While the prospect of selling the Yona property had been mentioned by Mr. Untalan as a means to better the condition of the archdiocese, he DID NOT bring it up until after he and the other three members of the AFC who opposed the outright conveyance of title to RMS had been fired.
Mr. Untalan wrote to me to correct the record:
Dear Mr. Rohr,I need you to post a correction on the post. Not I, nor any other member of the council who was fired, ever brought up the possibility or option of selling the seminary, officially or unofficially, when we were on the council. It wasn't until after we were fired, and during all this controversy when I mentioned to you and others what selling the seminary could do for the archdiocese. In one of our letters to the archbishop after we were fired, we did use that as an illustration but it was never brought up as a reason for our denial of the transfer. Our reason then was that transferring an asset, let alone a valuable one as this, to another entity without substantial consideration is never in the best interest of the archdiocese. It would endanger the patrimony of the Church.Please post a correction. Your arguments and basic facts are correct though. It was just your timing of when the events occurred.
This is also a good time to revisit the fact that not only did Apuron know that the "patrimony of the Church" would be harmed, he had been urged by his legal counsel, Ed Terlaje, to NOT convey the title without amending the RMS Articles and By Laws so that he could retain control of it.
Mr. Untalan and Mr. Terlaje met with Apuron, Pius, and Gennarini on several occasions to try to get them to understand the harm conveyance of the title would do to the archdiocese, but Apuron insisted that the title be conveyed "without modification."
That Apuron later and secretly conveyed the title to RMS WITHOUT the consent of the AFC, the College of Consultors, and the approval of the Holy See as required by Canon 1292, is an ECCLESIASTICAL CRIME.
This is all made clear on the notes for the agenda for the AFC meeting of September 7, 2011.
The full agenda can be viewed here.
This is all made clear on the notes for the agenda for the AFC meeting of September 7, 2011.
The full agenda can be viewed here.
It is now undeniable that Brother Anthony S. Apuron of the Neocatechumenal Way, as Archbishop of Agana, has given away valuable Church property to the Redemptoris Mater House of Formation, Inc., and in so doing removed it from the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agana's assets without following the laws of the Church. This type of abuse is not new in the Catholic Church. We Chamorros have always been too trusting in our priests and the Archbishop. This must not continue or we will all lose our souls. The best way to fight this is to learn the Catholic faith and challenge your Presbyters and Priest on any change in our local Catholic beliefs and traditions. And, don't believe in the excuse "The Archbishop has ordered it." Nothing true comes out of the Chancery any more.
ReplyDeleteI will stop doing ministry at the Agana Cathedral Basilica for the 7:00pm Choir starting today, Sunday, August 2, 2015. While my hope was that people forgive the Archbishop and that reconciliation could occur (following Jesus' teaching), I will simply stop going to Mass altogether anywhere in the Archdiocese of Agana, breaking the First Three Commandments. If this is what I have to do in order to show cause to Rome that these are unacceptable, and as much as I do not want to do this because my soul is in jeapordy, I am willing to risk my soul for all of you, to include the Most Reverend Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM, Cap. D.D. I am not at all against the Neocatechumenal Way as it is a fully fledged movement of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, but these actions speak to me louder than anything else. I am willing to lay down my life and now my soul for the sake of all of you! Peace and All that is Good! Love beyond measure, Jonathan
ReplyDeletejonathan, i would urge you to reconsider your plan to stop going to Mass altogether. going to Mass and praying for the archdiocese is essential if we are to rid the island of these evils. the solution isn't to stop praying--it's to pray even harder!
Deleteit's not worth jeopardizing your soul. don't add yourself among the lost. instead, pray, speak out, help your neighbors.
Jonathan, I agree with Rey, please reconsider your plan to stop going to Mass altogether. No one is worth sacrificing our soul for, our lives maybe but not our souls. Come to Mongmong, or go to Toto or even Maina maybe the Friary. You will find priest who preach Christ words and only Jesus' words there. You do not have to contribute to the collections. We have enough money to get by. However, save your soul my friend. AAA and Pius be damned, but do not fall into the same fate that awaits them. Rome will come around and putting your name to your comments shows them that real people are hurting in this diocese. Please accept my invitation, there is always room in our church for one more.
Deleteone thing to add: the sunday Gospel readings this month are from john 6, the bread of life discourse. go to Mass, because Christ is the Bread of Life, "so that one may eat it and not die."
DeleteJonathan: I read between the lines in your comments that you are “not at all against the Neocatechumenal Way…”* Correct me if I am wrong in concluding, therefore, that your comments are a testament to your displeasure at Archbishop Anthony Apuron (AAA) for not bringing healing to our Church, and for Rome’s apparent inaction to do something about it – and because of that you are willing to “risk your soul by disobeying the first Three Commaandments… by simply not going to Mass altogether anywhere in the Archdiocese of Agana”. *(BTW: I am!)
DeleteJonathan: I fully understand your frustration at the lack of action toward bringing healing within our Catholic Church – as I am sure many others do as well. I, too, spend many a restless night trying to figure out just what the cure could possibly be for all this. Like you, I sometimes think of crazy solutions like “OK; let’s just all leave the Catholic Church, let AAA have it his “Neo Way”, and form our own Catholic Church. But that will be schism, and that is like shooting ourselves in the feet! Another crazy solution is ‘if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!’ Perhaps there is nothing more AAA would like to see happen than to further this division! We lose; he wins!
Jonathan, my friend, in all true charity, I join the rest of my good friends in encouraging you NOT to implement your suggestion to “simply stop going to Church: our Mass and worship” – as a sign of protest, so Rome can take notice! In the early days of this fiasco, there were rumblings of “stop going to Church – to show sign of your displeasure”. I objected vehemently! DO NOT BOYCOTT THE CHURCH; BOYCOTT THE EVIL THAT WE SEE WITHIN THE CHURCH, BUT DO NOT BOYCOTT THE CHURCH ITSELF!
I know that we can always worship God within our hearts (we don’t need a physical building to do that). I know that we can always receive Christ in Holy Communion through a ‘Spiritual Communion’. But there is no substitute to physically partake of the Holy Sacrifice of the Cross, which is re-enacted at every Mass (the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass). Do not deprive yourself of the physical food of the soul (the Body and Blood of Christ, under the appearance of bread and wine) at Mass – just to make a statement! You will appease neither God nor yourself; you will only have appeased AAA. And there is nothing more he would want than to see us break apart even more! Don’t do it, Jonathan! Don’t give him that satisfaction!
As already mentioned elsewhere in these comments, there are other churches you can go to to fulfill your Sunday obligation, and continue to feed your soul through the Eucharist – the Friary, Mongmong, Toto, Agana Heights, Sinajana, Mangilao, Yona – just to mention a few.
If you are the same Jonathan Diaz who I think you are (I met him at Yigo when he conducted a joint choir for Father Patrick Garcia’s anniversary), you are a good musical director (another trait I share with you as I used to direct the men’s Island Choralers) – please, fellow musician – let’s continue to serve God through our music ministry at Mass. AAA is not worth our abandoning our musical ministries to the Church. You can find other outlets.
So far as our frustration of Rome’s apparent inaction to help us with our local problem here, perhaps there is something to the saying: ““Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to do, or die!” Let’s go down dying defending our Faith, observing our religious practices, and worshipping our God in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – before caving in to AAA’s scheme to “neotize” our Church.
I hope I have not ruffled your feathers too much. Your brother in Christ, Joe.
Jonathan Diaz (August 2, 2015 at 6:58 AM), I am adding my voice to the chorus appealing for you to reconsider your decision to " … simply stop going to Mass altogether anywhere in the Archdiocese of Agana …" and risk putting your soul in danger of eternal damnation. AAA is just not worth the sacrifice of your soul!
DeleteAs Joseph A. Santos at 8:30 AM pointed out, there are options for you to consider. There are holy and orthodox priests at Mongmong, Toto, and Maina for the Ordinary Form of the Mass or at the Friary on Sundays for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
St. Athanasius, pray for us!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle …
DeleteYour soul is very precious in the eyes of God beyond what our minds can ever comprehend, as are all that he created and died for. I can confidently say that It is never the will of God for us to cut ourselves off from him, you would be of more help brother to be in his presence, to be able to petition the Master of the vineyard for the cause that we are fighting for. It is my prayer that he enlighten your mind and strenghten your spirit to see the truth that in him all things are possible.
God Bless You..
How can we ever trust that apuron again? What a snake he is, strong-arming good devoted Catholics who volunteer their time and expertise for the Catholic Church as AFC members: lying to them, firing them en masse when they don't fit his agenda, and criticizing them in public to make himself look innocent! He alienates his priests who are not compliant with his desire to get everyone onboard neo principles and feeds them to the media with unfounded accusations! At the same time he acts and thinks as if it is business as usual, taunting anyone who gets in his way as if to say he is invincible and actually says, "no one can touch me!". Is this the kind of leadership that our island Catholics deserve? Our parents and grandparents have been through the worst kind of oppression, some even giving their lives during WWII, now we have an oppressor of the worst kind - one we hailed and trusted as one of us, and he turned his back to ingratiate himself to a false prophet and a money laundering institution off-island. Is this really the leadership that the Catholic Church chooses to represent herself and to encourage every human being to live the faith? We are going through a very dark valley in our faith journey, thanks to many who lead us through this dark segment we see a sliver of hope through documented and explained proofs of this most heinous treachery. This fight is not about ncw anymore, we couldn't care less if they clap, dance and sing on their flower-strewn tables. This is a fight for our FAITH and the TRUTH that the Roman Catholic Church espouses!
ReplyDeleteDefiant Voyager
This is why we must continue to fight and continue to reference our "leader" as Benedict Apuron. Tony is a traitor, plain and simple. He is one of us who has turned his back on us in favor of a foreign invader. He used his authority to sell himself to the highest bidder-kiko.
ReplyDeleteThis is why we the people of Guam are more resolved than ever.
People, Rome will not help us. Their silence is a clear indicator. Only we can help ourselves. There is one sure way to repulse the beast and drive it out of Guam.
More to follow but I'm heading into Church (without my weekly check)
Archdeceiver Benedict Apuron needs to go. He has done irreparable harm to the Catholic Church on Guam. He needs to be taken out NOW!! Guam's Catholics deserve better.
ReplyDeleteDiana web page which is the supported page of the Archbishop is now talking of jihadist within the church. It gives the impression the archbishop is leading some kind of religious fight inside the church of Guam. This is simply unacceptable for an archbishop to be supporting division within the community.
@8:59,AM, they were referring to JW not Archie Bunker!
DeleteWe never asked for this scandal. Apuron made grave and imprudent decisions. Why are we made to suffer even though Vatican investigators found out about the lies and manipulations of apuron? If they are unable to solve this for us, they should give us the green light to take this matter into our hands. While these diplomats twiddle their thumbs over pasta and red wine we are faced with such damaging decisions by a vindictive archbishop, and we deal with a fragmented community at great expense to our close-knit family atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteThe light is already green but lawyers aren't free. Stop funding Apuron and start funding the CCOG.
DeleteApuron spent last thirty years making imprudent decesions for our archdiocese. Notice archdiocese never grew in 30 years it suffered from 30 years of a total disaster his entire episcopacy has been one disaster after another for the man himself is a disaster.
DeleteNothing archbishop touched ever turned to Gold. Same will be true for NCW. Apuron supporting the NCW is really " kiss of death" Kiko & Carmen he has kissed you with death.
General note: you all need to stop whining about Rome.
ReplyDeleteIMO, people also need to stop hiding in the Shadows of Anonymity and start putting their money in the CCOG treasury for each time they complain about Rome not doing anything.
DeleteSt. Athanasius, pray for us!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle …
All roads lead to Rome..oops All roads lead to AAA