Saturday, January 24, 2015


Apuron sneaks out the back door
in order to avoid Catholics praying
the rosary in the front. 
Dear Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai,

It appears your trip here to promote reconciliation has been to no effect. As expected Archbishop Apuron is continuing his campaign to publicly trash a priest-son, Msgr. James Benavente. As expected, Archbishop Apuron, has compiled a new list of trash against Msgr. James and is circulating it amongst his neo-friends. 

Dear Archbishop Savio, what sort of a bishop is Apuron? 

What sort of a father prefers to publicly trash a son? Regardless of the charges, and they are all the same charges that have already been publicly discredited, just with new numbers, why isn't Archbishop Apuron dealing with his issues with Msgr. James in private? 

Why is Archbishop Apuron bent on scandalizing, discrediting, and publicly trashing a priest-son? Does he not know that this not only hurts Msgr. James but the WHOLE CHURCH? What father publicly humiliates his son...and with glee? 

But here's the kicker, Archbishop Savio. Whatever mishandling of monies Msgr. James may or may not be responsible for, NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING  compares with Archbishop Apuron's mega-million dollar property scam and the even bigger scam of its cover up and his spitting upon the former president of the AFC.

In fact, Archbishop Apuron knows this. He knows he is guilty. He knows he deceived the people of the Archdiocese of Agana. He knows he lied to us. He knows he stole from us. And small mind that he has, he thinks he can somehow exonerate himself or even hide his crimes by finding a few mishandled dollars (relatively speaking) in Msgr. James' accounts. 

Archbishop Savio, I am sure that in your visit here, you saw for yourself the arrogance, the narcissism, and the vindictiveness of the man who sadly holds the title of archbishop in this poor diocese. People have been willing to overlook these things for years. But now that he attacks his priests publicly, no matter what the cause, be on notice Archbishop Savio- and let Rome know too, - that the people of Guam are ready to rise up publicly against a man so obviously possessed by evil. 

We know that you and Rome prefer to handle this quietly, to somehow keep Apuron under control for the next few years until he is mandated to resign at 75. Therefore it is important for you to know that Archbishop Apuron has no intention of allowing you to do this as evidenced by this most recent public attack on Msgr. James. 

What a hateful, spiteful, ugly man this archbishop is. So now I will call for public action. I will call on every member of this archdiocese who cares in the least about the Catholic faith to NOT GIVE A PENNY to the upcoming Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. NOT A PENNY. Not a penny until Archbishop Apuron permits an equivalent investigation and the publication of a report on his own finances. Here are just a few of the items we want to know about?
  • Where does he get the money for his many travels?
  • What are the costs of his travels?
  • Where does he stay?
  • How much does he spend on meals?
  • Where does he eat?
  • What is the amount of his salary that we are paying him?
  • What are the costs of his many benefits?
  • How much does he collect for fiestas, Mass stipends, and other "favors"?
  • How much cash has he received from the Korean lady and does he report it?
  • How much of our regular Sunday collection is routed through the chancery and to RMS?
  • Who selects these men to come to Guam for RMS?
  • How are they selected?
  • Are they psychologically and academically screened?
  • By who?
  • Where is the certificate of the Blessed Diego Institute's affiliation with the Lateran?
  • Where is the academic handbook for Blessed Diego?
  • Where is the list of the current faculty?
  • What are the exact number of credit hours required for graduation from the institute?
  • Where is the record of these credit hours from each supposed graduate?
  • Who selects these men for ordination and what is the criteria?
  • Why is Archbishop Apuron's personal name listed on the Board of Guarantors for RMS instead of Archbishop of Agana so that the position will automatically be inherited by his successor?
  • Why is Archbishop Apuron's personal name on so many properties that supposedly belong to the Archdiocese of Agana?
  • What is the relationship between Archbishop Apuron and Sang Feng Construction?
In addition to these questions, we also hereby demand that Archbishop Apuron sign an affidavit stating that he NEVER improperly touched or solicited any sort of sexual interaction with another person either as a priest or a bishop. 

Archbishop Savio, since Archbishop Apuron has made it clear that he intends to continue his public war against the majority of the people in this archdiocese who do not like to see their priests publicly trashed, least of all by their bishop, and regardless of the charges, it is now necessary that Rome act IMMEDIATELY, lest the cesspool that Archbishop Apuron has made of the Archdiocese of Agana become the diseased laughingstock of the Catholic world.

We are so tired of the filth that pours forth from this man's mind.

Archbishop Savio, this latest attack should prove once and for all that Archbishop Apuron is no longer fit to serve. His mind and heart are diseased beyond repair, and for the sake of his soul, what's left of it, please advise your superiors that he must be removed. 


  1. You wanted transparency, right? Well, there's your transparency.

    1. Right, Adrian. Can't wait to see the report on Apuron. Or does transparency only apply to your enemies. Maybe I'll let John post those pictures.

    2. I posted this in Diana cause she is saying that Hon put everyone in their place.

      -I guarantee that the quiet nature of everyone (CCOG, clergy, and the rest of the laity) isn't because of what was said to us. It was asked of us to gather evidence, papers, make copies of the NCW blog, make recordings, etc. and to lay low. It is easier to make the cases if isn't played out in the public arena. We are obeying ROME and the letters and information THEY gave us. We have been in constant communication since and have full faith and confidence in their abilities and findings. In their words the more light they shine on themselves(NCW), the larger the shadow they will cast. This visit was investigative in all aspects. It was comfortng to hear time and time again that the problems caused by the NCW are not unique to Guam and that it is something ROME has been working on and having to deal with around the world! That is why the NCW members were short changed and time slots shortened cause they didn't care to hear it. You will see! Ciao! BTW- they left the chocolates in their rooms. They laughed at the gestures of the NCW and kindly offered it to the neighbors.

    3. AnonymousJanuary 24, 2015 at 8:25 AM you think, little that you know. I would not pick up my skirt yet and start square dancing.

    4. Hey Pius, AAA, David and Adrian.....everyone is talking about how vindictive you guys are....this attempt was another FAILURE...we are standing by for your replacement.....

  2. Was this in the news? So, who brought this news to the media first?

    1. Is that you, Sr. Marian? Apuron's letter head is on this but we know who is really behind it. Your garbage was circulated to the neo-priests. It didn't come from me. The "media" called me this morning and asked if I was aware of it. Thanks for showing us the scum you are dedicated to lowering yourself to.

    2. Still supporting Monsignor JamesJanuary 24, 2015 at 7:56 AM

      Sister Marian Arroyo! I'd heard she was going to go and trash Msgr. James -- she's had a bee under her bonnet for him since the Apostolic Delegation was here. Well good. I'm glad this is all public because now we can see just how vindictive and brave they are now that the delegation is gone. AAA, Adrian "It's Just A Matter of Time Before I Lose My Title as Chancellor" Cristobal, David the Sickly, and Sister Marian will have to live with their consciences forever. Their roles in all this will be a torment, and they'll likely be begging for forgiveness when they awaken from their nightmares in the dead of the night. But you know what? The hardest person to seek forgiveness from is yourself... and I pray that you're aware of the damage you're doing to your souls. Sa' ti mamaigu si Yu'os. May God have mercy on you all.

    3. Sr. Marian SCUM...always will be scum!. Patti pls. take your aunt and ship her back to NC!...

    4. What an embarrassment to her parents and her family?

    5. So I just learned that the smear on Msgr. James is in the Umatuna. That means that it was the Archbishop who went to the media, doesn't it? Or rather, Sr. Marian. She leads him around like a puppy.

    6. I will not pick up a copy of the Umatuna knowing that their latest smear against Monsignor James is in it. I won't give them the satsfaction.

    7. Sister Marian RSM. When all this is over and you leave office you will return to the convent. At this time you will see how you failed as a religious woman. Guam will never forgive you for the evil you have done, the shame on the family, shame on the religious sisters of mercy, shame on yourself. What a shameful woman you are!

    8. I thought Sr. Marian returned to Guam years ago to help take care of her aging parents. Well, both of them have now gone to their heavenly reward. So why hasn't she returned to her convent in the states?

    9. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJanuary 25, 2015 at 3:12 PM

      Anonymous (January 24, 2015 at 11:20 AM), the smear against Msgr. James is not printed in the U Matuna Si Yu'os itself. Instead, it is an insert. That way it cannot be considered to be an item in the "official edition" of the U Matuna. So feel free to pick up your copy of what has become AAA's personal tabloid.

  3. Ha ha ha! I was LMAO upon waking up and reading the "internal review" castigating the administrative fiscal management of Msgr. Benavente. It seems to me and to everyone else that the words "Archduocese of Agana" and "commitment to transparency" are an oxymoron when used together in the same sentence. OMG, when does this evil and malicious intent ever end? Such an abuse of an Archbishop's power indeed! The longer this situation festers, the more grave the complicit cooperation of his higher ups. Wow, only in a monolithic Roman Catholic Church does this occur in the modern world. The outrage of its constituents is not enough? Come on, diplomatic state of the Vatican, no one is indispensable and yet you allow scum like this to drag you down? No wonder you Catholics don't get much respect when it comes to administrative action. Mercy and compassion are not excuses to perpetrate injustices! They are mutually exclusive categories!

  4. How many of these loans did AAA sign off on???

  5. PS. The use of "Archduocese of Agana" is deliberate. It seems that on this island there is dual or two-pronged constituents wherein an archbishop is straddling in an attempt to make an external show, albeit hypocritical, attempt to defraud the legitimate paying patrons in order to accomodate a bloodsucking schismatic community. Pathetic leader of a legitimate Catholic Church, and gullible (and emasculated) follower of a cult.

    1. Right, so this is his idea of following the mandate to reconcile and foster unity? And how long is it going to take before we see some diversity among the leadership of this archdiocese? Archbishop Savio, what Rome needs to understand is that we the non-neo have been trying for years to foster unity, to no avail. The current course of action taken by Tim and others is because there is much abuse and discord in this archdiocese and current leadership is unwilling to acknowledge that there is a problem. This current round of "pastoral visits" is a joke. How can you accomplish a pastoral visit in 8-10 hours? Especially considering the fact that the parishes of this Diocese have not had a pastoral visit in over ten years? So they heard you were coming, and decided that they had to make it look like they were doing their job. Not

    2. Pastoral visit? Hahaha.... Anthony doesn't even meet with the flock - just the selected members of councils and ministries. He visits the sick who may not even know what's going on in our church. And he always has to have a bodyguard. These visits, which have not happened in a couple of decades, are a total waste of everyone's time.

  6. It is now over 6 months and you think anyone believes you liars. The information is not reliable. I thought AAA, Adrian, David already had information that is why Monsignor James needed to be removed. All this tells me is that it took 6 months for them to come up with this crap...Why don't we talk about the lady who gets paid from Cathedral to clean the church and then runs down to work on funerals at the cemetery all on the same day sounds like comingling to me .it happens happened during All Souls day,,,,,sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

    This is not transparency...This is a witch hut.....Once again, all this shows is how Pius, AAA, David, Adrian and Marian are running scared... please run away...

  7. Enough suspense already! Tim, please allow John to post those certain "pictures" of Adrian No-Balls for the whole world to see.


    1. I believe John typhoon Toves will make a statement soon.

  8. "Why is Archbishop Apuron bent on scandalizing, discrediting, and publicly trashing a priest-son? Does he not know that this not only hurts Msgr. James but the WHOLE CHURCH? What father publicly humiliates his son...and with glee?"

    LMAO!! We're all asking you the same questions Tim. Why are you "... bent on scandalizing, discrediting, and publicly trashing..." an archbishop? Don't you know that it not only hurts the archbishop but the "WHOLE CHURCH"?

    1. LMAO!! Other than post what he does and says, I haven't had to do a thing. The archbishop has done very well all by himself, hasn't he.

    2. It's called speaking truth to power. These kind of illogical comparisons, like "HearMe's" comment, causes me to pity the neo rather than be indignant when they cry "persecution" as usually its self inflicted.

  9. AAA: Matthew 7:5
    5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

  10. The leadership of this Archdiocese is EVIL! What's worse is every person who picks up an Umaruna will be exposed to this evil, as this garbage has been placed as an insert in this joke of a Catholic publication. Shame on you Sister Marian for allowing this trash! Shame on you Tony Diaz! As editor, you should have the courage to do the right thing! If you have no say as an editor, then holy smokes, stop being the editor! And most of all, shame on you Anthony! You are so twisted that you will spin anything to try and gain favor! But you will not succeed! Shame on you Adrian Cristobal! You lie so much you believe your own filthy garbage pouring out endlessly from your sewage mouth! Shame on you David! You will stop at nothing for power and prestige!
    This leadership makes me sick! You tell me Anthony, whose credit card do you use to entertain your NEO leaders? Whose money do you use to support all those fake seminarians?
    Yigo will be passing their baskets around more than once for that annual appeal, and I hear that Dededo and other parishes are being encouraged to do the same thing. That is what is called Desperation! And it is deceitful! DO YOU GET IT. WE DON'T WANT TO SUPPORT YOU AND THE FAKE SEMINARIES AND YOUR NEO POCKETS,
    Rome, hear the cries of the Catholic faithful on Guam and do something about the evil that has infiltrated and taken over our local Church! Otherwise, more souls will be lost and then YOU will be accountable!
    Monsignor James, we that know you continue to support you. These lies from the devil will not sway us to turn against you. We continue to pray for you and hope that Rome will do the right thing!

  11. Okay, everyone. Let's think here and let cooler heads prevail. What's going on, really? We all know that when the NCW pulls these types of rabbits out of their hats, there's something else that they're hiding. This is just a distraction -- so let's think: what could they be hiding? Did Tim hit the nail too close to the head naming "Sue?" Were they surprised by how eerily accurate the "Agents" story was? Is AAA indeed getting ready to release Father Adrian from his post and replace him with his newest Boboy? Was Monsignor David spooked that this website keeps calling him out on what a sham of a Canonical Lawyer he is? Is Sister Marian wagging her pompous finger for being discovered as being a two-faced opportunist? Are they all realizing just how weak they are without the majority and therefore trying to trash Monsignor James’ name even further? Hmmmmmm…


    1. Cristobal and Monsignor David by trashing Monsignor James belief they will both be made bishops this year. According to insiders this is highly unlikely now.

    2. @Anon: Jan 24-2:06p.m.

      LMFAO!!! Cristobal and Monsignor David bishops?...LMFAO! THANKS for the can hardly walk and the other?...OMG ALWAYS sick!...LMFAO! this made me laugh hard....LMFAO! too much already!...BE GONE NEO-NAZI's!...LMFAO

  12. BWAHAHAHA be like you want transparency, there you have it. Tim do you have a free plot also????? I won't be surprise.


    1. So here's the coward, Gino, poking his head up above the scum. LOL. Like anything in that pathetic letter is new. All rehash from last July. We are waiting for Apuron's report, the RMS report, the NCW trash bag report, etc. etc. etc.

    2. And I'm waiting for the Benavente family to publicly come out and sue the Archdiocese for defamation. Then the next time you post on here Gino C., we'll just have a string of comments dedicated to laughing at you and the rest of the dumb blonde society.

  13. Although do not know enough to the judge document in its entirety, three quick points:
    - If $326,913.61 is Msgr. Benavente’s salary, that would amount to $59,438 per year. Not out of line for a monsignor in the USA. Average USA. salary for all priests was 48 thousand a few year ago.
    - The 27 thousand for the Knights. Isn’t the Archbishop a member also? If he is I would imagine he signed off on this expense. (As Archbishop he probably signed off on other expenses also.)
    - It would be in the Vatican’s best interest to quickly come to some resolution to all these matters in Guam. The longer it goes on, the more media exposure, and the more unaware Catholics of the new movements in the Church become aware of the problems with these new movements , especially NCW, and not just their fruits. I know my eyes have been opened the last 6 months.

    1. I was thinking along these same lines -- the numbers are an aggregate of five years, but if they were to break it down by year, it wouldnt look so damning and therefore not work in the Chancery's favor.

      Nice try, author. Fuzzy math skills are sooooo Y2K

    2. Also, the credit card numbers are meaningless without details. I own a small business and can easily but over 100,000 a month one credit card. I get 2% back on all expenses so everything possible from utilities etc gets put on it. The master account might be in my name but currently have five employees on it also for their use to pay business expenses. Often one manager pays another's bills. All can be properly allocated in book-keeping. The Monsignor could have been easily paying bills for the Archbishop per the AAA's request. Nothing unusual. At least they are not out right stating the Monsignor spent the money for himself, they are just implying it.

  14. Once again, AAA, David, Adrian, Jackie, Coreen...don't know what they are doing....interprets the numbers but really don't understand what they mean...that is what happens when you are not seeking to understand but to be lets look at the bills of the archdiocese for all the 5 star hotels for AAA, Harold, Pius.. what about the "entertainment" for Neo families, dinners at Manhattan Steakhouse- the most expensive restaurant on Guam. Lets talk about transparency.....finances of RMS ....Barrigada, Santa Rita, Tamuning, etc parish.

    Enough already.....I thought AAA was instructed to make amends with his priest, AAA, Pius...obey....Archbishop Fon...AAA doesn't want to obey you....

  15. Interesting . . . internal audit. And that's credible because? How about an audit of Kamilen Karidat? All those previous donations AAA received from the Deacon would be revealing.

  16. I don't care how my contributions are allocated as long as they are spent for the benefit of the Catholic church. That specifically EXCLUDES any neo carp. In my opinion every dollar that went into Msgr. James is a dollar that the neo didn't get their grubby hands on. In fact, he should have drawn more stipends. At least we know Msgr. James isn't using the funds to live a life of lavish luxury like Apuron and company. Bring it! Wait until we see how much Apuron has appropriated for would put the governor's new salary to shame! I wouldn't be surprised if Apuron was the highest paid person on Guam.

  17. This whole situation is a quagmire. No matter how the Chancery puts a spin, the moral will and respectability of the Catholic Church has gone to the dogs. The outrage of the Faithful has nullified any chance of moving on while apuron sits on his throne. Why can't he simply let go of his pride, apologize, and provide the documents that will clear up his name? Or why can he not let go of his position because he has become a joke, an irritating parrot? His ridiculous silence presumes guilt. People are not as dumb as he thinks they are.

    1. AAA's got too much pride, too much invested in his account, too much to lose, too hungry for power, too deep in crap, burnt the bridges behind him, severed all ties with local priests, pissed off too many people and relies entirely on Kiko and NCW followers. For Archie its too late for him to be honest..


  18. The proper way is to be Just. To render to both nature and to ourselves only the good, the true, and the beautiful. Outside of these there can be no justice. There can be no life.
    AAA, Marian, Adrian, Pius, David, became ungrounded in life , unhinged, lost sense of reality, truth, justice.
    Mr. Rohr, AAA and his group, have damaged the life system of Agana Guam so severely, that it might be too late now to look for where the seeds could grow on soil that is not poisoned by Apuron's chemicals and breath the air that is not polluted by his toxic fumes.

    1. All Tim Rohr did was to inform us about what AAA is doing to our church...he has no control of the how can he destroy it, only AAA should get credit for what is happening here on Guam,


    2. 3.59pm. Sorry it is a fault of English . The writer of 1.46pm was just contacted concerning the comment. We who know him, and Mr. Rohr would be aware, English is sometimes not clear. It is and English error and no way implies Mr. Rohr caused damage. He does not. Author tends to write as speaks, the commer after Mr.Rohr, is a pause, addressing Mr. Rohr, followed by AAA and his group...

    3. I believe 1:46 had a very clear comment and writes very well too. No worries. The other person just misread.


    4. I believe 1.46 is communicating a much deeper message

  19. Right or wrong, Monsignor James does not deserve his name to be trashed by Apuron all over the Internet. if Apuron published this document on diocesan web page Apuron trashes the good name of a priest. This is violation of church law. Clearly shows utter disgust for the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Guam USA .

    1. Tim, let us know if Msgr. Benavente needs donations to pay for a lawyer.

  20. I wonder how the evil affects those who assist Attorney Terlaje. How does it make her feel as a lady, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin and most especially a mother? How does it make her feel to outright put a hand in all this to destroy another and their family?

    Again, why doesn't the Chancery pull Monsignor James in for questioning? What kind of a leader are you? Maybe the question should be, what kind of leaders do we have in the Vatican that allow this to continue?

  21. Tim Rohr- you are a bully of the worst kind!!

    1. Seriously? Apuron acts like the head of a terrorist cell, .using his brainwashed minions to do his dirty work. That's not THE worst?

      Tim, it's not bullying to call a spade a spade -- or a liar a liar. If you won't, we'll do it for you. Apuron's a liar. And from all that has transpired, very ill-equipped to play this game.

    2. The worst bully is one who is supposed to be a servant of God, leader and shepherd of the flock and abuses his authority over those that he is charged to lead.

    3. You and the Neocataumenal Way (or better yet the Dumb Blondes of Catholicism movement) are the worst kind of bullies.

      You trash the reputation of good priests, defend a priest who's on the run for allegedly abusing kids (ahem, Where in the World is pedo-Wadeson), kick us out of our chapels for your kumbaya-fest, use our money during your Annual Appeal when it probably ISN'T going to any charity other than to support a group that discourages families to work on Fridays and belittles families that do to make ends meet, and you call Tim Rohr a bully?

      Pot calling the kettle black.


    4. Yes, don't forget Wadeson. Apuron don't forget hid Wadeson in our community.

      The one who now violates Monsignor James & Fr. Paul is the same one who hid Wadeson in our community.

      Facts alone convey truth.

  22. The neo attack ad on Monsignor is disgusting. It is a desperate act by a despot clinging to the deluded belief that he still has the moral authority to head our one apostolic Church. Such desperation is sad and pathetic.

    1. 8.17pm. Unfortunately what we now see is a despot dictator ranting to make one last attempt in the hope of convincing the roman pontiff of his persecution. Last November the dictator informed the roman pontiff of his persecution by Junglewatch. The pontiff found it very unusual for a bishop to go to him complaining about persecution.
      The dictator left many in rome with a rather uncomfortable feeling.

  23. I really don't see the logic in that statement that Tim is a bully. On the contrary, it is Archbishop Apuron that is being the bully and if you can't see what is as plain as the nose on your face, then go back and read what happened to Fr Paul in July 2013 and Mgsr Benavente in July 2014. Read about what Mr. Lastimoza and Aaron Quiugua had to endure. Afterwards, tell me who the real bully is.

  24. The only bully here is tony.
    And sister Marian should have a post just for herself since every third commenter seems to know her and those who know her see right through her. Let's give her one place to look for all the love. Her family is so embarrassed. They love the people she bullies especially Msgr James. She too shod step down. Her parents are probably turning in their graves rest their souls.

    1. Anon 10:39PM how dare you for speaking ill about her parents! Go to hell!

    2. Maybe my English is failing me, but I don't see how saying "Her parents are probably turning in their graves rest their souls." equates to speaking ill of her parents. She is not damming their souls to hell. Now granted, Anon 10:39 may not care for Sister Marian, but the post did not look upon unfavorably her family or deceased parents.

    3. Anon 6:06 AM, the Anonymous person of 10:39 was not speaking ill about her (Sr Marian's) parents. What he's saying is that her parents would not agree with her actions, even in their graves. That is in no way speaking ill of her parents.

    4. 10:39....agree with all..,but better no mention of parents.

    5. Anon 6:06 AM How dare you condemn someone to hell! Go to . . . confession.

  25. Can't wait to not donate.

  26. The insert in the Umatuna regarding Monsignor James is a waste of time and money.
    "The current financial conditions of the Cathedral is in the red" and we have money to waste on the printing of this insert. Such a shame! SOUNDS LIKE FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT TO ME. HOW WILL THE DIOCESE BOOK THIS EXPENSE?

    1. I am a parishioner from the Cathedral. They don't have money to print enough of the weekly bulletins but wasted all this money on this ridiculousness....This is an effort to discredit not just monsignor but all the members of the previous parish councils and the CB staff.... To Monsignor David and the new parish financial council ..if this is an effort to be transparent no one believes you. This is an effort to discredit Monsignor James...If you want to explain the situation to the people...why not do it from the those neo testimonies last week- we see through all of this. You get no support from me. You want much do the neo communities collect every week? Why doesn't that money go to the parish? They have been using the cathedral for so many years without supporting the parish. When you release those numbers, maybe Tim, Maria, Jonathan and Marion will have some credibility.....until then no one believes anything you do.

    2. Maybe they used one of those credit cards to pay for the printing. Or, maybe now the Chancery had to step up to the plate and actually pay for an expense they created (as unnecessary as it was).

  27. My husband was reading through all this, and noted that the one thing that he really loved when he lived on Guam was how friendly people were. He says this movement has turned people against each other, and that's not what he remembers about the island. This type of in-fighting is something that he'd expect out here.

    And rooted in the Church, no less.

    1. It may appear as in fighting to those who do not understand the theology of Kiko Arguello. Once it is understood, it is no longer "in-fighting", and you will see that we are "out-fighting", that is, out fighting against a usurper and an infiltrator of the Catholic faith. It has happened throughout the history of the church: people and groups who ape the true faith and eventually break off into their own.

    2. We are very friendly people. But we can't say the same for our fellow islanders who are in the NCW.

  28. As I have said before, the document produced by the Archdiocese is incriminating and meant to smear Msgr. James, but really means nothing. Although the smear campaign is working in that other blog, Msgr. James could very well be able to justify everything they consider to be a financial irregularity.

    Many expenses could be related to AAA. If "the current financial conditions of the Cathedral is in the red”, that would explain the balance on the credit cards unpaid, etc. I know little about the finances of the Cathedral or Msgr. James, but do remember a post of a letter to AAA from Joseph Rivera. In it he states two donors gave 1 million each toward the Cathedral. For all we know, they could have been given cemetery family crypts in thanks for the generous donation. The donors could have Msgr. James’s family and friend or his family and friend could have made large donations to the Archdiocese. We just don’t know.

    For those who want to convict the Monsignor, may I suggest waiting until all the evidence is presented.

  29. The bully of the worst kind is also a coward of the worst kind. He instructs his minions to do what he himself is afraid to do, and uses their position to his own ends. Take down your veneer, brother tony, you like to smell like a rose but clearly its sewer water you are spraying on.

  30. At the Cathedral, in addition to the letter posted above there was an additional 2 sided letter addressed to the parishioners signed by Msgr David and the new finance council namely:

    Tim Perez
    Mari-Flor Herrero
    Jonathan Bordallo
    Sr. Marian Arroyo

    I didn't bother to read all the BS, but I did collect all the Umatunas and trow them in the trash!!!

    Even if all these allegations were true, this is so un-Christian of them handle this out in the piblic and after half the allegations have been refuted.

    Shame on the finance council, and shame on AAA and his minions at the Chancery. This is not our custom here in Guam!!!

    1. Ooooo. Strong signature, there Sr. Marian!! You may regret this. So sorry.

    2. AAA and David and Vice Rector Coreen can't trust the Cathedral's Alter servers to put out the Umatuna without taking the letters out that a seminarian was dropped before mass to ensure that the letters would not be taken out of the Umatuna. I thought the seminiarian was there to serve mass but he wasnot. He was there to put the Umatuna out before mass ended. The Umatuna is normally in the sacristy and the alter servers put them out before each mass ends....but today my son told me the Umatuna was not there. Before mass ended, the seminarian came out to distribute the Umatuna at each of the doors. He was not there to serve God.

      David why would anyone trust can't even trust your own alter servers....

  31. New finance council members again? What happened to Mariles Benavente?

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJanuary 25, 2015 at 3:20 PM

      Anonymous (January 25, 2015 at 10:22 AM), Mariles Benavente is a member of the Sexual Abuse Response Board. I don't recall her name being on the Finance Council.

    2. Tim Perez - NEO Agana community
      Mariflor Herrero - NEO Agana community together with Apuron

      Don't you have to be a parishioner to be on the council?These two individuals are not parishioners of the Cathedral but yet Apuron and Quitugua put them on the council.

  32. Oh Mann! Which trash can...I want one! Lol!!!

  33. Jonathan Bordallo, wake up and see what ill winds they have you acting as a participant. Many believe you to be more intelligent than to let them pull the wool over your eyes. Analyze what is being said and what is being done with your name as a willing participant.
