Posted by Frenchie
Recently former 2 terms Governor Carl Guiterrez, president and CEO of GVB, permit czar and chairman of the Governor's Economic Strategy Council, penned a very interesting "Forum" in the pages of the Guam Daily Post.
In his column, "the Carl" posit that Guam has a unique position to take advantage in becoming a hub, in order to access the rest of the Marianas, the different Micronesian Islands and the Marshalls. He advocates that the current expansion of the DoD projects in the region, is a great opportunity. The former Governor goes on to argue in details his proposal.
This was a well written and argumented piece, but one might ask: what does that have anything to do with the Catholic Church??
Let us see.
The Archdiocese of Agatna is the official Metropolitan See (consist of several dioceses) namely
Chalan Kanoa (Saipan), The Caroline Islands, the Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands, and Guam.
Before Bishop Amando Samo of the Diocese of the Caroline Islands passed away in 2021, a Coadjutor was named due the ill health of Bishop Samo (a native of Chuuk), Bishop Julio Angkel in 2020.
It is to be noted that the Society of Jesus, played a key role in the Evangelization of the Caroline Islands. Two priests now "retired' (but still active) on Guam, spent a large part of their sacerdoce in the Federated States of Micronesia: Namely Fr. Hazel and Fr Mc Grath.
Our own Archbishop: Michael Jude Byrnes, despite his relatively young age is out on an extended medical leave. At a time when the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa's Bishop is seen as very receptive to the muses of the NCW, we are in a situation of precarious balance, due to the uncertain situation related to the unfinished business of the bankruptcy and the unfinished settlement with the victims of Apuron and his mignons.
Nature does not like a vacuum.
Yesterday, we shared with you the fact that Giussepe Gennarini, the deliberate, nefarious and devious leader of the NCW sect in the USA, took advantage of this vacuum of power to land unopposed on Guam, in what appears in clear contradiction of Archbishop Byrnes restrictions.
We might not have all the information, since several very active NCW members were spotted laying siege to the office of the Vicar General fairly recently.
Could Fr Concovar have caved in to undue pressures?
How was the Delegate to the NCW not made aware of this large event?
Hopefully these questions can be answered quickly.
Meanwhile we now know that this event, was not just a joyous reunion of like minded people, after a long crossing of the desert. In fact it is only a first step in a process of reconquest, after their major setbacks following the unseating of Apuron, the defrocking of Cristobal, the untimely death of Fr Pius, and the self-imposed exile of a large part of the NCW cadre in the Western Pacific which included Msg Quitagua who continually and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the authority of Arch. Byrnes, and by doing so directly challenged the Vatican to do something about it....We are still waiting, but don't hold your breath.
As always the Diana does'nt disappoint.
We learned on her blog that this visit to Guam by the former militant of the Italian Red Brigades (and infamous Host to Apuron) is only the first step of a plan to "evangelize" the surrounding islands, which in Neo parlance means an offensive to take over the Churches already in place ( the infamous neo policy of the locusts) Gennarini in one swoop takes advantage of the empty space left in our region. His analysis of the opportunities of using Guam as a beachhead is shockingly similar to that of Carl Guitterez on a different subject.
You have to render unto Cesar what is due to Cesar......Gennarini is disciplined, deliberate and dedicated. He definitely understand the meaning of Carpe Diem.
Well played Giussepe
These parasites cannot make any more damages. If Guam expelled them once they can do it twice...
ReplyDeleteThat's the trouble. They were never expelled. Byrnes refused to do it.
DeleteThat's why who is appointed the next Archbishop here is so crucial.
ReplyDeleteThis whole archdiocese needs an exorcism. Meanwhile, we can do what Jesus said: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Mk. 9:29
DeleteUnfortunately, our "Catholic Bible," the Bible approved by the USCCB got rid of "fasting." In the New American Bible Mark 9:29 says: * He said to them, “This kind can only come out through prayer.” Maybe that's why the demons have returned.
Is there even any good candidate for the episcopacy within the Archdiocese, religious or diocesan? I'm afraid they might just transfer Bishop Jimenez from Saipan.
DeleteThere are a couple. But the Neo's will call the shots.