Note: In the spirit of the recent Apostolic Visit and the pursuit of "reconciliation" I am not going to use the words lie or liar. I will simply present the facts.
In today's U Matuna, with the Apostolic Visit hardly over, the chancery has set forth a front page article entitled "Setting the record straight: Redemptoris Mater Seminary." The article reprints the chancery's responses to questions posed by KUAM news. The questions were initiated over the recent discovery of a Deed Restriction and a DECREE OF DESIGNATION, restricting the the use of the former Accion Hotel property solely for the "perpetual use" by RMS.
Let us review each question and answer in detail:
In today's U Matuna, with the Apostolic Visit hardly over, the chancery has set forth a front page article entitled "Setting the record straight: Redemptoris Mater Seminary." The article reprints the chancery's responses to questions posed by KUAM news. The questions were initiated over the recent discovery of a Deed Restriction and a DECREE OF DESIGNATION, restricting the the use of the former Accion Hotel property solely for the "perpetual use" by RMS.
Let us review each question and answer in detail:
1. Is it true the Archbishop Apuron made a declaration of deed for the Redemptoris Mater Seminary against the advice of the Finance Council in 2011?
ANSWER. No, things are the other way around. The previous Archdiocesan Finance Council wanted to alienate the property where the Seminary and the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Catholic Theological Institute are hosted. The Finance Council at that time in fact had the intention to sell the property to cover the debt incurred by the Cathedral and the Catholic Cemeteries.
The chancery does not answer the question. They start off by saying "No", and they should have continued: "No, he did not." Instead, the chancery accuses the AFC of wanting to alienate the property.
Even if this were true it would not have mattered. The AFC has no signature authority to alienate archdiocesan property. Only Archbishop Apuron can do that.
The AFC is an advisory body and if they did recommend the sale of the property then they were doing exactly what the were canonically constituted to do: advise the bishop of the highest and best use of an asset.
The archdiocese may have gotten a two million dollar donation to pay off the original loan from the Bank of Guam to purchase the property, but many hundreds of thousands of dollars over several years have been required from Guam Catholics to turn the former hotel into a seminary.
If the AFC did advise the archbishop to sell the property, valued at $75 million dollars by the archbishop's legal counsel, then that would have been a very smart advice.
Here's why:
Here's why:
$75 million dollars, or even half that, could have wiped out the entire debt of the archdiocese, which is estimated to be nearly $20 million *, with plenty of money left over not only to build a brand new seminary, but create an endowment that could have paid for the education of seminarians for years to come, eliminating the need for the annual archdiocesan appeal.
* $20 million is the figure estimated by the former AFC. Note that the remainder of the debt incurred by the renovation of the Cathedral and the Cemeteries, a project overseen by Msgr. James, is only 1.7 million. That means the archbishop himself owes another 18 million. Yet we only hear about the debt supposedly incurred by Msgr. James - which as we have already explained, is another debt which Archbishop Apuron himself incurred, not Msgr. James.
But let's take the chancery at its word and suppose that the AFC wanted to sell the property to "cover the debt incurred by the Cathedral and the Catholic Cemeteries."
First, neither the Cathedral nor the Catholic Cemeteries can incur debt. Archbishop Apuron, as a corporation sole, is the only person who can authorize a loan to the archdiocese. It was Archbishop Apuron who incurred the debt. Thanks to Msgr. James, the original figure of 6.8 million to renovate the Cathedral and the Cemeteries had by June 2014 already reduced the archbishop's debt to 1.7 million and all the debt was being serviced without any help from the archbishop.
Now let's go back to the original question which unfortunately is not worded well. That's no slight to KUAM. It has been extremely difficult to find out anything about this issue and KUAM can be forgiven for not really knowing what questions to ask. But here is the real question:
Did Archbishop Apuron assign the former Accion Hotel property to RMS against the advice of the Finance Council in 2011?
This is where you have to follow closely.
The initial request by RMS was not to "assign" the title to RMS, but to outright "convey" the title to RMS, meaning, give it to them free and clear. Thus, then-AFC president, Richard Untalan on 09/08/11, wrote RMS rector, Fr. Pablo Rodriguez:
So the outright conveyance of the title to RMS was denied, but two months later, probably after a conference with the Gennarini's, Archbishop Apuron would write Richard Untalan:
There are several things to pay attention to in this letter. One would be the date the letter was actually delivered to Mr. Untalan's office:
While the letter was written on November 16, 2011. It was not delivered to Mr. Untalan's office until November 25, 2011, THREE DAYS AFTER the Deed Restriction had already been recorded. So apparently Archbishop Apuron penned the letter, held it until the deed was recorded on 11/22, had the letter delivered to Untalan's office (after the fact), and then immediately departed Guam for Boston because we find him there on November 27, 2011:
There is something else that is important in this letter. Archbishop Apuron states that the "title holder does not change" since this is supposedly only an "assignment" and not an alienation.
Obviously, if Archbishop Apuron believe that to be true, then he simply could have advised Mr. Untalan that he intended to proceed with the assignment. Instead, he said nothing and recorded the deed without the knowledge of the legal counsel or the finance council.
If there was nothing wrong with doing this then there would have been no reason not to advise the AFC that he was proceeding. He did not.
Obviously, if Archbishop Apuron believe that to be true, then he simply could have advised Mr. Untalan that he intended to proceed with the assignment. Instead, he said nothing and recorded the deed without the knowledge of the legal counsel or the finance council.
If there was nothing wrong with doing this then there would have been no reason not to advise the AFC that he was proceeding. He did not.
The chancery continues:
The establishment of a diocesan seminary and a prestigious Theological Institute are “goods” of such paramount importance for the life of the diocese that to think to sell the property to cover a deficit is unthinkable and it would be irresponsible for the Archbishop to even harbor that idea. The Seminary and the Institute are both essential for the future of the Archdiocese of Agana. The seminary and the Institute are also fundamental to help the evangelization in the Pacific. In fact, four dioceses have already sent twelve seminarians to the Seminary and Institute and many other dioceses are planning to do so. Given the importance of the Seminary and of the Theological Institute in the life of a diocese, canon law requires that a seminary may possess those means necessary for fulfilling its goals (see Code of Canon Law ca. 114). Among its fundamental means there is the stability of the property on which it is operating.
The chancery speaks as if there will be no more Archdiocese of Agana if we didn't have this particular property. Notwithstanding that the sale of the property could have financed the building of a much more efficient seminary building and financed the education of seminarians to boot, how has the Archdiocese of Agana managed all these years before RMS, and even 20 to 30 years ago when we had many more local vocations than we have now?
Of course we managed, even thrived without a local seminary. Many dioceses, especially small ones do not have their own seminaries and for good reason. Given the small population of such dioceses it is cost prohibitive to sustain a seminary of such quality that men desirous of the priesthood should have access to.
The chancery speaks as if there will be no more Archdiocese of Agana if we didn't have this particular property. Notwithstanding that the sale of the property could have financed the building of a much more efficient seminary building and financed the education of seminarians to boot, how has the Archdiocese of Agana managed all these years before RMS, and even 20 to 30 years ago when we had many more local vocations than we have now?
Of course we managed, even thrived without a local seminary. Many dioceses, especially small ones do not have their own seminaries and for good reason. Given the small population of such dioceses it is cost prohibitive to sustain a seminary of such quality that men desirous of the priesthood should have access to.
And as for evangelization in the Pacific depending on RMS? What about the Regional Seminary for the Episcopal Conference of the Pacific in Fiji, which has been producing priests for this region since the 1970's and not only has an established curriculum and faculty, but was promoted by St. John Paul II in 1986 as the seminary all the region's bishops were to support.
Of course when this chancery says "new evangelization" they don't mean the "new evangelization" as St. John Paul II meant it. They mean the Neocatechumenal Way. And the Regional Seminary is not neo.
Let's move on the Question #2
2. Can you confirm that the Redemptoris Mater Seminary is for the Neocatechumenal Way and not a Diocesan Seminary?
ANSWER This is absolutely false and wrong. The building hosts the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, from which have been ordained 16 diocesan priests for Guam. Twelve of these diocesan priests are working in this archdiocese ministering in the parish, and not for the neocatechmenal (sic) way.
It really doesn't matter where they are working. What matters is what they were trained to do. And they were trained specifically to serve the Neocatechumenal Way. It says so in Art. III of the RMS Articles of Incorporation:
The reason they are being placed in parishes of course is to eventually break those parishes into the "small communities" which the NCW believes is the successor model to parish-based Catholicism. Even if this wasn't true, the fact remains that these men are being prepared to "follow the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way", NOT the traditional diocesan priesthood.
The chancery continues:
Moreover the building hosts also the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Theological Institute which provides the theological formation for the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Seminary and the St. John Paul the Great Diocesan Seminary. Without the building we would not have the possibility of forming priests for our archdiocese and also to help other dioceses in need in the pacific (sic).
Again, with "the building". Not only could a far superior facility have been built without taxing Guam's Catholics hundreds of thousands of dollars like the current RMS is doing now, an existing building, like the old Carmelite monastery in Malojloj would have sufficed. If it is good enough for the men studying for the traditional diocesan priesthood, then it would have been good enough for those in the Neocatechumenal Way.
Again, with "the building". Not only could a far superior facility have been built without taxing Guam's Catholics hundreds of thousands of dollars like the current RMS is doing now, an existing building, like the old Carmelite monastery in Malojloj would have sufficed. If it is good enough for the men studying for the traditional diocesan priesthood, then it would have been good enough for those in the Neocatechumenal Way.
The chancery goes on about the Blessed Diego Institute's affiliation with the Lateran University but the Institute has never produced any documentation that the affiliation exists, or, if it did, if it is current.
Question 3:
Question 3:
3. Is it true that because the property has been designated to RMS it can no longer be included in the Asset of the Archdiocese of Agana? (It should say "as an asset" of...)
Answer No, this is totally false. The property is designated for the use of the seminary respecting the intention of the donors, but the Archbishop can designate it for other use in the future, respecting however the intention of the donors who gave money to acquire a building for the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Seminary and for the Theological Institute, the title is listed in the property of the Archdiocese of Agana, as it is easily verifiable and it has never been alienated. This property came into the archdiocese thanks to the Neocatechumenal Way, not the other way around.
Archdiocesan legal counsel, Edward Terlaje, former AFC president, Richard Untalan, or even the title company which worked on the acquisition can attest to the fact that the donor DID NOT give "money to acquire a building for the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Seminary." (Notice that the chancery leaves out the word "Missionary" in the name of the seminary here). The property had already been acquired through a loan with the Bank of Guam, a loan which Mr. Untalan and Mr. Terlaje worked very hard to acquire.
Archdiocesan legal counsel, Edward Terlaje, former AFC president, Richard Untalan, or even the title company which worked on the acquisition can attest to the fact that the donor DID NOT give "money to acquire a building for the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Seminary." (Notice that the chancery leaves out the word "Missionary" in the name of the seminary here). The property had already been acquired through a loan with the Bank of Guam, a loan which Mr. Untalan and Mr. Terlaje worked very hard to acquire.
The donation was likewise acquired by the hard work of many people, specifically Mother Dawn of our local Carmelite order, who petitioned a sister Carmelite community in St. Louis, Missouri, and through them located a donor. Neither the local Carmelites nor the community in St. Louis are in anyway affiliated with the NCW and neither was the donor. The NCW had absolutely NOTHING to do with acquiring the property and everything to do with the efforts of Mr. Terlaje, Mr. Untalan, and Mother Dawn.
Also let's look closer at the chancery's claim in the above answer: "...the title is listed in the property of the Archdiocese of Agana, as it is easily verifiable and it has never been alienated."
Here we must look at Atty. Ed Terlaje's opinion which he gave to the AFC on the matter:
Note the statement: "As you well know, 'alienation' and 'assignment' are words of distinction without a difference", and "Any documents containing these words would place a huge cloud on title..."
Now lets look at Archbishop Apuron's DECREE OF DESIGNATION:
Notice the word ASSIGN and refer back to Atty. Terlaje's warning: "Any documents containing these words (assignment) would place a huge cloud on title."
Why does Atty. Terlaje say this if Archbishop Apuron is so sure that the "title holder does not change?"
Because Atty. Terlaje was the attorney who drafted the original RMS corporate documents and had argued against the inclusion of a Board of Guarantors and specifically against the power that Mr. Gennarini insisted that the Board be given.
Because Atty. Terlaje was the attorney who drafted the original RMS corporate documents and had argued against the inclusion of a Board of Guarantors and specifically against the power that Mr. Gennarini insisted that the Board be given.
In other words, Atty. Terlalje knew exactly what the problems would be when he drafted the documents for Archbishop Apuron in 2002 and knew exactly why there was now a problem in 2011.
The chancery continues with an insert of an official sounding Vatican letter:
The Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Acts, the highest Vatican Body for the Interpretation of legislative acts (church law), wrote concerning this particular issue that:
I. This was not at an act of alienation but of designation and that the property was as well secure in the hands of the Archdiocese: “it was just a transfer of title between two corporations sole which have the same and only member who enjoys alone of all powers of extraordinary administration.”
II. Since the intention of the donation was for the erection of the Seminary and of the Theological Institute, the designation of the title to the “corporation sole” Redemptoris Mater was therefore an act which was obligatory to respect the intention of the donation.
The chancery probably thinks this letter from the Vatican is a "grand slam" shutting up all opposition. But a letter from the Vatican means absolutely nothing in Guam when the issue is real property. Real property on Guam is subject to the laws of Guam, not the laws or the opinions of the Vatican.
The chancery probably thinks this letter from the Vatican is a "grand slam" shutting up all opposition. But a letter from the Vatican means absolutely nothing in Guam when the issue is real property. Real property on Guam is subject to the laws of Guam, not the laws or the opinions of the Vatican.
Plus we can easily see that the Vatican was fed incomplete information because it parrots the chancery's claim that the intention of the donation was for the erection of RMS.
Mother Dawn, Richard Untalan, and Atty. Terlaje can tell you that there is no such mention of RMS in the letter from the donor which accompanied the donation.
Thus, it is obvious that this particular pontifical council simply was processing the information that it was sent. And the only information which was sent to it was what the chancery and RMS wanted it to have.
Going on.
4. Who is part of the Corporation for the Redemptoris Mater Seminary? I understand that Archbishop Apuron holds 25% so who holds the remaining 75%?
ANSWER. I do not know who invents these things: the Redemptoris Mater Seminary is a corporation sole which means that it is governed exclusively by only one member, the Archbishop of Agana (the ordinary). As in every corporation sole all decisions pertains to the archbishop. The Archbishop has two Boards to assist in matters pertaining to the seminary:
the Board of Directors reviews annually the daily management of the seminary; the Board of Guarantors does not manage at all the seminary neither ordinarily nor extraordinarily but only guarantees that the purposes of the corporation are “in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and the Laws of Guam”. Directors and Guarantors are appointed exclusively by the sole member, that is the Archbishop, and he can change them whenever there is need.
We have gone over this before, but let's do it again since the chancery persists with its campaign of misinformation.
We have gone over this before, but let's do it again since the chancery persists with its campaign of misinformation.
The chancery is not being forthcoming when it states that the Board of Guarantors "does not manage at all the seminary neither ordinarily nor extraordinarily but only guarantees that the purposes of the corporation..."
Here is what Article IX actually says:
Notice that the chancery stops short of telling us that the Board of Guarantors has a veto or approval power for the most important affairs of the Corporation. Why do they leave that out? Because it nullifies their previous claim that the Board of Guarantors "does not manage at all the seminary ordinarily nor extraordinarily."
(By the way, this is such clumsy wording it is very likely not Atty. Terlaje's wording. And knowing that he was opposed to the insertion of this article, it is very likely NOT his.)
(By the way, this is such clumsy wording it is very likely not Atty. Terlaje's wording. And knowing that he was opposed to the insertion of this article, it is very likely NOT his.)
In fact, of course, having veto or approval power for the most important affairs of the Corporation gives the guarantors absolute control over everything since they can decide just what the "most important affairs" are.
Going on, the chancery states that the "Guarantors are appointed exclusively by the sole member, that is the Archbishop, and he can change them whenever there is need." Well, NO he can't. He can't because Article VII.2. of the RMS By Laws restricts him from doing so:
As we can see, "the Neocatechumenal responsible Team for the United States is part of this board." That means that Archbishop Apuron is restricted as to who he can appoint. He cannot determine who that "responsible Team" is thus he CANNOT "change them whenever there is a need." There are certain people who must always be on that board and Archbishop Apuron has no say who they are. Sadly, this is serious misinformation.
Lastly, lets back up to where the chancery states: "the Redemptoris Mater Seminary is a corporation sole which means that it is governed exclusively by only one member, the Archbishop of Agana (the ordinary). "
Article IX of the Articles of Incorporation gives the Board of Guarantors complete veto and approval power over every aspect of the management of RMS because that same board can decide what the most important affairs are.
And as we can see Archbishop Apuron is only one of four votes on that board.
By the way, it is curious that Archbishop Apuron uses his own name instead of "Archbishop of Agana" which then would include his successors. Instead, he only uses his name, which keeps him on the board even if he is removed as Archbishop of Agana.
So yes, Tony Diaz, as per your editorial in this same edition of the U Matuna, while we would like to work for peace, we must contend with religious leaders who either outright mislead us or who are completely controlled by an authority other than the one the rest of us want to follow. May I recommend you begin questioning just why you want to keep defending the same people who gave us this?
Is John Weisenberger currently on the Arcdiocesan Finance Council? If so, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest? His spouse has been working for the Archbishop for years.
ReplyDelete7:00 pm that's a sticky one.
Delete7.00pm. All lack integrity.
My problem with Tony Diaz's "Holy Smokes" column in this weekend's Umatuna is this: how can we build "friendship, peace, and reconciliation" on a lie? All these good things require truth as their foundation, and if the Umatuna will not publish the truth, it's not worth the paper that it's printed on. Shouldn't Christian journalists be pursuing the truth?
ReplyDeleteThe Umatuna will only publish sugar coated articles. If you present them with an article, they dissect, cut, reword, etc.... By the time they are done with it, it no longer portrays the true content the author wished to convey. It's not fair and impartial. You only get ONE side of the story, and that side will be that of the Archbisop and those of the Chancery. If the truth hurts, they won't publish it. Everything else is just cut and paste from other Catholic websites or news agencies. Therefore, I mind as well get my news directly from those sites than read it in the Umatuna.
DeleteChuck that is an important point you bring up which is just one example of why aa is enabled and empowered to carry out his underhanded crimes and tell all the brazen-faced lies he wants without being bothered by his own conscience. As aa is pulled around by his nose to perform by the ncw puppeteers, aa is propped up by staff with major positions like Diaz who are in DENIAL OF THE TRUTH, therefore they resort to using words like "peace and reconciliation" "healing and friendship" etc. to rationalize their complacency towards the immorality of the position they choose to stand by and choose to support! With "up-right" individuals standing by aa's lies why wouldn't aa feel empowered to continue in his path of eventual doom.
DeleteCome on Tony open your eyes, man!
DeleteExactly chuck. Impossible to build truth on a lie. It amounts to building a house on sand.
This past weekend's Umatuna proves that it is used as the way publicize the lies and deceitful ways of the neo leaders and their agenda for our local Church. The things printed is approved by the archbishop and the cooperation of the Umatuna staff. The Umatuna is not a Catholic newspaper any more that's why many parishioners don't even bother to get one after mass. From the back of the church a big pile of Umatuna goes to the recycle.
DeleteExcellent unraveling of Miles of Misstatements as provided by Chancery's Minister of Misinformation. As a visual learner, I would have appreciated having the Comments/Analyses set off from the original misstatements via formatting — via different fonts, text color and/or "blocking" texts.
ReplyDeleteBTW: Thank you for modelling restraint in your analyses, Tim, considering how obviously "inaccurate" or "misleading" some of those responses were.
We have no idea who Fr. Angello Pochetti is, despite the fact that he wields a lot of power at "our" seminary. But here's a picture of him. Evidently, he's a friend of Fr. John Howard Wadeson, who we do know.
ReplyDeleteAlways good to have a friend. BTW where is Wadeson? Hope he received his latest check.
DeleteHello Chuck, a few more info for your file, if you want to dig into it. Angelo Pochetti was born in 1955 in Rhode Island from an Italian family who immigrated in the USA in the 1890s.
DeleteStill has family in Rhode Island and Vermont.
BTW Pochetti means small sleeve or pocket......kind of ironic no?
To Anon at 7.12am: FYI, latest sightings of Wadeson, after his extraction from Guam
DeleteNY, NY. New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachuset, and finally New Jersey: doing touch and go at NCW safe houses and parishes.
Basically keeping a low profile, while they figure a way to find a safe place for him.......
But, the shadow knows....
If you want to find out more you can check "Road to recovery" in NY and NJ from Bob Hoatson, a former priest and whistle blower on priest sexual abuse, who has contacts with SNAP.
As far as check for Wadeson, probably still gets it since he is still incardinated here.
DeleteWadeson sighted in the tri states taking shelter in safe houses.He continues to be paid by the good people of our Island.
DeleteSafe place for Wadeson is inside a monastery. First he needs to explain himself to the Pope as to what exactly he was doing on Guam.
Archbishop Apuron kindly explain why you hid Wadeson on Guam?
Delete"Lady Di" is spreading that the donor of the money is a person "walking" in the NCW. Is this true or another one of the Kiko-lies?
ReplyDeleteThis is the DA BOMB of lies. Incredible. Let's see them prove that whopper.
DeleteTim, do you have any idea why Monsignor James would be meeting with Dave Lujan at Shirleys?
ReplyDeleteDon't tell everyone, but I heard it was . . . for their famous fried rice!
DeleteSeriously, why would someone be meeting an attorney for official business anywhere else than that attorney's office?
I have an idea. Msgr. James and D Lujan out for breakfast?
DeleteMonsignor James and atty Lujan are friends of many years. It is important not to give speciulative reporting on our page.
Why is there anything wrong if Msgr. James is having breakfast with D Lujan? What about the Cronnies of Triple AAA, they have breakfast every morning at Agana Shirley, I go there every morning just to drink coffee, they have their reserved seating in the far back so that they are not so visible to us who are putting $$$$$$. in the CB baskets every Sunday. Msgr. James goes to breakfast, lunch & dinner with a lot of people, he don't hand picked who has more $$$$$, not like Triple AAA. Msgr. James don't hide from the homeless people by sneaking out the side door to avoid them. Triple AAA's own sister-in-law said it herself, that he hides when he sees homeless people. I hope she's not lying like her brother-in-law. Anons: 9:59, 2:48 & 7:03, are you stalking Msgr James as who he is with? How much is Triple AAA paying out of my Sunday $1.00 donation? Did you follow Msgr. James when he had lunch with Gov. & Gerri Gutierrez, Gov. & Christine Calvo, & Auntie Charo Calvo & Dongo Pangelinan. Man, you guys missed that out, what happened, he didn't go out the back door at St. Anthony? I am going to have breakfast with Msgr this week at Harmon McDonald, please join us so that I can smile when you are taking pictures. Like they say "Mind your own Pork n Beans! Leave my favorite and most trusted Msgr James alone! He is not a prisoner for you to be following where he goes.
DeleteLet's bring this back in line. Here is the original comment:
DeleteAnonymousJanuary 11, 2015 at 9:59 PM
Tim, do you have any idea why Monsignor James would be meeting with Dave Lujan at Shirleys?
There was no insinuation that they were up to anything other than having breakfast. I understand how it could be seen to be a suspicious comment, but I don't think it was. I suppose it is okay to say it now, but it was a letter from Atty. Lujan in behalf of Msgr. James to Archbishop Apuron which caused that sudden recall of the U Matuna a few months ago and had the Cathedral staffers comically scrambling to retrieve the issues.
In fact, I hope that Msgr. James and Mr. Lujan were doing more than just having breakfast. I hope that they were talking about how to sue the archbishop for deceiving the archdiocese about that decree that was never a decree but handed over the control of that property to Gennarini forever.
I hope they were talking about suing the archbishop for many other things such as the public defamation of Msgr. James in the media, the defamation of Fr. Paul and Joseph Lastimoza at the retreat in Tagaytay, and a few other things that I can't talk about yet.
The sooner someone sues him, the sooner my job will be done and I'll have time to eat fried rice at Shirley's too.
Thanks Tim. I remember when the Umatuna was delivered to CB by PDN at the time. I was in church so I decided to go to the table located in the lanai to get a copy. To my surprise its no longer there, I asked the CB custodian what happened to the Umatuna that I saw being delivered, she told me that the Chancery called to removed all the copies and stored in the storage to be picked you by a Chancery staff. Msgr James has so many closed friends who respect and love him for being a very humble and caring person regardless whether you are a smelly homeless or a big wallet $$$$$$ person. Triple AAA, its money $$$$$$ & fat check book that he looks for!
DeleteThis original question about Msgr. James having breakfast with Atty. D. Lujan was first posted on Diana's blog. Guess the NCW are now beginning g to shake in their pants. Was it AAA, QUITUGUA, Or CRISTOBAL reporting this? It seems to be their regular weekday hang out after morning mass.
DeleteThis plot against Msgr. James all started by placing the snitch Michael Jucatan at CB. Not one week into Mikey's moving in, the two were having breakfast at Shirley's. Soon after there were continuous breakfast with QUITUGUA, and then it became a threesome with CRISTOBAL joining the picture. These meetings would be at least three times a week.
This drama within the church will continue for a very long, long, time. For me the division has widen drastically that mending or reconciliation will be a very, very, very,
S----L----O----W process.
Does anyone know why the question of why Msgr James and Dave Lujan at Shirley's is also posed on Diana's blog? Someone having fun. Nothing to do at work this morning. Sleepy, dull, dark morning. Hmmm, what where they doing at Shirleys. This is fun.!!
DeleteSlow, indeed. Patience wins the game.
DeleteI am guessing that both Msgr James and his uncle David Lujan meet at Shirley so that Triple AAA and his cronies will see them. They could have gone to Wendy's or McDonald since they don't have a lot of $$$$$$ like Triple AAA. Msgr James and David Lujan have nothing to hide they are using their own personal money, not like Triple AAA who sits in the back area to hide from the crowds is enjoying the $$$$$ from the CB Sunday collections Stipend.
DeleteAnd so it is clear that the chancery is entrenched in this message and is prepared to play this charade no matter the evidence presented. The fact is the assignment has been executed and recorded already. What options, if any, does the Catholic community have now to undo the damage? If it will require a civil suit, then where do we begin? If title belongs the archdiocese and the archdiocese is a corporation sole, then presumably no other person or entity has standing to bring suit or demonstrate tort. Not a lawyer but logic follows that as an individual, I can assign or sell or deed property that I own without restriction. You can't sue me for selling my property just because you don't like the buyer...can you?
ReplyDeleteNot trying to be a nay sayer but if something can be done, can someone who knows about these issues recommend the proper course of action? My gut feeling is that if something can be done, some kind of technical restraining order should be requested immediately. This rhetoric from the chancery seems like a bid to buy time. If Apuron's already in hot water with Rome, what's to stop him from executing a deed of conveyance to the RMS before he's replaced? Or is this already a lost cause?
Wasn't U Matuna already printed before any summation was made?
DeleteU Matuna gets printed on Friday. The visitors were here till Saturday. No summation was made. That comes later. The point is the chancery printing this when it is one of the issues at the heart of the division.
DeleteAren't you a little ahead of yourself? Who said our Archbishop is in hot water? I haven't heard that. I've been communicating over the weekend none of my friends have that impression. the First Commenter was right. STOP IT, TIM
DeleteLOL. NOT.
DeleteUmatuna is printed by PDN not Chancery. It is delivered by PDN staff to the Cathedral Lanai in the afternoon. Deadline to submit is Thursday noon! How do I know because I am an altar server there! I am a liar like AAA and his group.
DeleteCan we expect ANY of the NCW presbyters to be honest and tell us what is going on when the time comes? What parishes will be transparent. We need to know the truth about our church all along this horrid, trying journey.
DeleteYou mean they did not hand the Umatuna to Archbishop Savio after the Tumon Fiestal Mass.
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Source Florida Department of State Division of Corporations,, 1 Oct 2014 come so many treasurers? Makes you wonder. Must have a lot of money coming in?
DeleteWhy is a Sister Worley on this board? Do religious belong to the Neo?
DeleteIt is indeed discouraging that the very day the Vatican officials left, the "Umatuna Si Yuos" comes out with more lies. It's like they on the hill have learned nothing from having been investigated all week. Years ago the archbishop used the new buzz word "transparency" enthusiastically but obviously failed to put into practice a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteIn a spirit of respect for the visitors we cannot reconcile with Apurun because he is a , but now for one month I shall say economical with the truth. Correct!
Simply, Tony Diaz is an NCW member with Archie.. Birds of a feather..Defending his boss, lest he lose his job..Have some balls, Stand up for the truth man..
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think Tony Diaz is in the NCW, but he does have to print what they tell him to print, or else he doesn't get his paycheck. It's not really journalism, is it?
DeleteI'm not ready to give up on Tony yet. I understand how easy it is to be blinded when you work in a church office. However, his nephew Jose Martinez, recently showed some real guts when he quit KOLG rather than continue as a servile puppet of a corrupt administration.
DeleteI commend Jose Martinez for his courage to leave, I see him everyday coming to help at KOLG and he's sincere in what he's doing. He's not like Vice-Rector Coreen Leon Guerrero who treats people with her unfriendly attitude who comes to CB who are not NEO, and worst treat to those parish altar servers if their parents are not in the NEO. How could she as a former teacher who is lazy that's why she retired fast treat those altar servers of CB over the seminarians when it comes to food. She invited only those whose are in the NEO to eat during the December events at CB. My nephew was one of those who was ignored over the seminarians and NEO altar servers. Coreen Leon Guerrero is exactly the same with Tony Diaz and Doris Pablo!
DeleteThis NCW nonsense is tearing at families throughout our church. I know of married couples who, because of the neo nonsense, have divorced. I know of sibling rivalries that have caused otherwise, good people to avoid each other and bring riffs amongst the family because of this neo nonsense. I am pretty sure that is the same case with many others. The common denominator to all this anguish????.....NCW!
DeleteSaw Nino Mass Online. Coreen grabbing people in offertory line like little kids trying to control everything. Vice-Rector Coreen. Cool it. Don't grab people. Act like a lady.
Delete12:23, I agree on what you saw Online. It happens Offline more, maybe she forgot the camera is on her! That's how she treats the CB parish altar servers, my son is one of those who was passed over to get food after the December event, the seminarians were all called, my son and the other loyal CB parish altar servers were not. Coreen is the one who scheduled all the mass logistics at CB, so you can see that our local CB parish altar servers are not good enough to serve on special masses. When Msgr. James was there, every altar server were asked if they want to participate, not anymore Coreen treats our local CB altar servers like 3rd Country Citizens over those seminarian who have problem speaking the English language! Yah, Coreen Cool It! Triple AAA is not going to inherit you his Adacao Mansion over your Chamorro Gardens Condo! If you can't Act like a Lady at least Act half-n-half!
DeleteMy sons is also an alter server and he is not asked to attend special masses. I agree Coreen is not very nice to the alter servers only to the seminarians are treated nicely.
DeleteLet's see..NCW Attorney. NCW someone in Di's blog wants to know who the realtor was that took care of the purchase of the ACCION....was it a NCW Realtor too?
ReplyDeleteEd Terlaje, the attorney who facilitated the purchase of the hotel property is not neo. I know the realtors who were involved and they are not neo. The notary on the warranty deed is Dominic Kim who, while an Apuron supporter, is not a neo.
DeleteSo the neos had NOTHING to do with the purchase of the property. BTW here's the link to copy of the warranty deed.
Tim, check your work. A wealthy person from Guam in NCW donated the property. Sloppy investigation on your part. Diana know the truth
DeleteI was waiting for my appointment with delegates and I saw a lot of NCW GANGS there. What was that?
DeleteLOL. Ask her if "she" remembers the Tagle letter.
DeleteAt 1:28. Yep. There were some NCW gangs who were downstairs when I came out from my appointment. Needless to say they were surprised as hell to see me.
DeleteProbably the Chalan Pago gang, like I said quite a few Uncangco's on the schedule. Probably wanting to defend queen DIANA Uncangco's blog.
DeleteTim, maybe they are trying to hear what you are saying? Hahaha, they are so darn worried what you are going to report?
DeleteI have been told that David Lujan is Fr. Benavente's god father..
ReplyDeleteDebbie, think that is true.
DeleteLet's follow where the NCW will be having thier feverish meetings. But then, again, we will be stalked by NCW following us. Best business opportunity on Guam at this time? Coffee Shop?
DeleteDebbie, Msgr James is David Lujan's nephew.
Delete1:35 pm Tim you really need to get a real job. No one cares about the Tagle letter you had you liver in a quiver over. What a self absorbed idiot. Move on!
ReplyDeleteIt was the Dianas who went absolutely ballistic and had their liver in the quiver when I produced it. I am trying to give you a hint so that you won't be similarly em bare assed this time around. You have no idea what I know. Haven't you jokers figured that out by now? No? Great. That's why this blog is getting 10,000 hits a day. Because of YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
DeleteTim, I am heartbroken. These neos might just love you more than I do. They're on here way more than I am. I've got competition. Bring it on!
DeleteDont't underestimate Cardinal Tagle. Very much aware of the Guam situation.
Speaking of feverish meetings....many off island AGANA archdiocesan NCW presbyters are here for a couple of weeks...Whassup? Two weeks vacay at the Acccion Hotel?
ReplyDeleteOcean view, Olympic food...vacay for sure
DeletePit stop on way over to see the Pope! Look these are my fruits!
DeleteYep. And they're all being driven around in Archbishop's Equus. Is it true? I heard it was paid in full in real smelly KIMCHEE CASH. Is that in the Archdiocesan Financial Report?
ReplyDeleteArchbishop drives around in a nice expensive Hyundai Equus. Of course his mama-san only will buy if product is made in the motherland.
DeleteHow is casheeee casheeee ?
7;17 more like WHERE on EARTH is CASHEE CASHEE
DeleteIs she backee backee from from her trippee trippee in Korea? Must have been ordered to go-eee, go-ee so she wouldn't be interview-ee view-ee.
Deleteplenteee intelligenceeee Gathered about cashee cashee. She has not been cleared to return yet. After all this I could use saggeeeee saggeee, how about you?
Deletehiding in Cold Korea. Hidden well in world's second largest city Seoul! Busy, sniffing out more and more cashee, cashee.
DeleteHow does casheeee casheeee make her money money to give to apuronee?
Who needs to clear casheeee casheeee to return to Guam? I hope she has right papers to be in the United States.
DeleteCashee, casheeee, gets allowancee from her parents. In need of Monnie, monnie, all she has to do is askee askee!
DeleteEquus with Chauffeur, if you don't mind. Standing outside Equus Limo waiting for delagation from Roma. Come to think of it. I did smell kimchee. Wondered where that smell was coming from. I think three wise men smelled kimchee too.
ReplyDeleteThe delegates actually did not miss the smell of kimchee. They where sniffing around for it.
DeleteAnyone know if Archie is going and taking all his NEO presbyters to see Pope in Manila? Surely, Edivaldo and Harold are going. Just curious to see what kind of balls they have now that huge spotlight is shining on them. Suggestion: Archie, buy a Ford Focus like Pope Francis. His is blue. Sell the Equus Kelly Book only 35,0000.00 now. Buy two ford focus.
ReplyDeleteWho is missing from the Church now or has been missing since Sunday? Then you will know who is gone! Amazing how he has to "Batanga" ( carry) his pride possessions everywhere he goes! BTW. I have a picture of the cutest pose Edivaldo did in Korea with the AAA and Harold smiling away! This time with his macho man standing pose and his white collar not in was out off place!
DeleteHe digs out of place photos. Gonna catch up with him. Deny away.
DeleteIt becomes clear now...that's the reason the Chalan Pago fiesta was pushed back a week later. Edivaldo won't be here for the nobenas nai! My saina would be shaking her head and praying extra hard had she witnessed all these changes and turmoil happening in our ... diocese. It gives me great pain to use the word "community" nowadays...{sigh}
ReplyDeleteSure Apuron is spending thousands of $ on a trip to Manila paying for this group. The money used will be our money given to the Archdiocese of Agana for ministry. He will use our money for lavish first class travel, Rooms in five star hotels, expensive meals. Imagine up to 20,000 USD will be spent on this trip to Manila.