Monday, December 5, 2016


“People can ‘smell’ it — the people of God have God’s nose. People can ‘smell’ it and they move away when they see narcissists, manipulators, defenders of their own causes, and bandits of vain crusades."

Pope Francis: World is tired of “charming liars” and “trendy priests and bishops”



  1. notice how Pope Francis is looking directly at kiko and priests like apuron...

    apuron OUT... apuron OUT... apuron OUT... apuron OUT...

  2. interesting tim seriously. The day after The Holy Father met the evil dictator refusing to resign. The pope said these words.
    I really do believe the Holy Father had Apuron in mind.
    The pope wants us to throw out any bishop who is an evil fake. never again will we allow a bishop of guam or saipan to be a fake.At the first sign we join together to throw them out. so far their are no signs of evil fake dictators on Guam or saipan. But one never knows bishops grow horns so if they grow we destroy again. only way.

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)December 5, 2016 at 1:22 PM

      I agree with you, Anon 8:59. Almost the entire speech sounds like a rebuke to Abp. Apuron and to the priest factory (on an accelerated production schedule) known as the RMS on Guam. The date in which this speech was delivered was roughly around the time Abp Hon issued a statement from Rome that he has asked the Holy Father to remove Abp. Apuron.

  3. Wow, Pope Francis message definitely hits home...

    “Do not let yourselves be tempted by numbers and by the quantity of vocations; rather look for the quality of discipleship. Neither numbers nor quantity: only quality,” he said, adding: “Do not deprive seminarians of your firm and tender fatherhood.” Help seminarians to grow “until they acquire the freedom to remain before God in peace and serenity,” not prey “to their own whims and slaves of their weakness,” but free to embrace all that God is asking of them.

    He also told the newly-appointed bishops to accompany their priests “with patient care.”

    - See more at:

    1. Yes, and this point particularly struck me:

      “I ask you as well to act with great prudence and responsibility in receiving candidates or incardinating priests into your local churches. Please have prudence and responsibility in this. Remember that, from early times, there has been an inseparable relationship between the local Church and its priests, and a vagabond clergy, or one moving from one place to another, was never accepted. And this is the disease of our times.”

    2. Deliver us from vagabond Fr. Pius and the NCW Cult.

  4. all the way Apuron out...... we will not stop this blog until he is removed and Rms shut down and ncw no more influence in our island home.
    Apuron out. Apuron out. Not good enough he still holds title Archbishop of Agana. noise continues until he is gone period. hateful man needs to be eradicated. Joy.

  5. Not to spoil Pope Francis' great news though according to Diana and as a reminder that at her age she already forgot the Samoan's seminaries walked out of RMS never to return. LOL.
    DianaDecember 5, 2016 at 9:33 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 7:41 am,

    It sounds like the Pope was thinking of Archbishop Hon. After all, he wanted to shut down the type up and send away the seminarians.

    1. Poor desperate heretics. In order for them to trash Hon they also are trashing Byrnes who carried out the legal filings against RMS and DIVORCED it from the NCW. Not a good way to start with Byrnes, Diana. LOL.

    2. At some point, my mocking of Diana and that site will convert into pity. Somewhere in time . . .

    3. “Do not let yourselves be tempted by numbers and by the quantity of vocations; rather look for the quality of discipleship. Neither numbers nor quantity: only quality.”

      Is Diana this stupid? Pope Francis is obviously, if not only, referring to Guam's RMS but to the Neo's overall practice of producing a sh*t-ton of "priests" that have either lack or have an incomplete idea of what they're supposed to be doing in the parishes and evangelical works. Look at how they 'evangelize' Catholics. To "evangelize" a pre-dominantly Catholic island? Meanwhile Christians only make up about 8% of the population in Bethlehem, where Christ himself was born. SMH!

    4. They don't believe in the New Evangelisation because they are not in communion and they don't believe in the Council because they oppose subsidiarity.

  6. "Remember that, from early times, there has been an inseparable relationship between the local Church and its priests, and a vagabond clergy, or one moving from one place to another, was never accepted. And this is the disease of our times.”

    Pope Francis speaking about Most Rev. Archbishop Pius Sammut, OCD, D.D.

    So many parallels in his condemnations with the situation here on Guam!

    1. Why do you call this NEO Cult Presbyter "Most Reverend"?

    2. As evidenced by Mother Dawn in her interaction with Apuron which he claimed Pius wrote a letter in his name, its safe to assume Pius has been running this Archdiocese since the late 90's (or whenever he arrived). He's been the Archbishop of Agana in everything but title.

    3. I agree with 2:10 PM, Not only was Pius running the Archdiocese without the title, He was residing at the Archbishop's residence, acting like the Archbishop, and wielding power and authority just like an Archbishop, He was also acting as Chief Teacher, a responsibility of a bishop, in fact Pius is Instructing and catechizing the Archbishop himself, er I mean brother Tony. The only thing Pius did not do is that outward appearance visible of the Archbishop, wear the Miter, sit at the cathedra, and carry the bishop's crook. I have to say however that Pius himself is a crook and crooked liar, worse than Hilary.

    4. Pius the Putrid has ABSOLUTELY been running the show. Lock, stock and barrel. Mind control. CULT!

    5. Pius Putrid should be asked to leave Guam. He is not a priest of Guam and unless Archbishop Michael asks him to stay he should be told to go to back to his order. He smelt of sulphur since first day i met him in 1997.

  7. I guess we can't expect Apuron to give what he never had in his possession, integrity and the truth, it was always about himself, the money, the numbers, and the red hat that will put him higher up on the pedestal.


    take note of Pope Francis' comment on "vagabond clergy"

    Pope Francis then called the bishops to fulfill their duty to make mercy pastoral for their flocks.

    “Mercy,” he said, “should form and inform the pastoral structures of our Churches. This does not mean lowering our standards or giving away our pearls. Indeed, the only condition that the pearl of great price places on those who find it is to not be able to claim less than everything; its only claim is to arouse in the hearts of those who find it the need to risk everything to have it.”

    The pope gave the bishops three recommendations for how to make mercy pastoral, saying their ministry must be accessible, tangible, and capable of encounter.

    Care for seminarians and priests

    Pope Francis then emphasized the need “to take special care of the structures of initiation of your Churches, especially seminaries.”

    “Do not let yourselves be tempted by numbers and by the quantity of vocations; rather look for the quality of discipleship. Neither numbers nor quantity: only quality,” he said, adding: “Do not deprive seminarians of your firm and tender fatherhood.” Help seminarians to grow “until they acquire the freedom to remain before God in peace and serenity,” not prey “to their own whims and slaves of their weakness,” but free to embrace all that God is asking of them.

    He also told the newly-appointed bishops to accompany their priests “with patient care.”

    “I ask you as well to act with great prudence and responsibility in receiving candidates or incardinating priests into your local churches. Please have prudence and responsibility in this. Remember that, from early times, there has been an inseparable relationship between the local Church and its priests, and a vagabond clergy, or one moving from one place to another, was never accepted. And this is the disease of our times.”

    1. i would pray now the Archdiocese would build up local vocations and form them in an American Seminary.
      Vocations should come from a community. That is really best way. Method of NCW was doomed from the beginning for disaster.

  9. I still get chills during mass when the priests usually says pray for Archbishop Tony..Can't they just phase that part our already or do we have to wait till his official removal, he was already stripped of all his powers why even mention his name during mass, I know most peoples reaction is like wth they hear that part of sunday mass.

    1. Archbishop Byrnes said he, too, will mention Anthony's name at Mass.

    2. It's not a choice. The Canon of the Mass calls for it.

    3. Tim is right, as much as i understand how difficult it must be to name a child molester in the Eucharistic prayer he is the Archbishop of Agana. Until the pope removes him every day a child molester is mentioned at every mass on Guam. Tragic if this is allowed to go on.
      many years ago i was in a situation where at Mass a bishop i detested was mentioned at every mass. i changed it to the bishop of this diocese to avoid saying his name. But years later i would say include his name even if a molester. Anyway, through Tim and ccog you removed him. It can only be a short time left to drop him forever from the Eucharistic prayer. That is final Victory. Then the people of Guam must demand he is never laid to rest in the cathedral basilica.He needs to be in a remote corner of a catholic cemetry where as few as possible will ever be reminded of his dictatorship.

  10. Wow! Reading the comments on the article, it seems like the Philippines has got huge problems. Kinda makes me feel a little better we got an Irish Catholic. God bless you bishop Byrnes!

    1. What huge problems? Are you referring to the Catholic Church in the Philippines?

    2. 6:26 PM, where in the thread does it mention that "Philippines has huge problems" to which you alluded? Catholic leadership there is vibrant, with its own Bishops' Conference like USCCB, the CBCP, to regulate the almost a hundred local bishops and archbishops. No comparison to Guam's unfettered abuse of authority under Apuron, Quitugua, Cristobal and Pius. We are happy about Archbishop Byrnes' appointment, and let us leave it at that rather than make unrelated and irrelevant comparisons. We have enough problems of our own. Focus on Apuron's ouster.

    3. Yes. I don't see anything about the Philippines. Let's drop this. We have Guam problems to focus on.
