This is why the battle ultimately will come down to the parishes and what you are willing to tolerate. So long as you are willing to show up at their illicit liturgies (because as far as we know they do not believe that Jesus is God), then it doesn't matter that you don't give them money. You give them something more important. You give them the false legitimacy they need to continue. Money they can get elsewhere. Bodies in the pews...not so easy.
Think about it.
Meanwhile, while Apuron et. al. will certainly have to worry about what might happen once he is deposed in civil court, he has a much higher court to worry about. Or at least he should.
That makes me sick to my stomach. I can't believe the type of language Adrian or the Neo people use. Who says that? Who in the world in this day and age says that? I'm so disgusted.
ReplyDeleteIn this day and age is right. Totally, ignorant. Let's see Diana try to walk that one back.
DeleteThat is the language of the Salt and Light of the NEO faithful. Like I always said, they should wash their mouths with that salt and turn on a light so that they can stop walking in the dark (NCW).
DeleteRome are you reading this.... If a NEO cult presbyter is selected to succeed NEO Cult Presbyter Apuron as the islands shepherd, then they might as well wipe off Catholism altogether in Guam. Thirty (30) years of this KAKA is enough. It's time to start a revolution to get back what belongs to the true Catholics on Guam. Support CCOG so that Rome will hear the ilicite attocities that has plaqued Guam during the past 30 years.
ReplyDeleteWe believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ on the Apostles who passed their authority by the laying of hands to successor Bishops. Christ the Lord founded one Church, uno na guma Yu'os, singular Church and one Church only. In His Father's house is a hospital for all kinds of sickness. Come and be healed.
ReplyDeleteIf you are making an argument that the Neo-Cult is Catholic then be careful, the Arians said the same.
DeleteAnd Apuron publicly abdicated the episcopacy in January 2006.
DeleteThe question we have now Diana is how can your heretical sect be misleading so many from the Lord's fold. And you expect us to just be quiet while you continue to rape the Church in Guam, steal the faithful's money, take advantage of the valunerable and direts all the spoils of your illicite acts to your prophet Kiko, while your presbyters globe trott on susposed missions, never really caring about the parishes they are assigned to. Not any more. We will not stop our efforts to oppose your errors.
DeleteAre you disgusted enough to avoid going to Masses celebrated by known Neo priests? Are you disgusted enough to stop contributing to the Sunday collection box, Neo Church or not?
ReplyDeleteIf your answer to either of these questions is No, then you are only talking, not meaning a word you're saying.
Please Rome look at what they are calling us Catholics. Enough please of this Neo movement in our church. Please help us Papa.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately "help us papa" is exactly what the Neo cult wants to see us say. Stand up. Gird your loins.
DeleteYou are ratifying their belief that we do not have an "adult faith," that we are children crying for our "milk." Kiko's words.
DeleteNEO leaders know that our local people are generous and respect people in religious position but forget that we will never stop fighting for "what is right".
Deletestop it with the "rome help us" already, *unless* you're also willing to stand up for yourself. if rome eventually acts, good. but don't count on that happening within your lifetime.
Deletestop the money. stop going to a neocat-led mass or parish. donate to the ccog court case if you can. support the carmelite nuns. join the public protests. pray, fast, and keep on praying.
remember one thing: it's gonna hurt.
How is Rome supposed to help if they don't know who it is they are helping? Please cease remaining anonymous.
DeleteJose M. Your request for names is valid. Many "anonymous" have put their names on correspondence to the Playas! Be assured.
DeleteI have to remain anonymous. I am a Catholic school teacher. I am not retired DOE. I am not Chamorro with family, land, and connections. I have no other income except what the school gives, almost 50% less of what DOE gives to those with my experience and degrees. I sacrifice a whole lot. I do not use aircon. No water heater. I have to have roommates. I cannot afford a car so I ride with others. I do the work that the bishop asks, but he leads the upper life and I struggle.
DeleteThese neos are huge HYPOCRITS. They don't believe Jesus is God but yet their priests celebrate mass with the sign of the cross. A cross in which Jesus died on for our sins. They say the Act of Contrition as part of the catholic mass in which they say they are Catholics. But then preach that Jesus is a sinner and that He is not God.
ReplyDeleteYou neos are seriously a lost cause!!! And Rome, if you can't see this happening within the Catholic Church then already the catholic faith is lost. All of which is now what modern Catholicism will change to if these neo cult continues to invade the catholic Faith.
Thanks for your passion. But a couple notes, and since you are anonymous I know you won't take offense.
DeleteWe don't say the act of contrition at Mass, we say the Confiteor, but I get the idea.
Also, this is why I wish more Catholics would start reading and learn their faith. Historically Rome has never solved corruption in the church. It was always the laity. Our turn.
No offense taken Tim. You are right about the Confiteor. I just had a brain fart when I was writing my post and have been so irritated with these Neos.
DeleteThey can invade Our church and steal and Lie from the faithful. This is why I started to donate to the CCOG rather then donating to the baskets at mass. However I do have faith in Jesus and continue to pray that our faith is not lost to these Neos.
i have a close relative who has a developmental mental disability. the use of that word offends me to the core. it's yet another sign that this group which pretends to be Christian is not that at all. far from it. work together to eradicate this cult from the island once and for all. no money, no presence, no show of support whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteI am less troubled that someone wrote that comment. I am more troubled that Fr. Pius (btw, the Rector for RMS) approved it and saw it fit for print without a single rebuke.
DeleteFr. Pius is responsible for anything that the Dianas place on that site. He is their head catechist and they only act though his direction.
Fr. Pius is responsible for the tone and content on Diana's page. He is the one who sends out instructions for all the loyal NCW members in all matters in dealing with everything we do here on Jungle Watch and beyond. It is no secret that they do not move without his blessing.
ReplyDeleteFr. Pius knows exactly who the Dianas are and he condones everything they post, otherwise we would not be seeing it published.
If he is not aware or if he indeed does not condone what the Dianas publish, then the NCW influence on it's members is indeed weakening on this island. However, when it comes to Diana and Fr Pius' knowledge of the content of that blog, I know that they (Diana) are only carrying out his wishes as to the rhetoric.
As long as this is not addressed, gnashing our teeth at comments like the initial one posted above will be a neverending story. Get to the root. Hold Fr. Pius responsible.
I'm sure Pius is aware of the postings otherwise he wouldn't have made it a reading material on his own website. Tsk,Tsk.
Deletei wouldn't be surprised if pius himself posted that.
DeleteGood aim, Rey d
DeleteTone of Pius, FANTHATHSTIC
DeleteI have another take on this as reprehensible as it is. Why does that person get all hot and bothered about what CCOG or others do regarding RMS? Obviously the person is worried or why else take such a stand? Why bother to scold us and call us names? What does it matter to him what we do if our money and support CCOG's battle in court? It is none of his business. He makes it a big deal by acknowledging us in his post. He and his Neo ilk are running scared and trying to reassure themselves that RMS is here to stay. If they are so certain of the outcome concerning RMS why do they try so hard to convince us? It's pathetic. This quote from "Hamlet" applies "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
ReplyDeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
Whaattt? Reverend Father Rector?? Wonder if those guys will respect him? Hmmm?? Dandruff old guy.
ReplyDeleteVice-Rector ARROGANT IS THE ONE RUNNING THE SHOW. DO YOU THINK Putrid Pius is up to it? He's busy you know. Running the Archdiocese and the Carmelites in NJ.
DeleteFather Pius is HEAD AND SHOULDERS over you, 12:58
DeleteTo this diana Thingamajig and this Thing’s leaders: you are correct, but only half correct. The neo cultists and the ncw cult probably will remain on the island (and most likely, will continue existing in this world) because the faithful of Guam have no power over satan. But that’s ok because, we the Remnant Church faithful, already know the ending to the story about satan and his cult communities. You see, Our Blessed Virgin Mary (who the ncw cult does not acknowledge, honor nor revere )will in God’s time, CRUSH the head of Satan. Explanation: satan will be banished to hell forever and ever and ever and ever… ; and quite possibly, banished along with his ncw cult and all other cults alike!
ReplyDeleteSo, diana Thingamajig since the ncw cult leaders and our Church leaders illegally stole Catholic Church property, the Court of Law on Guam will “evidently”, see right thru the archbishop’s and the ncw cult leaders’ greedy motives and will use the very legal system satan abused and misused thru the cult to return the Yona property to the rightful owners -- the Catholic Church and congregation of Guam. You see, diana Thing-a-majig, crime does not pay! Dang! Satan always forgets to tell his followers that; and it looks like you forgot that too, diana Thingamajig! Aren't these ncw cult actions the samplings of retardedness you’re talking about, diana Thingamajigger?
Like ALL CULTS, they will eventually fall. While they may not acknowledge our Blessed Virgin Mary, their Neo brother Tony, David, Adrian and their Fellow Neo Wannabe priests will put on a show for December 8 at the Cathedral. Just like the masses they preside over. They probably will use that day to ask for more money and then brother Tony will run away on another mission like the biggest hypocritical RETARD LEADER the neos have molded him into.
DeleteDiana I'm sure is already planning a bigger party for December. But what's funny is that the Neos believe Jesus to be a sinner, they are so fast to celebrate the Birth of Jesus during Xmas.
I remain confused about Msgr. David C.'s loyalties. Though supposedly he is NCW he gives the most tender, moving, passionate homilies about Mary, saints, martyrs, etc., not the usual beliefs promoted by the NCW. I am aware Msgr.David C. cooperated in the ousting of Fr. Gofigan and Msgr. Benavente. Could it be that Msgr. David cooperates with the NCW because if he didn't he'd end up exiled to St. Anthony's like Fr. Gofigan and Msgr. Benavente? After all, as vicar general he is mandated to be "one with his bishop." I am not defending him-I'm just confused because he doesn't act and preach like a NCW.
DeleteWeak, weak, weak. Monsignor David. He agonizes over his obedience to Pius. Too, bad. Spineless.
Delete3:39 hey, I've heard this moaning and weeping of David C. That is not as inspiring as the homilies...mostly very well done. Who would want to obey Pius. Bet when he's in Chicago he's F R E E!!! Now wearing so many hats does he get away from it all anymore?? Sad case.
DeleteDavid C. had a traditional diocesan education, so despite the influence of Pius the Putrid, it still seeps through on occasion. Plus, it is critical that the NCW Cult appear to be "normal" while they gut the church from within. This is how it is always done. So I'm sure they are glad they have a couple priests who can still say the words "Mother of God."
DeleteJust when we thought Las DIANAS couldn't embarrass themselves any more than they have.
ReplyDeleteThose who are jealous want the Archbishop all to themselves and do not want to share him with anyone. Those are the ones who stay away from him. Diana, seriously???
Crying for milk????? Kiko, gag me with a spoon.
ReplyDeleteTo all the Faithful Catholics of Guam (who call themselves Catholics), each and everyone of you have been to a CCOG meeting in your respective villages. Tim Rohr and the CCOG members have been there at those meetings to answer any questions that you, my people of Guam. may have. I am just wondering where are all these people who say that they BELIEVE IN THE ONE, HOLY AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH but have not been there showing the archbishop and his NCW cult, that we, as a Catholic Faithful of GUAM will not put up/TOLERATE their PRESENCE here on our island. Where are all you people that attended these meetings? DO YOU BELIEVE IN OUR ONE, HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH and if you do, then it is about time that you put YOUR TALK THE TALK AND WALK THE WALK with the few Faithful CATHOLICS who willingly stand out there in front of the Hagatna Cathedral when called to ARMS. Just hope that there are no G4S security to stop the Faithful few who will stand to DEFEND the TRUE CATHOLIC FAITH/CHURCH OF GUAM. Again, to all who attended these CCOG meetings, we need you there to assist in defending the FAITH OF THIS CHURCH that has been past on down from generations to the present and to preserve the Catholic Faith for the future of GUAM. I hereby CHALLENGE all the PARISHES of GUAM to STAND UP FOR THE TRUE FAITH OF OUR ISLAND AND FOR OUR SANTA MARIAN KAMALEN--BIBA SANTA MARIAN KAMALEN.
ReplyDeleteI find the insensitivity to those who have learning impairments or are intellectually challenged is not only offensive by any standards, but wholly unchristian. It is also the furthest lesson on compassion from what our current Holy father is trying to teach and demonstrate by his embracing those who need embracing most. The more I read the more I am sickened by the NCW.
ReplyDeleteJerry – If you are sick, I am in ICU! So much has been written and spoken about the cultic activities of the NCW in Guam and the raucous they are causing, but precious little has been done to rectify it. Someone recently wrote in this blog encouraging the people to quit talking (and writing) and do some walking! We can’t all go to court (like the CCOG is planning on doing to recover church patrimony stolen by our own “shepherd” – a hireling in sheep clothing). It’s up to the Catholic populace to redeem their church and protect the practice of their faith, but words ain’t going to do it. Sometimes I wish Guam was like the PI when the masses came out and took things into their own hands. – People Power! That’s what we gotta do in Guam. Solution from the outside seems quite distant.
DeleteI also saw in this blog a picture of Pope Francis with the caption “We Are Coming To You Soon”. If this is really coming from Rome, I hope that “soon” is soon, because we have been holding our breath for so long. Any much longer, and we expire! We need to resuscitate ourselves. Writings like mine, and yours, would probably fall on deaf ears, or “Nice; go get ‘em, Tiger! I’m behind you!” – but that’s it, so far as walking the walk. Let’s hope not! In the meantime, you and I, my friend, will continue to exercise patience, hope and prayer. Regards. – jrsa.
Wow, how offensive can this be! Even the Public School system did away with the word "RETARDED." It is now people with special needs.
ReplyDeleteDiana, Diana, Diana woe is you! First you insult the handicapped women from the Hyatt who was protesting, now you publish this! Doll, ti mamaigo' si Yu'us! Un diha, hagu siempre taktak nu un handicap pat "retard."
If "Diana" are Susanna from Malaysia and Pius from Malta, those countries may not be as progressive and compassionate towards people with disabilities as we are on Guam. And they think they are superior to us!
DeleteAlright everybody, just take a deep breath and focus.
ReplyDeleteWhat does a magician do to succeed his trick..... yes ! you got it! Deflect....
We know Pius and his cohorts are not good at much, but they are excellent at Deny, deny! Deflect, deflect! and Destroy, destroy.
Since the convivience, you can see a strategy shaping up. Some willing kamikazes of the cult have come out swinging and creating much ado about nothing.
This means something important is being planned, and they do not want us to see or hear what it is, hence the distraction and the hyperbole at every turn for the last month.
They have known for a while, that victims of 77 and others are willing to come forward, they know CCOG is getting for the latest steps before a lawsuit.
So why AAA's trip now and so far away and for so long? Something is not right in that picture.
They might just be ready to push Tony under the bus....and maybe just not allegorically .
So please, be vigilant....
Pray for Tony's safe return...... he might very much need it.
Since we are labeled as the "retard group" please do not support the fundraisers sponsored by the NEO YOUTHS for their trip to Poland next year. Try having a member of the community sponsor your trip. I am sure there are people in the various neo communities who can afford to pay for a few trips.
ReplyDeleteTo the Neo fool who dared to refer to us real Catholics as retards, I have to be honest and tell you that you really are referring to members of your own Cult. Let me explain.
ReplyDeleteAn individual has to be retarded your own words, to steal from his family so that he can gift it to his new family. This is what your Bro Tony did when he stole the RMS property and gave it to your Cult.
Your organization retarded leader, Kiko believe that after 2000 years of Church teachings and history, he has suddenly discovered that the Church has erred in her teachings and discovered that the only way to heaven is through communities. Your Sect leader is not only a retard to teach this but believes he is a prophet. You have to be retarded to buy into this nonsense.
You and your group will never convert us. Our faith in the One True Church is unshakable and a charlatan like Kiko has no chance in polluting our minds. Yours Sect started this battle by trying to take over our parishes and preaching that we are lost and doomed to hell is we do not adopt your heretical practices. Sad to say but you are the retarded ones to believe the garbage being spewed by your Kiko.
You brought this fight to us and we will not relent pushing you back until you abandoned your retarded dreams of taking over our Faith. We do not need Rome to remove you from our parishes and we will find ways to restore the property stolen by Bro Tony and return it to its rightful owners, the faithful of Guam. To the True Believers show this retarded follower that we are willing to use our names in defense of our Faith.
Neo retard, all you need do is see the number of hits about 99.9 % of the postings on JW are anti Neo and know that your days are numbered on Guam. In closing I think that RETARD truly fits your Sect nicely.