In response to NEOS KEEP IT INTERESTING, "brave" Anonymous writes:
Yeah Tim there is hard evidence of also influx of people have left the Catholic Church starting with my family members who felt mediocre type of congregation. No fellowship, after mass everyone so in hurry to leave. Not a single apologetic reason can change their mind. Not only my family but people left the Church. I left the Church! Reason I came back I did not like how the Protestant battered the blessed mother. So if you continue to be a hater, I suggest you go to confession. Envious is a sin, if your stuck with Vatican I then I can't help I'm with a new Mr.Proud Man. God Bless and enjoy ur day. = ]
I decided to leave the whole comment in tact before commenting myself so you can see for yourself how anger can turn the English language into nearly indecipherable gobble-dee-gook. But, here, let's give it a try.
To understand these things - and I get a lot of them - you have to begin at the end. When you see things like "God Bless and enjoy ur day" with a little smiley face, you know first that you are going to be god-damned in everything previous. And so it is. And while to use God's name in this twisted way is both ironic and funny, it is also sad and sacrilegious. But to the content!
Yeah Tim there is hard evidence of also influx of people have left the Catholic Church starting with my family members who felt mediocre type of congregation. No fellowship, after mass everyone so in hurry to leave.
Here's the difference between you (and apparently your family), and us "regular" Catholics. We go to Mass because Jesus said to DO THIS, and the Catholic Mass is the only place where they DO THIS. We go to Mass because God wants us to worship Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to receive His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Apparently you went to Mass for other reasons, to be made to feel welcomed, to feel good, to find fellowship. But even, more selfish, rather than stay and create the fellowship you sought by actually doing the hard work of reaching out to people and creating it, you said screw it and went elsewhere.
And "mediocre congregation"? Hmmm. Apparently you spent your time judging the people next to you instead of worshipping the God in front of you. But then that sort of fits with your reasons for leaving.
Not a single apologetic reason can change their mind.
Of course this is a direct slap at me since I am known as an apologist. Actually, I'm not. I simply read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and I know what it says and where it says it. In other words, I'm just a normal Catholic doing what every Catholic should do: know their faith and share it.
Not only my family but people left the Church. I left the Church! Reason I came back I did not like how the Protestant battered the blessed mother.
Well that's nice. Did you happen to stand up for the Blessed Mother in front of your protestant friends who were bashing her or did you creep quietly out like you did the Catholic Church? I'd like to welcome you back, but you pretty much destroy any thought that you might be truly reconciled with the Church by what you say next:
So if you continue to be a hater, I suggest you go to confession. Envious is a sin, if your stuck with Vatican I then I can't help I'm with a new Mr.Proud Man. God Bless and enjoy ur day. = ]
That's a mouthful: I'm a "hater", I need to go to confession, I'm guilty of the sin of envy, I'm stuck in Vatican I, and I'm Mr. Proud Man. You know, I'm not going to even respond. I am personally available to speak to. My email is at the top of this blog. Contact me. Let's get together.
But thanks for visiting. Pageviews just went up.
Sounds like this guy has done some church shopping. I guess he finally found what he was looking for with the Neos: fellowship, better than the mediocre Catholics, and even no battering of Mary! What more could you want?