Tuesday, August 5, 2014


UPDATE: Monsignor James Benavente packs up, leaves Cathedral


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  1. Shame on Monsignor David "Neo" Quitugua and Father Mike "Puppet' Jucutan for your unprofessional demeanor in the handling of todays moving out event. This really shows the arrogance of this "Organization/Movement" People of Guam wake up and really look what they are doing. God is not sleeping and neither is Archbishop Martin Krebs and the Vatican.

  2. Someone told me most of the Choirs Members at the Cathedral have left. What is their next dumb move? Cancel the Sunday Mass and Just invite everyone to Saturday Night Live Mass "NEO" Style???? Break out the Tambourines. This is so sad! The real true Catholics are fed up with your actions.

    1. Start practicing the neo happy dance. Pass the trash bags. The Cathedral is going to need major rearrangement. Big old table in the middle. Kiko murals ...move Santa Maria Kamalen to storage. BOG prepare docs for a new loan. JOY! Kind of amassing how this happened right before our very eyes. Jacaranda, we underestimated you considerably. Whew.

  3. And so are many of the Parishioners too...

  4. They seem to have a penchant for antagonizing people. Don't they have enough enemies already?

  5. Yesterday, by chance, I was able to catch Monsignor James as he was unpacking at St. Anthony. We gave him a gift and we welcomed him and thanked him for being at our parish.

    He gave us an enormous smile and said that he was loving the Tamuning parish already. :)

  6. I heard that Monsignor James will be the celebrant for 11:00 am Mass in Tamuning Sunday.

    Can this be confirmed. If so, we should pack the church!

    And take our gifts in envelopes and give directly to Monsignor James. It is only trash, so it would be better in Monsignor's hands the the diocese. Besides. it will show the church who we trust with our offerings: those who want to use them as intended or those who consider it "trash" and give it the same accountability as a "trash collector".

    1. That's not necessary. Better to attend at your own Parish and support it. Anyone can support Monsignor however he or she wants. That's also good. We can't wreck the whole system. It's enough with the tambourine players not supporting their parish.

    2. I am not comfortable going to Mass with Archbishop, Monsignor David and Father Mickey. A lot of folks have left.

      I disagree about not attending mass with Monsignor James! If we broke all records of attendance at St Anthony Church it will send a clear message to the Chancery, to the church as a whole and to Monsignor James.

      Not changing our mass attendance after the Archbishop has displayed such insensitivity would be acting like we don't care and we will just keep attending as before. I do not want to normalize this situation. I intend to attend mass and I also intend to avoid the neopriests!

    3. For Msgr. James, I'll attend a third mass just to hear his homily. He really speaks with the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

    4. @9:26 I see your point for sure. I just hate to see the parishes get ground down. That's all. Yes, we have to make a clear message. You're correct.

    5. " I intend to attend mass and I also intend to avoid the neopriests!"

      Please explain why you want to avoid all "neopriest"? Are you saying all of them are not worthy of being a real priest? From the way you say it, it seems like you are implying it.

  7. I have had multiple independent confirmations that Monsignor James will be the celebrant at 11:00 am Mass Sunday Aug 10 at Saint Anthony Church in Tamuning. I encourage all who support Monsignor to attend this Mass. Let’s break a record for attendance!

  8. On a lighter note. From a very good friend, and with a lot of humor.
    With Father Paul and Monsignor James, who went to the seminary together, and have been both illegally removed and exiled to St Anthony, this parish is fast becoming the new Guam penitentiary for priests that are too smart and/or too independent.
    On a more serious note:
    these two long time friends who have in common the strong desire to serve the Catholic Church and the faithful on Guam have been put together, but for what purpose?
    I am sure that despite the Archbishop worst intentions and Adrian continued spite and jealousy,
    they will make their old teachers proud, and make out of a bad situation, a great opportunity.

    The light that will shine from St Anthony will be even a stronger contrast with the shadow of these poor excuses of leaders at the Chancery.
