Thursday, July 24, 2014


SNAP: Wadeson not only priest accused of sexual misconduct


  1. You people supporting the Archbishop know nothing. SNAP, Tim Rohr and the other are not the Enemies- Predator Priests are- If all the sex abuse victims here on Guam and those that have relocated to get away deiced to speak up and speak out- you would be very ashamed of the Archbishop, his failed leadership and for cover up for the last 30+ years. I can name several villages with young men victims and some women victims- Agat, Chalan Pago, Dededo, Barrigada, Hagatna, Tamuning. I even know of a priest that has fathered a child- who is now a teen age girl. So before you say it is persecution- get to know the truth. Ask yourself- what kind of "shepherd" would protect his own, his own name and not his flock or the young? AAA knows the truth- he should resign now! The media should ask- has there been any reports in the last 30 years of abuse? Was it told to the Archbishop in the seal of confession so it cannot be broken? How were they handled? Why are those priests- (some whom have passed away but many who are alive still in active ministry) To the victims- they do not want to relive the nightmare, to be look upon with pity or shame, they prefer that the rest of the world will never know- it isn't about money, fame, of anything and lastly- they don't want to be a part of this ongoing church war.

    1. We are in a storm and Jesus is sleeping in the back of the boat.

  2. Archbishop, please do the honorable thing and resign as your contemporaries did (Mahoney, Law, and others). This is only going to get worse.
    The saddest thing is that I've never heard you make a sincere apology for anything for as long as I can remember. In your homily you said let the evil ones grow together with the wheat, guess that only applies to your friends, what about the gentleman you removed Fr. Paul for harboring? didn't he deserve to grow with the wheat? Is it that hard for you to say I am sorry, with no stipulations, if's, and's, or but's?

  3. 1978-ask about a Father Cruz who was then connected to the cathedral and his "wife" and children who lived in someone's basement so no one knew about him. Is he still there? Still a priest in the diocese

    1. Who is Father Cruz?

    2. Anonymous (July 26, 2014 at 3:41 AM), there were three men with the name "Father Cruz" who were connected to the Cathedral at one time or another since the 1960s. Listed in order of their dates of ordination, they were:
      • + Father Antonio Cruz + who was also assigned to other parishes, including those in Mongmong, Chalan Pago and Tamuning, before his death — I don't remember when he died
      • Father Manuel Cruz who sought and was granted laicization — I believe in the 1970s
      • Father Edward Cruz who also sought and was granted laicization also in the same time frame as Fr. Manny

      I don't know which, if any, of these are the men to whom you refer as being "Father Cruz" in 1978. To my knowledge, there is no "Father Cruz" in the Archdiocese of Agana and there hasn't been one for several decades.

    3. I am going to cut off the discussion about former priests. If they sought laicization and were granted it then they are lawfully excused from church ministry and they and their families should not be brought into the discussion. Also, I have not allowed any discussion of other priests who have been relieved of ministry. There is one priest in particular who was laicized a few years ago who was drug through the mud and I don't want to drag him through the mud again. Sadly, a more attentive bishop would have caught these problems earlier and saved many people a lot of hurt.
