The Guam Women's Chamber of Commerce holds itself out to be an organization to "advance women in business." But given 3 of the 6 questions on its candidate survey, the GWCC appears to be little more than a front for the pro-abortion women of the Democrat party.
2. Do you support the re-election of President Donald Trump? Why, or why not?
3. Do you support a woman's right to choose?4. 10 GCA subsection 3218 requires that a physician who performs an abortion on Guam must fill out a report containing 25 potentially identity-revealing items about the patient: age, ethnicity, village, number of living children, etc. This report must be turned in to the Department of Public Health and Social Services. This statute and a number of other statutes are designed to intimidate women and doctors with regard to abortion on Guam. If elected, would you be willing to repeal 10 GCA 3218?
Bob Klitzkie called out the bait and switch GWCC yesterday on Tall Tales.
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