How serendipitous that arch-kiko-freak, David the VG, David the Villain, David the "Vulnus", the same arch-kiko-freak who with his fellow kiko-freak and stooge, Adrian the Aimless, gleefully showed up at the steps of the Cathedral rectory on July 26, 2014, to hand then-rector, Msgr. James Benavente, a filthy decree removing him from the Cathedral for so-called "financial mismanagement!"
How serendipitous that is now the same arch-kiko-freak, David the VG, David the Villain, David the "Vulnus"who is the CAUSE of this emergency and unprecedented measure.
Not only did the collection collapse from $10,000 per week to an anemic $4000 under David the Vulnus, there is this:
Untalan said about $1.1 million of the cathedral's debt is outstanding payables to suppliers, vendors and other creditors.
He said the remaining $800,000is owed to the Bank of Guam, and the council has not yet determined how that money, which refinanced part of an older loan, was spent.
The original loan was used for renovations and repairs at the cathedral, Untalan said. That loan was almost paid off when it was refinanced and a new amount was borrowed from the bank, he said.
It's not hard to guess where David laundered that missing $800,000.
Agana cathedral under internal receivership over $1.9M debt
CONTINUEDGUAM DAILY POST: Cathedral ‘cannot meet its obligations’
KUAM: To get out of $2M debt, Agana Cathedral placed in receivership
PACIFIC NEWS CENTER: Agana Cathedral placed under receivership: "We're bleeding!"
By the way, it looks like our STOP THE MONEY campaign worked. Now, just a couple more things before we can reverse that campaign. APURON OUT!
Yes, Apuron out and the laity will be willing to help the Archdiocese solve their financial problems. But, since the defrocking of apuron lies in Rome's hands, a stop-gap solution would be to forbid any and all Neo activities from occurring on Church property. If that is not possible, then the Receivership committee should make sure the Neos pay a fair price for the use of Church assets. Also, speaking for myself, for as long as the Neos can use the Sunday Masses for their propaganda activities, I will not only refuse to contribute to the Church's financial problems, I will also boycott those churches who allow or allowed those Neo events to happen, the Agana Cathedral being one of them.
ReplyDeleteHaving been off-island for a while, it is great to be back. And so many things have happened while I was away.
DeleteSadly, the victim numbers continued to climb, but the good news is that all the victims can now come out without fearing the evil Empire that used to run the Chancery. The war is not over.
Hitler and Kiko are still fighting. We need to provide care and love and support to all those Apurun and his friends injured. We need to see Apurun and his junta completely rejected by the Church and tossed out onto the streets.
We still have to resolve the terrible seminary situation, the divisive effects of the NCW, and the depressed morale of our clergy.
But, we are going in the right direction. It is not time to stop and quit. It is not time to stop our sacrifices. But, it is time to thank God that we now see daily progress to our goal of bringing our Church back from the ashes.
As I said in an earlier post this morning, our battle is like WWII. When the fighting was stopped, Europe was in shambles. But with the axis of evil soundly defeated, the rebuilding became the responsibility of the righteous.
And when the fighting in our Church finally stops, and the evil ones have been dispatched, it will become our responsibility to rebuild what Apurun and his evil allies destroyed. I for one have been building my restoration war chest since I stopped giving to the wicked administrators.
We will be better, we will be stronger, we will be beautiful! Biba Katolico!
Janet, post-WW2 Europe was rebuilt by the US Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift and other raids on our war-strained resources. The epic reconstruction's cost was forced on unwilling US taxpayers, not "the righteous". We're not sentimental about decadent Europe and never owed it squat. To date, only Finland has repaid its War debt.
DeleteDon't expect the US Church to bail out Guam and Saipan after abuse settlements flatten them. We were forced to shell out billions because of pedophile priests and religious here and can barely afford to run our own dioceses.
To 5:11: I have always been proud of the US Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift and other initiatives to help restore peace and freedom throughout the world. I spent time in Austria in the early 1970's. Everyone I met thanked America because without our help Austria would have come under the Communist regime. I don't know of any American who lived through those times who would describe themselves as an "unwilling US taxpayer". I was always taught it was not about "being righteous", it was about making the world a better place for all of us. Europe, post WWII, was not 'decadent'. It was destroyed. I pray we all remember those days and vow never to repeat them.
DeleteThe Neocat BOG Manager who's hiding Apuron in her Fairfield, California home can easily find out where that missing Cathedral money went. All she has to do is ask the s.o.b. It might even be sitting in a safety deposit box at her San Francisco bank.
ReplyDeleteDefrock Apuron and the Church will rise from the ashes.
ReplyDeleteWhat does internal receivership mean in practical terms? I understand federal receivership but I don't understand what internal receivership means. How can things be rectified?
it means the previous rector, Monsignor Lurch Quitugua, has made such a terrible mess of finances, a priest alone cannot fix. Fr Paul has many great qualities, but Archbishop Byrnes has hit a home run.
DeleteIn order to help Fr Paul, Abp Byrnes has enlisted the best financial minds available to help breath life back into mother church.
Receivership means Fr Paul is still the rector, in charge for breathing life back into the spiritual aspect of the Church. And the receiver team will breath financial viability back into our gem of Guam.
I only hope that part of their duties are to audit what transpired over the past 2 years when the notoriously greedy NCW had complete run over the Cathedral. Were funds directed away from the parish for NCW uses? Do Lurch give Cathedral funds to help the seminary he was also rector for?
Did the Cathedral fund the lavish travel appetite of the NCW upper-crust?
Many questions...hopefully the receivers can bring back Agana pride, and reveal any NCW theft and improprieties.
Thank you Abp Byrnes!
Hi, Melinda (Anon 11:56), I will add to Janet’s response above. The debt is focused on not on the entire local Church, but to the cathedral-basilica as a parish. But, since the cathedral-basilica is the seat of the Archdiocese of Agana, by extension, the debt can be viewed as the debt of the entire local Church. Since you’re familiar with federal receivership, internal receivership is similar. One of the exceptions, however, is that the receiver (in this cathedral-basilica situation, the receiver is a committee of three --- Ms. Sanford and Messrs. Duenas and Ilagan; all three serve a dual role as members also of the Archdiocesan Finance Council) is from within the organization and was put in place as an internal self-regulating decision as opposed to being forced by an overseeing outside entity (ie a court, a regulatory agency, etc.) to put a receivership in place. From my reading of the situation, this internal move is a welcome relief to Fr. Paul, who undoubtedly, as Rector of the cathedral-basilica, was mentally and emotionally burdened by this situation. What an awful situation to inherit! Instead of Fr. Paul, the receivership committee will navigate addressing this debt and will do additional work relating to financial matters, compliance to procedural/reporting obligations, and putting into place administrative structures that don’t currently exist in the cathedral-basilica parish such as a parish council. The receivership committee will also likely formulate systems so that the cathedral-basilica doesn’t get into this situation again! It appears that this will free up Fr. Paul to concentrate on sacramental and pastoral duties (primary duties of a priest), coupled with continued administrative duties (perhaps the day-to-day administration of the parish office and parish programs), but the receivership committee will deal the bigger issues of parish debt, assets, and financial/administrative systems. It should not be lost that this step of self-imposed “internal receivership” is another demonstration on the part of the current archdiocesan leadership --- Abp. Byrnes, AFC and Presbyteral Council and advisors from within and outside of the archdiocese --- of dealing with the many messes in the archdiocese. Thank you to Mr. Untalan for his press conference last Friday to advise the local Faithful of this enormous debt and how the archdiocese addressed Fr. Paul’s call for help in dealing with this situation in the cathedral-basilica.
DeleteThis whole fiasco smells of criminal intent. Someone stole funds, that are now unaccounted for and should face a criminal charge.
ReplyDeleteRight. Bring in Federal law enforcement and have all of those thieves charged with embezzlement. If convicted, that will imprison those who skate on child abuse charges and add time to convicted pedophiles' sentences.
DeleteOver the past two or three years, US priests and their lay accomplices received prison sentences of 3 to 20 years for embezzlement. Cash thefts from their parishes ran from $131,000 to $1.3 million. That wii never happen at my church. We're far from rich and a bazillion specially appointed witnesses are required to sign off on the totals anywhere money is counted.
I hope that Apuron, Camacho and their ilk are convicted of child abuse in the civil trials. The pervert disgraced bishop Robert Finn protected in Kansas City didn't physically abuse children but, at around age 50, he got a 50-year Federal prison sentence for having child porn on his computer. He tried to have the sentence reduced and failed. As child rapists, Apuron and his filthy crew could do hard time forever, whether or not they're defrocked.
Finn’s “fall from grace,” remains suspect to me. No doubt he did what he did. However, why the Vatican chose to take him down four years later when it looked the other way at slime balls like Mahoney, is worth speculation. Prior to his fall, Finn was one of the fastest climbing prelates in the country, on track to becoming president of the USCCB if not America’s first real candidate for a U.S. pope. He was a also a grave danger to the liberals, especially the other quickly ascending prelate, the kilo-loving Sean O’Malley. It is interesting in hindsight to see how O’Malley attacked Finn. In fact, we can suspect that it was O’Malley who was behind the Vatican’s investigation into Finn, which forced him to step down:
DeleteBoston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, the leader of a church commission on child abuse cases, made critical remarks regarding Bishop Finn's actions. In an interview with the television news program 60 Minutes, O'Malley said that Bishop Finn's conviction for failing to report suspected child abuse would disqualify him from teaching Sunday school in the Boston archdiocese. "It's a question that the Holy See needs to address urgently," O'Malley said.[14]
It’s even more interesting now that there is real reason to suspect that O’Malley is probably protecting his fellow Capuchin, Apuron, not because he cares about Apuron, but because of what Apuron’s conviction could mean to O’Malley’s precious position as president of the Domus Galilea, if not a hoped-for NCW back run at the papacy.
Go here to see all the reasons O'Malley (and Francis) might have wanted to take Finn down. Remember this happened long after Finn paid his public dues.
Tim, publish my comments on the Finn case. You know damn well what I said is true. It's also public record.
DeleteSure, as soon as you publish your name. I'm finding you rather boring and apparently you think you can use my blog to mentally masturbate your personal angst. I have better things to do.
DeleteExcellent retort, Tim, you are the administrator of the blog - no one should dictate what you publish or not. Most of us here at JW can attest to your integrity and credibility. I love the terminology you used regarding the angst of this eager beaver 12:31 PM. He needs to start his own blogsphere along with Diana.
DeleteThe archdiocese needs to defrock apuron, quitugua, Adrian and that monkey Waldo. This diocese also needs to cleanse itself from any NCW freaks that have invaded and crippled the diocese.
ReplyDeleteI say let's give a critical review of the San Vicente parish. They are all neo and adrian operatives running that church. Joel is afraid of the neos and doesn't want to be upsetting or call attention to his immigration status.
DeleteOr his mistress.
Delete11:39 that's a secret! 👎🏼
DeleteThere have been several comments about Neocat priests having mistresses. Which other ones do? They (and their whores) should be exposed so that Bp. Byrnes can revoke their faculties and have them laicized. They'd be sitting ducks.
DeleteThat's just the problem, 10:09 AM. The ones at the Chancery know about these murmurs but unless they are given tangible proof they won't act on it. They do not have the gumption to investigate, much less inquire from these priests concerned whether there is truth to the rumors. They always want us to do the work they were tasked to do. Believe me I have tried but got a statement saying to the effect, "how dare you say things without evidence?" What proof do they need exactly, a dirty underwear for DNA swabbing? "Talk" should be enough reason for these people to launch an inquiry (or maybe form a 'Comittee on the Protection from Idle Talk' as they have been doing for every issue in this Archdiocese!!!).
DeleteIt won't take many businesses to make a tax-deductible donation to the Archdiocese to cover the deficit and commit amounts to help cover the cost of operations in the future. But, why should they? They have been burned by apuron in the past, and the Church dragging its feet to attend to the sex abuse victims of apuron et al, plus the Church continuing to allow the Neos to hold their activities within Church grounds just raises so many red flags that these businesses are hesitant to "throw good money after bad." Byrnes cannot defrock apuron, it is true, but his public support for the Laity Forward Movement, will help the cause a lot (and help generate the trust he so desperately needs).
ReplyDeleteWhy is time being wasted trying to figure out where this money is at? Drag Quitugua back and have him explain what happened to the money. Why are these people getting off easy without any accountability? As the former rector of the Cathedral, he should know exactly where the money went.
ReplyDeleteGood comment 4.12pm CAB call him into San Ramon and ask Lurch where is the money? I think he gave money to RMS and the stinking monk ordered him to do so.
DeleteLurch is definitely part of the embezzlement chain, but he probably doesn't know where the $800,000 went after he gave it to his Apuron-level handlers. He's a low man on the mafia-style totem pole.
Deleteimagine Monsignor Lurch direct money to RMS. He may have arranged repairs to cathedral had the billings arranged higher amounts paid contractors over amounts and contractots gave RMS. Many ways he could hace fooled accounting. For sure for sure money would have been re directed to RMS by orders of stinking monk.
ReplyDeleteYou got a point there. That is standard MO on this island.
DeleteFirst, get rid of all those employees and neo volunteers still running amok at the cathedral. You want a real change? Get rid of coreen l.g., therese faisao, that giftshop "manager/terror" and all the others. That's where cleaning house can really begin!
ReplyDeleteWith Jucutan gone on mission in Palau for 7 weeks, maybe Archbishop Brynes ( I say "ARCHBISHOP" because this is how he signs documents) can transfer him there permanently. This will be a good start at cleaning out the Cathedral. He can be assigned to Kayangel.
Deleteyou need to call in FBI to determine if the Lurch was involved in criminal activity. If so Agana Cathedral needs to file charges against him. You need to hire David Lujan he will wipe the flor with the Lurch stinking monk all of the evil characters in this play.
ReplyDeleteLurch could have hid the money under his bed so someome should check.Or it could have been transfered to chicago.
ReplyDeleteGlad your collection basket boycott worked.
ReplyDeleteAnon 8:39 p.m. you're absolutely right about volunteers running amok and terror/gift shop managers. Those problems aren't limited to Neocats on Guam.
Church volunteers in my diocese think they're Vatican executive staff and they routinely treat parishoners like dirt. My parish is especially bad with its closet queen hipster-Pastor who hates anyone over age 39. He dumped all of the older office volunteers we knew and loved for years and replaced them with his unpleasant male friends.
Our Cathedral's gift shop is run by a sanctimonious weirdo who sells $7.00 bath soap made with Lourdes water and a hobby shop melt-and-pour soap base. The homemade labels have no information on the soapmaker or where the stuff is made. I told the Manager the sacreligious stuff is a fraud and to dump it because water is totally evaporated out of cured soap. He got mad and threw me out of the shop. I never went back there.
The Cathedral's Pastoral Staff and their rude office employees are so nasty that it wasn't worth contacting them about the awful soap. Despite its huge physical size, our Cathedral is not a popular place. Its hours are short and the actual parish enrollment is very low. The bishop only says Mass there on infrequent special occasions that might give him face time in the media. The place survives by renting out conference rooms to secular organizations at exhorbitant rates. One was a Red Cross group telling parents how to train their kids on condom use!
how do you lose $800,000 and not have it recorded in the books?? it's the same old kind of tale: at best, incompetence. at worst, evil intent.
ReplyDeleteApuron and his BOG cronies know where the missing $800,000 went. It was probably laundered in San Francisco and/or New Jersey. Only banks can move that much money unnoticed. The FBI could track it.
ReplyDeleteObviously, the many conjectures on this mail thread need proper documentation and info source identifiers, otherwise they are mere malicious rumor-mongering and dangerous (even libel-prone) accusations. If anyone can actually back up these claims with facts, then we have a case (or cases), otherwise the exercise is non-issue aside from inciting more falsehood, gossip and hatred. Trust me, I want to believe that we have a case against embezzlement/grand theft by the NCW thus the requirement to produce credible and documented evidence.
ReplyDeleteThen we need people like you who "want to believe we have a case" to do the hard work and investigate. I have spent hundreds of hours doing this. I have no special skills and no training. I begin by asking questions and I follow the leads until I find something or they die. I don't get paid to do this and it has cost me greatly. Your help would be welcome. I look forward to your findings.
DeleteIf Lurch was libeled by anything said here, why hasn't he, or his attorney, come forward to contest it? Because he's an accomplice to the theft. There's no way $800,000 in cash could have disappeared unnoticed from the Cathedral!
DeleteI for one totally agree with Tim; we must all work towards re-building the church. At the tender age of 14, I too found myself a victim of sexual abuse by my parish priest in the late 1970s’. After confirmation, I was an active volunteer for the parish CCD program. The event only happened once, and was able to face my abuser as we both sought reconciliation. I only wished I reported it back then, as I recently learned that some of my friends became a victim to this same priest. This tragic event did not stop me from serving as a church volunteer, both in Guam while growing up, and during my 22 years of active military service. I know the pain we carried and ask that these individuals find strength as I did in the Holy Spirit to help re-build our church. May God in his infinite goodness and unconditional love give you strength.
ReplyDeleteThe Bank of Guam branch manager in San Francisco is also named Quitugua. Are she and Lurch related? Her large Fairfield home is where Apuron was found hiding.
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me there's a connection here and this is where the trail of the missing/laundered $800,000 starts.
DeleteApuron and this Quitugua have had a long history even before the pastoral center was built, and they were living together in a trailer home there. FQ is now married to this BofG executive but we always wondered why he used to be Apuron's stern and protective firewall.
DeleteWhere is Lurch? These NCW-types don't seem to stay in one place for long.
ReplyDeleteAmong the newer fangled ploys for NCW member activity of late seem to be, as far as I can see, summarising what I have observed and heard of, "volunteering" for miscellaneous "projects", also somehow getting employment and/or residence at presbyteries and bishops' houses.
ReplyDeleteSo now we have to find out if any NCW cockroaches are living at bishops' fancy residences.