- Joseph A. SantosJuly 20, 2015 at 2:20 PMDear John Toves,
Should the need arise, please establish a Go-Fund Me account and I will be one of the first to contribute $50 (fifty dollars) as a start for your defense fund. There Diana, I will give him "even $50..." So blast off!! (I told my wife I would not use profanity) We need to bring out all the documents, beginning with the use of the Appeal funds and the travel expenses of the RMS to name a few. So yes please pursue the law suit and the truth shall set you free, or maybe not.
Taken July 9. Morning.
(picture not taken by the commenter above)
(picture not taken by the commenter above)
The RMS is a money laundering organization using young men dressed as presbyters as their couriers to carry the money throughout the world to benefit Kiko and his cult leaders and the people from the NEO are that naive to think otherwise. Sounds like it was taken out of a movie script but we'll all see soon. Hey Customs, you'd better take a good look at what these presbyters are carrying the next time they return to the island. You'd find more than Holy Water and a bible (if there is one) in their bags.
ReplyDeleteJames T.
10.31am true.
DeleteAnonymous 10:31 a.m.: It's too bad that novelist/sociologist Fr. Andrew Greeley is deceased. He would have been able to write a great novel or expose of the NCW takeover of the Archdiocese of Agana. He did not shy away from controversial issues.
DeleteHe is going to the Holy Land to give his brother presbyter immoral support. Hope they both stay there a long long time.
ReplyDeleteTony-why don't you join them and allow the sheep to have a true shepherd?
Thank you Mr. Santos. I am in the process of calling EWTN, the canon lawyer, the media, and the Vatican. I have the heart of my grandfather and the tenacity of my grandmother. I will create the fund. Attorney Flummerfelt only needs a thousand to file with the Vatican. He will need one more to complete filing with the Promoter of Justice. When this hits, there is no turning back. God bless you, and God help me.
ReplyDeleteJohn I thing you're fifty short of a ??????
ReplyDeleteAnd that makes Apuron about 100 short for spending big money on a big lawyer to go after such a small guy...unless...unless...there really is a reason Apuron needs to shut John up. We shall soon find out now, won't we.
DeleteIn the state of California how much to you pay to get a lawyer to write a letter like the one composed for John Toves. How much of our church money was spend for the writing of that letter?
DeleteDidn't you stop the MONEY??? All you CCOG
DeleteThanks for the opportunity to remind everyone of why we need to. Next village meeting is this Thursday, 6pm at the Agat Senior Center.
DeleteTim you're welcome Puppet Master. next meeting off the Island.
DeleteLOL. Yawn.
DeleteBishop Tobin comments to all acolytes, presbyters, priests, deacons, nuns, laity and Bishop Apuron
ReplyDeleteThe sloppy and even offensive way people dress while attending Mass is something I’ve witnessed personally.
You know what I’m talking about; you’ve seen it too. Hirsute flabmeisters spreading out in the pew, wearing skimpy clothes that reveal way too much, slogging up the aisle accompanied by the flap-flap-flap of their flip-flops; hyperactive gum-chewing kids with messy hair and dirty hands, checking their iPhones and annoying everyone within earshot or eyesight.
A church is a church, not a beach or a pool deck.
Every member of the worshipping community should dress appropriately for Mass, but the obligation is even greater for those who fulfill public ministries during the liturgy – ushers, lectors, servers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Because they’ve assumed a public role in the sacred liturgy and are in the public eye, it’s important that they give good example to others.
And what about the trend I’ve seen increasingly in recent years, even in our cathedral, of people coming to Mass carrying their water bottles and coffee mugs? Is it a sacred space or an airport terminal? And I wonder how many people even think about the Eucharistic fast (one hour before receiving Holy Communion) when they prepare for Mass?
And while I’m venting, I still find it inappropriate and disrespectful to have a church full of people talking and creating a boisterous atmosphere before or after Mass, completely ignorant of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and the spiritual needs of their fellow parishioners who wish to spend a few moments of quiet prayer with the Lord. The Church should always provide a sanctuary of quiet, peace and prayer for anyone who wants to escape intrusions of our daily routine and enter into the presence of the Living God.
No moment reveals our attitude of respect than during the actual reception of Holy Communion.
I’m not one who has a strong preference for receiving Holy Communion standing or kneeling – both are approved by the Church and both can be either reverent or irreverent depending on the disposition of the person. Nor am I one who will fight over the merits of receiving Holy Communion in the hand or on the tongue. Again, both are approved by the Church and can be either reverent or irreverent.
I am frequently amazed, however, over how many of the faithful, young and old, simply don’t know how to receive Holy Communion properly. This ignorance reached its pinnacle a couple of years ago when one lady, a Confirmation sponsor in fact, dropped the sacred host I had placed in her hand and then looked at me, giggling, saying, “I guess I’ll need another one of those,” like she had just lost her favorite snack cracker.
It’s easy folks, really. As you approach the minister of Holy Communion you bow reverently and when you hear the words, “the Body of Christ,” you simply respond “Amen” as you extend both hands carefully or put out your tongue. And note, you’re required to consume the host then and there and not take it with you down the aisle or back to your pew.
The title of this column was taken from a letter of St. Francis of Assisi to his friars, in which he reveals his profound respect for the Holy Eucharist. He writes: “Let the entire man be seized with fear; let the whole world tremble; let heaven exult when Christ, the Son of the Living God, is on the altar in the hands of the priest. O humble sublimity! O sublime humility! That the Lord of the universe, God and Son of God, so humbles himself that for our salvation he hides himself under a morsel of bread.”
Thank you for sharing. In this current war against the kiko take over of this island I often hear people on our side say they want their church back. People, you were losing the church anyway because of the irreverence that has permeated our worship ever since Apuron assumed the episcopacy and before the kikos got here. While Apuron may not have been the cause of this loss of reverence, his lack of leadership and his general absenteeism didn't help. Either way, getting rid of Apuron and the Kikos is not going to restore the reverence due the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Only you can do that. And it might help if you start calling it that.
DeleteGood word. Praise!
Delete3:39 PM ....out with the OLD and in with'' NEW''
DeletePlease inform us where we can donate to the defense (offense in this case) and I am in for some as well...
ReplyDeleteAnon @3:39
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing on the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, God has really revealed this truth to you and to all of us, as this is what the church believes and has taught through the centuries. The Church has taught us that in the Seven Sacraments God allows us to receive Sanctifying Graces, there is one Sacrament though that is more prominent in that it is the Sacrament of Chirst himself. His real presence in the Holy Euchrist. I contend that if all Catholics really know and understand what it is they are receiving, they will not celebrate Holy Mass the same way. I pray that God will open the hearts of all believers to see his presence in this gifts of all gifts, this Hidden Treasure..
God Bless..
A short excerpt written by Father Barnes, Newman Center Boston...A shepherd's blog:
ReplyDeleteNotice the saying, The NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY is TOO CONTROLLING
"The alternative to "Beige Catholicism" is not "Nasty Catholicism." The alternative is "Joyful Catholicism." It is a Catholicism that I witness in the life of the young men and women whom I serve at the Newman Center at Boston University. They are thoroughly normal, well-adjusted, humorous, and intellectually astute young men and women. They are also devout. They love the Eucharist and the Sacraments. They love to share the joy of the Gospel with others. They are characters. Beige Catholicism, I think, tries to to destroy character. Beige Catholicism tries to suffocate characters. In the "Beige" worldview, Charismatics are too charismatic, Opus Dei is too conservative, the Neocatechumenal Way is too controlling, Communion and Liberation is too political, and those attached to the Latin Mass need to be reigned in. Beige Catholicism likes to talk about "diversity," but seeks to squelch any signs of true and authentic diversity. "
Unfortunately Father Barnes is criticizing those who are critical of the NCW and other groups. Something tells me he is probably only referring to a very few people. Moreover, he sounds like a compromised lib. The word "diversity" gives him away. Worse, the idea that we as Catholics can be discerning is somehow "nasty Catholicism" is an indication that this particular priest himself is in trouble.
DeleteAnonymous (July 21 at 10:00 PM), even without Tim's comment at 6:56 AM with his opinion that the priest sounds like a "compromised lib," there are a few hints that Fr. Barnes was not criticizing the NCW at all.
DeleteFirst, notice how in the introductory sentences — The alternative to "Beige Catholicism" is not "Nasty Catholicism." The alternative is "Joyful Catholicism" — Fr. Barnes introduces the concept of "Beige Catholicism" in contrast to "Joyful Catholicism."
Next Fr. Barnes extols the "virtues" of the members of "Joyful Catholicism" (AKA "non-Beige Catholicism") as being characters who are normal, well-adjusted, humorous, intellectually astute, devout young men and women who also love the Eucharist and the Sacraments and sharing the joy of the Gospel with others.
Immediately after all that praise, Fr. Barnes then describes members of "Beige Catholicism" as trying to destroy and/or suffocate characters (AKA members of "Joyful Catholicism") and then proceeds to list the "Beige worldview" under which comes the thing you noted "The NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY is TOO CONTROLLING."
Fr. Barnes clearly does not believe that "The NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY is TOO CONTROLLING" but is criticizing those who share that particular POV.
What I personally found interesting is how Fr. Barnes listed the Latin Mass along with the post-Vatican II products/movements. It's as though those attached to the Latin Mass are "products of Vatican II," totally ignoring the fact that such "attachment" actually pre-dates Vatican II.
To both Anons 3:39 and 6:52 - My hats off to you (if you are males), or my respectful bows of respect to you (if you are females) for your wonderful writings about respect in Church and especially about the way we reverence Christ in the Holy Eucharist at Mass. They may call us wimpy "wanna-be-hollier-than-thou Catholics" for putting forward these kinds of thoughts (instead of indulging in flippant anagrams) but in fact you are the epitome of strength and fortitude. KUDOS!
ReplyDeleteI only have one tiny bit of an advice. Let’s not hide under Anonymous. Let your light shine for all men to see, and tell us who we should thank - by name - for not lighting a candle and putting it under a bushel basket!
It is folks like you who will make it easier for us to get our Church back – by being stalwarts in the Army of Christ.
Sincerely, Joe R.
To Anonymous at 3:39 and 6:52: I would like to echo the advice offered by JR San Agustin (July 21, 2015 at 11:38 PM) that you not hide under Anonymous and let your light shine for all men to see so that we can know who we should thank — by name — for not lighting a candle and putting it under a bushel basket.
DeleteIf, as many have said, you are uncomfortable about using your actual name, please find a name you can use. I have suggested in the past that one can choose an alternative name such as a saint's name OR your Confirmation name, rather than remaining Anonymous. Another option is to use a name you wish your parents had named you; one of my good friends told me "I wish my parents named me Tiffany but it wasn't a saint's name." If you have such a "wish-name," why not use it?
I'm really glad to see there are more people willing to use their names — or pseudonyms — in posting comments. Please take Joe's advice and stop hiding under the Veil of Anonymity — use your own name or an alternative name so that we can address you more appropriately.
Thank you and God bless you!
St. Athanasius, pray for us.
DeleteWe remain anon, because if there is anyone to thank it is the Lord himself, We are really nothing and He is Everything. Please keep in mind also that The Church that Christ has established, will never be destroyed by anyone, Jesus promises us this "Not even the gates of hell will prevail against it. Matt 16:18. The Church, the Truth prevails, not because we defend it, but because It comes from God. Please do not let this discourage you in your efforts, God has given us all an intellect, whose object is the search of the Truth, and a free will whose object is Charity. All our efforts should be directed to the search of the Truth in Charity.
God Bless
You neglect to say what to do once you find the truth. Act on it. Following your logic, the Apostles were wrong to put their names and their faces to their beliefs. Some Church we would have had.
Delete"A reading from the Gospel of St. Anonymous" . . . it just doesn't have the same impact.
DeleteHop fr Harold only has a one way ticket
ReplyDeleteAnd in the united lounge he goes! To get the Chamorro cookies, of course.
DeleteHarold, too bad they didn't get you on the Global 5000 jet! You need to earn your brownie points from KikoguĂĄntes, PĂĄchot Pius and the Gennaweenies to fly on the private chartered plane. Wouldn't be surprised if Cunnilingus Louie beat you to the punch.
DeleteI've heard of "Globetrotter" but "Globe Presbyter?" Give me a break! lol!!
ReplyDeleteHarold's vacation!! He's been working hard; after all.
ReplyDeleteRemember seed money for all travels of presbyter around global village springs from funding from people of Guam. Island catholic community pays for Harold to travel. Think about what you financially support. Two thousand Usd airt ticket money. Money could better be spent supporting projects for the poor .
Anonymous July 23, 2015 at 10:46 AM says: "Two thousand Usd airt ticket money. Money could better be spent supporting projects for the poor."
ReplyDeleteWhat projects for the poor? Tony has no projects for the poor, just employees who do Chancery work and collect paychecks. I see no projects, nor have there been any for the past 30 years.
The problem is not traveling presbyters, although it is a problem. The real problem was very succinctly pointed out by an elder statesman for the priests, Monsignor David IA Quitugua, (the honest one, not the conniving accomplice VG at the Chancery). Very simply he told the Nuncio what most people feel deep down in their hearts, but have a hard time coming to terms with.
"Archbishop - YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!"
DeleteWell said Janet in 30 years Apuron has done nothing for the poor.
When I look at what Archbishop Flores did for the people so much. Apuron did nothing buy take our money for himself.
Rev. Father Harold, what's in that bag? Black socks?
ReplyDeleteProbably the black trash bag! LMFAO!
DeleteOur priests who are not in ncw personally fork out travel expenses including air fare. Those presbyters in ncw are provided all-expenses paid trips to and from their countries of origin and incessant globetrotting to connect with other neo communities and to compete with poor people who cannot travel in seeing the Pope around the globe. These infractions and injustices are lost to apuron as he ingratiates himself to his neo-masters. On top of that, apuron ridicules non-neo priests to the neo community and smears their names in public. What sort of father does that to his children? And to think he is supposed to be a spiritual father? Yet we hear no blatant complaints from our local priests, and apuron complains he is persecuted and reviled?
ReplyDeleteNot only are their airfares paid, but they remind people to pay for masses said at a set amount.
DeleteCrystal No Balls, you have the Balls to ask or remind a parishioner after anniversary mass, that because you said the mass that evening you needed to be paid!
People normally give $5, 10, 20 to have mass offered. The gentleman was so embarrassed he gave you $250..
DeleteCrystal no balls asked a family for substantial money for ten years of masses on certain dates.
Let's be fair, folks. Many a priest has this bad habit around here. Always has disgusted me.