Thursday, June 19, 2014


Flag Counter Support

Congratulations, there have been 3 new flags added to your Flag Counter!

Countries added:
Vatican City

Regions added:
Bangkok, Thailand
Himachal Pradesh State, India


  1. ciao! benvenuto!

  2. They heard about Tim stealing personal letters from the Archbishop & publishing it without permission.

  3. It's not stealing if the addressee shared it with him. Come on....Ya'll Kiko fans are feel'n the threat.

    1. I think 7:27 was being facetious for the sake of levity. :)

    2. Well it's true isn't it?

    3. Don't say I didn't warn you when I slam you again. You guys walked right into it last time and I wasn't even trying, just obeying the Cardinal's orders NOT to publish unless the U Matuna did not. Why don't you call the U Matuna and ask them why they didn't print the Cardinal's letter, especially after the Cardinal sent them a second email asking them to print it. Go ahead. Call them.

  4. Little that you know Tim, keep guessing. LOL. Mantenere indovinare come un cane!

    1. Stay hidden like a dog, coward.

    2. From Lazio, I see. Neo cowards are everywhere.

    3. And on a Mac using Safari. You come here a lot, don't you.

    4. Italiano, keep guessing like a dog! Such fruits being produced! When someone shook the NEO TREE A BUNCH OF NUTS FELL!

    5. Sorry not on a fig tree. Molto!

  5. Samsung Tablet okay? Jajajaja

  6. Diana will get him Diana knows who is making trouble. Cardinal tagle and that priest in Manila.

  7. Diana and community will get you . Neo is here on Guam to stay no one will stop us doing what we want. Not even Vatican will stop us neo has power money we will get you . Cardinal tagle for his letter more powerful cardinals support us. He is a third world country and we have powerful cardinals supporting kiko. Kiko kiko kiko we love you. Kiko kiko kiko Guam love you. Kiko kiko kiko we love you kiko kiko kiko Guam love you. Kiko kiko we love you.

  8. Too bad this exchange is in view of the Vatican. Stop, Diana

  9. Let's sing together now. Kiko kiko kiko we love you kiko kiko kiko Guam love you. Kiko kiko kiko we love you kiko kiko kiko Guam love you. Come on let the Vatican know Guam loves kiko and the neo. Let's hold hands and pray in community sharing this prayer for Vatican to see. Kiko kiko kiko we love you kiko kiko kiko Guam love you. Sing loud so pope Francis hears our song from Guam. Kiko kiko kiko we love you kiko kiko kiko Guam love you. Raise your hands and sing loud in communities. Pope will hear.

  10. Tim faked this Vatican view.

    1. Really? And just how do you know this?


    3. Anonymous (June 19, 2014 at 11:59 AM), Anonymous @ 10:54 AM feels smug in making that accusation because so much of what the Kikos/Kikobots believe and preach is fake; thus he/she has a tendency to generalize everything contrary to their POV as "fake," too.

      Even though Tim has provided the website, they probably think he is manipulating the results because of the way they manipulate the minds of their unsuspecting Neos (poor things) …

    4. Been thinking the same, ML phony bologna

    5. Poor Kikos they do so much "faking" themselves their fake invitation ..their fake photo opts stories with the pope that they're now paranoid of the vaticans

      FYI it is the ArchB who will have to answer to the MESS in Guam! and the lost souls, not Zoltan, not Tim, not Diana.

    6. Tim faked this post. No one in the Vatican reads Tim rohrs shit.

    7. @ Anon 9:59am...I can only guess that you love it since you come here a lot!

  11. to AnonymousJune 19, 2014 at 10:53 AM
    Speak for yourself. Majority of Catholics, do not worship kiko as you do.

    1. Anonymous (June 19, 2014 at 12:05 PM), based on the language skills demonstrated — sentence structure, grammar and spelling — of the comment/"song" by Anonymous @ 10:53 AM, I'm guessing this is another facetious comment.

    2. I think 10:53 was making fun of the Kiko's...but it's hard to tell.

    3. If the NCW has nothing to hide or fear, then the fact that someone from the Vatican has entered this blog should be good news for them.

  12. Big deal. Cleaner of the rest room of Vatican . Fools open junglewatch.

    1. Janet B - MangilaoJune 20, 2014 at 1:44 PM

      LOL. Kiko idiot Anonymous June 20, 2014 at 9:57 AM said:
      "Big deal. Cleaner of the rest room of Vatican . Fools open junglewatch."

      I hope he also adds fool to his title aside from idiot.

      Gotta love those kikos, at least they make the jungle a fun place to visit. I guess commenting here is their only way to communicate, since their foot is in the mouth, and their head is up their a$@.

    2. Tim....oh,no! Now Diana will have to do a whole catechisis about how the bible says thou shall not call your brother a fool. She has other things to do. Like work and stuff. So disappointed in you.

  13. I don't understand all these accusations of "faking" the view.

    If the Neocatechumenal Way truly is endorsed by the Pope and is in communion with Holy Mother Church as Kiko and the other members claim, then the Neos should be OVERJOYED that finally, all of the lies and slander that Tim Rohr has been writing about the Way is finally being exposed to the Vatican. If anyone should be fearful, it should be Mr. Rohr.

    Yet all the fear seems to be coming from the Neos accusing him of faking the Vatican view. But if the Way really is endorsed by the Pope and they have nothing to hide, then WHY on earth would the Neos be afraid of the Vatican seeing this blog? Perhaps the Way isn't as honest and transparent as they would have the rest of the True Church believe.

    "Peace" ;)

    1. Well put Sanguiluna. The janitor that 9:57 AM claimed to have been the one from the Vatican could be the POPE himself. I mean, our Pope is a servant and would not hesitate being a janitor, unlike those kikos out there.

    2. Not pope Francis style. He would just call Tim on his cell.

    3. More likely a pay phone that he had to drive to down the street in his banged up 1984 Fiat.

    4. Mr. Rohr ? Long distance collect call from Vatican City. Will you accept the charges?
