Tuesday, July 21, 2015


As per the May 9, 2014 story in the U Matuna, FATHER DUEÑAS BOYS CHAPEL BORNE OF ANGELIC INSPIRATION, not only was the building of the new chapel at Father Duenas Memorial High School believed to be the fruit of a divine inspiration, so was its name: The Boys Chapel. And its sudden renaming by Adrian and Apuron appears to be not only a violation of the donor's intent, but an affront to a sincerely experienced angelic message.

Since Adrian and Apuron will probably erase the evidence once we make an issue of it, I've copied the article here for all to read:

Hundreds gathered at Father Dueñas Memorial High School, Mangilao, for the solemn dedication of the Boys Chapel Friday, Feb. 28.

In his opening address, Richard Untalan, Chairman of the FD Renaissance project said an “angelic intervention” was the catalyst for the construction of the new chapel. That, in turn, inspired the overall expansion known as the Renaissance project.

The angelic intervention Untalan referred to was the remarkable encounter the chapel’s benefactor, Dr. Tom Robinson, had experience during his second visit to the school in 2007 as part of a visiting accreditation team.

The kind benefactor described that unique experience from seven years ago as he addressed the group at the recent dedication. “On the second day I arrived, I went into the cafeteria and standing in the line before the lunch window, to my left was one boy and to my right were four or five boys,” said Dr. Tom.

He began a dialogue with the solitary boy. “I said to the boy to my left, ‘Will you tell me things about your school and maybe some suggestions for changes?’ He did not answer me, he was looking down and had his hands folded in front of him,” said Dr. Tom.

“I waited, and after a minute he turned to me and said, ‘I’m sorry, I was thanking God for our food,’ I then asked him, ‘did you hear what I asked you?’ And then… he changed my life,” said Dr. Tom. “He said ‘yes, but that is not why you are here. You are here to build the Boys Chapel.’”

The words of the young man has remained imbedded in the visitor from off-island. “I was struck,” shared Dr. Tom. “Immediately after, the window opened for lunch, I got my lunch and when I turned to speak with him, he was not there.”

The experience was the first in a series of events that would con- firm in Dr. Tom’s heart, the need to build a Boys Chapel for Father Dueñas Memorial School.

With much emotion and gratitude, Dr. Tom concluded his remarks. “The Boys Chapel is a tribute to God. It is all about Christ,” he said. “I am not the best Catholic, but I will tell you this, I now know that I did meet an angel, and once you see an angel, nothing is ever the same.”

Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D. celebrated Mass joined by other clergy , including Fr. Jeff San Nicolas, FD Principal. In his homily Archbishop Anthony reminded the faithful to imitate Christ in that Divine Truth and Divine Love are united. “There must be profound conformity between what we teach, and what we do and how we act,” said the archbishop.

“(With) the Boys Chapel, for many years to come, may God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be worshiped in Spirit and Truth,” said Archbishop Anthony. “May this Boys Chapel be the heart, the center of FD, since it is here that the Lord will dwell, and from here His graces will abound and be poured out upon the FD community.”

Later, the archbishop anointed the altar and the Chapel’s four walls with the oil of Sacred Chrism. A reception followed at the Phoenix Center. The very life and spirit of Father Dueñas will never be the same since the completion of this Chapel. The house of worship’s prominent presence in the front of the school, its history, and all the individuals who have found them- selves connected in support of its completion will always serve as a tangible testament to the love of God for the people of Guam.

Now, let's revisit the original decree establishing "The Boys Chapel." (We'll be discussing some finer points later.)


The ‘Boy’s Chapel’ located at the campus grounds of Father Dueñas Memorial High School in Tai is lawfully established by the Archbishop of Agaña as an oratory, a place for divine worship specifically for the benefit of the students, faculty and staff of Father Dueñas Memorial High School (Code of Canon Law, c. 1223). The following norms shall be followed concerning the use of this oratory.

1. The ‘Boy’s Chapel’ is reserved for divine worship alone and is to be free from all domestic and secular uses. It cannot be converted for profane and secular use. Written permission from the Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Agaña is required for a dispensation from these norms and all other applicable norms contained in universal and particular law (cf. canons 1223, 1224, §2 and 1226).

2. The following sacred celebrations and events are permitted in the ‘Boy’s Chapel’: (a.) The weekday celebration of the Holy Eucharist, which must be for the benefit of the school community and cannot be that for the Sunday and obligatory masses; (b.) The Sacrament of Penance, which is recommended periodically for the spiritual benefit of the community of the school; (c.) The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick according to the norm of law; (d.) The Liturgy of the Hours; (e.) Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; (f.) The Way of the Cross; the Holy Rosary; other approved forms of Catholic devotion, piety and meditation; (g.) The Liturgy of the Word presided by a priest or deacon; (h.) The preaching of retreats, spiritual reflections, catechesis, religious instructions and days of recollection; (i.) Sacred music for special occasions dedicated for such a purpose may be performed with the permission of the local ordinary.

3. Those sacred celebrations not permitted in the ‘Boy’s Chapel’ are the following: (a.) The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony; (b.) Sunday and obligatory masses; (c.) Funeral Services, Mass of Christian Burial and mass in the presence of cremated remains; (d.) The distribution of Holy Communion outside of mass; (e.) The chapel can never be used for civil marriages or unions; all non-religious, secular performances and activities not in conformity with divine worship and sacred actions; religious services and activities of non-Catholic church groups (cf. CIC, canons 1225, 1229, 1210 to 1212).


Given on the 24th of February 2014. These norms take effect on the 28th of February 2014.

Most Reverend Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D.
Metropolitan Archbishop of Agaña

Rev. Fr. Adrian Cristobal Chancellor

And now let's read the Decree which changed the name:

In virtue of canon 1223 of the Code of Canon Law and by reason of my authority as Archbishop of Agaña, I hereby erect the PÅLE’ JESUS BAZA DUEÑAS ORATORY at the Father Dueñas Memorial School in Ta’i, Mangilao.

This decree provides that the sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and Confirmation must be recorded at the Parish of Santa Teresita in which the territorial jurisdiction of this Oratory is located. The catechetical preparation for the reception and celebration of these sacraments are under the authority and direction of the pastor of Santa Teresita parish in Mangilao. In accord with the Statutes of the Archdiocese of Agaña, written permission for the celebration of Rites of Christian Burial and Funeral Masses must be granted in writing by the Local Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Agaña. The Oratory is reserved for divine worship alone and is to be free from all domestic and secular uses.

The administrative and spiritual care of this Oratory shall be the responsibility of the Rector who will be assigned in accord with canons 556 ff. of the Code of Canon Law. Further, with the collaboration of the Rector, the Father Dueñas Memorial High School Alumni Association shall be responsible for the financial obligations and maintenance of the Oratory in accord with archdiocesan statutes.

This instrument revokes the previous decree, Protocol Number 2014-022, formerly establishing the ‘Boys Chapel’. This decree shall be effective on July 12, 2015 the anniversary of the death of Påle’ Jesus Baza Dueñas. Given at the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Agaña, July 9, 2015
/s/Most Reverend Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D. Metropolitan Archbishop
of Agaña
Rev. Adrian Cristobal, Chancellor

The first decree prohibits the celebration of most of the sacraments:
3. Those sacred celebrations not permitted in the ‘Boy’s Chapel’ are the following: (a.) The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony; (b.) Sunday and obligatory masses; (c.) Funeral Services, Mass of Christian Burial and mass in the presence of cremated remains; (d.) The distribution of Holy Communion outside of mass...
But buried in the list of things that were permitted was: 
(g.) The Liturgy of the Word presided by a priest or deacon;
As an FYI, there is no such thing as "The Liturgy of the Word" apart from the full celebration of the Eucharist which consists of - and must consist of - both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

Yet Archbishop Apuron gives permission to celebrate "the Liturgy of the Word" apart from the Mass. We know this to be sure because he says that it is to be presided by a priest or deacon and we know that a deacon cannot preside at Mass. Thus this is something other than the Mass. What is it? 

Well of course! It is a neocat deal. Art. 11 of the 2008 Statue of the Neocatechumenal Way states:
§ 1. Every neocatechumenal community has a weekly celebration of the Word of God, usually with four readings, according to the themes indicated by the Orientations for the Teams of Catechists for each step.
However, notice that in the Statute the event is NOT called the "Liturgy of the Word." In fact it is not even called properly a "celebration of the Word" since "celebration" is not capitalized. It's really just a study of the readings. Nothing wrong with that, but Apuron - or is it Adrian - calls it a Liturgy because that's what it was commonly called before the 2008 Statute de-emphasized this separate so-called "Liturgy of the Word" (as it is still called by many). 

In any event, it was a complete opening for the Neocatechumenal Way to use the chapel for their unique and separate practices while "regular Catholics" were denied the use of it for the normal celebration of most of the sacraments. 

This did NOT go unnoticed by the donor and those who worked so hard to build the chapel, and they made their objections known to the archbishop which is why there is a new decree which lifts most of those restrictions. 

But as if to still stick it to the donor and his supporters, Apuron and Adrian changed the name of the chapel - negating, if not mocking, the sincere inspiration of the donor in another move of "screw you" which is made all the worse by their trying to hide their malicious intent behind the name of Guam's most revered priest.

Just more bullying from the bullies. 


  1. The principal easily folded. That is his nature. I don't want to believe that he is maybe neo but that he is just following orders but...you never know. The principal is the type of guy that doesn't want any conflict. I hope the FD Boys will see through this and take back what was gifted to them. Fortes in Fide.

  2. Question - Is Fr Jeff a Neo?

    1. No. He has to do what the archbishop says....lest he face an "arduous and painful end to his assignment." Today is the two year anniversary of those infamous words, btw.

    2. Yes, infamous words while he was at the Carmelites. Sickening.

    3. Was Apo'wrongee there today at the Carmelite Mass? Thought he would be at the Good SSND funeral Mass.

  3. This latest act is so dishonorable and sickening. What a bunch of self centered non-god-fearing A$$holes.

  4. Janet B - MangilaoJuly 16, 2015 at 11:02 AM

    My grandmother used to say: "Honesty is always tough, but evil is predictable." Once again the three musketeers on the hill are evilly predictable. Given the opportunity to mess with good people they will always do the evil thing. I understand Dr Robinson was here for graduation at FD recently and asked Tony to lift the restrictions on the Boys Chapel use. Being as though he donated the money for its construction he may have used that as a way to gently push the Arch-villain to do the right thing and treat it like any other Chapel.

    So Tony finally relents, but not without a little F/U for good measure. We'll just change the name and show you who really has the power!

    Grandmother may have only received a 6th grade education, but she sure was right when she taught us children that evil is always predictable. Thank you Tony for reminding me how great our ancestors are!

  5. Kenneth Gumataotao San Agustin.July 16, 2015 at 11:19 AM

    What a bunch of bull dookey. Again we witness the preferential treatment for the Elitists Necatechumenal, and their cohorts. Another sad day in the history of our Archdiocese. Please do not for a second take for granted that these members of the 3 stooges association are sitting back in their chairs laughing at us and gloating on another underhanded victory against the faithful non - neo catholics.

  6. There is talk that fr. Jeff is rectifying the situation with the archbishop. Let's hope.

    1. There is no "rectifying" the situation. The situation is that Apuron and Adrian have zero regard for anyone else but themselves. This last stunt proves it all the more. Even if the chapel is given back its original name, that does not "rectify" the malediction that is Apuron and Adrian. This was NOT A MISTAKE.

    2. Tim, is there a way you can put up a reminder not support the Archbishop's fundraiser on the 1st of November?

      We all know the fundraiser is going to the RMS Funds. Let the NEOS fund this one. Can't recall if there was an RMS Gala this year. If not this must be their GALA.

    3. Additionally, don't purchase the CB Jubilee book and don't purchase any advertisements there....It remains an NCW Cult Product as long as NEO Cult Presbyter Anthony Sablan Apuron and his Satanic Cancer continue to hold the CB hostage. It will just be a reminder of the dark ages we face as we fight to protect our church from this evil infestation.

    4. CB jubilee is when? Let us gather not only at the front of the cathedral, but form our lines at the beginning at the entrance to the Chancery right before you enter the compound. This should go down towards San Ramon hill, with a circumference around the Cathedral. This way Apuron's guests of honor will not be able to go out the back door. All street point of entrance to the Cathedral should be covered.

  7. Neo AAA was at the SSND funeral today @11 a.m. with some of his cohorts. Sadly, some of my friends greeted him with hugs & kisses. Tho' I was standing near them, I went around them & proceeded up to the casket viewing area. Could not stand to be in his presence. As I left the church a few minutes later, AAA & crew were sitting in the back pew observing everyone & everything. Didn't see them at the reception inside St. Francis School gym later. Guess they had already eaten elsewhere (on our dime).

    1. Wondered what happened to AAA . Msgr. BIbi said he had another commitment. He did not Celebrate Mass at the Carmelite Sisters Feast. It was fine without him. Probably went to eat with Kimchee! Free kimcheeee mixed with cashee rolled in lettuce with sprouts, yum.

    2. Afraid a Carmelite sister will ask about the RMS and he will have to use the same lie. I will look for it. It is somewhere.

  8. did the ncw turn apuron and adrian into such selfish, vindictive jerks? or did the ncw
    simply amplify these aspects of their character?

    1. Rey d, that is an excellent question, and an important distinction. Now you make me wonder...or is it both?

  9. So, can we again expect a draft letter (back-dated, of course) prepared by Apuron to the donor of the Boys Chapel asking him to allow the name change and the purpose for which it was constructed? If so, I hope the donor will also answer the same way as the donor of the Yona Seminary did!
