Monday, November 24, 2014


John Toves

November 22
to lclaros
John C. Toves

November 21, 2014

Deacon Larry Claros
Sex Abuse Response Coordinator
Archdiocese of Agana, Guam


Dear Deacon Claros:

As the Sex Abuse Response Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Agana and an ordained member of the clergy, I am writing to you to report the sexual misconduct of one Father Anthony Sablan Apuron who is now the Archbishop of Agana. I hereby hold you responsible, on account of your office, to see to the investigation of my allegation as per every detail of the Archdiocese of Agana Policy on Sexual Misconduct as posted on the Archdiocesan website at, and I expect to be regularly updated as to the status of your investigation.

My account of then-Father Apuron’s sexual misconduct is as follows:

I know that my cousin and brother seminarian, XXXX XXXX, had been sexually molested by Father Anthony Apuron sometime in the period between 1980 and 1983.  We were both in the minor seminary at Tai, Guam.  I did see that FatherApuron would pick XXXX up from the seminary and then bring him back.  This happened with some regularity as I had noticed this practice enough for it to stay in my memory.

In 1983, we both went onto the major seminary, St. Joseph's, in Los Altos, California.  I had noticed that XXXX had begun distancing himself from me and most of the other seminarians from Guam.  The rector there at the time was Father Gerald Coleman who eventually also became the rector or St. Patrick's Seminary. 

I left the seminary in 1985, and it was sometime thereafter when XXXX had his breakdown and attempted suicide by cutting his wrists.  He was brought to Fr. Coleman.  XXXX informed Fr. Coleman that he had been numerously molested by the then rector of the cathedral, Fr. Apuron, who eventually became the archbishop. 

There were other seminarians who knew about this as well as a priest, the late Fr. Tony Perez. 

I know that another seminarian not at St. Joseph's, Jonathan Diaz, also got word of this.  I do not know how, but apparently, news spread down to the St John's Seminary in Camarillo. 

I did not reveal my knowledge to anyone as the information had already been circulating here and on the island.  I come forward now as I realized that no one else has and I believe the Archbishop must be held accountable for his actions.


John C. Toves

CC: Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ofm. Cap. DD.
CC: Archbishop Martin Krebs, Apostolic Delegate
CC: Marc Ouellet, P.S.S., Cardinal, Prefect for the Congregation of Bishops
CC: Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect for The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples 
CC: Guam Pacific Daily News


  1. Thank you John Toves. You laid out a trail of references which can not be ignored. Let us pray that the investigation is conducted immediately and a quick resolution to this very grave matter is made. And let us also pray for the victim whose cooperation is imperative.

  2. And yes. Archbishop needs to speak up and why one boy was not enough. He needs to answer the people and he must be redeemed. God wants his people healed, but let us all please wait. Trust God. Trust the Holy Spirit. He is afraid to tell the truth. Let us all hear the truth. And he will answer because God is demanding it, not me.

  3. Okay guys, Diana says that this is all about revenge and the allegations are simply not true, that is why no one has come forward!

    The big question now is, Will Deacon Claros begging an investigation or will he let it slide due to his loyalty to the Archbishop and a strong NCW believer?

    Deacon Steve, Deacon Claros needs your help!

    1. This Di's answer about Deacon Claros:

      Dear Anonymous at 1:02 pm,

      It would be a waste of time for Deacon Claros to begin an investigation. No victim came forward to make the accusation. John Toves is not the victim. And the only thing he saw was the Archbishop giving a ride to his relative. Giving a ride in a vehicle does not indicate sexual abuse.

      He claims that his relative told the rector in California that he was sexually abused by the Archbishop of Guam. If one is sexually abused by the rector on Guam, how is it that this relative is able to tell the rector in the California seminary? If I was sexually abused by a priest, I would not trust ANY priest and would be fearful of all priests. Furthermore, why was the relative showing signs of trauma in the California seminary and not here on Guam? There were more priests in California who were found to be sexual molesters than in Guam.

      So, why is the jungle already condemning the Archbishop when they do not even know the truth?

    2. Thank you Princess DI, you lovely young lady, not a priest and walking foe eight years, for your waste of time reply. According to you claims, you were not even born yet.

  4. The formal complaint so far only involves John Toves submitting a sex abuse allegation complaint on behalf of his cousin, the alleged victim, accusing Archbishop Aputon of sexually molesting him between 1980 and 1983. If this complaint is going to be properly investigated, it will be necessary for the victim to be identified and a report made to civil authorities, i.e,, the Guam Police. It will further be necessary for the victim to be interviewed so that the details of the alleged sexual abuse can be obtained and used in making a decision against Apuron. Short of this, this complaint will go nowhere and Deacon Claros can do nothing. If the victim does come forward and agrees to file a formal complaint and be interviewed, then Apuron needs to temporarily step down as Archbishop and Chief Administrator of the Archdioesce of Agana and allow the investigative process to go forward. It will probably be necessary for the Nuncio or some appropriate official from Rome to intervened and temporarily appoint an acting Chief Administrator for the Archdioesce.

    1. The archdiocese's sex abuse policy makes the archbishop the center of justice. However, he is the one who stands accused. Thus the policy is of no use. Justice and neutrality demand that Deacon Claros refer the matter to the Nuncio. The Nuncio has only to ask the Archbishop if the accusation is true or not. And the Archbishop has only to tell the truth. Barring a victim coming forward, this would be the end of it. Will Deacon Claros refer the matter to the Nuncio is the question.

      Meanwhile, on the legal front. The crime, if there was one, has exceeded the statute of limitations, so there is no going to the civil authorities. The bill introduced by Senator Cruz and signed into law which lifted the statute of limitations on sex abuse crimes only lifted the statute of limitations for two years. The window closed in 2013.

      It is in the best interest of the victim, if there is one...or if there are more than one, for him/her/them to give an account of the alleged molestation to the Nuncio and also copy the Roman congregations listed under the Contact Nuncio tab. Rome would take it from there.

      We cannot be sure that Rome will act, but the alleged victims will have done what they could and will have protected their privacy. This is important. In crimes of sex abuse (as we have seen with rape), the victim is most often too ashamed or personally wounded to come forward about it. So just to say that "no victim has come forward" and dismiss it all on that count is a gross lack of understanding of the type of crime this is.

      We spend great amounts of time, money, and energy trying to create a safe environment for rape victims to feel safe enough to talk. We don't just sit back and say "well there is no victim." We do our best to find them and create that supportive environment. However, it seems that because we are talking about the Archbishop here, everyone is suddenly forgetting all of this and running for cover. Go ahead.

  5. As always Diana ( the Lil lady with big hands) fails to see the issues.....but you know the saying: "nobody is more blind that those who refuse to see".
    The lack of moral fiber of the neoconservative no longer needs to be demonstrated.
    Yet, they insist on bringing more water to the mill....
    So here we go again ( very big sigh!!)
    By sheltering Wadeson before throwing him under the bus, by knowingly protecting abusers like Anthony and Pius to advance their narrow agenda; the NCW and their leaders are causing a great sin against the victims and their families, and giving fodder to the anti catholic movement. People like John Toves are shining a liberating light on these evil deeds.
    It is that simple. The truth shall free us.
    The light scares the demons
