Apuron: Problems predated Benavente
"However, a Feb. 7 letter to the archbishop, which also was submitted to the Archdiocesan Finance Council, indicates that the problem Apuron mentioned Thursday had been cleared up months earlier. The title of the land at issue was in the name of the Archdiocese of Agana, rather than Catholic Cemeteries Inc., which is an entity under the archdiocese."http://www.guampdn.com/article/20140802/NEWS01/308020001/Apuron-Problems-predated-Benavente
And see article in today's Mariana's Variety:
I understand the problems at the Agana Cathedral also predate Monsignor James.
ReplyDeleteWho was the Rector prior to his assignment? Hmmm... I forget. Anyone care to guess?
Sure, the man who hold significant titles in the Archdiocese...he holds the Gypsy Crystal Ball.
ReplyDeleteOuch! I heard a petition drive is being started- by the people for the people calling for the removal of the Archbishop. If anyone has it- let me know, I'm willing to circulate it and have it signed. I am sick and tired of Tony. Copies will be sent to Rome and the Nuncio for action and from what I've read on history- Rome pays attention to these. International media like the BBC and Radio Australlia is looking to conduct interviews of what is going on. The world is watching and a pastoral letter isn't going to cut it. The archbishop is playing with priests lives, their jobs, their vocations and it is not the same as gambling, abortion, or civil unions. The people are smarter and knew better that the 3 on the hill need to go. My speculation is that Adrian is next on the chopping block to try to appease the crowd. He is expendable. He will be transferred to Utah or Colorado. Anyone want to bet? (No pun intended).
ReplyDeleteI thought there is a separation of church and state. How come this church in Guam (read that as Archbishop) is looking more and more like state? I remember back in the Philippines during the time of the dictatorship, when something bad happened, you can be sure something more dramatic will happen to divert attention. Of course, we only knew about it after a series of cover-ups and got wind of the modus operandi. At least those spinners in Manila were professionals. It took a while before we realized what was happening. Here in Guam, it took just over a year. Much credit goes to Tim Rohr for keeping the fire of truth burning. Tim didn't do anything special except report the truth. The Archbishop supplied and is still supplying the ammunition with all these missteps. Lest we be accused of being always negative, I would like to give it to the Archbishop. HE SURE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO LIE. (That's positive. Tho, not for long.) He always gets caught. Starting with the lie about the reason for removing Fr. Paul. He was sacked because he gave refuge to a person who wanted to come back to church (make that OUR church and not Archbishop). Give me a break. I am sure the Archbishop will keep on trying to be good at it. Practice makes perfect. .
ReplyDeleteRight, you really should quit while you're not that far behind Archbishop. Everything that you say, point out or otherwise just bounces back to reveal who the real problem is. Sad thing is, the SOULS of every one of the catholics in this archdiocese are YOUR responsibility.
ReplyDeleteRegime change now!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous August 2, 2014 at 9:01 AM rightly points out ... "the SOULS of every one of the catholics in this archdiocese are YOUR responsibility."
ReplyDeleteFortunately, if I may also point out, there is a conclusion to that thought..
"the SOULS of every one of the catholics in this archdiocese are YOUR responsibility. Fortunately, our souls are not affected by your actions if we follow Jesus, and not Kiko. Jesus is the truth, THE WAY, and the life. Only Tony's soul will be judged for his actions and how well he carried out the tremendous responsibility given to him."
My dear Tony Baloney - I hope you soon come to your senses, step down from your position, seek refuge and counseling, and allow the people of Guam to start the healing of our broken Archdiocese.
May God bless the people of Guam!
930am tomorrow, NCW communities are asked to go to ABAA mass at the Cathedral to show support~
ReplyDeleteI just heard that some communities will be buses to the Cathedral to fill in the pews! Some were bussed last Sunday. What a joke this is. First it's Pius sending out FB messages to NCW all over the world to vote and say "confident" and now this!
DeleteGeez Pius are you Archbishop's nursemaid ? Gotta hand it to you though...because it ain't gonna work! Your advisement to him is totally not giving him JOY but more,pain and stress .
You gotta give it to Tony Baloney...he sure knows how to entertain the people!
ReplyDeleteThe PDN's early report relays that " 'The $7 million accounts for about "one quarter" of the total indebtedness of the Archdiocese of Agana', the archbishop stated. This story is developing."
Yes, it is a developing story. Every time Tony says a lie, he is called on it, so he develops another story. And then he is called on that lie and develops another story. First, it was the debt, but then his advisors realized that Tony had enthusiastically approved those projects. Then it was the horrible shape of financial records. But Joe Rivera, former BBMR director and good Catholic boy comes to help the Cemeteries. So, now the whole world waits to see what story Tony will develop next, and next, and next. It is like a movie, "The Never Ending Story"
Yes, Tony, you live in Fantasy land. But we are serious Catholics who want a leader grounded in Christ and the Church. Time for you to head to Anaheim where you can live in Fantasyland forever.
Happy Trails!
Pizza be with you! You know who.....
ReplyDeleteWhat can you expect from a man who has no character or values .
I'm sure he had character or values, Father. It's best that we pray that he returns to those values and regains that character he once had. Yes, and he must pay for any wrongdoing against whomever. I'm praying for everyone involved.
DeleteAnna Maria I. Delgado
I always stand to be corrected if I am wrong. I have known him since 1992 and unfortunately never seen character or values.
DeleteI wasn't able to attend the prayer service this past week. I hope there would be another one soon. I actually have a suggestion to the organizers who put together the prayer service. Since the neos have their Eucharist on Saturday evenings, maybe we can all gather at the front of the Cathedral and pray. Even if it's just praying the rosary and the liturgy of the hours.
ReplyDeleteGuam Catholics for Solidarity!
ReplyDeleteArchbishop for the good of Holy Mother Church please offer your resignation to the Holy Father.
Honestly will all you guys stop all your bickering about this and that. Stop pointing fingers. It's so weird how when money comes into play with any topic or position or status, that it actually becomes a big topic! Honestly if the church was actually doing its job we wouldn't need this jungle watch or neo way or we wouldn't need to force the parish to donate. Donation comes from the heart n same as giving. Churches are losing the people because all this politics it's bringing in and another thing is how the priests say the homilies. The priests are just going around n around with saying non sense that it's not reaching out to the people. All God wants us to do is to love one another and share about him. How can we do this if we're not being taught right in ccd or learning it in church. When the 30 minute mark of the church is rang the priest end their homily with no true meaning to what they are saying. We are just going to keep on bickering back and forth bout money this, neo that but not even focus on what is actually effecting our families. No wonder why this generation is so bad and keeps getting worse. Why would they want to attend church or respect their life or their elders. Guam as small as it is, has the highest numbers in teen pregnancy, abortion, and divorce! So what does that tell us? I see so many people that are all into their faith, then end up questioning it. So let's see, what should we keep on doing? Keep fighting for no real reason that will have no real meaning or conclusion in the end. I pray for all of you to get spiritual healing and guidance from above and not just another someone who wants the same. Start praying and start asking for forgiveness and guidance!
ReplyDeleteYou need to stop attending Neo priests' sermons and attend a church with real priests. A few suggestions Fr. Felix, Mike, Joe, or any non neo priest. I guarantee an uplifting experience.
DeleteThis is addressed to all priests: your homilies don't teach the faith. You all fear to preach about SIN, HELL,ABORTION,homosexual partnerships, CONTRACEPTION, divorce,out-of wedlock births, SUICIDES!! Why? Don't want to offend? Need the money to pay bills? What did Jesus do?
Deletewonderful, well thought out comment. but if there is wrongdoing, it needs to be brought to light. No need for name calling and insults, I agree.
DeleteAnna Maria I. D.
to 1:12 out of curiosity, what parish do you attend mass at? Whose homilies are meaningless?
DeleteWhen we finally effect change, I will accept your humble apology.
DeleteAll it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...
P.S. it has nothing to do with money, it has everything to do with governance and accountability, and plain and simple decency.
All these replies are for august 2nd replies to mine that was posted @ 1:12. I agree with you who posted @ 2:24. To Anna Maria, can you see that through the many years even if things are brought to light, that there is no change? There is nothing happening and no change! As to 2:53 I have been to many churches from yigo to Tamuning you name it. Meaningless homilies and not reaching out to the parish. To all you churches, parish: stop bickering about the sign of peace or other things that we have been doing in church for years! Why do you guys want to make all this little changes when you should be focusing on the bigger problems!!i mentioned them in my last comment at 1:12 on august 2nd
DeleteHey Tim,
ReplyDeleteI'm an addict to your Blog and haven't seen much activity since this morning. What's going on? Please give us more info about the situation and don't let me wait till Monday! PLEASE
Busy w home stuff. Go to news articles and comment
Delete@2:01PM. Maybe you can keep busy by practicing the words to "Monday, Monday" by the Mamas and the Papas or " Blue, Blue, My World is Blue!".
DeleteHow come so little comments for Mr. Untalans remarks? Seems strange.
Delete@3:49, I'm just interested because I can't wait. I do have a song that I've been practicing by the way at it's by Banarama. It will be sung soon to the Archbishop and kilos. It goes something like" nah nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye" sing with me " nah nah nah nah hey hey goodbye so go on and kiss him goodbye"
DeleteWhat Untalan remarks?
DeleteRichard Untalan explanation in PDN. Not too much jungle sounds about that. I thought it was worth a few monkey shrieks in in the Jungle.
DeleteEverything Richard said has long been thoroughly documented in this blog.
DeleteDiana says many of the clergy are being disobedient in their vow and broke their promise. My response was-
ReplyDelete"They broke their promise" ????? how about HIS promise to Rome? To the Holy Father? To the people of Guam? To be a Shepherd? A bishop is to have a special concern for priests, listening to them, using them as counselors, ensuring that they are adequately provided for in every way, and defending their rights set forth in the Code of Canon Law. (Not violating them)
Bishops (and Archbishops) should have outstanding in solid faith, good morals, piety, zeal for souls, wisdom, prudence, and human virtues, and endowed with other qualities which make him suitable to fulfill the office. It is not best 2 out of 3. It is all of them. -
Let's Review- Solid Faith- Nope - not is he NEEDS the NCW personally and spiritually like HE said.,
Good morals- Not so much, people with morals don't make personal attacks and gossip, Piety- Nope- just cause it is a "gift" doesn't mean you need to accept it- sell the car- give the money to the poor, by a ford focus- (the pope uses his) ,
Zeal for souls- nope- he could care less about the poor, in fact he won't talk to you if you don't have money. I've met him several times - done projects for him, doesn't even look me in the eye or know me. He always introduces himself.
Wisdom- nope- I'm really surprised he is even a Doctor of Divinity, I hope it wasn't with a D- grade.
Prudence- Nope- Lost that LOOOOONG time ago- he has made multiple poor decisions in this career.
So ask yourself. Is Archbishop Anthony qualified to the the Spiritual Authority and Leader for Guam? Not with a D- grade or even an F.
Tell Diana to get a boyfriend, preferably someone who can teach her spelling.
DeleteFrom Dianas' Blog:
ReplyDeleteDiana August 2, 2014 at 2:26 PM
"Dear Anonymous at 1:46 p.m.,
The Archbishop has remained silent for the most part. I have not heard him call anyone "liar" nor did I hear him mocked anyone. What he said about Father Paul was wrong, and the Archbishop apologized to him in person. The fact that Father Paul felt that the apology was not enough and wanted it in writing is no longer the Archbishop's fault. As for Monsignor James, the Archbishop went by what was reported in the audit. Even the Governor of Guam would do look at the audit. Anyone in position would do the same thing. If the Archbishop feels that he wronged Monsignor James, then it is up to him to apologize just as he did to Father Paul.
As for Father John, the Archbishop is stuck in whatever decision he makes. If he defended Father John, SNAP can sue the Archdiocese for 1 million dollars and Tim Rohr can proudly say that the Archbishop only defends priests who are in the Way. Since the Archbishop did not defend Father John, he is still be mocked and persecuted. So, it would not matter to Tim Rohr whether the Archbishop helped Father John or not. The Archbishop would be damned if he helped and damned if he did not help. As for the laity, they are hurt because of the disobedience of some priests. When they were ordained, they promised to be obedient to the Archbishop. They broke their promise."
No priest has broken any vow of obedience.
DeleteIf the Archbishop did know Father John's past issues in LA. He should have never allowed him into Guam. As soon as the truth (information) comes out, he makes it go away like it never happened. That is a decision he will need to live with. God forbid a child was abused during this time frame? Then what? Who's fault is it now? The Archbishop is suppose to protect his flock. BTW, is Father John a Neo Priest? If he is, then I think this explains the problems with our Church and the need for all Catholics to stand up and fight for our Church.
DeleteThe Archbishop should have defended Father John as he was the one who allowed him to come to Guam right? Why did he change change stance all of a sudden? Damage control? They must be watching TV shows like "Scandal"! lol Then he shifts the focus on Monsignor James on 6 month old reports and fires him? This removal is truly a Scandal. We really need Olivia Pope here now or better yet the real POPE.
DeleteThe Archbishop should have defended Father John as he was the one who allowed him to come to Guam right? Why did he change change stance all of a sudden? Damage control? They must be watching TV shows like "Scandal"! lol Then he shifts the focus on Monsignor James on 6 month old reports and fires him? This removal is truly a Scandal. We really need Olivia Pope here now or better yet the real POPE.
DeleteFr. John is a neo priest, and has been hiding under the cloak of the Neos and the Arch.
DeleteGwen Brooks (gwennybrooks@yahoo.com)
ReplyDeleteYes, I have been sent to the site "Jungle Watch." Guam must do like every other country the Neocats are trying to take over- do not, under any circumstances, give them money, no matter what.
Also, make sure to educate people about what the Neocats are really about. Make sure people know about the horror stories families have to go through, and understand that many Neocat members are instructed to lie about their experiences to outsiders who "wouldn't understand."
The Neocats are not even truly Christian. Heavy fasting, lying to recruits about what lies ahead in the scrutinies, refusing to answer questions, and mandating group confessions of private sins are not Christian. They even use Illuminati symbolism in their paintings.
Welcome Gwen. And we hope to hear more from you.
DeleteReply to Anon 08.02.14, 233pm: After 20 years, it is happening (accdg to their statutes, they are supposed to be reintegrated to the church at some point). If they would only do it for the right reason, they can very well be at Santa Barbara Church. They would have met the two reasonable requirements of Fr. Paul to establish their community in SBC. Attend mass in our church and let people know what time. Of course, they can't do it for the right reason because they do things differently.
ReplyDeleteOne has to ask that after getting rid of Fr. Paul more than a year ago, how come they have not established a community in SBC. I guess with all the negative publicity and public awareness, their being different would not come unnoticed. Santa Barbara Church, with all its various and vibrant organizations (as evidenced during the Christmas concert last year where there were many groups who presented and sang) that co-exist, a Neo community will stand out as a sore thumb. A Neo community who would look down on these organizations (exhibit 1, the Cursillo). To think that you are THE only organization worthy of followers out of more than 122 organizations approved by the Vatican, is simply the height of arrogance. What happened to letting the weed grow with the wheat the Archbishop was preaching the other Sunday?
Being from Dededo parish, I think I can help shed light and confirm some of the things mentioned here. The NCW has attempted to come into Dededo multiple times as far back as when Pale Ray Cepeda or even Monsignor Zoilo were heads of our parish. We have very active ministry groups from the Knights, to El Shaddai, to the Legion of Mary, altar servers, eucharistic ministers, lectors, to the many choirs that we are blessed with. It's true, the presence of these groups whose membership consists of very influential members of our island community are probably why we've been able to resist. However, the removal of Fr. Paul was a serious wake up call. But I've heard many of the ministry members echo this thought about the NCW and I believe what the people of God in Dededo say is "LET THEM COME AND TRY!" We have a very brave and powerful patroness if they need reminding. Patroness of artillerymen, soldiers, armorers, military engineers, and those with dangerous professions. Santa Barbara, intercede for our defense. May we always be free of the NCW in Dededo.
DeleteThis is so sad and very painful. It's hard enough to distinguish religion from God, now man (forget who) os tearing at the foundation of the only church I know. I found myself watch I and listening to Christ Bible Fellowship last night. I miss church, I miss fellowship, I miss Fr Hermes, the priest who showed me a humble way to connect with God. I remind my human mind that God is not church.
ReplyDeleteMy wife is pregnant and I pray God lays there in the womb that only he can create. I promise Him today my child will be Christian.. but not likely Catholic.
My soul still calls for God, but few men of God her are men worth following. Still on my Journey Home. JESUS LEAD ME AND MY FAMILY.
See my most recent post "Some Stuff"
DeleteWe have been working on getting the National Museum of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica ready and we would like to invite everyone to the museum tomorrow from 6:30 am -1:30 pm Sunday Aug 3. The opening was announced at the masses at the Cathedral last week. The timing is unfortunate but we had the special privilege of completing one of Monsignor James' last projects here at the Cathedral.
ReplyDeleteThis project has been a vision of Monsignor James and we would like to honor him and his commitment to all of us. The museum is reflection of Monsignor's desire to share and preserve the rich history of the catholic church.There were so many hours of joy poured into this project. I hope that you will find time to visit the museum tomorrow on the second floor of the St. Therese Chapel. The completion of this project is a tribute to Monsignor James.
I am humbled to have been a part of this special project.
thank you ..Vangie Lujan
PS....it really is incredibly beautiful. I hope you think so too.
The Metropolitian Archdiocese of Agana Guam USA would now be best served with an imminent Apostolic Visitation.This would result in a process that would either lead to the resignation or the clearance of Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron OFM cap.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the 930am mass by archbishop is aired. It has been so empty as of late. That is of course until last Sunday and now tomorrow bc the neo cats have to fill in the pews so it looks like he has support hahahahahah sorry Tony there were more folks at church for that prayer service than I have ever seen at any of your masses. Can't wait to watch tomorrow and take note of the ten or so folks were weren't TOLD show up, carpool and buses provided hahahahahah. You're not only a liar and a fraud you are one BIG JOKE. Are you passing around trash bags tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteI believe their mode of transportation is the caravan. The gypsies are in the house.
DeleteTim, you are popular at Diana's blog. May I ask, could you, as administrator of the blog, edit readers' comments before posting? I only ask because it seems that since you've pointed out how bad the grammar and spelling is at Diana's site, I noticed most of the comments for rebuttal towards her or against ncw from nonNeos have some kind of typographical error, seriously, as if trying to make them look less credible?
ReplyDeleteI've read the posts here and long comments or not, spelling and grammar is not half as bad as the ones found challenging her in her blog.
Also, could the neos be posting hate the arch etc notes to pass off as NONneos to project that we are petty and malicious?
As if to show the FRUITS of nonNeos? If edits on comments cannot be done, then surely this is what they are doing.
Because the air in there has surely changed. Like a conniving person acting nice because they are being watched.
The non Neo Catholics are further expressing their feelings about this great divide, it is natural to show anger and frustration. And it may be showing in their posts here, as more people are made aware of the truth.
However, it seems Diana is letting on a facade of a holier, more tolerating, praying for everyone type persona.
Sadly, we know this is not true. Just look at the posts from Neos on major media comment sites; in the pdn, for example. So which is it? Platitudes in Diana's site and gigantic grudges in public?
For now, we non Neos are seeing their true ways. We too have COURAGE.
FOCUS. Do not be fooled. And keep seeking the truth. It is right there, in front of us. You can even read it in the morning paper...