Saturday, March 1, 2014


Here is a comment that is quite easy to deconstruct, or destroy. I haven't decided which I will do yet. But I'll save said deconstruction for another post. For now, let us look at what this says - on its own merit - about the Neocatechumenal Way.

In response to THE PROBLEM WITH KIKO'S TABERNACLE, wherein we look at the abuse of Jewish symbols in the Neocatechumenal "liturgy", Anonymous says (always Anonymous since the Neos don't believe in anything enough to put their name on it):
Spiritually, we are all Semites. Almost the entire panoply of Christianity is a reappropriation of Judaism. Use of the menorah and positioning of scriptures in a tabernacle are entirely appropriate based on our common Jewish heritage.
First, there is the matter of the quality of this comment. Given the half-English (not to mention the half-witted) comments we are used to getting from neo-defenders, we would have to say that this is coming from a very educated person, a priest perhaps? a seminary professor? Thus, we can know that this is not the thinking of some neo-newbie, but the thinking of the neo-leadership itself at the highest levels. In other words, we are at last looking into the heart of the thing

Now that we can see the "heart of the thing", we can be assured that all our suspicions are correct. The Neocatechumenal Way is another church altogether, using the cover of an approved Statute simply for reasons of strategy and stealth in order to move freely in bona fide Catholic circles. 

Art. 2 of the NCW Statute states that the NCW is to implemented in a diocese "in the spirit of service to the local ordinary and in communion with him and in the context of the unity of the local Church and the universal Church.

Art. 6 § 3 further states: "The Neocatechumenal Way will seek to foster in its recipients a mature sense of belonging to the parish and to promote relations of profound communion and collaboration with all the faithful and with the other elements of the parish community."

The "re-appropriation of Judaism" and the wholesale importation of Jewish symbols into the Catholic liturgy, even if there was the justification of heritage (there isn't, but we'll get to that), is completely outside the "context of unity of the universal Church" the NCW Statute requires the NCW to serve. 

And, further, the foreign appurtenances foster ANYTHING BUT the "mature sense of belonging to the parish". And, not only does it NOT "promote relations of profound communion and collaboration with all the faithful and with the other elements of the parish community", the foreign setting sets up a wall between the NCW and the rest of universal church. 

In other words, we have in the Neocatechumenal Way, a parasitic thing bent on the replacement of all that we know to be Catholic with all that they know to be Kiko. For this is not just a Jewification of Christianity, this is a Kiko-fication of both religions and the remaking of Christianity in his own image, which is probably why so many of his images of Christ appear to be self-portraits. 

But as for the professor's belief that the "use of the menorah and positioning of scriptures in a tabernacle are entirely appropriate", there is something glaringly missing, professor: JESUS CHRIST. The old tabernacle housed only manna, the new tabernacle houses the REAL PRESENCE: the BODY, BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY of JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF. 

Thus, as Mr. White points out, we don't prostrate ourselves before paper and ink, no matter what it says on those pages. But we do prostrate ourselves before the LIVING GOD. Thanks for telling us that Jesus Christ is not truly present in your tabernacle. 

By the way, after posting the above comment, I received the following taunts:
"More crickets, Tim"
"Running out of ammo yet?"

My answer: The NEO gives me more ammo than I have time for. Fire away. You know what they say about "give a man a rope..." You're doing a great job of it. And up those pageviews for me.


  1. The Eastern Orthodox have used the seven branch menorah since their. beginning. This was the candelabra used in the Temple. THIS IS WHAT IS OFFENSIVE TO THE JEWS. The nine branch is the Hanukah menorah. The seven branch was used in the Temple. After the Temple was destroyed those symbols were never used again. The Temple priests were never used again. Sacrifices were stopped until this day the Jews are people of the BOOK. NO ONE Jewish Mother should be very disturbed.

  2. With Bugnini actually pushing the path for the the Neo movement is there a tie with freemasonry?

  3. Crickets refers to the silence from the Neo whenever they are schooled by this blog. The attempt to taunt you using that phrase is another instance of hijacking and profaning the norm. It's expected that they distort and mischaracterize.

  4. Ammunition? Proper catechism is not persecution. Why do the neo get so defensive when someone leads them to the correct liturgy and practices of our Faith? It's perplexing.
    These are not mere opinions that Tim cites, rather he cites doctrine and proper procedure and is able to reference with proper documentation.
    That some neo think that correct catechisis is lethal (ammo) says more about the frailty of the neo "doctrine."

  5. Tim, please assure your good readers that there is no lack of ammo. We have thousands of pages to go through, and it will take some time. Si Yu'os Ma'ase, by the way, to the generous person(s) who made those pages available to us!

    1. Chuck you can gather million ammo. If it's the work of God you can't simply uproot it. God exist in all these claim. God bless you and your family.

    2. You are right. We can't uproot it. God has told us that he will let the weeds grow with the wheat. And then he told us what he will do with the weeds. Feel free to grow.

  6. Not on task here but this section will do.
    "When in a diocese it is considered useful to financially support initiatives and activities for the evangelization realized through the Neocatechumenal Way, the diocesan bishop, at the request of the International Responsible Team of the Way, will consider the suitability of erecting an autonomous diocesan foundation, with juridical personality, regulated by its own statutes, which will also be recognized by the civil authorities. This may also be supported by oblatory donations made by participants in the Neocatechumenal Way, as well as by foundations and other individuals."

    1. Yes. So please show us the documentation for the "autonomous diocesan foundation...recognized by civil authorities." This would be the equivalent of a non-profit and require you to file public documents with your finances being open for review. I am all for it. Waiting.

    2. Posting of 3-01, 9:42PM, intended to again confuse us -- but didn't. Here is essentially what that posting really was saying:

      “When you are a member of this diocese, YOU’RE EXPECTED TO SUPPORT all the different ways and means the neos use to evangelize because, at the request of the INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBLE TEAM OF THE WAY (definition: Kiko and Carmen) the archbishop of this diocese WILL NOW HAVE TO CONSIDER (since neos have been discovered to be illicitly collecting monies) how to concoct a way of forming what will be referred to as an 'INDEPENDENT, SEPARATE' but 'DIOCESAN FOUNDATION' with ITS OWN JUDGE AND JURY SYSTEM, and WITH ITS OWN LAWS OR STATUES THAT WILL CON THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES TO RECOGNIZE THE NEW FOUNDATION as a legitimate one. So, having accomplished this deception, this 'AUTONOMOUS FOUNDATION' (seemingly legitimate now) can now continue to be supported by any donations the neo hierarchy solicits during any and at all 'community meals,' neo events and from anyone we solicit who may be brain-washed into participating in the neo ways and joining the neo way; AND THIS FOUNDATION MAY NOW ALSO CONTINUE BEING SUPPORTED by 'other foundations' (definition: supported by this diocese’s coffers and treasures, all parish collections and any monies from other 'foundations' or properties and estates the neos may eye) including other individuals' properties or estates.”

      An interpretation of the neo language that we are all so so familiar with today, used in that posting!

    3. Does anyone remember the statement about being supported by a benefactor off island?

    4. the bishop will..... do we need further proof of who's fooling who?

  7. Thank you mr. White. You made me think that junglewatch is not only the hard work of mr. Rohr, but it may also be taking money to run such a highly educated and implemented blog. I suggest we all start sending mr Rohr small,donations to assist him with this web page. If most who blog here do this may be mr Rohr can get a person to assist him with the volume of work he has. I will do this myself.

  8. God Bless you for keeping the truth out there. This blog means so much to us "chickens" too afraid to put our names on what we truly want to say.

    I know the Hill is reading or at least having their spies read Jungle Watch. Decisions are being made because of the pressure of the truth being made known by Jungle Watch. Gag orders will not stop the truth!

    Even if the Nuncio and Rome turns a blind eye, the faithful here on Guam will know the truth and to me that's all that really matters.

  9. Someone had said to me " yes, you are a Catholic through Baptism but in name only. You are still a pagan until you have realized that you need to become a Catholic Christian,". I was told to come and listen!

    This I know, a Catholic is a Christian, but not all Christians are Catholics therefore I AM A CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN!

    1. for these people you are not Christian unless you "join" the NCW. the most important thing that they fail to catechize their members about is humility, hence, they murder you with their tongues and blaspheme using God's name afterward! They should just refer back to their initial catechesis at the "invitation to joy" where one is told to sit down, shut up and listen because you don't know anything!

    2. Very untrue. Where do you get your information?

    3. SILENCE, LISTEN, DO NOT QUESTION and OBEY 1:15pm. I think you will need to be reprogrammed the same way someone I know was. He happened to be a RMS priest. So SHUT the **** up!

    4. Reprogrammed? I do t think so. How do I reprogram myself? And using words like STFU. Not very kind is it. You wouldn't say it to my face that's for sure. But anyways, you claim that's what was implied or is that how you translated it?

    5. Actually you don't have a face since you continue to cower behind Anonymous.

    6. Same with your followers. If he would like he can set a time and place.

    7. How about 10am, tomorrow, in front of the Cathedral. Meet you there.

    8. Not you Tim, the boy who told me too STFU

    9. Okay then, STFU. I'll see you tomorrow. 10am. Will be waiting.

  10. Here is a list of evidence that Nazorean was a Jew:

    1. his parents were Jews
    2. he was educated in the Torah
    3. he called Yahweh his father
    4. his family regularly attended the Jerusalem Temple
    5. he taught in the Temple and in synagogues
    6. the apostles and his disciples were Jews
    7. the first Christians were circumcised
    8. James the Jerusalem bishop enforced dietary laws
    9. their Scripture was the Old Testament
    10. Christianity grew exclusively in the Jewish diaspora

    It is all by no means accident. Christianity is an Abrahamite religion and Israel is the communities of the faithful believers. As the Nazorean said in the Gospel of Matthew the Jewish tax collector:

    "17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter,[a] not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore, whoever breaks[b] one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

    1. Hmmm. I think we can see where this is going. I'd call it the Jewification of Christianity but the Jews would be scandalized. This is the Kiko-fication of Christianity. Maybe you didn't get the message. Jesus has come. There's a New Covenant, and it wasn't written by Kiko.

    2. The Vatican has reiterated a directive that the name of God revealed in the tetragrammaton YHWH is not to be pronounced in Catholic liturgy or in music. Catholics at worship should neither sing nor pronounce the name of God as "Yahweh," the Vatican has said, citing the authority of Jewish and Christian practice.

      The instruction came in a June 29 letter to Catholic bishops conferences around the world from the Vatican's top liturgical body, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, by an explicit "directive" of Pope Benedict XVI. "In recent years, the practice has crept in of pronouncing the God of Israel's proper name," the letter noted, referring to the four-consonant Hebrew Tetragrammaton, YHWH.

      That name is commonly pronounced as "Yahweh," though other versions include "Jaweh" and "Yehovah."

      But such pronunciation violates long-standing Jewish tradition, the Vatican reminded bishops.

    3. Oleg...of 9:43AM: You forgot to include the Blessed Virgin Mary who also was Jewish; and Joseph, Jesus' Foster Father who also was Jewish. Do you devoutly honor Our Blessed Mother with the praying of the rosary, as Our Lady requests and reveals?

      But why do you seem to think you have to convince us, The Catholic Faithful of the Jewish roots of Jesus Christ? We're not denying that well-known fact -- even my 14 yr old granddaughter knows that!

      If the Jewish religion is the authentic Catholic and "Christ-ian" religion that Jesus came for and began and should be practiced by all Catholics today, why is Rome known universally to be The Seat of The Roman Catholic Church and religion and not known as the Jewish-Christian Catholic religion? Why do authentic Catholic Faithfuls (except neos, who have community rooms) have Churches and not Synagogues or Temples?

      Your posting proves that neos are not getting Authentic Roman Catholic Catechesis, rather you're all stuck in a time wrap! That's all there is to it!

  11. Yes, the weeds will grow amongst the wheat of the The Fullness of the Truth found in Authentic Catholicism -- and we pray that those few who have fallen to the heresies will "Come Back to the AuthenticTruth" (by the grace of God) as some have already.

  12. Who is the author of the Misuse of Jewish symbols?

    1. Click HOME at the bottom of the page. No author is indicated, but this will take you to the home page of the website, which is Italian.

  13. When I was walking my catechists always told me that the early Christians still had many Jewish symbols and traditions in their celebrations so that's why the Way uses them. Because they are being "authentic" to the early Christian lifestyle. And unfortunately for me I believed it. You really hit the nail on the head with your analysis and looking back at my time in the Way I can't believe I didn't see past all of it.
