Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I pity you Tim. You are a poor bitter man who only cares about his own power and influence and defending the little kingdom he has built on earth. So full of rancor and miserable. The sad thing is you probably won't win or achieve anything significant. I'd be shocked to see a Pope go against one of his own Archbishops when it comes to issues in that bishops own diocese.


No need to pity me at all, but thanks. You see I get a great energy from doing what is right. I saw two men horribly mistreated and I decided to stand up for them while people like you rejoiced at their being torn to pieces.

And my "little kingdom". LOL. I have absolutely ZERO to gain from any of this and everything to lose. But hey, if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. So I decided to stand while people like you wallow in your vomit behind your rocks.

And "win anything significant"? LOL. How sad. How about just doing something because it's the right thing to do without any thought of winning anything? But then you're a kiko, so I understand.

What the pope will do? More LOL. We've had good popes and bad popes. So what. I'm not waiting around for what the pope will do. Evil must be met where it's at. And it is right here in Agana.

As an aside. I still believe the Archbishop is simply mentally ill. Anyone who would turn their life over to Pius the Samnut has got to be sick. May God have mercy on both of them.



  1. Much less a bishop against his own ( Fr. Paul and Msngr. Jame's). You must be neocat!

    When are you going to understand that Tim's voice is not just his but many. At least he looks out for others and not just his circle of family or friends.

    You are such a pathetic person. Open your eyes and see both sides.

  2. Anon 12:05...another jackass emerges from the community.

  3. I pity you 12:05 pm. You are a poor bitter man who only cares about your own power and influence and defending the little kingdom that is the NCW on earth. You are so full of rancor and must be miserable. The sad thing is you probably won't win or achieve anything significant. I'd be shocked to see a Pope NOT go against one of his own Archbishops when it comes to issues that bishop has created.
    Anon12:05pm, so you see, your words can be used against you. What can't be used against you is if you be specific with your charges against Tim and why you consider him a poor bitter man. Then it will be specific to Tim. Tim has been detailed in all postings. You should do the same and maybe, I will be able to agree with you. But you have to be specific.

    1. I do believe the POPE staff are reviewing all that is posted here and is shared with the POPE and may force him to act. Thanks 12:05pm for your NCW comment.

  4. Looks like a sewer crawler has come up for fresh air. LOL Get ready for some fresh poo hitting your face. LOSER!

  5. The last time I checked God alone has created His Kingdom. We destroyed it. Why pity someone when you're still alive playing your role in this world.

  6. The real "poor bitter man" is really the Archbishop. He is now seeing and experiencing in vibrant colors and in real time the damage that he has caused our Church. He and the Neo Elites have plotted to take over our island totally underestimating the traditional Catholics and seriously miscalculated our resolve not to be taken over by a Sect totally and completely controlled by KIKO, and not the Pope. I am inviting Anon 12:05 to attend a village meeting sponsored by CCOG. The meeting on Monday at Agana Heights was SRO and the fervor of the attendees was to have a more visible form of protest to show that we will not relent to the takeover of our parishes. Please do all of us a favor and pull up your stakes and go look for a greener pasture. Guam is on to you and we will never become Neos.

  7. Anon 12:05 Your slip is showing. Must be frustrating to see your Neo movement Crash and Burn.

  8. I have never seen this kind of hatred among catholics before the Neocatechumenal Way arrived on Guam. This movement is failing its bring people back to the Mother Church. Cant be called Catholic as 'whole' or 'universal' when everyone is divided.....and its getting uglier each day. Jesus and HIS Church will never go who will be the first to go........last one that arrived should be the first one to go.

    1. By all accounts the NCW is trying to bring people into the Way, NOT the Mother Church. Hmm..maybe they think they are the Mother Church. This Neospeak must be intended for confused people.

  9. You are but a miserable and pitiful coward Anon 12:05..... Next time you post in the Jungle, put your name in it and put some facts that can back up your claim. All Tim has done is put out information with FACTs that make his statements much more credible than yours. I was a very active member of the church prior to leaving the island for the military..... Sister Mary Cabrini (RSM) certified me as a Master Catechist after all the workshops and studies I did as a First Holy Communion and Confirmation Teacher. I was also the former sacristan of the Agana Cathedral Basilica; yet also continued to teach CCD and volunteer in many church choirs. I continued this ministry during my 22 year military service even in the war zones while deployed. State your name and what you have done to build this One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, you NEO's are so determined to destroy thru your continued false allegations. Two of my friends that are Diocesan Priests continue to be belittled by the lies from San Ramon Hill; yet your presbyter catechist remains protected, even though he was booked and arrested by GPD. Stay away from the jungle unless you have substantive facts that back your poor pathetic claims about Tim and any of the remaining 80% members of the true Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church. ENOUGH SAID.....

  10. Anon at 12:05. Why is the collection at the Cathedral so low. Why is the attendance at the bishop's mass so dismal. Can't you get it through your thick new scull that most of the Catholics on Guam at traditional Catholics and don't want to follow the ways of the neo. You may be brainwashed that it was the neo that saved you from what ever catastrophes that you may have endured in your life, but if you follow the teachings of Christ it is only God that saves.

  11. to anon 12:05 we are glad you see thing our so are aware of the consequences.... at least we know you are not ignorant........

  12. Yes, the Cathedral's collection has been going down since Monsignor David has taken over:
    $6,306 ( 1st collection -July 20, 2014) and $694 (2nd collection - July 20, 2014)- last collection under Monsignor James vs.
    $2,958 ( 1st collection -March 15, 2015) and $532 ( 2nd collection- March 14-15, 2015) under Monsignor David.

    1. Actually, the amounts for last Sunday are miraculous. Thanks, Vangie

    2. 12:05, would you like me to edit your contribution? Lots of errors. You are probably busy and don't have the time. I understand. We get your drift.

    3. Expect collections to go down further . Archdiocese of Agana is self destructing .

  13. Fr.Matthew Blockley.March 25, 2015 at 4:27 PM

    12.05pm. Shut your Mouth.

  14. Why is it every time a Neo Cat walks in the Jungle he / she just stinks up the place. The only thing pitiful is your comment and your inability to see the light. Father Santiago once told me that when the light shines into the darkness that is when we can start to see our sins. Gee and I think he was Neo too. The problem is the light is shining on all that the Neo have done wrong and you still cannot see your sins! Steal our churches and chapels. Steal our money and money that should go to real Mission Seminaries! Give away a multimillion dollar piece of property that does not belong to you! Threaten real priest and deacons for telling the truth.
    Now please, I can see smoke coming from your brain because you are trying to think. So don't hurt yourself. Make like a good creature and just slither away.

  15. note to 12:05 "man is being held on $75,000 cash bail. Man appeared in court where he was charged with second degree criminal sexual conduct as a first degree felony.
    The 20-year-old is accused of inappropriately touching a female minor known to him."
    this is one of the example on how the ncw preaches that we are all human beings, but while others are paying for their crime the ncw seem to try and buy their way out of trouble..... wrong is wrong don't try to justify it....... also don't blame others for your sore feelings because the truth is out owner up or shut up.......this person in the story above was charged just for touching a female minor as on the other hand neo members are committing similar acts but are being a get out of jail free card...... what teaching of faith that is.......shhh tim is right about the way of your own up or shut up....

  16. Anon@12:05 - Get ready to be SHOCKED!!


  17. Situation concerning Saipan needs immediate attention of Archbishop Krebs. A time bomb.

  18. The division starts with us. Whether we are non neos or neo. We cause the division between our neighbors. If we don't like the (neos) we start to gossip. We are all humans, if you like traditional then be traditional. If you feel that the ncw is for you and brings you back to the church then great. But we are all going to fight against each other like Americans and iraqi's. So pray the other side meaning traditional stop causing the division but rather forgive one another and move forward believing in Jesus.

    1. What we don't like is the NEO's using our churches, built from blood and sweat from us and relatives gone before us to propagate their cause that is so filled with misguided lies. We will live among them...As the other faiths in Guam, the NEO's need to build their own church and stay away from ours. We the 80% true Catholics have to pay the bills for their catechism. We also distrust the NEO Presbyters as one NEO Pastor has already dismissed the parish counsel. Soon more will follow suit....This way they get their way of mismanaging the finances and property without local representation by the true Catholics that have built that church....

    2. Must be a neo dumbass on the other side who is the problem. We traditional Catholics did not start the division. It started with your arch and what he did. I don't have a problem with my neo brothers and sisters. I have a problem with the takeover of my church to convert to neos, how they treat non neo priest and the stealing of our properties to give to the neos.

    3. Anon 9:01. The traditional Catholics were here first. We built the churches and chapels. We were ignorant of the Neo way. We let the Neos in because of our ignorance and trust in our Church leadership. The church leadership lied to us. Stole our money for Neo purposes. Usurped our chapels and churches. Criticize our culture. Threaten our priest and deacons. Yet we cause the division? Either you are completely oblivious to the obvious or your one of them. The Archbishop calls us "they". Who then causes the division, when the Archbishop will not even say "us"!


    1. Satan Loves you Tim------- ){;- >


    3. Satan Loves you, @ 2:59PM. Tim, God loves you. The one that Satan loves is the one who can draw his picture.

  20. Here we go folks......the NCW version of the Potomac 2 steps: the 3 D. ....
    Funny how they go back to their true nature.
    Thank you 12.05 to keep on confirming our long held knowledge of your deviant ways.

  21. 12;05, it seems they don't like the truth ;(

  22. 9:01 -- The neos just don't get it. Apparently, neither do you! Learn more about our authentic Faith, maybe then you will see and get it.
