Archbishop Apuron,
You have a responsibility to confirm or deny the veracity of this incident. Because the girl was of the age of consent, there is no crime (if in fact she consented), and no way for the public to verify the truth or falsity of this incident. However, since you ordained him and appointed him pastor, crime or no crime, you have a responsibility to tell us the truth about this incident. And then you have the responsibility to tell us the truth about many other things.
Do we need to do another count up?
Latest report (unconfirmed) is that he was booked on "jurisdiction over adults" and released. Here is what Guam Law says:
§ 5117. Jurisdiction Over Adults.
(a) Any person who knowingly commits any act or knowingly omits the
performance of any duty, which act or omission causes or tends to cause or
encourage a child to become in need of the care and protection of the Family
Division of the Superior Court, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Latest report (unconfirmed) is that he was booked on "jurisdiction over adults" and released. Here is what Guam Law says:
§ 5117. Jurisdiction Over Adults.
(a) Any person who knowingly commits any act or knowingly omits the
performance of any duty, which act or omission causes or tends to cause or
encourage a child to become in need of the care and protection of the Family
Division of the Superior Court, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Priest arrested after being found with teen
http://www.kuam.com/global/story.asp?s=28547805I can tell you exactly how the chancery is going to spin this.
There's no getting around the truth of the matter. So they are going to say that they are taking this very seriously, that they have a policy of zero tolerance, that they will investigate the incident, blah, blah, blah....and then he'll disappear like Wadeson.
Someone said he spent 10 years at the seminary. According to AAA, the cost per seminarian per year is $17,000. That's $170,000.00.
Who among us can afford an education like that for our own children? But it's not Luis Camacho who should pay it back. It should be Anthony S. Apuron, personally. He has NOT seen to the proper formation and psychological screening of these guys. He has abdicated that duty to Giuseppe Gennarini.
One thing for sure. WE ARE NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO.
Priest resigns from archdiocese following arrest
http://www.kuam.com/story/28548167/2015/03/18/priest-resigns-from-archdiocese-following-arrest"In the meantime, Father Luis' faculties have been restricted."
What?? No "arduous and painful closure" to his assignment? No insert in the U Matuna bashing him and his family?
We have to wonder how long this would have gone unaddressed by the chancery if the media hadn't been alerted. What a shame. The chancery should not have to be prodded into making a statement with every incident. But we know why.
what do you mean by this?????
ReplyDeleteI am first going to give the archbishop the chance to do the right thing....for once.
DeleteHe can't do nothing about it? Giuseppe makes the final decision.
DeleteNeo Priest from Merizo arrested.
ReplyDeleteK57 said on their news segment @ 3:35 p.m. that Fr. Luis Camacho was arrested for custodial interference for picking up a 17 year old girl without permission.
DeleteKUAM picked up story
Edivaldo....was this an incident of "sucking the juice and then spitting it out" an exception to the rule?
ReplyDeleteOh Boy....Where's my popcorn.....
ReplyDeleteThe Archbishop has the obligation to tell the truth.
ReplyDeletePedro Santos
what's the canon or rule used by the arch to protect his flock? that one. use it.
ReplyDeleteIf the comment from Anonymous (March 18, 2015 at 9:27 AM) — "Neo Priest from Merizo arrested" — is accurate then the information should be released by the Guam Police Department. Such an arrest, IF it occurred, would certainly make the media sit up and take notice. I will be keeping my eyes and ears open …
ReplyDeleteHowever, if it is just an "incident" (with no arrest) with sexual implications as indicated in this post, then it becomes an internal Church matter. Given AAA's predisposition to trash the reputations of good priests like Fr. Paul Gofigan and Msgr. James Benavente, I wonder if he will face his responsibility to inform the Catholic Faithful regarding this incident. If inappropriate behavior DID occur between a priest and a female, one would hope that AAA would do the right thing and impose appropriate sanctions and/or discipline.
You're such a wimp, Tim. You would actually give him a chance to do the "right thing" for once. Give me a break. I'm sorry but Archbishop Apuron and his minions have hurt too many people. He doesn't deserve anymore chances to do the "right thing." This is a bunch of baloney. What's going on with this incident?
ReplyDeleteLOL. Anonymous calls me a wimp. Whatever. I don't have the facts. I only have hearsay. So I'm not going to be bullied into making a charge...which, if suspicion serves me that's what you want me to do. A sort of set up. The "rumors" though are pretty fierce and they didn't start on this blog. The scandal is already raging and Apuron has a duty to discredit it if it's not true. Feel free to use your name next time you want to call me - practically the only guy on this island for two years - who has been willing to put his name on anything.
DeleteFrom past experience, the Archbishop is not going to come out and tell us the truth. Fr. Camacho is NEO, and will be protected by him forever. Let us all wait for it to be printed under " Public Safety Roundup" on PDN. Why don't we call the Parish and speak to him ourselves.
DeleteProbably at his lawyers office. Then go to his community and tell all. Great. Hey, Diana...any words of wisdom? Lord, have Mercy.
DeleteIt's me Anon @ 10:48 a.m. again. I didn't mean to call you a "wimp" in a condescending way even though at a reread it does appear that way. The laughable point was that you would actually give Archbishop the opportunity to do the right thing. He won't. We all know that. So it wasn't a rouse to set you up or make the accusation against the person in question. We all know the amount of work and substance you put into your work. Please pardon my offense. No harm intended. Signing out from the East Coast, the "real" wimp. LOL.
DeleteAny mature person can see the configuration of these missionary families with the presbyters mixed in with the kids and the wives is a poisonous stew made up by asexual coarse woman Carmen and her companion the artist, you know who. What the hell do you expect? Really failed experiment.
DeleteArch is going to turn another blind eye on this one, just like he has done with everything else towards the non neo's!
ReplyDeleteOnly if we let him. But then that's up to all of you.
DeleteAnd Tim is right. If we, the Catholics of Guam refuse to do something, we are as much guilty as the AAA. We need to protect our Church. Talk is cheap. We need to take back OUR CHURCH! When is enough, ENOUGH???
DeleteHeard Archie say before with great contentment: "Luis is a good boy". That's the problem. Let's not ordain boys and let's do screening. Of course, screening will not prevent out human failings but would be a help.
ReplyDelete"He didn't do it. For Sure, For Sure......."
DeleteSpokesperson Adrian is off island....Alberto, knows nothing, Claros knows nothing....Archbishop speak the truth for a change. Last chance ...for real.
ReplyDeleteSpokesperson Adrian is off island....Alberto, knows nothing, Claros knows nothing....Archbishop speak the truth for a change. Last chance ...for real.
ReplyDeleteAlberto and Claros knows what's going on.
DeleteThat is a complete lie, and I personally know that! When he was at the precinct, many people from the Archdiocese were calling inquiring about the incident.
DeleteIt was obvious to many that this young man was sooooo not ready to become a Catholic priest, especially after his testimony before an ACB mass so many weeks ago, and even more apparent, now after this sad incident, if true. In Diana's blog she unwittingly pointed to the problem (just play around with the same words). It should have been the NCW causes broken families and results in loneliness.
ReplyDeleteHeard Adrian is off-island undergoing knee replacement surgery.
ReplyDeleteAnd what other reasons? Adrian?
DeleteRemember someone commenting here about Luis being troubled. Guess, so.
ReplyDeleteMore than the age difference, Father Luis IS a priest!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy are people so calm about this? He was caught with a teenage girl, never mind the age of consent; she's an underage schoolgirl! !!
The Neo parents are okay with it. Crazy, disgusting brainwashed parents! Apuron is okay with it. Evil, self-serving shepherd of Guam!
KUAM, PDN? Cover and Report on this! He may have more victims! !!
People, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteSuspect bisexual.
Are we sure about this? We don't want to get burned by this if this is not true.
ReplyDeleteThe Neos should be called "Nils" since they believe no laws apply to them.
ReplyDeletePray. Fast. Abstain. Abide with Christ Jesus And endure any and all forms of scandal. Let us not partake in gossip. Wait until it is reported out by news media. Again my people, do not let your hearts be troubled. Have tremendous faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray for all priests no matter the issue or spiritual walk. Pray always for the conversion of all people.
ReplyDeleteWaited for the media for three decades. How do you think things get to the media?
DeleteYes Tim. We have endured And we will endure Again. News media or not, it will spread because people do talk. I'm just following the Pope's message about gossip. Why not then call in K-57 and talk about it. Just an idea if you all would like to address it. Jesus, King of Mercy we trust in you. Trust God! It's that simple.
DeletePatti spoke about it on her show and confirmed it with police.
DeleteI'm searching pacificnewscenter and can't find it. Is there a link? Thank you btw for your Christian witness brother.
DeleteYour all Sick!!!
DeleteNo you are Tim.
DeleteAdrian. As in Adrian, I recognize you. Everybody does.
DeleteThis is a result of the poor human, spiritual, academic formation in rms. Archbishop Apuron ordained a sexually immature man who is a relative of former bishop camacho.
DeleteOf course, we all know Adrian the spoiled brat and resident whack job. Stay out of the kitchen boy and don't play in the jungle. Aii si Adrian, mampos aguaguat.
DeleteTim Jones oh my word Did I Spell that Right ?
DeleteOh 5:30PM...you of little faith. Some are putting two and two together with words spoken on FB. No where to go when this is exposed. Copy and paste when the time is right. You'd be surprise!!!!!!!
DeleteIt's serious enough that they are circling the wagons. Gotta get everyone in step and the story straight before they go forth with a statement. That and they are probing to ensure that there isn't a hat trick in the making.
ReplyDeleteAAA - this is the perfect time to file your lawsuit since you'll be at court for both your case and this developing case.
ReplyDeleteAdrian's grammar is horrible.
Naw, Just gonna send him on mission...
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:50 we're sick? You're sick!! Waiting for the insert in the Umatuna. BTW Jose, a hat trick in hockey means three goals by one person. Are you saying there are three more? Or are you talking like a magic show?
ReplyDeleteYes, something happening in threes: hattricks; strike outs; even crowing roosters. First, the teacher. Second, the priest. Is there going to be a third?
DeleteThird, the nun! Wait for it....
DeleteEven if AAA doesn't admit it, there is division in the church when you have neo-priests (presbyters) and non-neo priests.
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:50....You're the one who's sick. Somehow, someway, "if" this gets on the U'Matuna, it'll be a spin for the NeoCats and they'd probably blame the entire thing on the young lady who tempted the priest. Hmmmm.....that'll sound so familiar. Like trying to lay blame on the technician for the broadcast.
ReplyDeleteOnline U Matuna down this week hard copy too. Let's see. JUSY copy paste from CNS
DeleteSad that my Grandmother had to tell me about this story...#PrayingForGuam #ChaosReigns
ReplyDeleteKUAM has confirmed the arrest of Luis Camacho!
ReplyDeleteThese "half-baked" priests surely spell trouble.
ReplyDeleteKUAM has it here.. One "Luis Camacho" was arrested at a beach in Agat where he was in a parked car with the girl. Deacon Larry "for sure, for sure" Claros will issue a statement later.
Hope there is a statement before the end of the news broadcast! Come on, in parked car at the Agat beach!
DeleteHope the car was air conditioned..... Thanks to the AAA
DeleteRestricted faculties? No drama like Fr. Paul and Monsignor James?
ReplyDeleteLetter of AAA out. Accepted resignation of the priest as pastor.
ReplyDeleteHe should have to pay back all the cost for his education. What a waste!!!
DeleteHefty student loan, Luis. P.s. Total is way more than that. get real.
DeleteApuron paid for Luis way before rms. wake up Guam!,,,,,,, smell roses.
DeleteHey, do I smell roses? Apuron did pay before seminary established.
DeleteI can't wait to hear AAA's statement on this debacle regarding one of his very own neo presbyters. More than likely it will be very pathetic.
ReplyDeleteYes, can't wait to hear Tony's oral comments about Luis' oral behavior.
DeleteOral behavior of Luis is reading material of Archbishop Krebs tonight.
How "providential"...Agat.
DeleteYep. They'll blame me. Thank you for your support and prayers. They are needed.
DeleteSounds like Plus and the tall woman will be busy on that one.
ReplyDeleteResignation and that makes everything alright? Now that's pathetic.
ReplyDeleteReported on KUAM...
ReplyDeleteRestricted? The war has just begun. Man the torpedoes, full speed ahead. STOP THE APPEAL DONATIONS.
ReplyDeletePius your boys at RMS need psychological evaluation. On second thoughr, maybe it's you that needs the evaluation...This must be the new format for evangelization.
The statement reads that he resigned as being pastor for San Dimas and San Dionisio parishes. So what next? Assign him to another parish and all is forgiven? That's right! It's the neo thing to do. Where's Claros?
ReplyDeleteTim...how many visitors from the Vatican are reading this particular blog today?
ReplyDeleteTim, may we have a page view numbers on the camacho story. It's circulating on other pages already.
DeleteFor their own sake, I hope the neo followers are looking at this with eyes wide open. They can no longer deny that what is said here is true.
ReplyDeleteJulius was under mentorship of Luis ....great idea to put brand new priest in administrator position in two parishes. Brilliant move Pius. God help Julius. Knuckleheads.
ReplyDeleteThe RMS is forming a new evagilization supported by the formation of presperverters.
ReplyDeletejulius only has a few months to hold the fort down...isn't there someone being ordained soon...another young one..This is what you get on a fast track class...macho man is probably next. BTW, where is Harold?
ReplyDeleteHAROLD is simply horrified! Ha
DeleteWhat? Harold is not Lilly white himself. Infact expected to read about him in our papers before Luis.
DeleteHarold is vice Rector of the Seminary. As dean of discipline I'm sure he's taking care of business. Luis in aircon room at rms.
Deleteneo-pervs aren't just in the neo-rectory.
ReplyDeletebeen plenty (check out the silent priests) out there among us for a long time....
regardless, quit with the diversion and double standards. lame, lame, lame...
we see right through it because you people are really no good at it.
good at the lies, good at muddy-ing the water, good at frying Fr. Paul and bar-be-que-ing Monsignor James, skewering the Carmelites and selectively enforcing the sacraments but when it's one of their golden boys everything is glossed over like cake frosting.
what's good for the neos isn't good for the rest of us...oh wait, we're not walkers in that wrong way.
neo pervs high-up in their following all those broken marriages resuscitated and surviving on a thread...wives don't forget that stuff...
what did i see? neo's are moochers for sure.
Field day in the Jungle!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a field day in the Jungle. Provided by the Archbishop and NCW brothers.
DeleteI have said it before, these "inappropriate" relations seem to be the ties that bind the Neo Way...
ReplyDeleteFirst a young neo teacher, now a young neo priest. This is what happens when you become one if them. Great going Pius and crew. Now man up and tell the whole story. For once can you people tell the truth?!
ReplyDeleteIt was evident from the beginning this young man was unsuitable for the priesthood.
All the warning signs were there yet they thought that the Way will change him for the better and would make a great success story. Well it backfired and came bact to bite them. All that hoopla about the first local neo product and it's a big FAIL!! Back to the old Kiko drawing board. Clap! Clap! Clap!
DeleteA tragic event that reflects Archbishop Apuron.
ReplyDeleteHang on folks more sex stories to unfold.
Apuron. How dare you stay here one more day. Get the hell out and take your Neo operatives with you. For Gods sake!
DeleteCurious to hear Ms Diana's warped spin on this issue. The latest neo booboo is a litmus test of "call me tony's" spineless and mindless "leadership" and the pathetic spins of his minions up on the loony hill.
ReplyDeleteShe will start with a disclaimer and blame JungleWatch for alerting the police. She will claim persecution and go off on another unintelligible rant.
DeleteWell, apparently the Dianas think that Fr Luis "did the right thing".
DeleteOh dear. What would OJ say?
Ibidi ibidi, that's all folks! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! That's it, he's cracked!
ReplyDeleteDo we have details of what Luis was doing in the car? Doubt he praying rosary.
Recruiting a neo member from high school.
DeletePolice report still being fixed, oops I mean worked on. Chief reviewing all the juicy details and may need to call in the parties involved for clarification.
DeleteSpeaking of that, is Jonathan Bordallo related to Fred Bordallo police chief? If so, maybe some sinister cover ups about this incident within GPD. After all, the charge seems to be downgraded, considering the circumstances surrounding the incident.
DeleteFor clarification, Camacho was charged with Jurisdiction Over Adult. He could not be charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct because the female is 17 years of age and therefore is of the consent age.
DeleteYes, STOP THE APPEAL! STOP THE APPEAL! This situation confirms the fact that these neo-formed seminarians are definitely "half-baked", ill prepared and probably not priest material. Besides, this neo seminary in Yona is costing our diocese beyond our ability to afford because our diocese is already suffering from being in deep financial debt!
ReplyDeleteIt's absolutely sinful that our diocese is living beyond its means; and we, we are enabling this irresponsible management of our Catholic Church on Guam!!
PLEASE STOP THIS APPEAL!! CLOSE DOWN THE NEO SEMINARY AND PAY UP OUR DIOCESE'S DEBTS WITH THE SALE OF THAT PROPERTY THE SEMINARY IS ON IN YONA!! That would be the only Christian, responsible, financially sound and wise thing to do.
Hope all the senators are listening. Why is it that his charge is merely custodial interference? Because the girl was 17 and at the age of consent? A minor can consent to having sexual relations with an adult but not purchase alcohol, tobacco, or firearms? Please stop introducing frivolous legislation and do something to fix this ridiculous double standard.
ReplyDeleteIf that girl were my daughter, consent or not, the offense is kidnapping, rape, coercion, and child endangerment. And since the neos subscribe to the old ways, he should have no objection to castration. And not in a modern surgical facility, but hog tied out in the mud with a rusty blade and a branding iron. Now tell me that's not justice.
ReplyDeleteApostolic Visitors are aware of the formal arrest of a Roman Catholic Priest on Guam under the authority of Anthony Apuron.
Saw Luis going for his interview with visitors. Had his swagger on that day. So much for swagger.
DeleteIs he in Brother Ton's community? He's gonna tell all and cry, then Brother Ton will tell all and cry. How good it is to be with the brothers.
DeleteYes, 11.13pm. Visitors certainly remember today Luis Camacho. His name along with Apuron is the talk in Vatican corridors, chancery offices all over America and the world. As media continues to bring this story of Guam to the global village.A story of love and romance between NCW priest and a school girl.
Why is the news report censored? They were found in the car having sex! And it was not their first and only encounter as the sanitized report might lead you to believe. Certainly not a single moment of weakness. This guy is a sexual predator who should be cell mates with Helpme.
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Rohr.
ReplyDeleteIt has been stated Archbishop Apuron " restricted " faculties of Fr. Luis Camacho. Please can you explain what this means? In this particular case should the faculties of Fr.Luis Camacho be removed tending investigation!
Thank you. Concerned Catholic.
Is sixteen really the age of consent? Are we mad?
ReplyDeleteThe age of consent is sixteen in my state also. Keeps the legal system from getting clogged up with so many having sex these days unfortunately. The act is legal at 16 unless forced, coached, or the perpetrator is in a position of power over the victim, like a teacher, coach, parent or guardian. This would also include clergy, physicians, psychologists, and youth organization leaders.
DeleteThe sad part is we know this will happen. We hide behind religion and forget about reality. PERVERTS know how to play the game. They get top leaders to by in then prey on the flock. I've mention this before to my decent NEO friends, you are caught on their web and are distracted, your kids are their targets now. I urge you folks, protect your kids and get out while they are not victims....or maybe they are already!
ReplyDeleteAs for Claros, you might as well resign. You ignored all the signs of a sexual predator. You spend too much time thinking of reasons to protect AAA from his sex scandal that you lost sight of reality.
JW readers...I posted this on DIANA's blog...this is her response!..aye sus..SHE or HE..whatever IT IS...LOL...one word!..CRAZY!
ReplyDeleteMy comment: Hope you watched the news!.....is this how the way helps people?!!! Y'all are crazy!
DianaMarch 18, 2015 at 6:25 PM
Dear Anonymous at 6:16 pm,
You are only doing what Anti-Catholics have been doing. They say that the Catholic Church is evil because of the sex scandal that was covered up. A few misguided priests does not represent the entire Catholic Church. There are many good priests in the Catholic Church. It is the same with the Way. One priest do not represent the entire NCW. There are many more good priests in the NCW. Furthermore, I am glad that Father Luis resigned. He did the right thing.
I thought priest in the NCW are also Catholic priest....so what is it?
DeleteSome neo women sex operators too. Off to Morristown Carmelite. Take a deep breath. True.
ReplyDeleteNCW interested only in numbers and disordered individuals. Operation is to play on the human moral weakness. Promise them a better life by joining NCW. But vocations are questionable. Apuron has to ordain so many in the few remaining years left. So any dysfunctional seminarian sent to rms will be ordained. This is the problem. It is not a seminary of the catholic church. It is a Kiko seminary not following the formation required for catholic priests. Facts speak .
DeleteGuess Luis suffered trauma after his parents divorce. Kid was screwed up since seminary days. He good looking Apuron ordained him. Be honest.
ReplyDeleteBlame Anthony Apuron for ordaining dregs into Guam.
ReplyDeleteMore than one teenager involved ?
ReplyDeleteWant to know why Luis camacho as a catholic priest positioned himself in a compromise with a 17 year old girl. Is this the result of rms training. St. Patrick's never have approved him for ordination.
Anthony Apuron ...... One scandal after another. resign .
ReplyDeleteApuron root cause of the scandals in Guam Church.
ReplyDeleteI was literally sick to my stomach when I read this news. To t think I kissed his anointed hands at his ordination and been receiving HOLY Communion from him. So embarrassing for his family.... another son in seminary... now this will definitely humble the parents, his community, and brother priests.
DeleteFr. Camacho was not prepared correctly for ordination this is the issue. Fr. camacho lacked a solid formation in theology, spirituality, and love for mother church and priesthood. This is why you have this end result. His no formation, kind of free for all liberal creative seminary living, is the very cause for what we now read. Luis knows no better he needs prayer , Fr. Camacho.
I would also add that his uncle the former bishop of Saipan Tomas Camacho should reach out to Luis camacho and help this young man re focus on his priestly life and ministry to a family member. This could make up for Bishop camacho's years of neglect to myself personally. Best to amend for the past before we meet the Lord.
DeleteI believe it goes deeper than that, perhaps Luis is not called to the priesthood but to married life? Goes back to formation, perhaps lack of a good psych evaluation, as well as spiritual director. Just more evidence of who really calls for the ordination of those at rms. You would have to have walked in community to know how they coerce young men into seminary.
DeleteEveryone...remember PIUS saying the seminary is not necessary. The presbyters will be trained IN COMMUNITY in FIVE YEARS!! Good idea. Really improves on the model we have now. It will only get worse, folks. Out of control. Pope Francis says he will only be around a few more years. So what does he care?
DeleteFr. Luis, your trials and comeuppance have only begun. Now the island sees you for what you are.
ReplyDeleteAnd to the parasites in the NCW: look upon your fallen and disgraced brother, and see your own destinies in him, unless you turn away from false teaching and return to the true Catholic Church.
Patmos, our isle of Guam sees Luis as a fake priest who used the church.
DeleteI read a lot of comments on articles posted on Facebook saying they feel sorry for Luis and even encourage prayers for him. They seem to have totally disregarded the girl. So sad.
ReplyDeleteWhat about that so called "Priest" from Chalan Pago who thinks he is some kool dude. He has all the answers to hide his true identify.
ReplyDeleteEdivaldo told me it is their formation to always go two by two. UH, oh....too bad in this case to be alone!
DeleteNCW priest told priests today it's ok for Luis to have a girl friend as long as its not public knowledge.Archbishop agreed with the NCW priest. Archbishop Krebs wake up!
Delete6:53 just why would we believe you?
DeleteFather Short Shorts story even better. Big mouth muscle man.
DeleteCheck Luis' cellphone...I bet there's a lot of incriminating evidence showing that other minors are victims too.
ReplyDeleteFr. Camacho requires a period of prayer discernment in a monastery followed by a couple of years formation in St.Patrick's seminary. May be he can be helped. I believe every priest in crisis situation should be helped by their bishop. Even in situations where the priest may be at fault never stop exercising love, compassion, help to a priest. When you take care of a priest in crisis you serve the heart of Jesus. This situation has happened because the bishops of Guam and Saipan unfortunately never acted as spiritual fathers to priests. Greatest crime of the Mariana islands today are the dysfunctional relationships between bishops and clergy. This is not about Luis camacho, this happened because the ordinary simply took no interests in the priests of his archdiocese.
I agree.
DeleteImportant to focus on the real issue. The issue is not Luis camacho he stands before God alone as his ultimate judge as we all do. The issue here is the formation. What ind of priestly formation did he receive? What was the process of assisting this young priest adapting to priestly life and ministry post ordination. Luis was appointed pastor so soon after ordination. In the climate of today's society no priest is ready to be a pastor until at least five years post ordination after completing a couple of assignments as an associate pastor mentored by a truly wise prudent spiritual priest of many years.
DeleteI disagree. While it is true the main issue of contention is Apuron's continued disinterest in the good of the Church, Luis' actions are an offense to society. Lack of proper formation is no excuse. As an adult man, he knew what he was doing was wrong but made the conscientious decision to do it anyway. That's a criminal in my book. For that, he should be subject to the judgement and consequences of man. God can punish his soul, but society should demand his flesh.
DeleteLuis camacho is just one of the many rms seminarians priest's who are screwed up. Their bishop is screwed up so it's natural what is now happening. The entire archdiocese is screwed up and requires urgently a new Bishop. As no one in Guam is episcopal material the leadership comes from outside now.
DeleteAccording to sources car was moving.
ReplyDeleteMoving as in rockin and Rollin?
DeleteWell, 9.17pm. Word used to me was the car moved like 10.0 earthquake. Now I don't know what this means, but sure feels like a ballistic movement to me.
By logic. Two people siting in a car talking is not enough reason for Guam police department to make an arrest. By the very fact the car was parked in a remote costal area would be enough for the police department to take a closer look. Even then police cannot make an arrest for two people in a car talking. Makes no sense. Even if the girl should have been in school would not be enough reason to further question Luis camacho. My gut feeling is, police department looked into the car noticed something that raised eyebrows, further questioned which led to the arrest.Archbishop should disclose full details to the media of what he knows regarding Luis camacho. At the same time parents of this girl need to seek help of the Agana Archdiocese for any trauma girl suffered. Girl will need extensive psychological counseling for the suffered trauma . Treatments are available in California. Would urge parents to.contact west coast regional director of Snap to see now counseling can be made available to the girl.
ReplyDelete@12:20PM..Trauma? I doubt it! Parents? Parents are part of the Archbishop's buddy system.
Deletei'm deeply saddened hearing about these events. i just saw the story on the pdn online, which just basically repeats the press release from the archdiocese.
ReplyDeletelong ago now, the young luis camacho was a student of mine. i saw him, as i did all my students, as one of "my kids."
having been off island for a long time, and not knowing the background of his training, i was very proud to learn that one of "my kids" had been ordained a priest.
but now, i'm very sad--heartbroken is probably a better word--to find out about this.
not knowing any more about the facts, i'll go with what i've seen in the media. i pray for the victim of this crime, for fr luis, and for their families.
Fr. Luigi's nose-dive. 16 months is all it took. Sad read: http://umatuna.org/camacho-family-shares-joy-on-ordination-of-pale-luis
ReplyDeleteBetter it came out now rather than later!
now or later? As Hillary would say: "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?"
Deleteso I guess when North Korea sends a missile to the island. i'll guess you'll blame the bishop for that. oh you won't be here
ReplyDeleteAnother neo spin that has nothing to do with this subject. lol!
DeleteWhy? Did he know it was coming and just decided not to tell anyone.
DeletePlease explain comment. Thank you.
DeletePrayers and God's blessings to you now and always! all around for all of us. We ought not be consumed by the current lack of credible church leadership. We remain strong in our beliefs that God is in control of events that are happening. We cannot see clearly yet what his overall plan is, but let us trust in his presence in our lives. Luis Camacho has issues and he has to face the consequences of his actions both in civil and church law, and ultimately before his Lord and God. Keep on trying to live good happy lives that befit our response to God's gift of life. Apuron will have a lot to answer for, in spite of his consistent protestations of innocence. My goodness, how can he remain blind and deaf when everything he touches crumbles and falls? He has become toxic yet remains strongfisted in his claim to authority and power. How clueless can one be?
ReplyDeleteEverything Apruron touches turns to cow dung. Reality of his life since becoming bishop of Guam. He failed Guam.
DeleteMany concerned Catholics at Yigo?? More to be concerned about than ever.
ReplyDeleteConcerned Catholics of Guam have no idea yet. Things can only get worse they will have more to be concerned about. Apuron spent a life time fooling all of you.