Sunday, April 9, 2017


Posted by Lino Lista and Chuck White

A treasure trove of Kiko Argüello’s secret catechisms has recently been found in Italy. This is quite a blessing because these secret documents give us more proof of the twisted interpretations of Scripture that form the foundation of the Neocatechumenal Way. Here's a prime example...Read more.


  1. How can the Vatican read this filth and not excommunicate the heretic NCW en masse?!

    Someone on Guam should start a Torquemada Fan Club.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaApril 10, 2017 at 9:42 AM

      Anonymous at 10:50 AM, my guess is that nobody at the Vatican has ever bothered to skim through — much less thoroughly read — the heresies contained in the NCW secret "catechisms." With Filoni as the NCW Protector, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any in depth study by someone in the Vatican.

  2. This particular piece exposes the "Traditio" stage of the Way. For a detailed critique of Kiko's interpretation of John 9, please see Kiko's Mud, Part I.

  3. Where you have robbed these catecheses?

    1. LOL. Why do they have to be "robbed?" Do we have to "rob" the Catechism of the Catholic Church to get a copy? No. We can buy one or even read it for free online. Why is your HIDDEN?

    2. Dear Anonymous April 9, 2017 at 6:30 PM,
      I'm pleased to inform you that escaped from the Way is an angry army. If you need it, I will make you read all mamotreti, from the Initial Phase of Conversion up the Election, the old catecheses and the corrected onses. If you wish it, please, write to Chuck :-)

    3. Lino, these documents should be complied and analysed so that a dossier can be submitted to the Vatican and also widely distributed in the Church. It will help reveal the truth, especially when the NCW try to promote their heretical founders for sainthood.
      The dossier will provide evidence of the heresy contained in their teaching(s). This together with the rotten fruits that we are already witnessing will truly expose the NCW for what it really is.

    4. Anonymous April 11, 2017 at 7:48 AM
      "Lino... especially when the NCW try to promote their heretical founders for sainthood".

      "That is the question", dear Anonymous. It's a very hard work, we have hundreds and hundreds of pages concerning the old mamotreti discovered recently. With the help of God, we will do our best, conscientiously.

  4. In the song Jesus went all around the towns-given as part of the Traditio-and taken from Matthew 10-we were singing
    "Who listens to you listens to me, who welcomes you welcomes me-who welcomes me welcomes God". However going around the houses evangelising we were promoting the NCW and inviting people to catechesis. Christians, as children of God, are asked to proclaim the Good News of the freedom of the kingdom. We were not told to proclaim submission to Kiko and the NCW!
    Austin of E requested that bishops write letters releasing NCW members from any covenents etc they may have entered in to. Perhaps the Church as a whole and the Pope should consider doing this. There are many NCW presbyters, not all of which are bad and many are very, very good and friends of mine, who feel entrapped and held under obedience who would welcome being freed from the NCW.
    As St Paul said love is never rude, does not seek its own interest but delights in the truth. Lets pray that Kiko and his catechists will be polite, servants of the church and honest.

    1. That's like saying let's pray that the fire stops while you sit inside a burning house.

    2. @anon 10:03 : presbyters "held under obedience"? that's a curious thing. held by whom? obedience to whom? the ncw is not a religious order and they also market their presbyters as diocesan priests. so then, are your presbyter friends trapped in the ncw by their respective bishops?

    3. very subtle form of control. Convinced that God has chosen you and called you to the Way and repeatedly told of the dire consequences of leaving it becomes increasingly difficult to break free especially if you were formed at a RMS.
      When push comes to shove the presbyters will obey Kiko and their catechists.

  5. Kiko and his catechists apply mud on your eyes and kaka on your face while you sit there thinking you're being saved.

  6. Not only does Kiko's heretical teaching equate mud to the sin of the blind man, he further suggest that God is the source of sin that he purposely places on man. This doctrine totally goes against the Holiness of God and the doctrine of free will and eventual sin of man.

  7. The Catechism of the Catholic Church confirms the interpretation of John 9 by the Church Fathers:

    1151 Signs taken up by Christ. In his preaching the Lord Jesus often makes use of the signs of creation to make known the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. He performs healings and illustrates his preaching with physical signs or symbolic gestures.** He gives new meaning to the deeds and signs of the Old Covenant, above all to the Exodus and the Passover, for he himself is the meaning of all these signs.
    ** 18 Cf. Jn 9:6; Mk 7:33 ff.; 8:22 ff.
