Friday, February 20, 2015


Dear Archbishops Hon and Krebs. You may want to pay special attention to this one.

This morning, under the post about Kiko looking like Luther (or like Stalin at Yalta as one commenter observed) I received this comment:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "HE DOES SORT OF LOOK LIKE LUTHER":  
you memorizes this name for present and future: José Luis Del Palacio y Pérez-Medel 
For those who don't know, del Palacio is the bishop of the Diocese of Callao, a city near Lima, Peru. And whereas our own bishop is really just a stooge for the neo bad boys, del Palacio is one of the neo bad boys himself. For whereas Apuron only seems to threaten priests with an "arduous and painful closure to (their) assignments", it appears that del Palacio makes good on his threats. Here's a report on this bad boy in Spanish followed by a synopsis in English.

Balas non sanctas (Bullets not holy)

Hace unos meses un eco ha remecido los duros cimientos de la Iglesia Católica en nuestro país y no precisamente por una cuestión de fe. 

Una guerra interna se ha desatado en la iglesia católica en el Callao. Cinco sacerdotes vienen siendo víctimas de amenazas para dejar las parroquias que encabeza. Lo extraño es que ellos no creen que se trate de delincuencia común, sospechan que alguien en el interior del clero busca amedrentarlos por un aparente control en las parroquias.
Tiene 52 años y desde hace 19, Víctor Torres es párroco de la iglesia Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús del Callao, una región por demás conocida por sus altas dosis de delincuencia, los asaltos, robos y muertes son como el pan de cada día. Lo extraño es que nunca antes, ningún facineroso de esa zona había quebrantado su propio código, nunca antes habían osado centrar la mira sobre un sacerdote.
Cuenta que estas sembradas tentaciones iban de la mano de robos sistemáticos que empezaron hace ocho años, pero recién hace tres… se tornaron violentas…lo peor fue descubrir, que no era el único: a Pedro Sam, sacerdote con 40 años de servicio pastoral en el Callao, también le ocurría lo mismo.
Amparándose en la protección divina continuaron con sus servicios religiosos, pero una tercera revelación les confirmó que estaban en peligro cuando el padre José Manuel del Rosario, párroco de la iglesia San Juan Masías del Callao denunció ante la comisaría de Bellavista que dos sujetos entre ellos un menor de edad, le estaban haciendo un reglaje. 
Aparentemente, no había razón que explicara lo que estaba pasando, así que los tres padres diocesanos buscaron al obispo del Callao, José Luis del Palacio Pérez Medel. En una carta a la que tuvimos acceso, presentada el 9 de septiembre del año pasado se precisa que estos hechos ya eran de conocimiento de todo el presbiterio, desde el año 2013.
Sin embargo, pese a que consta en documentos que el obispo chalaco fue alertado de lo que sufren sus párrocos; en entrevista radial, negó estar enterado de estos hechos.
Una fuente del interior de la diócesis del Callao, nos revelaba  que todo este embrollo partiría de las propias raíces de la iglesia en el primer puerto ya que desde hace tres años, los sacerdotes diocesanos, los neo catecúmenos y los religiosos regulares- los tres componentes de la iglesia- estarían enfrascados en una disputa por el control de la Diócesis y que el obispo, monseñor José Luis del Palacio, al ser un neo catecúmeno buscaría retirar a los párrocos diocesanos de las iglesias para colocar a los neo catecúmenos, lo que estaría ocasionando una ingrata división en la iglesia.
English synopsis

According to sources inside the diocese, the Bishop of Callao is trying to replace the pastors of five parishes with Neo priests. These parish priests are reporting threats to the police. The implication is that the bishop is using thugs to make these threats. The writer says with irony that one of the priests is in a parish in a rough part of town known for robberies and other crimes yet all these criminal elements always followed their own code in the past of never touching the local priest. Now the priests are being threatened by their own bishop. An internal letter of the diocese shows that the bishop and all the clergy knew of the threats against these priests, but that the bishop denied on the radio that he had ever heard about them.

The last paragraph is worthy of an exact translation :

"One source inside the Diocese of Callao, was informing us that all this mess would divide the very roots of the church in the first port (Callao) since for three years the diocesan priests, the Neo (priests) and the religious clergy - the three components of the Church - would be buried in a dispute over the control of the diocese and that the bishop, Jose Luis del Palacio, being a Neo would seek to remove the diocesan priests from the churches to install the Neos, which would occasion an unwelcome division in the Church."

My note: 

Though the comment could also be a friendly warning, knowing who del Palacio is (I've known for awhile) and seeing similar tactics by our own local neos (threats against me and my family), I wouldn't be surprised if the comment "you memorizes this name" is a threat from del Palacio himself or one of his personal thugs, responding for a call for help from Apuron, a call most likely placed by Giuseppe (Soprano) Gennarini. 

The timing of the comment was interesting, and as I've come to learn, an act of providence. 

Last night at an information meeting in Yona, a certain attendee tried to take over my presentation, publicly criticizing the others in attendance for not being charitable towards Apuron. We'll get more into this later, but the people of this diocese have been charitable towards Apuron, giving him every chance, for three decades, including several recent attempts by members of the CCOG. 

I realize that from the outside and for someone new to this fight it may look like the fight to oppose Apuron is uncharitable. But for me, I have to take the comments/threats like the one above, seriously. Apuron's personal motives no longer matter. He has thrown in with mean and vindictive thugs. And del Palacio is one of them. 


  1. These are my thoughts regarding this issue. I'm uncertain of what length of time has the issues in the Diocese of Callao has been happening, but with the information that you receive Tim with what's happening there, I'm certain that the Vatican also has knowledge of it. If nothing has been done at this time to remove Bishop Del Palacio which it appears that the threat is credible, it makes me wonder to what extent will it take for the Vatican to remove Apuron?

  2. I will attend an invitation to joy and give them all a taste of heaven's joyful wrath of God speaking with the might of heaven. Everyone, please go to these meetings at your parish and tell them to get out of your parishes! Let them go to the hotel. The parish is not theirs and they are not paying the power or water bills till the wee hours of the the night. Everyone, please use there campaigns and tell them they are no longer welcome in your parish church that your parents and grandparents built. The Three stoges would love that! Protest inside the Churches through your cries! Apuron cannot maintain unity. So let the laity take over the sinking ship!

    1. Or just go and ask questions until they throw you out. They have to stick to a script so if you ask questions you will see the beads of sweat start to form. You don't need to be nasty about it, just ask legitimate questions - such as those that Chuck White has dealt with on his site.


  3. The threats against priests are very real and should be treated seriously. Priests and Religious women who oppose this cult are in danger.

    1. Record, document, and report these threats. Make a Safety Plan and be prepared to carry it out. Alert the Catholic community here so we can help. Bula balas'ta lokue (we have many bullets too).

  4. While I have attened one of these sessions, they do not seem to encourage or foster the asking of too much questions. Their come back is to listen as the truth will become more clear as you continue to attend their sessions. That was the biggest turn off for me. As one is searching to find the truth, one should not be discouraged from asking questions..

  5. To prove my point above, look at their invitation, "Come and Listen" - Not ask questions or distract their presentation, you might expose the truth about their cult. This in my opinion is the first step to being brain washed, slow indoctrination to just obey. Do not ask questions, do not question authority. - Sound Familiar ???? Pontus Pius's Tactics..

  6. The smirk of this Bishop of Peru says a lot. All of this is frightening.

  7. Is that a kiko painting in the background?

  8. That sucks. I frequent Lima quite often but although I see the signs of the Camino every now and again is the bishop of Lima (not Callao) also pushing the movement heavily?

  9. HA! Man malelefa amanu na man gaige siha! Para un embeste'n chagu i pale' mami Guam? Ge magi ya i man chamoru siempre en fanu'i hamyu hafa guaguaha!
    Fan manhasu na man taigue hamyu gi lugat miyu.

    1. HA! Man malelefa amanu na man gaige siha!
      Ha! They forget where they are.

      Para un embeste'n chagu i pale' mami Guam?
      You're going to mock from a distance our priests on Guam?

      Ge magi ya i man chamoru siempre en fanu'i hamyu hafa guaguaha!
      Come over here and the Chamorros will surely show you what's up!

      Fan manhasu na man taigue hamyu gi lugat miyu.
      Remember that you're not in your place.

  10. Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Peru, authoritative representative of the Sacred College and of Opus Dei - “I don’t doubt that the intentions of the Neocatechumens are praiseworthy and they are really searching for God with fervor and joy. And I think that there must be started a healthy and at the same time firm dialogue with them in truth. The Vatican itself is trying to find a solution for approving their statutes. In any event, in the celebration of Holy Mass on the part of Neocatechumens there are certain aspects that I absolutely do not share. I call to mind and repeat that the liturgy is unique and must be respected by everyone in the same way. Indeed, tolerance, of course, for Neocatechumens, but it is the competence of the Church to call them back to respect for the Eucharist. (2008)

    Thorne is also known for banning communion in hand in his Archdiocese. Since he is a member of Opus Dei and based on the above quote, I very much doubt he supports the NCW. Opus Dei is considered by many to also be a different cult with the church, but that is another topic.

  11. Most certainly a threat. Customs, immigration and our airline friends let's flag this person. José Luis Del Palacio y Pérez-Medel obviously wants attention.

    Sir, you're not welcomed here, unless you want to pack up all your neo friends and take them ALL on a one way trip to Callao. A 777 should fit every last member here on Guam. You folks can sell the yona property that was stolen from our people, use that money to build your very own church and live in luxury there. We'll remember your name "for present and future".

  12. Heard Crystal no Balls is going on a mission for 5 weeks to Anaheim, California. Is he going to clear Wadeson's name? Is he going to meet WAdeson? Is he starting a new NCW community? What is his purpose for this trip? Is he going to the zipper hospital for his heart?

    1. He's probably going to lay low with a couple living in Anaheim. They're probably Neos, but definitely not relatives. He stayed with them before he went on that mission to Denver a few years ago.

    2. What's the matter, Adrian, can't handle the heat? Stay out of the kitchen. (you know where all the pots and pans are). Will you have anytime to visit John Toves while in CA? That would be nice. You guys didn't have much time to visit with all the cameras etc. Have a safe trip.

  13. Anything Adrian can do Harold can do better. Probably going for knee replacement. Eager to turn his hurry cane into a Crozier!!!!!

  14. For his heart? What heart?

  15. He looks like a very evil man with those little beady eyes and that smirk that seem to say "usted linado me toca, que soy especial" which translates to "you can't touch me, I'm special".

  16. Sounds like someone we all know.

  17. I can NOT believe that u trust a ANTI - CATHOLIC media as 'Cuarto poder', they don't waste any time in attacking the church and his belief.

    Be careful in presenting this kind of articles.

    Tony de New York

    1. We don't have to trust them. I only have to compare this bishop's behavior to our own. Be careful in presenting this kind of advice. Tim de Agat.
