AnonymousAugust 20, 2015 at 6:13 AM
Repairs which will necessitate moving table to the middle of CB with plenty of room for dancing around with accompanying clap, clap, clapping!!! Altar for sale to raise funds.
I don't know what the plans are for the main part of the Cathedral. They are probably going to hold off a bit before they mess with it. But there is no doubt about what they plan to do with the rest of the place.
There is no doubt about it because of what the Kikos believe and teach. In fact, they believe it so strongly that they are quite willing to publicly rewrite the Catechism of the Catholic Church to support their beliefs.
In 2010, then-vice-rector of RMS, Fr. Giovanni Rizzo, wrote a piece called "A Milieu For A New Aesthetic." Rizzo's piece was part of a special feature called "A Miracle for Guam." It was published by the Pacific Daily News as part of a tenth anniversary celebration of the erection of RMS.
In his piece, Rizzo wrote:
"...the Altar—that is at the same time the Cross, the place of sacrifice, the Lord’s table and the empty tomb of the risen Christ—is in the center of the Church [1182]."
The [1182] is a reference to the corresponding paragraph in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Rizzo adds the paragraph reference because he wants us to believe he is quoting the Catechism.
He is not.
Here is what paragraph 1182 actually says:
"...the altar, which is the center of the church, the sacrifice of the Cross is made present under sacramental signs."
Notice that Rizzo inserts the preposition "in" into the words "is the center of the church" so that his version reads "is IN the center of the church."
Why does Rizzo, a priest, a canon lawyer, and the vice-rector of a seminary LIE to us?
This is why:
He must justify Kiko's "New Aesthetic" which requires placing the "altar" (even though they refuse to call it that) IN the center of the church. So, Rizzo, brought here to Guam to form RMS seminarians into "priests" (yah, right), alters the Catechism of the Catholic Church and publicly lies to us.
Because Kiko is his god - just as he is for Apuron, Cristobal, David the VG, Pius, and all the kiko-worshiping liars on the hill.
This is what these jokers will eventually do to the Cathedral and to every church on Guam. And they will do it because you won't stop them...or will you?
I first confronted Apuron about Rizzo's lie. (Note: the "battles" and "wars" that I reference in this note were the battles and wars I was fighting to protect Apuron from B.J. Cruz' legislative attack on Apuron at that time.)
Of course, Apuron did not reply, but my email was forwarded to Rizzo. I recount what happened with Rizzo here in an email to a friend:
This episode should teach us something. If a neo-priest, a man educated to be a canon lawyer, and a priest tasked with the formation of new "priests" as "vice-rector" of a seminary is willing to lie to us, and then argue so pathetically once caught, what does that say about the neocatechumenal way and -"for sure for sure" - the quality of clerics these people are forcing upon us?
They are all prepared to lie. It is shocking. When I confronted the local NCW priest about where I could find the permission for the NCW to celebrate the Eucharist in their particular idiom (sitting down, simultaneous consumption of the Blessed Sacrament) he claimed it was approved in the Statutes. When I pointed out that I knew the Statutes inside and out, he finally admitted "not the Statutes; verbally...verbally".
ReplyDeleteSo I asked him why as a Catholic priest, speaking to a Catholic man, he was unafraid to outright lie to me. And why the Catechist and senior NCW priest, when asked the same question also replied with the same lie. He simply looked dumb and said nothing.
And their comment on this. Tim, you sound gay. Or simply put, nothing.
ReplyDeleteRizzo is not only a canon lawyer but a civil lawyer. I believe he was practicing law in New Jersey, which may explain(his previous career and place of practice) his penchant to lie. LOL. But I agree. He is one overly educated dude who knows better.
ReplyDeleteThanks to JW for putting up the pressure on ncw deceitful dealings. This movement has dared put itself front and center, and thus subject to public scrutiny. The devious tactics have been documented a while ago, it seems. Continue to apply the pressure for ncw to be transparent, JW! Rake them with a fine-toothed comb! No matter how all this pans out, they WILL BE RAKED!!! The faithful Catholics will be watching, and watching, and reporting.
ReplyDeleteI am becoming more and more convinced that these NCW guys are a bunch of gumbas and La Famila from New Jersey. Giovanni (x2) Fabio....Guido in there somewhere? Youse guys bedda be careful, or fogetta about it!
ReplyDeleteThe lesson we can learn from this is the NCW are not to be trusted, even when they quote official church documents, it would be prudent for us to verify the information, as their MO from AAA at the top to bottom are lies after lies. Clearly wolves in sheep's clothing, exactly the fruits our Lord told us to look out for. "By their fruits you will know them". Matt 7:16
ReplyDeleteI've written a few pieces about Kiko's "New Aesthetic", but one, "KIKO’S CURIOUS CRIPTA DI SANT’ILARIO", deals specifically with his approach to Church architecture. They have a reason for aligning the priest's chair, ambo, altar and baptismal font along the same axis...
ReplyDeleteChuck, I noticed that there are no crucifixes prominently placed in Kiko's so-called churches. Is this by design and could you elaborate why this is? I am starting to notice that some of our churches on Guam have replaced their crucifixes with simple crosses, also. Is there something here that I'm missing? Please educate us.
DeleteThe bare cross by itself is a symbol of crucifixion. Protestant denominations display the bare cross. The crucifix, a cross with Christ's tortured body is a symbol used by the Catholic Church. An empty cross is incomplete. "If Jesus isn't on the Cross any more, why have a Cross at all?" "We proclaim Christ crucified!" [1 Corinthians 1:23]
DeleteThe Neos are probably behind this as it has been exposed that they're not really Catholic.
Sadly, Kiko is not the originator of many of the atrocities we now see in our church. He has only taken them to the next level. Catholic pastors were eliminating crucifixes altogether long before Kiko. This is why we cannot look at Kiko or the Neo's or even Apuron as the source of the problem.
Deleteover here in my mainland parish, a few months ago i had a conversation with a couple of other parishioners, on how much bloodier and more graphic are the crucifixes in other countries, especially in latin america. one of them said that was one of the techniques the spaniards used to subjugate the native american peoples--by making them feel guilty for their sins and making them accept their oppression and suffering.
Deletei've noticed that many of my fellow parishioners here on the mainland--particularly those leaning towards "liberal" and progressive (many of whom belong to the 1960s generation)--don't like to bring up the themes of guilt and evil. one person even complained about a booklet that the bishop had written this past lent, because he was warning about the ways of the devil and the need for penitence. uh, it's lent! what else should he have written about?
so, anyway, yes, i believe the de-crucifixing of Catholic churches has a lot to do with a certain view of Christianity, held by Catholics themselves, that has crept up since the last century.
one has only to go through the churches in Italy to see that graphic and bloody depictions of the crucifixion were common before there ever was a "new world." tell your friend.
DeleteThe protestant notion of a cross without a corpus is their claim that Christ has risen from the dead. For us Catholics however, it is important to have the corpus, because it reminds us that it is not just the cross that saves us, after all crucifixion was a common method of capital punishment that the romans carried out. But the preson of Jesus Christ who died on the cross is the substance of our faith.
DeleteI guess this (Fr) Giovanni Rizzo thinks that NO ONE will ever notice that when he wrote that the Altar “…in the center of the Church” (referring to the position of the Altar in the Church) will ever know the difference between that from the actual wording of Catechism 1182 in describing that the Altar “…is the center of the Church”. ! I wonder how many un-suspecting good Neos took notice of this. Who is dumber – the deceiver or the deceived?
DeleteI guess they have the prerogative to switch official writings of the Church (the Catholic Catechism), to fit their own agenda – and the neophytes would not know the difference anyway – especially since they are not allowed to ask questions. Just do and accept what we tell you!
The “Jesus loves you as you are” is another example of this – or was it the predecessor of the practice of “tell them anything; they’ll believe it because we tell them so? “Jesus loves you as you are” is made unquestionable because they used St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Romans 8:31-39) as its Scriptural basis. What un-suspecting Neo neophyte would question this? It’s true, because my catechist told me so – and in fact, it sounds “nice”.
But would someone please go over Romans 8:31-39 and look for the words “Jesus loves you as you are”? I can’t find it; it’s not there. The passage tells us that St. Paul says that nothing (not affliction, distress. persecution, hunger, nakedness, peril) can separate us from the love of God, because if God is on our side, who can be our adversary, and that nothing whatsoever can ever separate us from the love of God. All true, but the passage nowhere says “Jesus loves you as you are!”
I guess if it’s OK to mis-quote Scripture, it certainly is OK to misquote the Catechism. I guess this is part of the “charism” that is taught, inculcated, indoctrinated, and conditioned into the minds and hearts of the un-suspecting neophytes. Good-minded and good-spirited Neo’s - Be careful of the “snares and wickedness of the Devil”. Remember: Even the Devil can quote Scripture.
Listen, instead, to another passage of Scripture which reads: “Brethren, be sober and watchful, because the Devil, your enemy goes about roaming like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. Be strong in the faith, and resist him.” (1 Pet 5:8)
By their fruits, you shall know them. – jrsa. (8/21/15)
For a long time I wasn't concerned about the NCW because it had no effect on me other than the occasional "call to joy" testimony during the year, something I didn't understand but could tolerate. Then came the disastrous events in 2013, 2014 and the continuing turmoil in 2015. I still tried to dismiss the statements regarding the NCW takeover of parishes and eventually the entire Catholic Church in Guam. I thought it could never happen, would never happen. The more I learn about the NCW and the more I look around I have come to realize that the takeover is nearly complete. Rome's failure to act and Guam's silent majority have emboldened the current leaders to move ahead with their plans to transform Guam into the NCW center of the Pacific. As older priests retire and pass away there are many neo-priests to fill the void. Had the shocking events of 2013 and 2014 never happened I and many others would have remained blind to the changes until they were final and irrevocable.
DeleteI still have some hope that Rome will step in and correct some of the problems, but this is unlikely. I believe that the silent majority will speak out when they see the church they grew up with no longer exists. But that's just it: It will NO LONGER EXIST! Do you want to go to Mass? Come and experience joy sitting in a square around a table. What happened to our traditional hymns? No worries. Mr. Arguello has provided all the music we need. He has blessed us with his paintings and architecture. He has shown us the pathway to heaven: The Neo-Catechumenal Way. The only way. THE WAY!
My apologies for this rant. I needed to vent and get this off my chest.
Every cloud has a silver lining. The silver lining for me is a deeper appreciation for the Catholic Church, its history and traditions. I continue to pray for our church in Guam. May God give us the strength and courage to stand up for what is right.
I guess this (Fr) Giovanni Rizzo thinks that NO ONE will ever notice that when he wrote that the Altar “…in the center of the Church” (referring to the position of the Altar in the Church) will ever know the difference between that from the actual wording of Catechism 1182 in describing that the Altar “…is the center of the Church”. ! I wonder how many un-suspecting good Neos took notice of this. Who is dumber – the deceiver or the deceived?
DeleteI guess they have the prerogative to switch official writings of the Church (the Catholic Catechism), to fit their own agenda – and the neophytes would not know the difference anyway – especially since they are not allowed to ask questions. Just do and accept what we tell you!
The “Jesus loves you as you are” is another example of this – or was it the predecessor of the practice of “tell them anything; they’ll believe it because we tell them so? “Jesus loves you as you are” is made unquestionable because they used St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Romans 8:31-39) as its Scriptural basis. What un-suspecting Neo neophyte would question this? It’s true, because my catechist told me so – and in fact, it sounds “nice”.
But would someone please go over Romans 8:31-39 and look for the words “Jesus loves you as you are”? I can’t find it; it’s not there. The passage tells us that St. Paul says that nothing (not affliction, distress. persecution, hunger, nakedness, peril) can separate us from the love of God, because if God is on our side, who can be our adversary, and that nothing whatsoever can ever separate us from the love of God. All true, but the passage nowhere says “Jesus loves you as you are!”
I guess if it’s OK to mis-quote Scripture, it certainly is OK to misquote the Catechism. I guess this is part of the “charism” that is taught, inculcated, indoctrinated, and conditioned into the minds and hearts of the un-suspecting neophytes. Good-minded and good-spirited Neo’s - Be careful of the “snares and wickedness of the Devil”. Remember: Even the Devil can quote Scripture.
Listen, instead, to another passage of Scripture which reads: “Brethren, be sober and watchful, because the Devil, your enemy goes about roaming like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. Be strong in the faith, and resist him.” (1 Pet 5:8)
By their fruits, you shall know them. – jrsa. (8/21/15)
That Kiko is one sick Mo'Fo. The NCW wants to steal, kill and destroy (sounds similar, right?) all of our churches and turn them into the Kiko's shrines for his cult. The Real Catholics of Guam must put an end to this. Kiko is nothing but a modern day Martin Luther.
ReplyDeleteJames T
You are completely correct, if we continue to tolerate the hi-jacking of our parishes, and couple this with our aging clerics. The Neo will have the perfect excuse that there are not priests to run the parishes and they will appear to be the ones who provided us with clerics. People of guam do not let this happen. Kiko, Arpuron and cohorts, there are enough of us who will fight to the end to keep our Churches Neo-Free, with or without the help of Rome.
ReplyDeleteDo the math.
DeleteNEO/NCW Cult presbyters are not Catholic Priests period....
DeleteThese NEO/NCW Cult Presbyters are not Catholic Priests PERIOD. NUF SAID.
DeleteI'm not sure where to put this, and it may seem trivial or even silly to some but why oh why did they have to commission a new statue for the Dulce Nombre de Maria feast day. Have you seen the picture of the statue in today's Umatuna? I thought it was just me but even my children and niece said that it looked like a "Disney" version of the blessed mother. There were some more comments made that I didn't enjoy and they got scolded for but the point is: what was wrong with the old one anyway? This one looks cheap and dare-I-say, downright irreverent! Maybe it's just me but I like my religious statues and icons to be a little more traditional. I hope this is not a sign of things to come and changes made in my beloved Cathedral Basilica!