Your Excellency Archbishop Martin Krebs,
I am a protestant convert to our beloved Catholic Church, and did so
here in Guam with the guidance of, then Fr. James Benavente, now
Monsignor Benavente.
I have tried to ignore the arrogance and bullying of Archbishop
Apuron on those of us who are non- Neocatechumenal Way and our regular
I and many others believe the Archbishop is systematically removing our priests who are non- Neocatechumenal Way and the church is being
divided and soon leaving those of us in the non-neo category without
leaders and those priests whom we wish to lead us in our faith.
Indeed, Archbishop Apuron's oppressive rule and divisiveness is exactly what drove my ancestors away from the true church 500 years ago.
I beg you to investigate our diocese and the removal of Monsignor
James Benavente and the efforts of our Archbishop to make his
Archdiocese an NCW haven and a misery for those who are not the
followers of "the Way".
With deepest respect and the sincerest of prayers for intervention,
Gerald Yingling
Tamuning, Guam
It sounds like the loans at the Cathedral and the Cemeteries were current and not in default. It also sounds like these loans went through a lot of red tape to get approved, AND that Tony Baloney was ultimately the one to sign off on these loans. If that is the case how can he now complain about it now when these projects have been completed for many many years? It seems apparent to me that the loans are the any reason for the firing of Monsignor James.
ReplyDeleteIt is my understanding from my own parish that this audit by Deloit has been completed for a long time, since last year. If that is the dase why did Tony Baloney suddenly find the need to take such harsh action against Monsignor James? If his actions were so bad then a good leader would have taken action earlier, as soon as the deficiencies were reported. But again, I doubt that financial mismanagement is the reason why the Three Idiots on the Hill wanted him gone.
Notice how no information from the actual audit report has been made available? With Tony Baloney's reputation for taking a comment and bending it to suit his purposes, it is unlikely we will actually ever see the report because it would reveal yet another lie from our "spiritual leader".
Charges has been trumped up to deflect attention from the Fr Wadeson fiasco, and it also serves the kiko goal to take over all the major parishes on Guam.
I do not believe there were any problems at the Cathedral or the Cemeteries that warranted such a reaction. But if there were, one must ask...who is the Pastor of the Cathedral and who is in Charge of the Cemetery? Tony Baloney is ultimately responsible for both. Not like any other parish, but because the Cathedral is his, and the Cemetery is also his. As President Truman said, "The buck stops here". But he was a true leader, and Tony is a mere puppet.
But the real question is this - Why did Tony Baloney have to be so cruel and sadistic in relieving Monsignor James? All he had to do is say, Jimmy, you've been here for 20 years and its time to reassign you. Where would you like to go? It could have been so clean and so easy, but this "leader" chose the most destructive path possible. I think this does point to mental problems that really need to be looked at by a professional.
Nuncio - your help is needed, because our leader is on the war path. The same leader who is to protect us has turned against his people. And now we turn to Holy Mother Church, who is also responsible for our spiritual welfare. We now desperately need your assistance.
After the storm and calm had set in, let us all continue to act. The "day off" had given the opportunity for people to contact the Nuncio and the prefect, evidenced by Mr. Yingling's letter at the most recent post. KEEP THOSE LETTERS COMING! !!
ReplyDeleteI may sign ANONYMOUS here, but trust that my baptismal name had been signed to my correspondence with the nuncio and prefect.
Unlike brave Gerry Yingling (thank you, Gerry!), but like Anon at 7:35, I am submitting this comment here as ANON. I have, however, submitted this same letter to Archbishop Krebs, and signed my name to it. I have my personal reason for remaining ANON in the Jungle (as I am sure other ANONS have theirs - let's respect each others reason - real or perceived fear), but that does not prevent us from writing to Archbishop Krebs. Here's mine:
DeleteYour Excellency Archbishop Martin Krebs:
Thank you, first of all, for your recent visit to Guam to try to mediate and help resolve the apparent dichotomy that exists within our archdiocese. Many among the Faithful were hoping that with the charity, reasoning, and paternal admonition of our Papal Nuncio, a spirit of calm, peace and harmony will once again prevail. Unfortunately, your Excellency, the opposite appears to be the case, as more cases of division and dissent seem to have escalated since your departure. I am inclined to believe that you are very aware of what has been going on these past recent weeks, as the internal Catholic Church issues are now making headlines on our secular media (written, vocal and visual) - almost daily! This cancer is spreading! Left unchecked, it will spread havoc on our beloved Church. To paraphrase the plea of the Apostles in their time of need – “Lord, save us; we are sinking!”
I surmise that I am not alone - but rather joined by a whole lot more of our Catholic Faithful - in re-soliciting your assistance to resolve these issues. Apparently, those who are in a position to do so have been unable to bring forth truth, harmony and peace. We need outside help! PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR PLEA FOR HELP!
Oh yes New York Times soon. He has arrived.