Saturday, March 1, 2014


One of the first things one would notice upon attending a Neocatechumenal "eucharist" is the dominance of the "eucharistic table" (not an altar), by a Jewish MENORA, a nine-branched candelabrum, sitting front and center where normally a Catholic would expect to see a crucifix. 

The MENORA is but one symbol imported by Kiko from Judaism. The Saturday-night-only liturgy (a la the "Sabbath"), the TALLIT (the Jewish prayer shawl) on the lectern; the presence of a MEZUZAH (a decorative case containing a piece of parchment inscribed with specified Hebrew verses from the Torah, such as the Jewish prayer Shemà Yisrael); the Jewish labels for some of the steps or stages of the Neocatechumenal Way, and the pseudo-Jewish practice of dancing around the table in a pseudo-Jewish style, are but a few of the things which combine to substantiate the claim by close observers that Kiko's aim is the Jewification of Christianity.

One of the most provocative symbols is Kiko's tabernacle: a semi-recreation of the ancient Ark which contained both the BREAD (a jar of the manna which had rained down upon the Israelites during the Exodus) and the WORD (the stone tablets given to Moses). 

But there are problems with the resurrection of Jewish symbols in Catholic liturgy which lead to incorrect beliefs and practice. And here, Chuck White, shows us the problem with Kiko's tabernacle.

P.S. Pastors of churches wherein there is constructed "co-equal" altars or places of prominence for both the tabernacle and "the book" may want to also take special heed. 


  1. Look to the skies, the locust soon to fly and an angry Jesus will destroy the earth the once held those he loved so much, He died on the Cross for them. My heart breaks for the once Holy church that was beloved by my family. May the gates of heaven be closed for you and for the poor souls that are so stupid they follow you. You should be ashamed that you use a Roman Catholic church to enrich yourselves. Devils be damned.

    1. I understand your frustration, but we are not to be in the business of judging souls in this manner. Pray for them instead as we are all instructed to do.

  2. My mother is Jewish and she finds the use of the symbols of her faith appalling and inaccurate. Maybe Kiko wants to bridge the faiths together so he can have a greater name for himself

    1. I've never seen Jews dance in synagogue. Service is very solemn. Dancing would be disrespectful. We may dance at weddings but NEVER in Synagogue.

    2. True. This is why I called it "pseudo". It's a Kiko invention.

  3. Spiritually, we are all Semites. Almost the entire panoply of Christianity is a reappropriation of Judaism. Use of the menorah and positioning of scriptures in a tabernacle are entirely appropriate based on our common Jewish heritage.

    1. I am not sure that this is correct. What document supports this? Is this in the CCC?

    2. To Anonymous at are going way out on a limb without knowing what you are talking about.
      Actually you are going back to the first known heresy of the Catholic church, back in the 1st century. known as the Heresy of the circumcisers.
      Some at the time thought you had to follow the jewish laws, since Jesus was a Jew, up to and including circumcision.
      This was rejected by the Church as an Heresy.
      As far as the main origin of Catholic celebrations, you in fact have a direct line from the Greek culture at large, which made it easy for our religion to spread through the Roman Empire, the romans having appropriated Greek culture and revised it to their test.
      To pretend otherwise is highly revisionist, and definitly a gross attempt at diluting our beliefs.
      This is an old argument against the Catholic Church that can be trace back to the Masonic lodges of the 18th century. Little wonder then that Kiko uses this, since his movement is a mismatch of many traditions that are everything but Catholic.

  4. It is a hodgepodge of sorts: early Christian secrecy, Franciscan practice of calling each other "brother" (as per Diana's catechism) and now the stealing of Jewish customs.

    He truly has created his brand though not any original ideas.

  5. If you have been involved in the NCW for 22 years, you will recall when we didn't say the creed, the orates fratres, no washing of the priests hands, no "lord I am not worthy", no agnes dei etc.

    According to a clergy, he said that these are not an important part of the Mass, but that of the Consecration. This is not the Catholic teaching I was brought up with. I slowly moved out and now I am a happy camper!
