Tuesday, August 5, 2014


On "her" other blog, the one she talks to herself with, "Diana" has posted a tired old swipe at Fr. Matthew Blockley, an APB to the bishops "brotherhood" to flush out Blockley. "She" posted it of course because Archbishop Apuron is desperate to discredit Blockley because Blockley has "the goods". 

Fr. Blockley was AWOL for a very good reason. In fact, if it had happened to you, you'd go AWOL too. And THAT my friends is the "rest of the story" which will now soon follow...and in which you will soon learn why Saipan has no bishop several years after Bishop Camacho's retirement. (There's a reason Rome did not ask him to stay on.)

In fact, this is the story that I think Dan Brown may eventually pick up. (Okay. I took out the part about the suggested title. It was just a bit of a warning to the other side not to mess with stuff they know nothing about. Blockley was supposed to be dead, remember?)


  1. Common knowledge that Bishop Tomas has cancer and needed to retire.

    1. Right. But what is not commonly known is why he wanted Blockley back before he retired...and why there is yet no bishop for Saipan.

    2. Fill free to fill us in.

    3. Why was Apuron so very eager to have Camacho office filled quickly. ??

  2. How about: Evil behind the cloth: The Apuron File

  3. Could this blog with the APB be Father Pius'! Doo run,run,run, de doo run, run....Closet about to open, trash needs to be aired! GO HOME PIUS WHILE YOU ARE STILL SMELLING GOOD!

  4. Janet B - MangilaoAugust 5, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    How about: "Beyond the Confessional: Dirty Little Secrets the World was not Supposed to Hear"
    subtitle: "How an Archbishop Ruined His own Church, and Who Really was in Control"

    Pizza Pizza!


  5. Problem is the AWOL. Bishop Camacho was requested to resolve the issue with Father Matthew. Easter 2008 Father Matthew was ready to excardinate the Diocese of Chalan with a receiving bishop to accept him. Unfortunately August 2008 Bishop camacho led a personal attack into Fr. Matthew eight years after he left Saipan. The attack of bishop camacho on fr. Matthew was shortly before giving his resignation to the Holy Father. At this time Father Matthew was in hospital . Holy week 2010 Fr. Manny was in urgent talks with Father Matthew in Manila. Father Matthew agreed to silence. Very strange on Easter Monday 2010 Rome was closed. The resignation of Bishop camacho was accepted. Fr. Matthew was a frequent visitor to St.Lukes when manny was sick they had talked for long hours. healing was evolving and Fr. Matthew was ready to leave and in silence.

    1. For the sake of the Archdiocese of Agana, I do hope that he will finally and totally break his silence. AWOL? Maybe he is hiding from the BEAST!


  6. frightening story of a young priest we know what happened to him.

  7. Over a decade Fr. Matthew was rarely seen in public.

  8. Fr. Matthew Blockley in Rome.

    1. Was wondering where Blockley went. Did he bump into Archie or Edivaldo? BTW, how do you like Archbishop wearing cheap copy of popes pectoral cross at his audience? So much class. EMBARASSING.
