AnonymousMarch 29, 2017 at 5:07 AM
Tim,you say Walter,Doris and her son champ were the nails to Apuron's coffin..Can you please explain and help me understand this..All 3 of them testified including Roy and Roland. Now my question is what makes those 3 testimonies more credible than Roy and Roland...Sonny was the Victim in this case,His mother and Brother WERE only repeating what "Supposedly"' were said to them..How do we know they are actually telling the truth?..Sonny is dead but Walter,Roy and Roland are well and alive..I can understand you giving Walter the credit but you are NOT being fair here...Roy and Roland are the actual victims..All 3 men were Abused by Apuron NOT Doris and Champ..As far as I am concerned,there is a Big difference here..
If I had the slightest inkling that any of these accounts were not credible, I would have not gone out there in the media and invited Apuron to sue me.
Rohr, who writes about the local Catholic Church on his blog site JungleWatch, said Tuesday he welcomes the legal action that the Archdiocese is planning, hoping that everything will be revealed in court.
“Bring it on,” said Rohr. - Pacific Daily News, May 31, 2016
And let me be clearer still: I was then, and am still, the only person in all of this NOT to have any legal protection. I was then, and am still, a clear open target for Apuron and his millions of dollars of NCW-syndicate money. There is nothing protecting me but THE TRUTH.
However, my bet, a bet on which I placed my entire life, was that the people I was standing up for would TELL THE TRUTH, and not just sit it out and wait for some money to come in.
In the early days of this there was no promise of money and no law that would enable Apuron's victims to sue him. There was only the TRUTH and my belief that the TRUTH was so powerful that the public would be immediately convinced as well as Rome.
Each of Apuron's victims said they only wanted the TRUTH to be known and that they wanted to face their perpetrator. This is why after each of them came forward, their accounts were immediately hand delivered, by themselves, to a church office. The accounts included a demand for justice. This is why when each of them recently received their letter from Rome, it stated:
“As this Tribunal has been informed of your readiness to be heard in the above-titled case regarding accusations against His Excellency, the Most Reverend Anthony Sablan Apuron, O.F.M. Cap, at the direction of the Presiding Judge, I am forwarding to you his decree of citation by which you are called for said hearing.”
The Presiding Judge was responding to THEIR REQUESTS TO BE HEARD because the Presiding Judge had received THEIR REQUESTS.
Now, remember, I am THE ONLY ONE exposed here. I went to bat for each of these people. I taunted Apuron into saying the stupid stuff that got him kicked out of here (the defamation stuff which was really written by Waldo).
I did this all on purpose because up until the opportunity to file a defamation suit against Apuron, neither Roy, Walter, Doris, or Roland, had ANY LEGAL RECOURSE to protect themselves against Apuron. So I went out and provoked exactly that: an opportunity for legal recourse. The only problem was: I HAD NONE FOR MYSELF.
Thus, for me, everything hung on Apuron's victims testifying at the canonical trial and giving the judge the stuff to take Apuron down. In addition, I had my own stuff, most of which is already public on this blog, but I wanted to make sure the canonical court knew it.
I had so much confidence in everything that for months I hung myself out there with no protection. So when word came that no one was going to you get the picture?
Now, on to the testimonies.
I said Walter and Doris' testimony put the nails in Apuron's coffin, not because their testimonies are any more credible than Roy's or Roland's, but because of the degree of severity. Roy and Roland were molested and both had the good sense to run. Walter (who was younger than Roy and Roland at the time he was violated) was slammed face down into the bed and anally penetrated and was too afraid to run. And it can also be determined from Champ Quinata's testimony about what his dead brother revealed to him, that the same had happened to Sonny.
Any court would give "penetration" greater consideration for the severity of the violation. It has nothing to do with the truth. All told the truth. And, it also has nothing to do with how each person was personally affected by those wounds. It's simply an objective thing a court would look at. Thus, those two testimonies, and especially Walter's, would carry greater weight before a judge when it comes to convicting and sentencing Apuron.
Next, both Walter and Sonny had secondary "witnesses." In Sonny's case, his brother Champ's testimony is as close to an eye witness as you can get. Read it here. In Walter's case. He had the secondary opportunity to confront Apuron in Washington in the year 2000. Walter's detailed recall of this encounter lends a second layer of credence to his original account. And it may also be that Walter has offered the names of the hosts who held that party in order to verify that Apuron was there as well as Walter.
I am certain that the person who wrote the above comment is a relative of one of the victim's who had up until now refused to testify. (As I said, two did.) But other than standing behind your relative at the press conference, I didn't see any family members of any victim out there on the street with me challenging Apuron day after day.
Update: I have been made aware that all the victims intend to testify before the canonical court. Thank you.
This is certainly good news, Tim. Even if only one person testified before the tribunal I would have hope that justice would be done. I believe our prayers are being answered. May all victims of abuse find healing and peace.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tim for the update. Yes, finally, baby steps but looks like it will happen. My only interest in all this is to see that Apuron is out. Justice for all the young, innocent boys' lives he ruined.
ReplyDeletewritten or oral testimony..?
ReplyDelete"...all the victims intend to testify before the canonical court."
DeleteWhat if all the victims, are caught lying will they go to jail and you Tim get sued????
DeleteLOL. No worries. Just watch.
DeleteThank you Tim for clearing the air and reminding us of how this ball started rolling. Thank you also to Roy, Walter, Roland, Doris & Champ for stepping forward to testify. Your testimony will certainly remove one monster from our midst. Once Apuron is removed I will begin in earnest to help the church again financially. Dealing with the Neos is another issue but AB Byrnes seems to be heading in the right direction on that matter. God bless you again Tim for you have done and continue to do for our Church. "Silent No More!" Your friend Joe.
ReplyDeleteWell done Good and Faithful Servant. Thank you for all you've done to protect the Faith and the victims of this heinous crimes against children.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to publish your comment. I know who you are and who your relative is. I went to war for him while you hid in the bushes and watched. And you're still hiding in the bushes. Well then, stay there.
ReplyDeleteScrewtape: I see your choice of weapon, Chaos, an excellent parlay Wormwood!
ReplyDeleteWormwood: Thank you Uncle, a simple misinterpretation, uncertainty, ambiguity however used can really mess things up with these humans who do not consider or at least understand the simplicity of TRUTH.
Screwtape: Exactly, now spiting brothers and brothers sisters and sisters that has always been one of my favorite pastime, an easy way to destroy trust amongst even the closest of friends.
Wormwood: heheheh, oh Uncle if only they knew! So many of them have forgotten the power of prayer, the Saints and their Mother, she who is so powerful. Why with all the chaos brought about by our friends in their so called Holy Catholic Church and the conquistadors, our work is almost complete.
Screwtape: Yes, keep their minds on the money, on their intentions, their “high opinions” and their pride, I’d say “good job” Wormwood.
Wormwood: mmmm, wait and see my next stratagem, a revelation from the man of Collar, an unlikely sermon be made, a star named Wormwood will fall, a contraction to follow.
Screwtape: In the name of our father below, man has chosen….US! execute your tasks well my nephew!
CATHOLIC "Calling All To Holy Obedient Life In Christ"
Thank you for the update, Tim. I liked that part best of all. Kudos to the Plaintiffs! Remember: you wanted your plight to be heard by the Church. You are now given your moment. The Lord (and JungleWatchers) will be (or have been) with all of you at the moment of your testimony. As I wrote yesterday, regardless of the outcome (although we want Abp Apuron defrocked!), know that you can claim together with St. Paul: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear they will all testify. Praise God and thank you Tim for your courage.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lord.
ReplyDeleteIf they all testify, can we safely assume that apuron will be defrocked?
ReplyDeleteNo. Remember the disgraceful Wesolowski case last year.
DeleteThere's a difference with this case: Anthony Sablan Apuron.
DeleteWesolowski was laicized, then secretly restored to the archepiscopal state.
DeleteTo Anon 12:05, we can’t safely assume an outcome. What we can do is do all we can to make sure we get the outcome we pray for. We are happy to learn that the Plaintiffs are going to do their part. God usually doesn’t serve things on a silver platter so it’s beautiful to see the local Faithful working together in action and in prayer.
Deletei'm encouraged by the update. being far away, the best thing i can offer are prayers that justice will soon come. if the victims need to fly to rome or elsewhere off-island to give their testimony, and they need help to defray the cost of travel, i'd like to find out how we in the general public can help.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same situation with Rey d. And have the same desire to help out with travel costs. Keep us apprised.
DeleteIf they need to fly to Rome, they better hurry. The NEOS here are gearing up to fly to Rome in April. Why? I don't have the answer to this. My hunch is that they want an audience with the Pope to let them know how much they Love Bro Tony.
DeleteCanonical trials do not have to be held in Rome. There is no specific place for such trials. The location could be anywhere. My guess is that the Abp Apuron canonical trial will take place in the U.S. since the those who were appointed to the process and the parties themselves are based in the U.S. In a related matter, I thank victims (again) for their willingness to respond to the decree of citation issued by Cardinal Burke to appear at the hearing they requested and provide their live testimony.
DeleteIf there is a financial need, I will make it known.
DeleteIs it true the Archdiocese Paid for the victims plane fares and accommodations to testify in New York?
DeleteOf the two who already testified, the answer is no. I don't know about the others. It would be a good gesture if they did.
DeleteThat all the victims now intend to testify before the canonical court, we give thanks and praise to Jesus, through Mary!
ReplyDeleteLOL. I knew it was you. Same time every day. Sitting in your room drooling while your little world that was a hellhole for everyone else goes down in flames. admit they were victims!
DeleteFederal Court judge will decide first, Anon 2:39pm.
DeleteAnon @2:39, You are correct there is no need for court, The truth has already judged Apuron's ill actions, along with all the deceit, lies, division, heretical teachings that have come out of the NCW. JW has provided countless proofs of these truths. All the while you accuse Tim and JW of lies, but have not substantiated one measly proof to your claims. Threats and trash talk from an empty can making loud noise.
DeleteAgreed, Anon Mar 31@ 8:45 p.m., the court of public opinion has already judged apuron guilty. As proof, even Jungle Watch detractor Anon Mar.31@2:39 p.m. refers to the accusers of apuron, brouillard, et al, as "victims" -- without giving apuron, et al, the benefit of formal court proceedings.
DeleteAnon 7:55. Lol.
DeleteThank you Tim for your leadership and sacrifice!
ReplyDeleteFuck you Tim!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Rude-ee.
Deletetypical bolshiegit
ReplyDeleteRudee is over the moon! I heard his heretical community was granted the right to celebrate their worship at St. Anthony Church on Saturday evenings. Let's check it out to see if they adhere to the GIRM. After all, it is a public "Mass" at a church, so it should be open to everyone. Make sure we report anomalies to the Chancery. Why did Msgr. James allow this heretical group? Did he consult his parish council about this matter? And they all agreed?
ReplyDeleteSaturday night is permitted, just as it is for the rest of the Church. All Msgr. James need comply with at this point is the directive isssued by Byrnes. Yes, repot anomalies, however be certain you know what they are.
DeleteAlsI, a parish council has no jurisdiction in the matter.