Wednesday, February 18, 2015



  1. Why would anyone want to go to an Invitation of Joy when a leader looks so joyless. The total opposite of joy.

  2. Wow, I always wanted to see what a pope looks like, since the guy with the collar behind him seems to be a servant of his. So this is what you can look like when you start your own religion! Maybe he could convert the ISIS terrorist. That's what a real missionary would do. In awe. Mostly disgusted awe!

  3. He does kind of resemble Martin Luther. Wasn't he excommunicated by the Pope? Nothing is new under the Sun.

  4. Except as much as I disagree with Luther, he was a true theologian. .....Arguello is an impostor and a fake. ...

    1. And a doctor of Theology!! The way he is sitting there in Poland he looks like photo of Stalin at Yalta. Probably like ideas running around his head. Kiko, are you out of gas yet. Your show in Manila was rather weak. Winding down. So who will take over the empire??

  5. Wow, pretty arrogant looking PrOPHET. Not. Smug guy. In Denmark you get killed for making fun of the prophet. I'm not laughing. Believe me. So im safe. I hope.

  6. Beelzebub dares to show his face. The hat covers his horns. His feet aren't shown because they don't want his hoofs to show.

  7. i was thinking lucifer...

  8. As in Lex Luthor, the villain?

  9. Didn't you mean to title this, "HE DOES LOOK LIKE LUCIFER" Please correct the error

  10. He looks constipated.

    1. Constipated? Well, he is sitting on a throne.

  11. Okay, I wasn't going to say anything until I saw @1:02's comment. But, from there very first time I saw pictures of him I thought he really looked like the many artist renditions I'd seen of Lucifer--the devil!! His pointed chin--with the little beard, his eyebrows, etc. Scary.....

  12. Hey! Be NICE!!!
    That's Tony's real boss.

  13. Is the gentleman on the left, black suit and tie, THE Gennerini? Kiko going to Malta in the Spring. Will Archbishop take Harold and Edivaldo? Guess Pius will tag along. How about a whole pilgrimage of Walkers from Guam. After all, he is the prophet. Looks like he loves being prophet.

    1. He is A Gennarini. He's Giuseppe's brother. He controls Europe. Guiseppe controls the U.S. and the Pacific.

    2. Keep it in the familia. Good job.

    3. Here's a little information about the picture: It was taken on the day that the Catholic University of Lublin (in Poland) gave Kiko Arguello and honorary doctorate in sacred theology. It's also the day that Kiko was called "the Prophet of our times" ("To jest prorok naszych czasów!") by Fr. Stanislaw Zarzycki, an adjunct professor at the University. Zarzycki led the effort to grant the honorary degree to Arguello.

      The man on the far right of the photo is Stefano Gennarini, the brother of our good friend Giuseppe, and one of Kiko's key lieutenants.

    4. I meant to day that Stefano Gennarini is to Kiko's right. He's on the left side of the picture.

  14. Kiko has a red hat and Tony doesn't. See Tony? You shouldn't have given him Yona. You got cheated big time, fool that you are. Now you have no friends. Pius came back. What's left to suck out of you?? Then he will spit you out.

  15. His minions seem to be making a report on their acquired international assets (albeit at the expense of spineless sycophants). The accountant is saying, "we got our meeellions in Guam, they fell for our ruse but we have a problem with an uprising. Hmmm, what do we do with their leader, now that we got what we want? How do we get the Vatican off our tails so we can continue to bleed naive and trusting followers? Shall we continue inviting them to joy?"

  16. in neither this photo nor any other photos or videos do i see kiko as a humble person. maybe he actually is very humble--but i have yet to see that. it seems consistent with the observation that in his paintings, kiko puts his own face on Jesus. troubling enough that followers call him a prophet. but what when they see his face as the face of Christ?

  17. Please, just print the truth.
    Jesus would not approve of some of these comments which bash others. Are we not all brothers and sisters in Christ. When we see our brothers/sisters deceived by Satan (remember, our battle is not with flesh) and fall, do we not do all we can to pick them back up? Through prayer and fasting we can improve the situation; there can be conversion.

    1. Yes, I believe Jesus would have used words like vipers brood, white washed tombs, satan, and worse than an infidel.

    2. Anon at 12:41 AM, the NCW and their puppet, the archbishop, has caused irreparable damage to our Catholic community here in Guam. Our comments should be the least of your worries. Playing nice does not cut it because we are dealing with a cult that is bent on taking over the Catholic church and will employ every means to accomplish its goal. Prayers and fasting strengfhens us to do what we need to do. Remaining passive for decades worked against us.

  18. Stefano Gennarini isn't responsible for Europe, but for north-eastern Italy and Poland. He takes care of Kiko agenda, is a friend of Benedict XVI and card. Dziwisz, but are other men who manage relations with hierarchy and the Holy See, along with Kiko.... card. Filoni, card. Vallini, card. Schonborn, card. Blazquez, the neo equipe responsible for Rome diocese and other.

    1. True. I was generalizing. However, he also seems to run the cardinals u mention.

    2. True about the Cardinals. More dioceses accepting The WAY as we speak!

    3. Correction 12:39 PM, some cardinals are forcing the WAY just like what AAA has done and continues to do. Just shows the extent of the rot the NCW has infected the Catholic church. Looks like you're in the NCW or a sympathizer.

    4. There is some evidence that "the Way" is actually struggling for members among the Spanish-speaking countries. Click here to read more.

    5. Of course South America is struggling for Spanish-speaking members they are all on Guam!

  19. you memorizes this name for present and future: José Luis Del Palacio y Pérez-Medel

