Tuesday, October 21, 2014


And no, Archbishop, I didn't get this from Fr. Mike, so leave him alone.

Here we see Fr. Louis Brouillard, the priest of Agana recently listed by the Diocese of Duluth as "credibly accused of child sexual abuse." As of 2005, even though he had been gone from Guam for many years, he was still receiving a monthly stipend and probably health coverage, courtesy of you. The stipend is said to be between $650 and $900 per month. The 1972 date of departure does not comport with a July 5, 2013 story in the Umatuna which stated: “San Isidro Catholic Church of Malojloj in the Municipality of Inarajan officially became a parish on July 21, 1973 with the appointment of her first Pastor, Rev. Fr. Louis Brouillard,” parish officials said in an announcement this week.

Here we see the now famous Fr. John Wadeson, an "incardinated itinerant". Of course he wasn't "itinerant" at all, unless you want to call jetting back and forth between San Francisco and Guam "itinerant". Further, we see here that the people of Guam, without their knowledge, are being made to financially support priests who do not serve in Guam. So now that he has been "removed from ministry" by Archbishop Apuron, where is he, what is he doing, and how much are we paying him? Here are some related links:

In the case of Fr. James Starastanich, at the time the rector of RMS, we see an example of Archbishop Apuron "mixing funds", the "same "inappropriate accounting practice" he accuses Msgr. James of doing with the Cathedral and Archdiocesan Development Group accounts. RMS is a corporation separate from the Archdiocese of Agana. The Archbishop recently made that clear when he said that RMS would be publishing its own financial report since it is a separate corporate entity. However, here we see the seminary rector not being paid by RMS, but directly by the Archdiocese of Agana. That's mixing funds. The proper thing to do would have been for the Archdiocese to fund RMS and then for RMS to pay its rector. But apparently Archbishop Apuron is above his own laws. 

Let's stop playing games, Archbishop. If you are going to drag out Msgr. James' finances in public as you have, then we demand full disclosure from you as well. For a bishop who hates gambling, you are pretty good at three-card monte. 

P.S. Your "3 Kings" were spotted getting on a plane yesterday morning, presumably for their pre-ordination retreat. The plane wasn't headed to the Philippines. New Jersey perhaps? And who's paying?


  1. So was Harold's trip yesterday paid by the Archdiocesan appeals too? Where did he go?

  2. We have been begging for screening for the seminarians at RMS. Saw them at HNL. They were screened through the TSA precheck end. Handy if you are carrying a lot of cash to Jersey. Who knows where they were going. Well the three kings will be back for ordination Nov. 8. Jet lagged presbyters. Evangelical simplicity. Italian guy walked up to the bar and stuffed his pockets with little bags of Chamorro cookies! Hope he shared with his companions in the friendly skies!!

    1. Jersey...HMMMM. Having a retreat under the guidance of the Giuseppes? Probably have to write a thesis on the mess out here!

      Prechecked? Must have some kind of pull some where. Wish I had that kind of service. First class? Geez I work hard and I only can afford to ride with the rest of the herd in the back!

      Are they actually going on a retreat or on a mission as how to make the take over more effective. Are the deacons always sent to NJ before ordination, and if so why?

    2. Don't forget after ordination AAA and Pius goes with them back to their country for their mass. First class treatment all the way....while OUR churches and schools need repair. Our people are homeless begging for money on the streets...yet you think you are doing God's work.....shame on you. AAA, David, Adrian you are self serving...

    3. It is a strange scene. First he steals these men from their countries and communities. Then after ordaining them he takes the back to flaunt what he stole. Why? Don't these countries from where these guys come need priests? Are we so hard up that we have to steal from other countries?

    4. May be they are trophy priests!!!!!!!

    5. Well we know Harold is. Apuron should be coached to not be so obvious.

    6. Anonymous October 21, 2014 at 9:14 PM brings up an interesting fact when they point out: "Don't forget after ordination AAA and Pius goes with them back to their country for their mass." True he has never done this for our local priests, except Fr Luis Camacho. Tony flew to Saipan to celebrate first mass there with him. Did he fly to the States after Fr Ken C was ordained to celebrate with his children there? NO. Did he fly to CA to celebrate with Fr Paul's relatives there? NO.
      I wonder if Tony will fly to Nigeria to celebrate with the newly ordained Fr Julius? Ebola may keep him from returning, so maybe this is one trip well worth the investment. Hmmmmm?

    7. "I do not want my bishops to be airport bishops. I want them close to their flock..."
      Pope Francis
      Tony - where is YOUR obedience?

    8. Dear Janet,
      unfortunately our Archbishop has demonstrated many times now, that the only obedience he has, is towards Kiko and his henchmen. He remains deaf to any other suggestion.
      It is clear for us to see that he has crossed over to the dark side.

  3. I get physically ill when I think of them gallivanting around the island in nice cars, jet setting around the world and eating at fine dining establishments all over with funds local parishioners thought were going to charities and essential operational costs. Everyone is hurting and cutting back and making do with what little one has EXCEPT THE NEOs PAID BY OUR CHURCH?? Sickening. Stop giving them money and please cut the head of this evil. Disgusting behavior by "HOLY" people???? Wow.

    1. Charity begins at home. Spend your money on your family. If you believe a certain priest can use some money give it to him personally.


    3. Think of the victims who suffered sexual abuse in Guam.

    4. Agree 5.55pm. Best to give money direct to the true priest sons of Guam and not to the Archdiocese.

    5. @9:48. We're not only thinking of them, we're finding them.

  4. Dear Tim and All Catholic Faithfuls,

    These comments are not surprising at all. To call the kettle black is so indicative of AAA's agenda and the use of the "crab mentality" where we all try to pull each other down especially when you are not in the "NeoCat in-group".

    No impartiality, no fair application of what should be applied to ALL members of the Arch Diocese of Agana, especially to your faithful and loyal Non-Neo Holy Order Presbyters.

    We have given signs (i.e. Annual Appeals shortfall due to actions from the 3 billy goats at the hill, our outright voicing of the favoritism that has been given to the NeoCats, etc.). Not sure how much louder they need us to be. The Pen via this blog has proven to be mightier than the sword being swung around (wildly, at that!) by the Chancery's "Mismanagement Team".

    We should be all on guard for the wolf in sheep's clothing. Instead of a Shepard, we have a Neo-Nut puppet who's strings are being pulled and stretches from Guam to New Jersey and back. That is a lot of airline mileage (and expense!) if you really look at it closely. Oh, I almost forgot, the smoke screens from the Chancery will blur your efforts to look at them under a magnifying glass. Bad enough I wear glasses!

    AAA, your intentions have already preceded your so called pastoral visits and we are WEARY of what motivates you to do this so actively and publicly via the UMATUNA and other media that you continue to pollute with your Neo propaganda. Especially now that you know there are just TOO MANY of the Catholic Faithfuls who are not happy with your top down, "I don't care because you can't touch me" mentality.

    Lets get real AAA because the Faithfuls are!...Your Team, you 3 bill goats at the Hill were the one's with the Kikobots and Kiko Masters who drew first blood (remember RAMBO?). We are ON GUARD!

  5. This is really upsetting! To think that we were funding these priests who are not serving our people, and my brother was left out in the cold. What prejudice! Why is it that our local priests are not supported? THIS IS OUR ISLAND and our people are crying out for equal treatment. It hurts that we have to feel this way, because it is not being a Christian. Everyday I pray for all, but it has to start from the top. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

    Do our local seminarians get treated the same? Why are they separated from the other seminarians that live in the YONA complex? Will there be separate funding for just our seminiarians? Do they also get to go on a trip after ordination? I know for a fact that my brother did not get that special treatment...Where is the equality and fairness of all this treatment? WAKE UP GUAM! IT is time to STEP UP and take charge of saving our church, our FAITH! That is what keeps me going....FAITH in Christ! Something good has to come from all this insanity!!!!!

  6. What a way to use money from Catholic Charaties. Tim anyway you can give readers an idea of total amounts given to these priests over the years from CC appeal. Imagine amount to Fr.louis is substantial. Also Fr. Wadeson being given our money to feed his life style. Disgusting Apuron !

    1. The RMS presbyters who were sent on a mission, because they belong to the Archdiocese of Hagatna will also be receiving monthly honorariums and stipends from the Annual Appeal? With so many RMS seminarians on board, we will slowly go broke!

      I really don't know what the Archbishop is thinking off? We can barely keep our regular parishes in tip top shape, let alone keep up with our parish bills! The only thing I hear is PRAISE for VOCATIONS! Yes, I am glad there is vocation, but too many is too much for us to handle. No wonder the AA Appeal is never enough. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

      I don't mind giving to the AA Appeal IF it was to be used for the LOCAL BOYS! I don't care if they are in the RMS or the regular seminary. I cannot afford to keep forking out! THE BUCK STOPS HERE with the RMS!

      I would rather now support the St. John Paul II Seminary and the Capuchin missions for the moment. As a matter of fact, I just picked up some envelops for donations at a church I attended this past Sunday. No, I am not a parishioner from this particular parish, but will drop when I do attend mass at this Church. I would support the churches with NonNeo Priests whom I believe are the ones in need of the help!

      Sorry, Msgr. James, but as much as we would love to support St. Anthony's collection we just can't do so. After the statement BB said about you being there and parishioners from Agana will follow, the collections will rise. We will support you by attending your masses.

      BB if $$$$$ collected at Sunday Masses is so important to you, then you need to go to more convivience to understand once again that money is evil! For me, your thinking is warped....WOW, MORE PARISHIONERS OR PEOPLE ATTENDING, MORE MONEY?

    2. Do not support the JP2 seminary. It is not a seminary. Apuron is laughing.

    3. JP2 may not be a "seminary" in the sense that these men need to take courses at RMS. I believe that they should be given their own set of courses that are different from those of the RMS. This is wishful thinking.

      If someone hollers and asks for help strictly for these men at JP2, then I cannot refuse. I have already donated. Apuron can laugh all he wants, I really don't give a flying f**k anymore. So long as my donation is strictly going to JP2 Apuron cant say or do a damm thing about it.
      what he thinks anymore.

    4. Not sure I get it. You admit that JP2 may not be a seminary (it isn't), but then you say you can't refuse giving money to it. Then what are you giving money to other than to Apuron's ploy? Demand that those who want to be priests be sent to the the real seminary for our region and dedicate money towards that. Apuron only understands money.

      And "so long as my donation is going to JP2 Apuron can't say a damn thing about it"??? What? Who do you think owns and controls every aspect of JP2? Your money has gone straight to Apuron.

    5. @6:45. Using the date of 1972 and the amount of $900 per month, Fr. Brouillard would have collected that amount now for 504 months. So that would be around half a million bucks. Pretty good gig for staying away...even though it looks like he continued his molesting ways in Minnesota.


    6. JP 2 is not a seminary of the Roman Catholic Church. Amounts to nothing more than a boarding house. Encourage students to contact cardinal tagle and begin to make arrangements for them to take classes in a suitable theological school in Manila where the credits will be counted later in a seminary. Minimal expense, and sure Guam Catholics would support. Although they not be formal seminarians in Manila, not important at this stage. Credits are important.

  7. Man is a common thief.

  8. Why do we support priests with our money who do not serve the community. priests who have abused paid by our Catholic Charaties Money. one of these priests had no relations with our island, yes was Incardinated in the early hours of the morning. Apuron has still to this day not explained why he Incardinated a problem to the archdiocese. knowingly!

  9. Tim, does the archdiocese have a mission statement for its Catholic Charities Appeal?
    I will no longer contribute as I mistakenly believed it was used for actual charities. The shenanigans of the arch have no bounds. My Sunday offerings will now go for the specific needs of my home parish. I want none of my money to support neos in any way!!!
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

    1. Just remember that Apuron takes money from parishes too. Last I heard he takes one Saturday/Sunday's collection every month from each parish. Work closely with your priest to ensure your money is used as intended for your home parish.

    2. Eileen, the only thing I'm aware of is what was published in the U Matuna: http://www.aganaarch.org/2014-archdiocesan-annual-appeal/

    3. Bottom line is we shouldn't be supporting RMS at all. They are equivalent to a Religious order, and should be supported by their lay community not the archdiocese of Agana. Let Dr. Eusebio and all those neo lawyers sell their homes and give it to the RMS instead of siphoning off money meant for real needs. Everyone needs to give in another way until this storm passes. Stop giving money, and start talking about it with everyone who will listen! When they see that the well has dried up, we'll see how long they stay.

    4. Eileen, well said. Best to buy a supermarket gift card and give to a priest to shop with.
      This method Apuron does not steal the money to pay sex abusers.

  10. Victim talking about abuse 1972 st. Joseph's Inarajan.

  11. So NEO drive in expensive cars, seen out often eating in Roys, free air travel from our people. Dysfunctional priests paid substantial amounts of money.

    At the same time the victims of clergy sexual abuse have suffered so much. Couple of these victims paid their own psychology bills when Apuron refused. Now we learn money was given to an abuser. please understand how this causes distress to the victims of sexual abuse.

  12. Tim, you are right.

    The JPII is not an "Official Seminary" no matter what takes place today. It does not have the backing of an accredited institution. It is only a ruse and is used to appease the crowd from a complete overrun of the Chancery.

    To bad, so sad. You are right, DO NOT GIVE YOUR MONEY TO JPII Seminary. It is a scam and an insult to our intelligence. Those that feel they may want to continue supporting this cause should ensure their money is spent on the items needed and then delivered to the JPII.

    DON:T GIVE MONEY TO THIS CAUSE DIRECTLY. It does go directly into AAA's pocket because he still feels he is one of the "untouchables" and he can do with the JPII funds as he wills it. Maybe not now, but I am sure he has plans to do so later once he starts to see a five or six figure number in their bank account. GET REAL AAA!...You are on top of the heap of garbage that needs to be taken out!

    Another smoke screen coming from the Chancery. Deep down, we all know it. I am sure you all do too. GET REAL AAA, Dr. Canon Law and Mr. Chancellor! Your darkness will be exposed because we all know that you can't hide from the truth. Light will always shed upon the darkness you all bring to this island.

  13. Where is Fr. Wadeson. Read again his vile words of praise for Apuron

    Apuron how much money are you paying him monthly?

  14. DianaOctober 22, 2014 at 4:03 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 8:38 pm,

    We assign them as a Parish priest, and you complain. We send them out on mission, and you still complain. Some of the RMS priests have been sent on missions, while some serve as parish priests here. Nevertheless, you will still complain that we do both.

    ASKED DIANA TO WHOM "we" refers she said WE refers to her And NCW...thought Archbishop assigns and sends...,Diana big oversized opinion of herself And NCW. It is also a Big Givaway as to who is in charge.

  15. Recap for those that still need it.
    Our Archbishop has abused his office for years.
    He mistreats our local priests and blackmail our Filipino priests, he diverts money to a Seminary that was created on Guam under false pretense. (that it was to prepare young men for the priesthood on Guam)
    He uses this seminary as a Trojan Horse to replace all local priests by RMS grads.
    He pays hush money to abuser known to him to buy their silence.
    He ruins the reputation of good people to advance his narrow agenda.
    He has swindled (and continues to do so) the good Catholics that want to help.
    He has joined a cult and "de facto" removed himself from the Catholic Church.
    By doing so he is aiding and abetting this cult's attempts at taking over the Holy Apostolic Church on Guam.
    In order to aid his sect, he lies, he denies, he covers up he uses funds intended for the good of the Church to purchase alliances, to fabricate new "missionaries" who are ill prepared and brainwashed for the most part.
    He acts as the henchman for the misdeeds of Kiko Arguello and his right arm in the USA Gennarini.
    Most of these issues are questions of morals and ethics, which he lacks cruelly, but some of these issues (the cover and/or participation in sexual abuse, and the misuse of funds) can become criminal if the people that have first hand knowledge come forward.
    ( I pray everyday that these brave souls muster the courage to do so)

    This is where our struggle leads us. When we first started fighting for the defense of a good man who had been wronged (Fr Paul) I did not expect to uncover the many misdeeds and horrors we did unearthed.
    The nauseating feeling and the disgust that some of us are experiencing daily in uncovering these is hard to bear.
    But we must fight on for the benefits of our children and our grand children, we must right that wrong, we must repulse this new wave of invaders threatening the culture and what is good on this island.
    If we fail to do so, the warnings that Pope St Felix III, that Tim posted so judiciously, would have been very prophetic indeed.

    1. Father Rocky
      Pope Francis: Turning churches into 'businesses' is a scandal
      By Elise Harris
      Vatican City, Nov 21, 2014 / 10:33 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis condemned
      priests and laity who turn their parishes into a “business” by charging for things such as baptisms, blessings and Mass intentions – calling it a scandal that's hard to forgive.

      “It is interesting: the people of God can forgive their priests, when they are weak; when they slip on a sin, the people know how to forgive them,” the Pope told mass attendees in the Vatican's Saint Martha guesthouse on Nov. 21.

      “But there are two things that the people of God cannot forgive: a priest attached to money and a priest who mistreats people. This they cannot forgive! It is scandalous…”

      The Pope centered his homily on the day’s Gospel from Luke in which Jesus turns over tables and drives out those who were selling things inside the temple, saying it is a sacred place meant for prayer and not for business.
      The above is only part of an article. Saipan

    2. Thank you. We have received notice of this article several times. While I support the pope's statement about clergy who mistreat people, I think he is either once again misquoted or simply falls short of what really needs to be said about "turning churches into businesses." I am quite sure that if, like the old days, if the people themselves were willing to prepare and clean the church, before and after the event, and if they are willing to do without air con, then the churches would be quite inexpensive to use. However, few people today are willing to do without air con and even fewer seem willing to clean the church and see to all the details before and after an event. There is often quite a mess left for the "cleaning lady".

  16. Yes Frenchie so true what you write 9.54pm. Been going on for years .

  17. Any news on the Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish visit by the Archbishop?

    1. From Agana Heights Parish tonight:
      A parishioner asked AAA why they closed the museum. His answer was: "Msgr James Benavente was the one that closed it."
      AAA continues to LIE. How can anyone have any respect for an archbishop who tells lie after lie after lie??? And thank you to all who expressed to AAA that you do not want our parish to change! NO NEO!!!

    2. Glad you Agana Heights parishioners confronted and stood up to the archbishop. You have done a great thing for your parish and the Catholic Church on Guam.

  18. Webster dictionary should put the face of AAA next to the word "Liar"
