The time is coming when the people of this diocese may need to act. Since the posting of the ad/public notice by the Concerned Catholics of Guam, there has been a growing interest in supporting a more public effort.
This may take the form of public protests, public calls for action, calling radio shows, writing letters to the editor, personally engaging certain members of the clergy, financing more and larger efforts to call this archdiocese to accountability, and many other efforts.
Such actions will be uncomfortable for many. But while challenging church leaders may be new for Guam, it is NOT new either in the history of the church, or in dioceses now throughout the world where injustice and abuse has had its way for far too long under the cover of church authority.
The onslaught against our diocese, its parishes, and its people has become unbearable for many. We may be asked to endure injustices from without, but these are injustices from within. While we continue to call on the Archbishop to rid himself and this diocese of the foreign forces that have driven us to this, we also call on concerned Catholics everywhere to be ready to stand up in case the Archbishop won't.
If you care to join us, send your contact information (actual names preferred) to Your personal information will remain confidential. We will be compiling a mailing list of "go to" people should the day come when we need you. We hope it doesn't.
Count me in, Tim. I will be sending you my contact info. I am a very concerned Catholic.
ReplyDeleteAs Pope Leo XIII said, "Catholics are born for combat" and this Church Militant member is also a Concerned Catholic. I, too, will be sending you my contact information.
ReplyDeleteCount me in. I will be sending you my contact info.
Catholics UnitedJuly 8, 2014 at 8:20 AM
ReplyDelete"I do not see anything unusual about how the diocese spends its money. "
Respectfully Diana, but how would you know from seeing? Incoming cash flow is mostly CASH, the most untraceable monetary instrument there is. But i am sure that the Financial Reporting system in the parish and up to the Archdiocese as a whole is beyond reproach. However, what does the report "say" about the condition of the Archdiocese? I think that it what people want to know.
@10:46pm...."I implore you not to resist evil" ????
Nobody's deciding doctrine here people are calling for accountability. The Archbishops seat is both a Holy and a Public one. A public one in that he will have to demonstrate accountability at all levels of his office including proper fiduciary governance of his Diocese.
The publication of the audited financials puts to rest doubts and all of it's imagined incrimination. To withhold it at this point just casts a longer shadow.
Call me and other people who have different opinions evil again please @10:46pm and then simply subtract a room and closet from your house in Heaven.
DianaJuly 8, 2014 at 9:19 AM
Dear Catholics United,
If you are part of Concerned Catholics, the Archbishop made it clear that all you have to do is contact his office to make an arrangement to see him and his financial advisors. I never said that you have no right to know what the financial report is. It is the timing that I find suspicious.
Typical hide and go seek, which tells us more about Fr. A..., er I mean Diana. It's not a "group" that wants to see the financials. It's a group that is calling on the archdiocese to respect all the people of the diocese. When the archbishop called on us for greater stewardship of our church, people didn't call up the archbishop and say "let's meet." The people are now calling on the Archbishop to do the SAME thing that he has required of us: stewardship. And you will see in a few days what the archbishop's non-reply has caused. Like I said before, if sex scandals won't get Rome's attention, money scandals will. Stay tuned.
DeleteRevolution begun. dictator must go.
ReplyDeleteFr. A. Resign before the fall and save some face. After the fall you will be Guams most hated priest.
ReplyDeleteCome on let's get 100 people signing up with full name to form a united body to call this church to action. Our work is slowed down because of anon. Believe if we are in a group of priests, and people from the parishes, business community, people off island who are concerned for the Metropolitian archdiocese, and surrounding diocese, we can move as one united group. Only way to lead a revolution to protect this church.
ReplyDeleteCall to Action. Archbishop where is the two million USD.
ReplyDeleteDiana ---adrian the only letter missing is r. What does that mean
ReplyDeleteJust for the record...I definitely know that Diana is not Father Adrian. Diana IS a young woman in her early to mid 20s. Think what you want to think, but this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God!
DeleteAnd we are to believe what anonymous says about the identity of another anonymous because anonymous prefers to remain anonymous about anonymous. I get it. But here's what you need to get: SINCE DIANA WANTS TO BE ANONYMOUS, WE GET TO NAME HIM WHOEVER WE WANT. That's the price of anonymity. Got it?
DeleteSigned: breakfast at Tifanny's
The "R" stands for respect, which is why has no "R" in her name, because no one really respects anything that she says. The "R" in Adrian also stands for the same thing, Respect. Fr Adrian deeply desires respect even though he and Diana have none. Because he desires it so badly, his "R" goes after the AD, as in I am advertising for respect.
DeleteSorry, you won't find any of that Respect for either of your split personalities here!
DeleteSigned: Breakfast at Tifanny's
Tim July 8, 2014 at 1:36 PM - interesting thought just came to mind regarding anonymity. As you have pointed out on many occasions, practically all non-neos remain anonymous because they fear what they know our dear Archbishop is capable of. His type of personality for those who oppose him is quite frightening.
DeleteBut isn't it telling that even the kiko-s prefer to remain anonymous. They are on the same side of the battle line as our dear Archbishop on the whole kiko issue, and Church teaching issue, but not even kikos will reveal their identity to him.
What a sad commentary to the Archbishop that even his friends not trust him. They obviously know what we have been saying all along. Do not turn your back on this man or if he has any notion that you stand as an obstacle to his goals he will have no compunction about throwing you into eternal fire.
So Tim, this is now my proof of what I have been saying for quite some time now. Just as the American militia knew not to turn their backs on General Benedict Arnold during the Revolutionary War, even the Kikos on Guam know not to turn their backs on Archbishop Benedict Apuron.
My dear Archbishop, do yourself a huge favor. You had your time in the sun. Now get out while you can and go on mission with Fr Edwin Bushu in Africa. At least there, the jungle is green, and not digital.
Janet, I am not a NEO! Yes, I hide under anon! Yes, I will stand by my statement that Diana IS NOT Father Adrian!
DeleteSigned: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Dear Tiffany- I do not believe that "Diana" is a young woman in her 20's. If "she" is a responsible in the NCW as I once read on "her" blog.. "she" went through all those steps in record time!!! "She" knows way to much to be in mid-twenties. Others on here have stated that "she" is indeed male.
Delete@ 3:25,
DeleteHow do you know? Is it because Kiko said?
why don't all the supporters of this movement towards one true church decide to attend the same exact mass on a scheduled time at the friary maybe, let's see the numbers. this way people can make a statement without actually publicly having to say or do much else except do what God calls us to do anyway, go to church and pray :) nobody has to know if you are there because of this movement, or there to pray, or to attend mass, or all or a combo of the above. let's just do it. pick a day and a time and we will go attend a mass together at the very least to pray for the leadership of our church that he come to his senses.
ReplyDeleteThere is no "movement", there is no "group". And contrary to the Kiko's this is not about "numbers". People have been praying for years. People are praying now. Sometimes the Holy Spirit answers and says DO SOMETHING. This is one of those times.
DeletePlus, we do not want to get the Friary in the middle of this. This is our battle. The laity.
DeleteHow about attending the Archbishop's Mass at 9:30. I hear it's not really crowded lately, but what a message if the Cathedral is packed this Sunday.
DeletePack the Cathedral, but keeping respect and reverence for our Lord.
DeleteDon't count on it!
DeleteHeard 9:30 won't be Father Michael's Mass....far from it. C'mon down! Big Surprise.
Delete9:30 has always been the Archbishop's mass. Father Michael only a sub when Apuron is gone!
DeleteI think we can all attend Mass at the Cathedral, make it known on this blog, and a large number in attendance would make a big statement. Everyone can remain anonymous as if they were just attending Mass. They couldn't turn people away who are just attending Mass, but the reason for the large number in attendance would be publicly known and announced by us lay persons prior to the Mass. I think it would make a huge statement and put some pressure on the hill.
DeleteOf course it's Archbishops Mass...that's the point Fr Michael subs A lot in Arch's Absence.
DeleteKeep friary out. Victims have all been asked to stop comments on this page as of last night. Plans are changing to align with Tim Rohr and call to action forming a voice of the people for the people. Call to action is the way forward. Laity ca perhaps do better than priests in this situation. Send you support to call to action care of junglewatch. names must be used in that forum. Do not fear the Archbishop. his fear cannot rule for ever. God Bless all of us.
ReplyDeletebut the friary won't be in the middle, they are just a safe haven nowadays, sadly, i feel like walking out of church on sundays some days when i see that there will be a "testimonial." going to the friary is like seeking asylum now-a-days.
ReplyDeleteOk Tim. Right again. This is not a movement . This is evolving out of prayer in clear conscience for the common Good. I also feel the Holy Spirit in my own life wanting to lift the pain of the past years and respond in the best way. The spirit of pope Framcis has also motivated leaders to re evaluate how we act. Allow this to be be evolving out of contemplation, call to action should evolve from prayer, guided by the Holy Spirit, under the trust of church teaching, and the ordinary teaching of the Holy Father. We are not radicals. We are sincere Catholics with concerns over the administrative leadership of archbishop Apuron.
ReplyDeleteEmpowering the laity to share in the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ. What is evolving in the coming days is the result of a year of prayer by people for this archdiocese. it is the Holy Spirit now leading the laity. Not the Archbisjop, not the Neo, not Tim. The Holy Spirit is empowering the laity. The Holy Father has requested that we make a mess in our church. The Holy Father yesterday said we are to hold bishops accountable. We are called to action. Amen.
DeleteTim, I sent in my contac info not only as a concerned Catholic but one Baptized and Confirmed in the Catholic Church. The Sacrament of Confirmation obligates all of us Catholics to be soldiers of Christ. Politics or not, I also EXPECT our clergy and religious to be the FIRST DEFENSE in protecting the Catholic Faith and Catholic Church is no longer an option it is your duty and ours. It is not a laity only battle Tim, I am crossing boundaries and I expect the sisters who taught me in Catholic School and the priest who were ordained in The Sacrament of Holy Orders to be there. Walk the talk! Rome and Nuncio, I am talking to you too!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (July 8, 2014 at 1:02 PM), like you I would like to think that our Non-NCW clergy and religious would provide the First Line of Defense in protecting our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. However, the diocesan priests who are not yet incardinated would not want to risk incurring the wrath of the Archbishop, after seeing what he did to Fr. Paul Gofigan on 16 July 2013. If the Archbishop would tell a Son of Guam to seek a "benevolent bishop," they would not dare to place themselves in his line of fire. As for the priests who are incardinated, for some reason they seem to be living by the mantra of the NCW “Do not question. Just obey.” All they want to do is “survive.”
DeleteTo date, only one priest ─ Pale’ Mike Crisostomo ─
has openly stated his support for Fr. Paul Gofigan as well as voiced his concerns about issues within the archdiocese that need to be addressed. He did not do this behind the Veil of Anonymity, but as President of the Association of the Diocesan Clergy of the Archdiocese of Agana.
Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for our Priests ─ especially for our Beleaguered Non-NCW Priests!
Mary Lou. Fontleroy has been at work . He entered Guam unknown for 48 hours. Was seen eating at the Hilton Hotel.
DeleteAnonymous (July 8, 2014 at 6:34 AM), I must admit that I am intrigued — I have noticed the name “Fontleroy” appearing in the comments recently, as well as a reference to this being a nickname the Archbishop gave a priest. Are you telling me that this “Fontleroy” individual will be a member of the clergy or religious who will assist the laity in the Call to Action? Clearly the identity of this person is known to some; will the rest of us ever find out?
DeleteOOPS — that comment should have been addressed to Anonymous at 6:34 PM (not AM)!
DeleteRemember Fontleroy that was 15 years ago.
DeleteSeems now Fontleroy is known on Island by a select few.
DeleteFor sure Fontleroy has a part in all this.
DeleteHello Tim. I have stayed away from the Jungle for quite a while, but I am the Filipino Guest Priest, mocked by Diana as a "Contract priest".
ReplyDeleteAll this talk of a call to action is indeed heart warming. One of the significant acts of Vatican II was to call the laity to action. To give them a real place in the function of the Church; not equal but different. Not inferior, but different.
It is indeed gratifying to see that people are realizing that they do have an absolute responsibility to speak out against injustice, regardless of where that injustice may originate from. Some speak out by writing quiet letters to the Apostolic Delegate, others through constant prayer, others through media outlets and blogs. As St Paul reminds us, there are many parts, with different functions, but only one body.
The same is true for priests as well. However, because of our unique position as leaders in the faith community and subjects to the local bishop, we walk a very narrow path. Just as in the confessional, we need to be honest to the penitent but compassionate to their struggles as well.
And so to the laity, please be assured that we are also called to action, an action this is not always seen or recognized by the laity. We need to go to our Archbishop as loyal subjects, compassionate to the complexities of running a huge organization such as the Archdiocese, but also honest and frank to help him guide our ship to Christ.
Although we are very happy that the Archbishop has agreed to incardinate those guest priests who wish to make Guam their permanent home, we also see that many problems still exist that we all must face together. We hope to be able to work with Archbishop Anthony and his successors to create a better environment for our community.
So even if you do not see your priests in a public showing of support for improvement in the Guam Church, please know we are working just a hard, and just as diligently, to restore our Church to a place of love and welcoming hospitality to all members who have a heart for Christ. Let us pray that this dream will soon be realized.
God bless you all.
Thank you, Father. And exactly why I have not involved any of the clergy in this. This is OUR responsibility.
DeleteWell Father, we have just been labeled as not being the salt of the earth, but rather salty critics of the church! What say you?
DeleteFontleroy has contacted the media archbishop Krebs visits Guam.
ReplyDeleteHow come new York post following this Guam story.
ReplyDeleteHoney, Guam Mariana's were in the media several years ago for unresolved issues. Problem is archbishop has unresolved issues which have surfaced.
DeleteGod will protect you Diana.
ReplyDeleteDiana sent word that archbishop Krebs is visiting Guam to support the neo.
ReplyDeleteReally how interesting 5.38pm.
DeleteTime to empower with social media. Come on Guam turn to face book lets get posting.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Apuron no longer trusted . Resign.
ReplyDeleteChancery panic something wrong.
ReplyDeleteLord have mercy what is happening in our local church. No peace no unity. Archbishop stop the division now.
ReplyDeleteDominic working fast. Panic.
ReplyDeleteFunds moved around accounts.
ReplyDeleteDiana unhappy
ReplyDeleteDiana is very busy today with work and stuff. Then she has to clean house for a visitor. She has dirty laundry to wash. Busy, busy, Diana who is a woman not a man and not a priest, is a young woman in her twenties who has been walking for eight years. Wow, that's a mouthful of ID. No activity yet today. Had to do a lot of scheduling and stuff at work. Busy, busy, Diana. Just don't know how you ever do all you do! You are REALLY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! Something else.
DeleteYes, quite interesting that Diana goes quiet whenever there is meeting at the today.
DeleteLong meeting Tim.
ReplyDeletefinancials. BTW $6600.00?
ReplyDeleteYes. A very stupid mistake by the chancery...again! Accountants tell you never to use round numbers. They are red flags. And that one is waving in Minnesota, or is it Wisconsin. Archbishop, are you reading this? You don't think we know?
DeleteBishop, your AAA pie chart published $6600 in "other clergy support". what does that support?
ReplyDeletethats a helluva lot of pizza for "other clergy support"
Deleteneed to organize major picket protest at next visit by nuncio...
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed, I have to admit. Rarely do I come across a blog that's equally educative and amusing, and let me tell you, you've hit the nail on the head.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is an issue that too few men and
women are speaking intelligently about. I am very
happy I found this in my search for something regarding this.