Monday, July 14, 2014


True to form, Archbishop Apuron tried to hijack the very important meeting with the clergy this afternoon with Archbishop Krebs. Instead of letting Archbishop Krebs speak, Apuron had Deacon Kim, the finance officer, go on for about 15 minutes about diocesan finances. 

This very important meeting was only to last an hour, and already 15 precious minutes had been hijacked with financial report mumbo jumbo. WTH! But typical Apuron tactic.

Thank God for Msgr. David I.A. Quitugua for getting up and stopping Kim and reminding everyone in the room that they were there to hear from the Papal Nuncio. Msgr. David must have encouraged others to speak up and they did. In the presence of Archbishop Apuron the clergy demanded a private meeting with Archbishop Krebs with Apuron NOT IN THE ROOM. 

Deacon Kim
Archbishop Krebs agreed. It is time to pray hard for our clergy. There is no way for Archbishop Krebs to protect them. They will still be at the mercy of Apuron. And he will try to destroy them...unless we stop him. 

Think hard folks. It will soon be time for you to put your name to your words. Throw off your fears. Our priests are! Our REAL priests!


  1. I sincerely hope that Archbishop Kreps has an opportunity to hear from our priests without Archbishop Apuron being present. He needs to hear the expression of our non-Neo priests about how they've been treated and to be able to hear how they are segregated and not accepted because they refuse to be involved in the Neo community. I hope and pray that the Nunceo will be able to hear the priests' cry for help and reform and that some productive purpose will result from his visit. I also hope that it will not be his only visit and that he will visit again to follow-up on the grave concerns that will undoubtedly be expressed by our priests who have been under long term oppression.

    1. I am praying that our non-Neo priests will be firm and resolute (though kind and charitable) in enunciating the true nature of our problems in our archdiocese, and will not be reluctant to water down the root problems of ALL our ills as stemming from Archbishop Apuron's relationship with the local NCW, how he is beholden to them, and how he has sacrificed the rest of us to appease them (NCW). We pray that they (the non-Neo clergy) will be brave and steadfast, in speaking out on our (laity) behalf as well. We trust they will. We pray for them.

  2. I am praying that our non-Neo priests will be firm and resolute (though kind and charitable) in enunciating the true nature of our problems in our archdiocese, and will not be reluctant to water down the root problems of ALL our ills as stemming from Archbishop Apuron's relationship with the local NCW, how he is beholden to them, and how he has sacrificed the rest of us to appease them (NCW). We pray that they (the non-Neo clergy) will be brave and steadfast, in speaking out on our (laity) behalf as well. We trust they will. We pray for them.

  3. I really hope there are no "consequences" to be paid to those who speak the truth!

  4. One telling thing, which appears to have gone unnoticed is the fact that Msgr David, himself a Neo, was the one to counter the Archbishop's move.
    What does this mean? Are they abandoning our brother Tony, and setting him up as a scapegoat?
    Or is it simply one of the rats jumping ship before it sinks?
    Is Msgr David positioning himself as a possible replacement?
    Time will tell.
    In the meantime, let us stay alert, and continue to keep demanding for what every diocese has the right to expect from their leaders.

    1. I'm glad you made this comment so I can clarify. We have two Msgr. David Quitugua's. One definitely neo and one definitely not. The one who spoke is the one who is definitely not!

    2. Thank you Tim for this important clarification.

  5. There will be consequences.

  6. As a priest I am making a plea to all junglewatch Anons to please now come forward and meet with the apostolic delegate. I believe the day and the hour has now arrived for the people of God to take responsibility. Please go direct in person to the apostolic delegate.

    1. Fr. Anonymous, I would gladly meet with the Nuncio but I am off-island and will not return until 16 July. However, I wrote to him back in January to express my concerns. I also sent him an e-mail requesting a meeting should he extend his current visit and/or return in the future.

  7. Tim, worried for those who spoke the truth. Please can we ask the laity to keep watch over those priests. Very worried for their safety.

  8. Friends in Christ.

    After fourteen years of painful silence I am asking the people of God on Guam and the Mariana Islands to please come forward and stand for truth and justice .

    Father Matthew Blockley.

    1. thank you Father for your courage.

    2. To Father Matthew Brockley,

      I do not know what your story is regarding your silence. If you would post your story with the PDN for all who do not read the jungle, I will definitely post my name on the blog. I will even write a letter to the editor but until then I will remain anon.

    3. Really 7:20 AM? You of all people don't know Fr. Blockley's story?

    4. Yes... what is his story?... was he outsted like Father Paul? was he a victim of Apuron? I guess I'll google him.

    5. NVM... a run away priest... shady to say the least!

    6. I have his story and I will soon tell it....or should I say "The Rest of the Story".

    7. At 1:09. Do you know why he "ran away"?

    8. Ran away priest. Read story. Why?

    9. I was curious and googled him. He was in Diocese of Chalan Kanoa and ended up in NY but was asked to leave. Apparently there were issues with Bishop Camacho.

      Whatever his story is, I'll say a prayer for him.

  9. I’m so glad to read that Msgr. David I. A. Quitugua put a stop to the Archbishop’s “Dog and Pony Show” as performed by Deacon Kim. After months of silence, all of a sudden the Archbishop orchestrates a meaningless “peep show” about archdiocesan finances? Was that Archbishop Apuron’s attempt to persuade Archbishop Krebs that the ongoing requests to publish the financial statement are unnecessary?!?

    It was courageous of Msgr. David (the Elder) to do what he did — put a lid on the pseudo “show and tell” in order to focus on the REAL reason for the meeting. I’m also encouraged that Archbishop Krebs agreed to allow the clergy to have a PRIVATE meeting without Archbishop Apuron in the room. (I must admit I was worried that he would play the “good ole boy” card as a fellow archbishop and ignore that request.) Of course, Apuron’s NCW minions will report who said what but at least the Non-NCW priests were allowed time with the Nuncio. I pray that they were able to get their messages across.

    In the end, it will be up to us, the laity, to fight to protect our REAL priests should the Archbishop decide to play his Retribution Card against them. However, I suggest that the Archbishop think long and hard before he tries to pull the same stunt he used on Fr. Paul last year on someone like Msgr. David (the Elder). As I stated earlier about Msgr. Bibi, the Church Militant will not stand by silently if the Archbishop tries to subject either of these priests — or any other Non-NCW priest for that matter! — to an “arduous and painful closure” to their ministries.

    I have used my real name since I started posting comments here in The Jungle and I will continue to do so. I pray that eventually others will throw off their Veils of Anonymity and be counted as members of the Church Militant. As Pope Leo XIII has said, “Christians/Catholics are born for combat!” I believe it’s just a matter of time before the War for the Survival of Our Church in Guam will begin in earnest. I will be fighting this war not for my sake but for the sake of my grandchildren as I want them to live the True Faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ — NOT the Luther-inspired doctrines in the pseudo-church of Kiko ArgĂĽello!

  10. "Our REAL Priests"?

    1. The Neocatechumenal Way is a different religion, with a different theology, a different belief in the Eucharist, and a different hierarchy.

    2. Them are fight in' words !!!!!

  11. Replies
    1. Ah!!!! anon at 1.09, I see you decided to lift up the debate!!!.....
      Now we have the latest edition of the fruits of the NCW: (drum roll please).......

      Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls!..... Heeeeeere is......!!!
      The new NCW Ayatollah!!!! The new Grand Inquisitor!!!!!
      Brought to you by Kikko and Anthony.........
      Mr. BLASPHEMY!!!!!

      Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

      Now we can rest assure that our Church is well protected.......NOT!

  12. Tim, I totally agree with you. Totally a different religion. Definitely not Catholic.

  13. How in the name of GOD did we find ourselves ?
