is people come to this blog to read about an evil catholic bishop who self served himself for thirty years. He is infamous bishop people all over the world want to read about.
Apurons story a life lived to gain power wealth status in sex lies demons provides script for a movie. I would like to see a "spotlight" made on Guam.p
Per the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, a US bishop's annual salary as of December 2016 is $71,000. Tax exemption status unknown.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if that includes living expenses and I don't know what an archbishop in Guam is paid. Catholic bishops in US Territories are not voting members of the USCCB, but I doubt that Apuron is starving.
ReplyDeleteApuron will not starve.
He can eat lechon every meal.
Until neo is exterminated from Guam Divisions will only deepen. This is what neo does it divides communties creating fights between friends and families. It turns son against father daughter against mother friends against friends. It is a vicious movement built on Satan. It must be eradicated from our shores.
ReplyDeleteDiana? Is that you blogging in the Jungle? Sheesh.......
DeleteESL alert, ESL alert.
DeleteIs "Diana" Apuron using poor English in efforts to camouflage himself?
DeleteThis looks like a transparent “false flag” reference by the NCW Cult to Luke 12:53.
DeleteAs if the lies, deceit, and psychological manipulation of the NCW Cult were what Jesus had in mind when he spoke those words.
Indeed, Satan can quote Scripture for his own purposes.
Of course, Jesus (who in his divine nature is omniscient) knew people would exercise their free will to oppose Him and infiltrate His Church, so in that sense the NCW Cult is part of the division He “caused”.
DeleteIf Apuron is in San Francisco, another place to keep an eye on is a highly rated Chamorro restaurant called "Prubechu". Address: 2847 Mission. It's the only Guamanian restaurant the region.