Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Cardinal Fernando Filoni
Prefect for The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples 
Piazza di Spagna, 48-00187
Rome, Italy

March 31, 2015

You Eminence:

I am not writing this because I believe this letter will cause you to do anything. I am writing this to establish a record of communications that may soon be needed to show how we reached out to you before our archdiocese is sued.

It is said that you are a neo-sympathizer. Fine. Sympathize all you want. But neo-sympathies in Rome are propping up a serious psycho-sexual problem in our archdiocese that will lead to millions of dollars in lawsuits, the likes of which we have seen in other dioceses around the world. 

We believe the root of this strange sexual problem can be attributed to the mysterious formation of men at Guam's Redemptoris Mater Seminary. Already it has given us a priest who speaks of sucking girls like oranges in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament, and another priest, not even ordained two years, who was reportedly found by police doing exactly that with a minor female parishioner. 

These are just two incidents we can document, but there are many incidents which we can't document of noticeable unhealthy sexual behavior and talk (even during our Masses) exhibited by both the residents and the products of Guam's Redemptoris Mater Seminary.

And should we be surprised? A priest twice accused for the sexual molestation of minors and banned from the Los Angeles Archdiocese was made their "formator". He was released in 2014 after we drew attention to his record, a record our Archbishop was fully aware of since he was incardinated in Guam in 2004. 

And now we have a bigger problem, our Archbishop has taken to hiding both the priest caught with the minor and the former formator. 

In the case of the priest and the minor, we were told that there would be a canonical investigation, but our sources tell us that there is none and it is now going on three weeks since the incident, with the whereabouts of said priest a mystery (though he has been spotted on the neighboring island of Saipan and is alleged to be staying with his uncle, Bishop Tomas Camacho). 

And in the case of the former formator, apparently our Archbishop believed the charges to be serious enough to relieve him from ministry, but not serious enough to advise us of his whereabouts or to warn the bishop of whatever diocese he sent him to.

As you know, Your Eminence, it wasn't just the bad-boy priests who cost Catholics around the world millions of dollars in lawsuits, it was the bishops who hid them and shuffled them around and played the silent game with their congregations. 

In 1977 I went with my father to the chancery office of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to report the sexual misconduct (and misuse of parish funds) of our own pastor. We were told to go away. Thirty years later the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles were made to pay over half a billion dollars in damages with more lawsuits to come. 

So let it be known, that as of the date of this letter, as Prefect for the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the Vatican Congregation which oversees the Archdiocese of Agana, Guam, you were made aware of the real cost of propping up this Archbishop and the machinations of his neo-catechist, Fr. Pius Sammut whose fetish for public and detailed confessions of sexual sins we believe is a major part of the problem, a fetish which will soon become better known now that there are people willing to speak despite the fear he has imposed on them. 

Lastly, we already know that there is a plan afoot to "mollify the natives": make peace with the two pastors publicly abused by our Archbishop, and maybe even give the seminary property back. But neither of these will protect the Catholics of Guam from being sued as so many other dioceses have been sued if this Archbishop is permitted to continue to ordain malformed and un-vetted clerics from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.

Tim Rohr and many other Catholics of the Archdiocese of Agana

P.S. Archbishop Apuron has been heard to say "no one can get me", meaning even you. However, he also knows that there is one way to "get him", and that would be if there was "something personal". Rather than wait for "something personal" to blow up in the press, may I suggest you just ask him yourself. He might actually tell you the truth. 

P.P.S. I know you do not like my tactics, my going public with these concerns. Too bad there was no internet back in 1977. The people of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles may have been spared decades of torment and millions of dollars.


  1. Nice cry baby letter

    1. Thanks, Adrian. It is quite satisfying to know that your life revolves around my every word. See you soon.

    2. Adrian, we found your pacifier. Edivaldo and Harold were taking turns sitting on it awaiting your return.

    3. Janet B - MangilaoApril 1, 2015 at 1:51 PM

      Sitting on it, or merely sucking the sweet juice out of it?
      LOL. On 2nd thought, how sad, that we even say this. Because it is true and nobody in authority will do anything about it. Totally disgusting for the Church to ignore this issue on Guam. Did it not learn ANYTHING form all the problems elsewhere in the world?
      WAKE UP ROME!!!!!

    4. I recommend that all of you listen to Patti Arroyo's interview with Kyle Manglona on the K57 website. He is a Chamorro born and raised in Tacoma, Washington who is currently studying for the priesthood in Rome. He is visiting Guam for Easter. It is so refreshing to listen to a mature, intelligent and motivated seminarian who has had a solid seminary formation and comes from a solid, happy and healthy family background. Such a contrast with the products of our NCW "seminary" who spew immaturity and sordid details in their "testimonies" in our churches. When I listen to a seminarian like Kyle speak I feel like contributing. When I heard Gabe Camacho speak I regret I ever made donations to the RMS. Hopefully the archbishop has come to realize that having his NCW seminarians give testimonies has backfired and caused the faithful to close their purses and wallets.

    5. Yes Adrian, read and weep because your boboy's empire is crumbling with you in it. You will never be elevated to a higher position. You might experience a brief feeling of elevation when you get the boot. Make sure you're wearing your Depends. Poor baby Adrian.

  2. Here's a thought, ANON 7:03.......If you can't be positive, at least BE QUIET.
    Don't go away mad......JUST GO AWAY....

    1. i guess this blog should just be quiet

    2. Why, because it's telling the ugly truth you'd rather have swept under the rug?

      Truth hurts. Deal with it.

  3. Anon 7:03 Which part of the letter can you refute as being false. Apparently none since all you can do is whine. Sorry, Sorry boo, boo.

  4. Whoever thinks this is a cry baby letter has had his head in the sand for years! Not that Apuron will be extremely punished; after all, Cardinal Law got a. Cushy job in Rome.


  5. We will not stop until Anthony Apuron is removed.


  6. Thank you Tim for all the new posts this week. So much new material I forgot about Luis Camacho. But will return to him in the future I hope.

  7. ??!!Patty Arroyo said just now on her K57 radio program that there is a rumor that Fr. Luis has been shipped off to somewhere in Jerusalem??!! She said this can't be verified because no one in the chancery is talking.

    1. Wouldn't surprise me at all, Out of Sight Out of Mind!! What a total whitewash and cover up of this whole Fr. Luis incident.

    2. The Neo stronghold in Jerusalem is a sprawling complex on the slopes of Mount of the Beatitudes called "Domus Galilaeae". It reeks of Kiko from the architecture to its decoration. Don't you just love it?

    3. His Eminence Anyhony is going to Domus Galilaeae for his retreat. Bye.

    4. Is this the place?

  8. Before an refutes this letter, at least take a moment to reflect. I see this letter a fair warning, something indeed that can spare all of us the hard-earned money we have sacrificed to put up to build our churches and schools. What a dreadful spectre of seeing our churches and schools closed down to pay legal fees and remuneration. Is that what we want? This situation in Agana is beyond the rift between apuron/ncw and concerned Roman Catholics. It is more about the continued operation of the Archdiocese in years to come. It is about the legacy for our children and theirs. It is about the mutual trust between laity and clergy that we have built up and destroyed by the unwelcome incursion of the neoturds. Rise up and be vigilant - if not for you, then for our children! We cannot rely on Rome and its feeble attempts at bella figura. We should rely on our strength as a people and not deal with the veneer of appearances. Remember the Lord's analogy of "whitewashed tombs" that apply in our situation.

  9. Triumphant entry into Jerusalem usually doesn't end well. Let's see if it's true!

  10. One of the many other Catholics of the Archdiocese of Agana.

  11. Let me go on record to state that I am also one of the many other Catholics of the Archdiocese of Agana, and am in complete agreement with the points mentioned in the letter to Cardinal Fernando Filoni.

    Your Eminence, you have been informed!

  12. Won't be surprised if the letter is in file 13 (as in Stalag 13..."I know nothing, I hear nothing, I see nothing") along with with thousands of complaints from faithful Catholics worldwide.

  13. Janet B, you are right to send a wake-up call to Rome. Right now, our disgust is focused on Apuron, but if Rome does not act in a reasonable time, then our disgust will eventually include Rome.

    It's Rome's call.

  14. Mr. Rohr:

    Please send a courtesy copy to the Pope, the Nuncio, Cardinal Tagle, the new Cardinal from Fiji, and to the Congregation of the Clergy. Thank you.

  15. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaApril 1, 2015 at 6:57 PM

    For the record, I, Mary Lou Garcia-Pereda, join Ebet Sapida (April 1, 2015 at 11:56 AM) and Frank Dela Cruz (April 1, 2015 at 12:40 PM) as one of the Many Other Catholics of the Archdiocese of Agana in agreement with this "Note to Cardinal Filoni" posted on JungleWatch on Wednesday, 1 April 2015.

    Cardinal Fernando Filoni, please know that many, many more Other Catholics stand with Tim Rohr.

  16. Forgot about Luis Camacho? Huh?

  17. did AAA see his 'ex?'
    wonder if there will be a homecoming?

  18. I'm with you Tim! Excellent write up.
    Pedro Santos
