We've referred to this blog before, however, it's been awhile and it's time to refer to it again. The title says it all. Next to Satan, no one is better at posing as an "angel of light" than Kiko Arguello.
"Traditional Christianism, with Baptism, First Communion, Sunday Mass, Commandments of God, was not Christianism. It was dirt. We were pre-Christians. (...) God called us now to found a catechumen movement turned towards rebirth (of real Christianism)."
- These words are found in the Neocatechumenate Orientation Guide, a 373 page manual written by two Spaniards, Kiko Arguello, an artist and flamenco guitarist, and Carmen Hernandez, an ex-nun. Kiko and Carmen are the founders and leaders of the Neocatechumenate Way.
I sent an email to EWTN about this heresy.
ReplyDeleteYou're talking to the wall about these freaks. Kiko undoubtedly paid EWTN a bundle for the global publicity.
ReplyDeleteEWTN doesn't give a damn. Since Mother Angelica's retirement in 2001, the Network was overrun by Charismatics. Heretics of a feather flock togethger.
ReplyDeleteSo far, I haven’t seen any liturgical/theological aberration in the way the priest says Mass on EWTN. The minute I do, I’ll turn it off! If Anon @4.27am (April 2) has reliable info that it is promoting Neocat tenets, let us know thru JW. For now “assisting at Mass” via EWTN is an alternative - a poor one at that – and then making spiritual Communion to supplement my private prayers (rosary, chaplet, etc.) I had seen an EWTN interview once, and it did sound like the interviewer was very pro-Neo, so you may be right that EWTN is being run by non-conservatives like Mother Angelica. If you have further info, pass it on. Pardon my ignorance, but do we have any other local TV channel that carries the Catholic Mass? Wouldn’t it be nice if our local businesses could/would sponsor the Mass that Fr Eric celebrates at the Friary, for the benefit of live-ins - but not with commercials during the Mass? Thanks. (jrsa: 4/2/17)
DeleteJ.R. San Agustin, you'd have to know EWTN as well as its original followers do to see just how drastic the decline in it is since saintly Mother Angelica's retirement in 2001. She would never have tolerated the pap they're broadcasting now.
DeleteUntil Mother retired, we listened to EWTN non-stop on shortwave radios and watched it on cable TV at a church parish hall on weekends. It was like a 2-day party there with a great group of friends.
For those who are too young to have experienced it, the Church went totally insane with post-Vatican II abuses through the 1980's. It was completely unrecognizable in many locations, including the diocese where I live. As in most places, its recovery is only spotty at best.
DeleteWhen directed by Mother Angelica, EWTN was the only traditional Catholic media outlet much of the world had during an extremely traumatic period in Church history. Her Network was a lifeline for millions of spiritually abandoned Catholics.
Totally owned and controlled by poorly formed laity since 2001, EWTN's content is weaker than water now. Its focus is often more financial and deep South political than it is religious. Easy for a snake like Kiko to invade.
Thanks for saying this as I was too busy today to say the same thing. Mother Angelica was the "lifeline" you say she was. And it would be sad to have her lumped into what EWTN has dwindled down to today. However, much of that can be laid at the feet of the evil Cardinal Mahoney. Mahoney with the USCCB and all its money and power behind him sought to silence Mother Angelica and kill EWTN. During the course of his attack over several years, Mother began suffering the strokes that eventually did silence her...at least on earth. Something tells me Mahoney is in real trouble now.
DeleteThe account with Mahoney is in the biography written by Raymond Arroyo.
DeleteRaymond Arroyo's biography of Mother Angelica is fantastic. I bought it when it was first published. Raymond knew Mother very well. I think he wrote an updated edition of the book after her death.
DeleteAlso, the beast's name is Mahony, not Mahoney.
Tim, I loathe Mahony too but he isn't in any type of trouble. He never was, despite wealthy ADLA's gargantuan abuse scandals and a similar disaster he caused in now-bankrupt Stockton CA. All he got was transient bad press.
DeleteThe only thing Archbishop Gomez could do was to remove Mahony from high-profile public work. No big deal because he was near retirement at the time. He's in good health at age 81, still has a huge local fan base and he remains active in the Archdiocese at will.
Mahony is still one of the most powerful people in massive Los Angeles. He can sell sand in the desert. L.A.'s $195,000,000 Cathedral was fully paid for on the day its doors opened. Because of his radical-left politics, Mahony even got big cash donations from avowed Catholic-haters like Disney Studios.
He recently returned from the Middle East where he ministered to Christian refugees. He lives very comfortably at his childhood parish and he maintains a lively personal blog. No sign of him disapparing any time soon.
Exactly. He's not in any kind of trouble, despite destroying much of what was left of Post Vatican II Catholicism and being the most prolific pedophile protector in possibly the entire church, precisely because he's a liberal. There is a hell.
DeleteGranted, EWTN's program content is atrocious and nowhere near what it was when Mother Angelica was in charge. However, I worked for one of their Catholic corporate sponsors long before Mother's retirement and, as required, directly with them. By that I mean their Executive Management and several show hosts, excluding Mother Angelica. Don't be fooled by their phony friendly act.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked to find that both my famous former employer and EWTN are dreadful snobs. The bigoted Network is "family" only to those who give them serious money and they've been that way since their inception. More Alabama than Catholic, it's nothing new. I wonder how much Kiko paid them to get his poison spewed worldwide.
When EWTN first started, Mother Angelica used to send a wonderful snail mail newsletter with personal commentaries. I think it was called "Wings". Wish I'd kept mine. We always looked forward to receiving it and naively thought the original great Network would last forever.
ReplyDeleteMother's warm newsletter always had lovely artwork done by her best friend, Sr. Raphael, who belonged to the Order. Sadly, she passed away from cancer several years ago. Mother kept us posted on her condition, so we got go know her well and were able to join her in prayers for Sister.
Watching EWTN now, all I see are a few glum-looking elderly people in the theater audiences and chapel. None of those facilities are filled to capacity any more. The place has a depressing, nursing home feel. Unless that lavish property can attract a steady stream of younger people, it will end up as a palatial clubhouse for the self-appointed chosen few. Hopefully, it won't become Kiko's US headquarters.
After Mother's retirement, EWTN had a falling out with the local Dominican Sisters who run a highly regarded retreat center and guest house nearby. The Network isn't getting as many visitors as it once did because there's no longer any room and board for visitors to the area.
Thanks for the input re the decline/demise of the true Catholic demeanor of EWTN since the days of Mother Angelica. I hope I didn’t give the impression that I was promoting or endorsing it or its programs. I agree with every comment (so far) people have made – “it certainly ain’t what it used to be”! My main (perhaps only) concern was the way the priests say the Mass. They seem to be saying it according to GIRM. Has anyone noticed otherwise? They even use some Latin and Gregorian chant, although – personally – I think the choir and cantors “suck” – a far cry from a monastic choir! And, yes - the congregation can well be perceived as a "put up" prop audience. Is this hodge-podge a ruse of some kind? I have heard about the Mahoney influence on EWTN. Is NCW trying to take over EWTN? (jrsa: 4/2/17)
ReplyDeleteJ.R. San Agustin, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Kiko is trying to take over EWTN. It's a ready-made global media empire to die for, with a massive Spanish-speaking audience.
DeleteKiko is well aware of the Charismaniac Network's pathological greed and he'll exploit it to the max. Possibly in some kind of parasitic partnership arrangement.
People have to speak up about the deplorable condition of EWTN because it ceased to be Catholic when Mother Angelica retired in 2001.
DeleteSo far, the only major critiques of EWTN have come from extreme right-wing lunatics who hate everything about the post-1958 Church. Mainstream Catholics have to counter them loud and clear.
I appreciate your observation but a warning that I am tiring of the constant side attack on what you call "right wing." If anyone is the problem, it is the "mainstream."
DeleteApparently, you haven't seen marriages and top tier parishes destroyed by outfits like the SSPX and a load of batshit crazy sedevacantists.
DeleteMy mainstream parish is very orthodox and I'm not criticizing rational conservatives, so don't even think of censoring me. The First Amendment applies to Guam as well.
You're right. The first amendment applies to Guam as well. That means you can start your own blog and blather on about your own batshit. Have at it. You're as bad as the kiko's. Bye.
DeleteGod blessed us with this man-Cardinal Robert Sarah. May the Catholic Church Universal freeze, nicely shut up, and please read this!? You to EWTN!
ReplyDeleteThe Cardinal running the Holy See’s liturgy department has criticised changes in the liturgy taking place following the Second Vatican Council which he says have caused “disaster, devastation and schism” by reducing the Mass to a “convivial meal.
“However we cannot close our eyes to the disaster, the devastation and the schism that the modern promoters of a living liturgy caused by remodelling the Church’s liturgy according to their ideas. They forgot that the liturgical act is not just a prayer, but also and above all a mystery in which something is accomplished for us that we cannot fully understand but that we must accept and receive in faith, love, obedience and adoring silence.”
Francis sidelined Africa's wonderful Cardinal Sarah, allegedly because he advocated celebrating Mass ad orientem. Now he's stuck in a hostile office run by a liberal bishop.
DeleteTotal Eclipse of the Mass (Youtube)
DeleteLaurence England
Published on Mar 21, 2017
This song is dedicated to Cardinal Robert Sarah, who has advocated in a calm but firm manner that it would benefit both priests and laity if Catholic priests would consider Ad Orientem worship. May the Lord bless this brave and good Cardinal and strengthen him in his mission to promote sacred worship for the greater Glory of God and the Salvation of souls.
Send this to EWTN
I sent that yahoo news link to
ewtn español featured an hour-long interview with kiko in 2003. of course, it's all about the good fruits.
ReplyDeleteIMO the nastiest thing EWTN ever did was to make obscene excuses for Fr. Benedict Groeschel when he blamed abuse victims for their situation. Clericalism at its absolute worst.
ReplyDeleteI worked with him frequently and can assure you he was definitely not mentally incompetent as the Network falsely claimed. He knew exactly what he was saying when he made that horrible statement. What he had were mobility issues due to advanced age and the effects of near-fatal injuries he sustained when hit by a car in the early 2000's. He told me in detail what he endured with that.
Groeschel was notorious for protecting pedophile priests who were sent to him for "treatment" and for returning incurable repeat offenders to public ministry. He wasn't even a licensed psychologist! East coast bishops were his main clients, notably in the Archdiocese of New York where he lived.
EWTN was forced to cancel all of Groeschel's programs due to justifiable outrage over his brutal condemnation of abuse victims. However, I hear that they're being slowly sneaked back into the lineup because he has diehard old fans with deep pockets.
Try not to heave. EWTN's CEO and President, Michael Warsaw and Doug Keck, resp., each make around $150,000 per year, plus perqs. That's a bloody fortune in Alabama where the cost of living is low!
ReplyDeleteNo one in their right mind should give greedy EWTN a plugged nickel, especially old and disabled people on fixed incomes. They should donate directly to their parish social service programs instead. Those will help them in emergencies. EWTN will not.
Does anyone happen to have the 2Neocatechumenate Orientation Guide"? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNo one I know. However, if you click on the link in the article, it will go to the original article from which information was taken. Perhaps whoever runs that website may know. However, the NCW is extremely secretive and restrictive about releasing anything written.